Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 677

Because of the joint attack formation that made the Wufang team go all the way to the present, the situation of the only nine second-level students in the Wufang has already been clearly figured out by the high-level warriors of the academy who are paying attention to them.

Because of this, they naturally knew that Mu Songfang had just recovered from a serious injury a month ago, and had just raised her cultivation base to the second level of mastery more than 20 days ago. Extreme supernatural powers have reached the second-order Dzogchen realm.

How long is this?

At this time, no one thinks that Mu Songfang is a genius of the sky. Everyone believes that she can break through the two small realms of the second-level Dacheng and the second-level Dzogchen in such a short period of time. The most fundamental reason is this set of Liangyi Qiankun. In battle!

If you have to say that this person is a genius, then she is only faster than others in this set of attack formations, or in understanding Shang Xia\'s martial arts philosophy.

After all, before practicing the Liangyi Qiankun Formation, Mu Songfang\'s performance among the members of Wufangyi could only be regarded as excellent, not outstanding.

But the more this is the case, the more Mu Songfang\'s experience of advancing to the second level of Dzogchen will be valued by the academy.

Of course, she personally only accounts for a small part of this so-called "importance", and the bigger part is because of the inheritance of this combined strike formation and the martial arts concept behind this formation.

On the ring, there were only four members left in Wufang\'s seven-person team, and one of them was still injured. However, when Mu Songfang made a move, he easily controlled the seven kinds of bipolar vitality and used them to the fullest. All transformed into sword energy.

It was as if the three companions who had been shot down and stunned before had no effect on the overall attack formation at all.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, in addition to the four bipolar vitality controlled by the four people in the joint attack formation, Mu Songfang, who has advanced to the second level of Dzogchen, has additionally controlled three kinds of bipolar vitality.

Everyone in the Warehouse Division\'s team was avoiding their sharp edge. The second-tier talisman master who planted the formation flag had just launched a simple formation on the ring, and was immediately torn apart by the bright sword energy.

The team of the Warehouse Department also has second-order Dzogchen warriors who have mastered the supernatural powers of the Wuji Realm. However, the power of supernatural powers also has different levels, not to mention that Mu Songfang\'s supernatural powers can also use the power of a combined attack formation!

And the warehouse department team, which was torn apart by the fierce sword energy, soon fell into a situation of fighting on its own, and was then easily defeated by Mu Songfang and the other four.

Under the arena, all the members watching the battle and the low-level warriors from various divisions of the academy were all stunned.

But at this time, there were still sparse applause from the surrounding area, but it was the sound of admiration from those high-ranking warriors of the academy who came here specially to observe this set of attack formations after observing the battle.

"not enough!"

Under the arena, Shang Xia commented with a smile: "Although you can easily control a variety of bipolar vitality, but if you want to truly reach the point where one person forms an formation, not every sword can incorporate a bipolar vitality, but It is a single sword that can integrate a variety of bipolar vitality."

Chu Jia heard the words from the side with a hint of ridicule, and said, "Ha, but I know that, back then you were known as the \'Seven Absolute Swords\' in the academy!"

Ju Xing had seen with his own eyes the scene of Shang Xia\'s evolution of various bipolar vitality, so he couldn\'t help but whispered: "It\'s not just \'Qijue\'?"

Sun Haiwei interjected at this time: "Although this battle is won, the next one will be difficult."

When everyone looked up, they saw that there were four people on the ring and one of them was stunned, which was five people, and they were walking down from the top supporting each other.

Regardless of whether it is the inner house or the upper house, after all, there are not so many second-tier warriors who can be replaced in turn, and they can only rely on the few with the strongest cultivation bases to hold on.

Even if

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During the competition, the academy took this situation into consideration and gave them a day or two to recuperate, but it was impossible for everyone to return to their best condition.

What\'s more, from the beginning of the Grand Competition to the present, there are a total of nine second-level students in the Wufang, several of them have been injured successively, and some of them have been injured more than once, and it is almost at the end of their strength to survive until now.

"The investigation of this set of attack formations has almost come to an end."

Sun Haiwei muttered to herself, but her voice had already reached the ears of every high-level warrior present.

The Wufang team broke into the top four in one fell swoop, becoming the biggest dark horse in the college competition.

Although everyone knows that this Neishe team is only relying on a set of exquisite combination formations, but it is undeniable that in the process of promotion, the opponents they encounter may not be the strongest, but they are definitely The most complicated, even a bit excessive.

Therefore, any martial artist who knows what happened to this team will not have any doubts about their qualifications to break into the top four.

The top four of Tongyou College\'s competitive competition were released. Excluding the first team from the Guards Department and the Department of World Affairs, as well as the biggest dark horse from the Neishewufang team, the remaining one was left behind. In the hands of the elite team of Kogongsi.

Immediately after the top four battle situation has been released, the Wufang team will meet the elite team of the Kao Gong Division for the first time, and the other team that can enter the final will be produced among the elite teams of the Department of World Affairs and the Department of Academy Guards.

"It\'s not just beyond my expectation that you have come so far, I\'m afraid that most of the eyes of the entire academy have already fallen on you."

Shang Xia looked at the students in Wufang in front of him, and said in a gentle voice, "It\'s just that now, what\'s your plan? Do you want to continue the fight, or stop here?"

