Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 666

Several high-level warriors from Tongyou Academy knew that Shang Xia had already embarked on his own path of martial arts.

When communicating with Kou Chongxue, Shang Xia also made it clear that he was willing to stay in the academy, but he also hoped to spread his martial arts philosophy in the academy, and this move was also approved by Kou Chongxue.

It\'s just that Shang Xia needs to think about how to spread his own martial arts philosophy and be accepted by others.

Otherwise, even if Shang Xia\'s martial arts concept is inside Tongyou Academy, he may not only suffer from isolation, but may even be suppressed by the existing concept of martial arts practice.

But after Shang Xia promised Liu Qinglan to be the teacher of the inner house, this time the competition held by the entire academy gave him an opportunity.

The students in the fifth room of the inner house look mediocre overall, and rank lower among the eight rooms in the inner house.

Especially after suffering a loss in the trial at the beginning of the year, not only was his spirit severely suppressed, but even the places for the seven second-tier warriors to participate in the college competition were almost insufficient.

However, from Shang Xia\'s point of view, the students in the E room did not seem to be completely useless.

At least in the face of external pressure, these students still know how to stick together, and there are some who are willing to stand up.

Moreover, compared with the other rooms, the students in the E room seem to have no outstanding points, but in fact there are also few people who cannot be cultivated. I am surprised that they should be the most average among the eight rooms in the inner house.

It was Shang Xia\'s first time as an instructor to teach martial arts training courses to all the students in Wufang, and his performance was quite satisfactory.

Although he can\'t explain the process of various martial arts cultivation in a flashy manner, he can also explain the truth clearly in plain language.

But anyone who pays attention during his lecture can understand everything.

At the end of the lectures, there is often a session where students ask questions about the problems they encountered during their practice.

In the past, most of the martial arts training courses in Room E were replaced by other teachers in turn. These teachings were mostly for the completion of tasks. Compared with the students in each room they were in charge of, they had a little less sense of responsibility. Sometimes, there are many perfunctory words and then the class hastily ended.

Now Fang Wu finally has its own teaching, and many students have raised many questions that troubled them during the cultivation process, and some even have more than one or two questions.

Shang Xia was also patient, so he answered them one by one.

Although the level of Shang Xia\'s lectures is average, with his current practice and knowledge, he is extremely accurate in seeing the questions raised by these students. He can often grasp the key to the problem in a few words, which is nothing more than ordinary A few words often have the effect of enlightening the students.

But the more this is the case, the more enthusiastic the students in Room E are asking questions, and the longer the time will naturally be dragged on.

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Shang Xia didn\'t care about these things, but patiently listened to and answered the questions raised by these students.

It was at this time that the students from the other rooms of the inner house began to return from their respective training grounds because the course was over. When they passed by the Wufang training ground along the way, they naturally noticed everything that happened here.

It\'s just that at this time, most of the students in each room were stimulated by the news of the college competition, and they were talking excitedly.

There are even quite a few outstanding students from each room, who are currently surrounded by the exclusive instructors of each room, hoping to hear more news about the competition from them.

When Professor Youxi also passed by the Wufang Martial Arts Field, his eyes glanced over inadvertently, and he immediately showed a dumbfounded expression. He became a little distracted by the flattering words of the students around him, and then he made an excuse at random, A group of unidentified students left behind and hurried away.

Everything that happened outside the martial arts arena naturally couldn\'t avoid Shang Xia\'s divine perception, but some things were simply not worth his attention.

After finally waiting for the questions from all sentient beings to come to an end, this time the martial arts training course has already exceeded the time limit by more than half an hour.

A group of students also showed embarrassment at this time, because they knew that the teaching time of the college was usually very precious, and they didn\'t want to waste too much time instructing students outside of the courses.

But Shang Xia didn\'t care, he was really not too busy during this time, at least until he found all the advanced potions of the Five Elements Realm, when he was cultivating, he was just polishing his foundation.

It\'s just that Shang Xia promised to set aside a period of time to teach everyone a set of formations after the practice course is over, but now it seems that there is obviously no time.

