Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 679

Shang Xia remembered the news he got from Zheng Chang of the Lushan School when he was in Sanhe Island, and asked: "Shan Zhang, the reason why you are so eager to break into the cave ruins is because Lingyu Realm has already found us. Is it? Are there really warriors from Lingyu Realm lurking among the survivors of Manyu Continent?"

After Shang Xia returned from Sanhe Island, although he has been performing talismans, teaching combined attack formations, and focusing on making talismans, this does not mean that he is ignorant of the outside world.

In fact, after returning from Sanhe Island, Tongyou Academy has already begun to investigate those warriors from Manyu Continent, including Ren Bainian\'s family.

At the same time, the staff and horses of the Department of Health and the Department of World Affairs have been mobilized more frequently, especially the inspection and control of the Chiba Mountains have also been greatly enhanced.

After Ji Wenlong advanced to the fifth heaven, Tongyou Academy began to continuously expand the scope of its own power, especially for the Qianye Mountains.

And after Shang Bo also advanced to the fifth level, which made Tongyou Academy have three fifth-order ancestors in charge, Tongyou Academy\'s infiltration of Qianye Mountain Range is no longer blatant, but simply intensified.

Today\'s Qianye Mountains, in the eyes of Tongyou Academy, do not exist as the dividing line between Youzhou, Jizhou, and Bingzhou at all, but should be the territory of Youzhou and the sphere of influence of Tongyou Academy.

Since the invasion of the Canglings and the fall of most of Youzhou, Tongyou College has been trapped in a corner. The surviving old people in Youzhou have exceeded everyone\'s expectations for the territory. They have always spared no effort to expand the state of Youzhou. efforts in the field.

Hearing Shang Xia\'s question, Kou Chongxue said with a smile: "When warriors from Lingyu Realm appeared on Manyu Continent, the invasion of Lingyu Realm was inevitable. Those who hid among the survivors of Manyu Continent Lurkers, how do you know that they are not deliberately put in by various factions, and used as a window to reversely understand the Lingyu world?"

Speaking of this, Kou Chongxue paused, and said: "What we want to fight for now is to delay the time when Lingyu Realm came to us as much as possible. Sooner or later, there will be a battle between the two worlds!"

Shang Xia noticed that Kou Chongxue used the word "two realms" in his words.

This "two worlds" naturally refers not to the Cangyu world and the Cangling world, but to the new world and the Lingyu world after the two worlds have been merged.

What Kou Chongxue said means that those who stand at the top of the two worlds have already regarded the two worlds of Cang Yu and Cang Ling as a whole.

So Shang Xia said: "Shan Zhang, if the two realms of Cangyu and Cangling are completely integrated, what will the new plane world be called?"

Kou Chongxue glanced at him in surprise, and asked back, "Do you think this old man can decide?"

Shang Xia quickly laughed and remained silent.

"Don\'t you want to know what the old man has been doing during this time?"

Kou Chongxue opened his mouth to ask Shang Xia, and at the same time reached for something from the lapel of his clothes.

Of course this fan Shang Xia wanted to praise him, and immediately said: "Are you going to..."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Kou Chongxue carefully took out three pieces of talisman papers that were seven inches long and four inches wide from the lapel of his clothes.


Shang Xia took the three talisman papers from Kou Chongxue\'s hands, and the moment his fingers touched the surface of the talisman papers, he showed surprise, and said, "This is...the fifth-order talisman paper!"

Immediately, Shang Xia thought of something, looked up at Kou Chongxue and said, "Is it the animal skin of the rhinoceros worshiping the moon?"

Kou Chongxue nodded, and said: "It\'s the one I got from the fifth-level martial artist in Lingyu Realm, from the fifth-level

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The complete hide of the strange beast worshiping the moon rhinoceros. "

It was the first time for Shang Xia to really see the fifth-order talisman paper. After carefully admiring the three fifth-order talisman papers in his hand for a while, he felt puzzled and said, "That\'s not right, the complete moon-worshiping rhinoceros back then The skin is several zhang square, how could it be possible to make so few three talisman papers in the end?"

Kou Chongxue said quietly: "How high do you think the success rate of making fifth-tier talisman paper is? How many pieces will the master craftsman who can make fifth-tier talisman paper draw as his reward?"

Shang Xia was slightly taken aback, and changed the subject decisively: "But even if there are three pieces of fifth-level talisman paper, the disciple is not sure that he can make a fifth-level martial talisman."

Speaking of this, Shang Xia asked again: "You can always find the master craftsman who makes the fifth-level talisman paper, didn\'t you go to find those masters of the fifth-level talisman?"

Kou Chongxue cast a contemptuous glance at Shang Xia, and said, "This is the question you asked? The old man asked someone to make the fifth-order talisman paper, which is enough to attract attention. If you ask someone to make the fifth-order martial talisman, then the old man will enter the cave. Isn\'t the news about the ruins going to be known to everyone? Besides..."

"Besides what?"

Shang Xia asked subconsciously.

Kou Chongxue said: "Besides, other people may not necessarily understand this fifth-order talisman that can penetrate the barrier of the cave without causing much disturbance."

After finishing speaking, Kou Chongxue took out another ink stone that was as red as snow.

Shang Xia couldn\'t help reaching out to take the piece of ink stone in his hand, a little uncertain: "It\'s also fifth-order? A fifth-order talisman?"

Kou Chongxue did not answer directly, but said: "It needs to be ground with a spiritual spring."