Ju Xing originally opened his mouth to say something, but when he got to his mouth, he fell silent, quietly waiting for the replies from the students under him.

To be honest, among the nine students of Wufang who can persist until now, only Mu Songfang, Shi Huai and Yan Weihai are left who are worthy of the first battle. Xia Ye was already physically and mentally exhausted, including Wang Shenglin who had just been shot by an arrow in the ring.

Even if they can barely fight, the other six people may only be delayed in the arena.

Wang Shenglin was originally the most active and active one in this team.

However, at this moment, he was hit by an arrow in his left arm, and half of his shoulder was unable to move. Although he wanted to fight, he could only be a burden on the ring. Although his eyes were extremely unwilling, he could only wait for Mu Songfang and the other three to speak. .

However, unexpectedly, this time it was not Mu Songfang, who was the strongest in terms of cultivation and strength among the three, nor was it Shi Huai, who was mature and prudent, but the one who spoke this time after their self-cultivation and combat strength were surpassed by the two. Yan Weihai, whose status in this team is constantly declining.

"We definitely have to fight. Even if we lose, we should lose in a fair manner in the arena. It might look good to give up this fight, but I won\'t be reconciled to it. After this big competition, I will think about it in the future." Come on, at least I have fought for it, and I won’t feel regretful.”

Yan Weihai\'s words were very steady, and he didn\'t show any excitement. It can be seen that he should have thought about these words for a long time.

Shang Xia nodded with a smile and said nothing.

On the other hand, Ju Xing smiled very relieved, and at the same time had some expectations.

The college once again gave the four teams two days to recuperate, and only one of the two giant arenas in the central martial arts arena remained.

However, Shang Xia didn\'t intend to watch this battle of the Wufang team, regardless of winning or losing.

Because in his opinion, he has already seen what he wants to see in the Wufang team.

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And Shang Xia also believes that there are many people who have the same or similar thoughts as him.

After this battle, it is imperative to promote the combined attack formation of the Liangyi Qiankun Formation in the academy, so Shang Xia\'s own martial arts concepts will naturally have a foundation in the academy.

Of course, this set of combined attack formations is not only suitable for second-tier warriors in the extreme martial arts realm, but also for third-tier or even fourth-tier warriors.

There is also no limit to the number of people in this combined attack formation. Two people can form an formation, nine people can also form an formation, and even one person can form an formation.

After temporarily putting aside the duties of Neisha\'s teaching, Shang Xia\'s mind was re-focused on making the talisman.

Although Shang Xia was on Sanhe Island before, the production of the first-order and second-order sigils was considered smooth, and he also had a certain estimate that the difficulty of making the third-level sigil would inevitably increase greatly, but when he After actually trying to make it by himself, he realized that he still underestimated the difficulty of making the third-order sigil.

After returning from Sanhe Island, Shang Xia spent almost all his time pondering the making of the third-order talisman, except for a public performance of talismans in the talisman hall and a hand-to-hand battle in the Neishewufang.

This is also something that can’t be helped. His own cultivation is currently at a bottleneck. Before all the spiritual materials required for advanced potions are found, Shang Xia can only continue to polish his own cultivation to continuously deepen his spiritual strength. The strength of control over the four elephants.

With a crisp sound of "click", cracks appeared on the surface of the three-inch square stone seal, and quickly spread to other parts of the stone seal, until the stone seal turned into a pile of broken pieces in Shang Xia\'s hands. cracked rocks.

"Where is the problem?"

Shang Xia recalled the details of every step of the production from the beginning, but he still couldn\'t get the point, and the engraving of the lithograph and the surface rune also remained at about two-thirds of the way.

This is already the sixth knife-inserting stone that Shang Xia discarded in the process of carving the third-order talisman.

For the first three pieces, Shang Xia used a stone seal with a square of two inches. Unfortunately, when the surface of the seal was carved, less than half of it would be disintegrated due to the conflict of vitality on the surface of the seal.

In desperation, Shang Xia had no choice but to replace the stone seal with a square of three inches, but he was able to carve two-thirds of the seal surface at once, but he couldn\'t go any further after reaching this point.

Shang Xia has already realized that this is no longer a problem that can be solved by the size of the stone seal, but that there should be some necessary conditions that he lacked in the process of making the third-order talisman.

While Shang Xia was concentrating on the method of making the third-order sigil, the two competitions for the top two in the college competition had also come to an end.

Unsurprisingly, Wufang\'s team lost to Kao Gongsi\'s elite team, but in the eyes of others, it was not too honorable for Kao Gongsi\'s elite team to win this time.

Because they used the method of procrastination and constant harassment to consume the vitality of the students of the E room team, until they were finally exhausted and unable to maintain the formation of the combined attack formation, and were finally defeated.

In fact, Kao Gongsi was able to win this battle without using this method at all. The students of the Wufang team were already exhausted after a long competition schedule, but they held on with one breath. That\'s all.

However, the method adopted by Kao Gongsi\'s elite team seems to be more like the elite team that was eliminated by the Wufang team before.

Don\'t rush into the combined attack formation, uninterrupted long-range harassment, don\'t give the opponent a chance to breathe, until the opponent who maintains the combined attack formation is dragged down.

It seems that the elite team of the Kaogong Division has found a flaw in the joint attack formation of the Liangyi Qiankun Formation.


The eye disease recurred, and I was really out of shape yesterday.