Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 662

Since Shang Xia became a great talisman master, Futang once performed a ceremonious chanting for him, which caused a great commotion in the entire Tongyou City.

As the number one talisman master in Futang, although Shang Xia thinks that he is more dependent on himself as a great talisman master, it is undeniable that Futang has always spared no effort in supporting him.

However, ever since he became a great talisman master, he either traveled around outside, or devoted himself to making talismans and ignored foreign affairs, so that he seldom had time to calm down and guide the talisman masters in the talisman hall on their talisman making skills.

Well, maybe there have been a few times.

But generally speaking, as the chief talisman teacher of the talisman hall, Shang Xia is actually not qualified.

So this time, after Fan Yuanhui and Lou Zizhang came to ask for a request, Shang Xia also felt that it was necessary for him to perform his duties, so he agreed.

Soon, the news that great talisman master Shang Xia was about to perform talismans publicly in the talisman hall spread throughout Tongyou Academy, and soon became known to the entire Tongyou City.

As a result, many people quickly approached the door with requests, thinking that on the day of Shang Xia\'s talisman performance, they could come to the scene to observe it in person.

However, this time the talisman\'s attitude was very firm. This time, the performance of the talisman by the great talisman master was an internal matter of the talisman hall, and it might involve the secret of the talisman making by the great talisman master. It is the people inside the academy, if they have not joined the talisman hall, they are not qualified to watch the talisman performance.

This matter quickly became a hot topic, and several middle and high-level teachers and supervisors of the college were alarmed. In the end, it was the fifth-rank patriarch Ji Wenlongji, the deputy head of the mountain, who personally spoke not to interfere with the internal affairs of the talisman hall, and finally calmed down the situation. down.

While the outside world was disturbing, Shang Xia was carefully figuring out how to make the fourth-order array talisman.

That\'s right, Shang Xia\'s talisman performance in the talisman hall this time was intended to demonstrate the method of making this fourth-order formation talisman, which is the threshold of entry among the fourth-order martial talismans.

Although Shang Xia\'s attainments in talisman making are already extremely high, even making fourth-order martial talismans has a super high success rate.

But after all, he had never made a Tier 4 formation talisman before, and he started to make it under the watchful eyes of everyone. No one could guarantee how high his success rate would be.

However, the reason why Shang Xia chose the fourth-order formation talisman as the content of the performance talisman also had his own considerations.

The real meaning of performing talismans is still to improve the talisman-making skills of many talisman masters in the talisman hall.

Judging from the current overall situation of the talisman hall, there are only three or four third-tier talisman masters, and the rest are mostly second-tier talisman masters or first-tier talisman disciples.

Limited by their own level of making talismans, even if Shang Xia demonstrates how to make high-level martial talismans in front of their eyes, they may not be able to gain much.

Therefore, for this talisman performance, Shang Xia will not only choose the fourth-order formation talisman when demonstrating the production of high-level martial talisman, that is, the production of first-level, second-level, and third-level martial talisman, but also use each level of formation character demonstration.

The purpose of this is to show as many people as possible the basic application of rune-making more clearly.

As for whether Shang Xia\'s original and self-contained talisman-making method will be understood and stolen by other talisman masters during this process, Shang Xia doesn\'t care about it.

It\'s not that he doesn\'t pay much attention to his original talisman-making technique, but that he is confident that without his personal guidance, it is impossible for anyone to figure out the essence of his talisman-making technique, at most it is to learn the similarity.

This is why Liu Qinglan was worried that the talisman would be imitated after it was passed on, but Shang Xia didn\'t care about it at all.

Of course, with his current attainments as a great talisman master, others will imitate him a little bit,

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It is also good enough.

Because talisman masters often need a quiet environment to make talismans, most of the time, the atmosphere of the talisman hall is quiet and soothing.

However, today\'s talisman hall has changed from the atmosphere of the past and has become extremely noisy.

