Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 686

Just as Kou Chongxue was gaining momentum at the entrance of the cave ruins, in a ruin perhaps less than a hundred meters away from the entrance, Shang Bo looked up at the sword energy not far away, criss-crossing the surrounding area. The cracks in the space vibrated extremely magnificently, and he couldn\'t help sighing: "With such a big movement, I\'m afraid most of the fifth-layer masters in the Cangyu world will be alarmed, right?"

The worry on Shang Bo\'s face flashed away, and after pondering for a moment with his hands behind his back, he turned around and walked into the ruins again, and the moment he stepped into the ruins, his figure suddenly swayed and twisted, Then it disappeared, leaving only the corner of the ruins in front of me, which looked as if no one had set foot in it for hundreds of years.

Although Shang Xia was already trying his best to gather his mind at this time, the feeling of dizziness still made him unable to perceive everything that was happening around him, but he knew that he was passing through the void passage at the entrance of the cave ruins.

"Fifth Heaven, only by advancing to the Fifth Heaven, will the warrior\'s spirit and will inevitably undergo a qualitative change again. Only in this way can one experience everything that happened during the process of traveling through the void."

Shang Xia\'s heart suddenly realized.

All he can do at this time is to carry the four images in his body over and over again, preparing for the danger that may appear at any time.

It\'s just that with the operation of the four images in his body, the protective evil light accumulated around him became thicker and thicker, and the force of squeezing and tearing from the surrounding void gradually slowed down a lot.

You must know that this is because most of the risks and obstacles in this void passage have been borne and blocked by Kou Chongxue in front of him, otherwise Shang Xia will only face greater pressure and danger now.

At the same time, Shang Xia also gradually noticed that this kind of power originating from the void was not blocked by the evil spirit of the body, but was worn away and eroded by the constantly circulating four-element spirit spirit. .

This made Shang Xia\'s heart move, and a flash of light flashed in his mind.

At this moment, Kou Chongxue\'s slightly distorted voice sounded in his ears again: "Be careful, the old man wants to use the \'Linyuan Feng Xu Talisman\'."

Before he finished speaking, a strange force of the void suddenly descended from in front of him, and the original force of the void around him seemed to disappear all of a sudden, and even Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia were flying in this void passage. The speed has accelerated a lot.


Kou Chongxue\'s original loud laughter seemed to fluctuate up and down in the twisted void passage, which was extremely weird: "It is worthy of being a fifth-level talisman, and it really went too smoothly!"

As soon as the words fell, Kou Chongxue suddenly shouted: "Break!"

A muffled sound suddenly exploded from the void in front of him, followed by countless shattered and scattered sword qi, and then Shang Xia felt his body suddenly fall downwards, and the original sense of being unable to sense the divine will returned instantly. , It made him aware of the situation at this time.

He was falling down in mid-air.

Shang Xia\'s heart moved, and the evil light around his body flowed and condensed, and soon formed a light at his feet, and his whole figure hovered in midair.

It wasn\'t until this time that Shang Xia breathed a sigh of relief and had time to observe the place he was in.

However, even though Shang Xia had already guessed about the internal situation of the Dongtian ruins, when he really saw everything in front of him, his eyes widened because of surprise.

It is not surprising that there are ruins everywhere in front of you, but what is surprising is that the collapsed pavilions are all suspended in mid-air

Floating around.


Shang Xia looked at everything in front of him in astonishment, and for a moment didn\'t know how to describe his mood.

At this moment, a green pine whose crown had been slanted off by a small half flew towards him from not far away.

Shang Xia saw that this pine tree was verdant, and half of it was covered with pine cones on the top of the treetop. As soon as he flew to a place tens of feet away from him, he could clearly perceive the majestic vitality.

He couldn\'t help looking under the tree, but saw that there was a large piece of soil at the root of the pine tree, which was firmly bound by countless roots, large and small.

"As soon as you come in, is there a chance to be there?" Shang Xia was overjoyed.

A pine tree, even if it is just an ordinary pine tree, can maintain such vitality for hundreds of years or even longer in this cave-heaven relic full of the origin of heaven and earth, then it can no longer be ordinary.

Thinking of this, Shang Xia immediately wanted to step forward.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he moved, Kou Chongxue\'s voice sounded behind him: "Thousand-needle pine, I didn\'t expect to encounter this thing as soon as I came in, you should be more careful."


Shang Xia was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and quickly stopped the light under his feet.

Kou Chongxue came slowly from not far away, and at the same time turned his body in the same direction as Shang Xia, looked at the approaching Cangsong, and said, "Didn\'t you find that there are restrictions around this tree?"

Shang Xia didn\'t answer Kou Chongxue\'s question directly, but looked at the visitor with some doubts and doubts, and asked in doubt: "You are not the real body, are you?"

Kou Chongxue glanced at him in surprise, and said, "That\'s right, a certain family is just an incarnation of Yuan Gang\'s original origin that was differentiated from the deity. I didn\'t expect you to be able to see it."

Shang Xia quickly glanced at the surrounding space, but he didn\'t notice the existence of Kou Chongxue\'s real body.

"You don\'t need to look for it. After the deity entered the cave ruins, it has already split into two incarnations of the origin of Yuangang. A certain family will follow you to protect your safety. The deity and the other avatar will go to the depths of the ruins to explore separately. can speed up efficiency."