A group of sentient beings were about to leave when Shang Xia suddenly turned his head and looked in another direction.

Ju Xing came to the martial arts arena aggressively, and saw all the members of the Wufang gathering there from a distance, and he became more and more annoyed when he saw this.

"What are you doing? I\'ve been waiting for you for half an hour, and the academy competition hasn\'t started yet. Are you all planning to give up?"

As the teacher of Wufang, Ju Xing has been under great pressure during this period, and he is often ridiculed by other teachers and teachers because of the failure of Wufang\'s disciples.

When Yan Weihai and other students saw Ju Xing coming in a hurry, they all showed guilty and annoyed expressions, but it was because everyone had just asked Shang Xia for advice, but they forgot that they still had a class on actual combat and martial arts.

"The disciple has seen the teacher!"

Yan Weihai and others hurriedly saluted Ju Xing.

"You guys..."

Ju Xing originally wanted to teach the students in front of him a lesson, to vent his anger.

Unexpectedly, when all sentient beings bowed to salute, Shang Xia who was standing behind everyone was revealed.

Ju Xing originally had an expression of hating iron but not steel, and suddenly

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froze on the face.

"You...you...this...how did you come here?"

Ju Xing\'s words sounded a little incoherent for a moment.

However, the students in Room E thought it was the new instructor who had been absent from school for a long time, and the sudden appearance surprised even the instructors, so the tone sounded strange.

At this time, the members of the sentient beings had already stood up, and retreated from the sides one after another, allowing Ju Xing to stand directly in front of Shang Xia.

Ju Xing was a little hesitant at this moment, he didn\'t know whether he should go forward and bow to Shang Xia, and see a gift.

When the two talked about cultivation and status, it was natural that Shang Xia was far above him. However, the two were classmates after all, and if he was really asked to bow down in front of Shang Xia, he would really feel a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, Shang Xia didn\'t embarrass him, he took two steps forward, and said with a smile: "Why, I haven\'t seen my old friend in the same class for several years, so it\'s a matter of life?"

When the members of the sentient beings heard this, they realized that their new teacher was a classmate of their teacher.

Ju Xing couldn\'t help but heaved a sigh of relief when he heard Shang Xia\'s words, and showed gratitude on his face.

He and Shang Xia were indeed classmates, but not old friends.

When Shang Xia was the chief of the waishe, Ju Xing often provoked him, and the relationship between the two may not be so good.

It\'s just that Shang Xia\'s strength has been rising all the way. From the outer house to the inner house and then to the upper house, the chief position has become more and more stable. In addition to Shang Xia\'s continuous meritorious service, they just want to see Shang Xia. It was not easy for Xia on the one hand, and he naturally knew that the two parties were no longer at the same level.

As for the mentality of fighting and provoking, it has disappeared for a long time without knowing when.

"But I never thought that you would come in person!"

Ju Xing said in a complicated tone.

Shang Xia smiled, and then said apologetically, "After all, it\'s the first time I\'m teaching, but I didn\'t grasp the time. I don\'t know who\'s teaching course was affected?"

Ju Xing quickly waved his hands and smiled: "It\'s a practical course for me, it\'s nothing, it\'s nothing, delay will be delay."

Shang Xia was surprised when he heard the words: "You are a teacher, and you are also serving as their actual combat instructor?"

Ju Xing probably guessed that the person in front of him didn\'t know much about the changes in the Department of Education and Education this year, so he patiently explained: "In recent years, the college\'s training of students has been more focused on actual combat, so many of them have been recruited by the Department of Health and the Department of World Affairs. The person responsible for teaching and teaching, but because of the shortage of manpower for teaching, often the teaching and teaching also take the role of practical teaching."

Shang Xia nodded and said: "That\'s just right. I promised to teach them a set of enemy formations before, but I never thought that I would run out of time. Since it is your actual combat lecture, I will take it up without hesitation. You can come and do it for them by the way." An imaginary enemy for training!"

Ju Xing: "..."


I need to go to my brother\'s house as a guest at noon, so I will update a small chapter first.