Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 67

The situation in Tongyou Peak has become more and more serious, and everyone has a premonition that the rain is about to come.

During this period of time, the patrol cavalry of the Academy Guards frequently attacked, fighting Cangling Wuxiu of Siling Mountain in the thousands of miles of wilderness between Tongyou Peak and Siling Mountain.

Tang Yuan even ordered the patrol riders to give up patrolling Tongyou Road completely, and put all their strength into the thousands of miles of battlefield in front of Tongyou Peak.

However, Liu Jitang took away two-thirds of the elite patrol cavalry in the patrol hall, which directly caused the strength of the patrol hall to drop drastically, resulting in a comprehensive disadvantage for the patrol cavalry in the confrontation with the Blood Cavalry of Siling Mountain.

Every time the patrols return from an attack, some people will be seriously injured or even die, but the patrol range of the patrols in this thousand-mile area has been repeatedly compressed.

Siling Mountain is gradually approaching Tongyou Peak!


While the fighting outside Tongyou Peak became more and more fierce, the commercial building still maintained a rare calm.

Fang Gang Sword Jue belongs to the inheritance of martial arts of the two extremes of rigidity and softness.

When Shang Xia practiced this set of sword formulas, naturally he could only circulate the vitality that matched it.

Even when necessary, Shang Xia was able to convert all the energy of Liangyi in his dantian into the energy of "Extreme Way of Rigidity", doubling the power of the sword pose!

In the same way, if Shang Xia is willing, he can also let the origin of "The Ultimate Way of Softness" flow in his body.

And at this moment, Shang Xia did just that.

The moment all the vitality in his body was transformed into "Extreme Softness" vitality, the sword in Shang Xia\'s hand moved again!

But this time, what he used was a completely unfamiliar set of martial arts and swordsmanship that was completely opposite to Fang Gang\'s sword art.

Also derived from the invisible sword art of "Ji Jian Ce"!

Shang Xia\'s way of practicing martial arts, in the eyes of other people at this time, is simply trying to die!

Martial Ji Realm fighters have to carefully carry out the cultivation of the extreme Tao respectively before the two poles are mastered, and the balance of the two extremes is fixed under the upper ceiling of the Martial Extreme Realm.

Usually, one should cultivate one pole to great success first, and then devote oneself wholeheartedly to the cultivation of the other pole.

During this process, the warrior is afraid that there will be a slight conflict between the two poles, which will lead to the loss of control of the vitality of the two poles, and even the complete collapse of the dantian.

Therefore, when cultivating one of the ultimate ways, even touching the other extreme way that is opposite to it is often avoided, not to mention the two extremes.

In the eyes of most martial arts practitioners, the so-called "two poles fellow practitioners" are no different from suicide.

Even in the process of cultivating one of the poles, if a warrior occasionally encounters a treasure of heaven and earth that can greatly improve the other pole, he has to put it aside temporarily, and even reluctantly give up.

This kind of thing doesn\'t seem to be new among martial artists.

However, Shang Xia is not only trying this kind of death behavior at this time, but also seems to be quite addicted to it.

And this is all thanks to the Taiji diagram that manifested in Shang Xia\'s dantian, and the Liangyi vitality that he renamed.

The Invisible Sword Art is naturally not a sword technique to control an invisible sword, let alone practice this set of sword techniques to make the long sword in your hand invisible.

The name "Intangible Sword Jue" comes from the meaning of "water has no permanent form".

It not only refers to the "soft way" of water in the essence of this set of sword formulas, but also refers to the fickleness of the sword skills and sword styles of this set of sword formulas, which makes it difficult to figure out.

This set of sword formulas was originally extremely difficult to practice, and the complex changes in sword styles are second to none. Each move is often unexpectedly weird, which not only makes it difficult for the opponent to parry, but also the warrior himself often goes crazy during the process of cultivation. .

Moreover, this set of sword formulas has extremely high requirements for the movement of vitality in the body, and requires the warrior to control his own vitality to an extremely fine level.

Originally, Shang Xia was also hesitant to try to practice.

Although he can avoid the vitality conflicts brought about by his fellow practitioners of the two poles, but he has not advanced to the Liangyi state for a long time. Even with the help of the Taiji diagram, the control of his own vitality may not be able to meet the requirements of the invisible sword art. as detailed.

But Shang Xia has the software Yuhe in his hands. The characteristics of the material of this medium-grade sharp weapon make it the best choice for practicing the complicated swordsmanship of the invisible sword art!

There is no doubt that with the help of the Yuhe Sword, Shang Xia can greatly lower the threshold for practicing the invisible sword art from the very beginning!

But there is another problem, that is, Ruanjian Yuhe itself is a public property of the merchant.

Now that the Tongyou Peak battle is imminent, in order to maximize their respective combat power, the two public weapons in Shang Xia\'s hands, the soft sword Yuhe and the ivory folding fan, must be allocated to those with higher cultivation levels.

If Shang Xia practiced the Invisible Sword Art at this time, he would not be able to use Fei Fei once the war started, and it might delay Fang Gang\'s practice of the Sword Art because of this.

That\'s why Shang Xia came up with the idea of ​​using a pair of willow-leaf scimitars to exchange the ownership of the soft sword Yuhe.

After all, the Willow Leaf Machete is Shang Xia\'s trophy, and it is completely his own.