Shang Xia nodded his head little by little, while carefully storing this piece of talisman ink, he said: "You used to ask someone to make fifth-grade talisman paper, and you found fifth-grade talisman ink, so you always planned to make fifth-grade talisman seal The news of this has definitely been known by the major sects of the Holy Land. In this way, no one may guess that you are going to enter the cave ruins."

Kou Chongxue smiled "hehe" and said: "So, I am collecting these things in the name of your kid. The great talisman masters trained by the academy established by the old man are now at the fourth level of Dzogchen. After level five, one has the aptitude to become a fifth level great talisman master at the same time, the old man naturally has to plan ahead."

Shang Xia nodded, and continued: "Although the fourth-level \'Lin Yuan Feng Xu Talisman\' is already known, others don\'t know that this disciple has the inheritance of the fifth-level \'Lin Yuan Feng Xu Talisman\'. , and even if you have some guesses, you only think that the disciple will consider making talismans after entering the Fifth Heavenly Layer, and you will not think that you will let your disciples try to make fifth-level talisman seals now."

Kou Chongxue nodded and said, "How sure are you now?"

Shang Xia sighed: "Even if the head of the mountain helps with his own origin, it is difficult for the disciples to be 30% sure. The fifth-order talisman paper and talisman ink are hard-won..."

Kou Chongxue reprimanded impatiently: "Where did you come up with so much nonsense? Do you want to do it or not?"

Shang Xia immediately said: "Okay, do it!"

Kou Chongxue\'s words have already reached this point, and naturally Shang Xia will not refuse.

Besides, no matter whether Shang Xia can succeed or not, this experience of making fifth-order martial talisman will inevitably make his talisman-making skills improve by leaps and bounds when he advances to the fifth heaven in the future.

"When do you plan to start?"

Now that he has decided to try to make a fifth-order talisman, Shang Xia asked immediately.

Kou Chongxue immediately said: "Of course, the sooner the better, but..., before entering the cave ruins, we still need to set up a formation as we leave the cave.

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Timely anchoring traction. "

Shang Xia was slightly stunned, and said: "We still need the cooperation of the formation hall? Could it be that we can\'t come out after entering? Once the formation is arranged outside the cave ruins, there is a possibility of being discovered."

Kou Chongxue said helplessly: "Unless you can use these three pieces of fifth-level talisman paper to make two \'Linyuan Fengxu Talismans\', then I naturally don\'t need to arrange formations. , even if we rush out from inside, we don’t know where we will be randomly thrown to the outer vault.”

Shang Xia nodded and said, "Okay, I just happen to have to ask that great talisman master if he is sure to do what he promised me."

"What did I promise you?"

Chu Jia\'s voice suddenly came from outside the door.

The big talisman teacher of the talisman hall opened his eyes wide as soon as he came in, staring at Shang Xia and said: "Please make it clear."

Shang Xia glanced at Kou Chongxue, who was a good example of a teacher, how could Chu Jia come to his door while avoiding his divine sense?

With Shang Xia\'s current attainments in the perception of divine will, I am afraid that only Kou Chongxue can quietly interfere with his perception of divine will.

"No no!"

Shang Xia resolutely gave up the dispute with Chu Jia on this kind of matter, and held his disciples to accompany him with a smile: "I just want to ask the master of the formation, Mr. Chu, about the \'five elements jade\' mentioned by the disciples before, how old are you?" Already have eyebrows?"


Chu Jia raised his chin, threw a spirit-sealing box directly to Shang Xia, and said, "See for yourself, whether it\'s what you need."

Shang Xia took the Spirit Sealing Box in his hand with a look of shock, and before opening the Spirit Sealing Box, he couldn\'t help but said, "You really made it, so fast?"

Chu Jia sneered and said, "Did you forget the fragments of Yuanyuan Jade that you got from Manyuzhou Lu Benyuan Day?"

Shang Xia had already opened the spirit sealing box at this time, but inside was a palm-sized piece that was crystal clear, and at first glance it looked like a crystal-like warm thing.

"A fragment of the source jade? Why do I look at this thing more like a source crystal?"

Shang Xia reached out to touch the object in the box with his natal evil spirit, preparing to identify the object through the Sifangbei.

Chu Jia said: "You have a good vision. In fact, I was inspired by the way of making source crystals when I made the \'five elements jade\' you mentioned, but the material used is not spiritual jade, but the \' The \'impurities\' in the jade bi fragments of this courtyard after the original Great Sun\' was broken."


Shang Xia looked at Chu Jia in confusion, and couldn\'t help but look down at the object in his hand. The Sifangbei has not yet given the identification of this object, and there is another possibility, that is, the quality of this object is not enough at all. Tier 4!

Chu Jia naturally saw Shang Xia\'s expression of "you\'re teasing me", and explained with a sneer: "Do you think the \'impurities\' in those original jade fragments are really just impurities?"

Shang Xia hurriedly shook his head, the fragments of Yuanyuan Jade Bi are actually the same as Yuanyuan Gangyu in essence.

Many kinds of heaven and earth Yuangang and the essence of Yuangang were conceived in Manyuzhoulu\'s "Original Great Sun", and the outermost layer of original jade jade wrapped in them is not only the conceived thing of these heaven and earth Yuangang, but also the source of the seal. At the same time, it may also be a filtered thing. The so-called "impurities" are only relative to the essence of the heaven and earth Yuangang and Yuangang.

More importantly, the Sifangbei in Shang Xia\'s mind has given an exact identification at this time: "Mother of Jade, a fifth-order material, can accommodate the origin of multiple attributes."