Yuan Gang\'s original incarnation, who had already stood side by side with Shang Xia, explained to Shang Xia in a calm tone, but his eyes kept falling on the Ten Thousand Needles Pine in front of him.

"Then you are..."

Shang Xia\'s tone hesitated, as if he felt a little offended.

This avatar seemed to have guessed what Shang Xia wanted to ask, and said lightly: "A certain family is the original incarnation of the jellyfish Yuangang of the deity, and you still call a certain family \'Shan Zhang\'."

Speaking of this, the incarnation paused slightly, and then said: "I know that among the two essences of Yuangang and one of the fifth-order spiritual things that you lack, two of them are related to water, so I deliberately left a certain one. I will help you."

"Thank you, Mr. Shan."

Shang Xia cupped his hands towards the avatar in front of him, then looked at the ten thousand-needled pine that had floated closer, and said: "The head of the mountain said earlier that there are restrictions around the ten thousand-needle pine, and the disciples have also discovered it. Isn\'t Cangsong simple?"

The incarnation of Kou Chongxue seemed to be extremely serious, and said in a cold voice, "Don\'t you think these restrictions are very \'new\'?"

Shang Xia was slightly taken aback, and his spiritual perception instantly sensed the layer of restriction covering the ten thousand-needle pine, and immediately understood Kou Chongxue\'s meaning, and said: "The head of the mountain said that this layer of restriction was added later, um, just Twenty years ago?"

After all, Shang Xia already understood what Kou Chongxue meant, Cangsong or

There may be danger, but the real danger is probably the layer of restriction covered by the pine, which is after all from the hands of the ancestor of Wuchongtian.

After all, only the ancestors of the fifth rank can enter and leave the cave ruins on their own, unless they were brought in by the ancestors of the fifth rank like Shang Xia.

Although Shang Xia became a little more solemn at this time, he still refused to give up the pine in front of him, so he asked: "Doesn\'t this just mean that this pine is not simple? Does the mountain chief know what is so special about this pine with ten thousand needles?" Use? Is it a fifth-order thing?"

Even though it is only an incarnation of Yuangang’s origin, Kou Chongxue also knew that among the two essences of Yuangang that Shang Xia lacked, one was related to wood. It is only a fourth-order thing, but it has lived long enough, and judging by its abundant vitality, I am afraid it can continue to live for a long time. Now it is already the top among the fourth-order spiritual plants, and it is even far away from the fifth-order spiritual plant. Jie Lingzhi is not far away. Therefore, warriors who have entered the cave ruins all the time, when they see this pine, they just pick what they need without damaging its foundation."

Although Shang Xia was a little disappointed when he heard the words, he still smiled and said: "Then I picked those pine cones, which are not ordinary things."

Kou Chongxue nodded, and said, "There is a recipe for the fourth-grade spirit wine that you brought back from Taihang Mountain. These pine nuts can be used to make wine."

Shang Xia didn\'t intend to let Kou Chongxue take action, but stepped forward to see if he could break through the restriction.

Kou Chongxue\'s eyes flashed when he saw this, but he didn\'t say anything.

Shang Xia gathered the evil spirits of the four images in the palm of his hand, and then a hand of vitality slowly pressed down on the restraint on the surface of the Ten Thousand Needles Pine.

In an instant, the dense aura on the surface of the Ten Thousand Needles Pine flourishes, and a layer of Yuangang aura will faintly bounce back.

"Be careful!"

Kou Chongxue\'s Yuan Gang incarnation whispered behind him.

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, he could see the four-color evil light circulating in the palm of Shang Xia\'s giant vitality hand, circulating at a high speed. Every time the cycle was completed, a layer of dense energy would be removed from that layer of restriction.

Dozens of cycles were completed in the blink of an eye, and seven or eighty-eight eighty-eight of the dense air on the surface of the forbidden layer had melted away.

And after losing the ability to fight back, the remaining layer of thin curtain-like restraint naturally couldn\'t stop Shang Xia\'s four elephants.

However, Shang Xia\'s method was not to completely break the entire restriction covering the surface of the pine, but to tightly erode a gap on it for only one person to enter and exit.

This time, Kou Chongxue Yuangang\'s incarnation was unexpected again.

"Well, be careful!"

The incarnation of Yuan Gang saw that an entrance was suddenly opened on the forbidden surface, and hurriedly reminded him unexpectedly.

And at this moment, the pines, which were originally prohibited and protected, seemed to feel the approach of external danger. As the branches moved without wind, hundreds of pine needles flew towards the gap in an instant.

Shang Xia frowned, and the palms of both hands made a circular motion slowly and quickly, and the four elephants formed a vitality vortex between his palms, and the pine needles that were originally shot out were instantly sucked into the space between his palms. In the vortex of vitality.

The Ten Thousand Needles Pine has flying needles, which Kou Chongxue\'s Yuan Gang incarnation obviously knew about, but he didn\'t remind him in advance.

Shang Xia turned his head to look at the Yuan Gang incarnation behind him with some dissatisfaction, but Kou Chongxue\'s Yuan Gang incarnation looked even more surprised than him at this time, and asked with a puzzled face: "Your natal Yuan Sha can actually dispel the original source?" True?"