In fact, this idea had already been born when Shang Xia chose "Ji Jian Ce" from the Buddhist scripture cave.

It\'s just that the situation in Tongyou Peak was not so severe at that time, Shang Xia still thought about waiting until he returned to Tongyou City, and then exchanged with the family through his aunt.

Although Shang Xia had already figured out the invisible sword formula in advance, and the Yuhe sword itself was very suitable for the practice of this set of sword formulas, Shang Xia spent a long time, but he barely practiced the first two sword formulas, Already feeling a bit exhausted.

In the quiet room, Shang Xia slowly opened his eyes, recovering his vigor and spirit, he regained his strength.

At this time, the commercial building above the second floor was quiet.

Occasionally there was noise, but it was only on the first floor, and it soon became quiet again.

No one came to disturb Shang Xia\'s cultivation, so that when Tongyou Peak was about to face a big battle, he seemed to be a completely forgotten outsider.

Shang Xia couldn\'t help but laugh, this is of course impossible.

The reason why he was able to practice here without being disturbed was mainly because the family was fighting for him, and even Shang Xi had the idea of ​​letting him avoid this battle.

In addition, Shang Xia has made a series of great contributions to Tongyou Peak before, whether it is rescuing the hijacked students alone, or convincing the Fengyan tribe to give up attacking Tongyou Peak almost by himself, it is enough to make people He maintains a relatively detached position in Tongyou Peak.

At least Shang Bing, the merit tester on Tongyou Peak, has not yet given an explanation for Shang Xiali\'s great achievements.

To be honest, if Shang Xia really wanted to return to Tongyou City now, even the entire Tongyou Academy would not be able to find out why.

It\'s just that in that case, it may not look good on the face.

Silently transporting the vitality in the body, walking through the body according to the route of the vitality state supernatural power "Hunyuan Thunderbolt Hand", there is a thunder light condensed in the palm of the hand.

Throwing the small ball of thunder light that had just condensed to Yan Nier who was hatching the egg, Shang Xia came to a desk, picked up the pen from the pen holder, dipped a little talisman ink, and began to unfinished in front of his eyes. Thunder patterns are outlined on the peach pattern talisman board.

This is a first-order heartbeat talisman.

Although Shang Xia thought he had the talent for making talismans, he even made several thunder-weave talisman plates, which were the most powerful ones among the first-order martial talismans.

After getting the thorn brush and a box of talisman jade, Shang Xia even more ambitiously thought that he could become a second-rank talisman teacher immediately.

After coming to Tongyou Peak, Shang Xia asked Shang Quan to sell the fine iron gloves, intending to raise a sum of silver dollars to buy some extraordinary materials for making second-order martial talismans.

After Shang Quan learned of his plan, he didn\'t refuse directly, but told him tactfully that supplies on Tongyou Peak are currently tight, so he might as well make several other first-order martial talismans first, so as to lay a solid foundation.

Shang Xia was not interested at first, but Shang Quan immediately gave out all the talisman-making materials such as talisman paper, talisman board, talisman jade, and talisman ink. Only the talisman is controlled, and after the martial talisman is made, the family is responsible for selling it, and the income is divided into 28, which is the promise of the second family of Shang and Xia.

After advancing to the Liangyi realm, the huge amount of vitality needed to improve his cultivation base has made Shang Xia further aware of the importance of cultivation resources.

If before the Liangyi Realm, Shang Xia could rely entirely on the support of his family and the academy for his cultivation, then after he advanced to the Liangyi Realm, he would have to rely on himself to a large extent.

In fact, when Shang Quan didn\'t know about Shang Xia\'s own talisman-making attainments, he made an agreement with him to split the accounts, which was already the greatest care.

However, when Shang Xia first prepared to make talismans, he discovered that there were no talisman boards made of centuries-old lightning-struck wood.

There are only a few stacks of ordinary talisman papers, and there are a few pieces of talisman boards made of ordinary and extraordinary materials.

Shang Xia doesn\'t have much experience in making other ordinary first-order talismans, and what he is good at is only the making of martial talismans that are partial to thunder.

To be more precise, he is only good at making thunder-weave rune boards, and each thunder-weave rune board itself is made of century-old lightning strike wood.

The thunder-pattern talisman board made by Shang Xia is really powerful, it is considered top-notch among the first-order martial talismans, and it is comparable to 30 to 40% of the magical power of the "Hunyuan Thunderbolt Hand".

But the way he made it is also considered luxurious, and there is no possibility of selling it outside.

In the production of other first-order martial talismans, Shang Xia\'s success rate is not too high.

At least so far, the first-order talismans made by Shang Xia have not earned silver dollars.

And this also made Shang Xia finally realize that his talent in talisman making may not be as high as he imagined, at least he hasn\'t grown to that high yet.

With his current level of half a bottle of talisman making, it is absolutely impossible to make a second-order martial talisman, and it will only waste a large amount of Extraordinary materials in vain.

In desperation, Shang Xia could only continue to study the production of first-order martial talismans while practicing.

However, Shang Xia soon realized that, compared to other first-order martial talismans, the martial talismans related to thunder art were still his specialty, but they were no longer just a kind of thunder pattern talisman board.

And the first-order martial talisman heart-moving talisman that he is about to complete right now is such a kind of martial talisman that can save lives at critical moments.


After reading it, fellow Taoists, please collect it by the way.