At this time, all the talisman masters and talisman apprentices in the talisman hall, including the talisman craftsman who made the talisman paper, the blacksmith who prepared the talisman ink, etc., had gathered in the talisman hall.

Everyone sat on the edge of the hall, except for the center of the hall.

Many people were whispering and whispering, but they couldn\'t hide the excitement on their faces. While talking, they glanced at the center of the hall from time to time.

At this time, there is a solid square wooden table in the center of the hall, on which pens, inks, papers and inkstones are gathered, and even a furnace of incense with the effect of rejuvenating and calming the mind is prepared and can be lit at any time.

The leader of the Futang, even Gong Fushi, who has become more and more reclusive in recent years, came, and on both sides were Fan Yuanhui and Lou Zizhang, two senior third-rank Fushi.

In addition to these three, there are three third-tier talisman masters, one is from Tongyou Academy, but does not walk in the talisman hall, the other is from the Ji family, and the third is living in Tongyou City. Man made talismans for a living.

Shang Xia\'s talisman performance this time, although the rebirth of the talisman hall was an internal matter of the talisman hall, and many outsiders\' requests were rejected, but these third-level talisman masters were not included.

Under the anticipation of everyone, Shang Xia walked into the Futang, and the chaotic Futang suddenly became silent.

All the way to the wooden table in the center of the talisman hall, Shang Xia could clearly feel the eager eyes of all the people around him from the talisman hall.

Shang Xia first bowed his hands to the leading third-tier talisman masters, and there were only six third-tier talisman masters in the entire Tongyou City.

Regardless of their achievements in making talismans, the six third-tier talisman masters in front of them can be regarded as Shang Xia\'s seniors regardless of age or seniority.

Among the six people, except Gong Fushi, the other five avoided and returned the courtesy one after another.

Shang Xia glanced at the people in Futang, and said with a smile: "Shang has received a lot of support from Shang Xia in Futang over the years, but he has done very little for Futang. I am willing to share some of my past opinions with you, and I hope you can criticize and correct me and make progress together.”

Shang Xia\'s opening remarks made all the people in Futang look at each other in dismay, not knowing how to react for a while.

Regardless of what everyone thought, Shang Xia directly took an unqualified talisman pen, picked up a piece of first-grade talisman paper, and said with a smile: "This time the talisman dealer only picked the simplest one. The formation of the first order begins..."

Under the watchful eyes of many talisman masters and talisman disciples, Shang Xia drew the first talisman pattern on the talisman paper seemingly casually, and then explained the making of the first-order formation talisman to everyone method, and Shang Xia is really talking about the most basic, even introductory things.

Shang Xia\'s way of explaining made all the people who came to watch the performance have different expressions.

Some listened carefully, some pondered secretly, some held back their minds and continued to observe, some dismissed it, and some held the hope of the conference.

However, no matter what these people think in their hearts, they can at least maintain their superficial calm due to Shang Xia\'s fourth level of great perfection cultivation and their status as great talisman masters.

It\'s just that the atmosphere in the talisman hall suddenly became a little weird.

However, Shang Xia didn\'t seem to notice it at all. He was just drawing the runes seriously, while trying his best to tell everything he could think of during the process of drawing the runes, bit by bit.

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The first-order formation talisman is extremely simple, and Shang Xia quickly completed the production of the first-order formation talisman.

However, Shang Xia didn\'t stop in the middle, but immediately started making the second-order array talisman.

The production of the second-tier array talisman is much more difficult than the first-tier array talisman, and when Shang Xia started to write, many Fu Tuqiang, who was promoted to be a talisman master, watched carefully.

Shang Xia, on the other hand, is still in the same style as before. He tried to cover every aspect of every rune, and took the trouble to list all the problems he could think of and the possible mistakes he could avoid. It sounds like a running account.

Not only that, in the process of making talismans, every rune pattern of Shang Xia was written with the most standard posture, without any fancy, let alone any skill and trickery, every stroke seemed plain and unpretentious. It looks even more ordinary.

This disappointed many talisman masters who hoped to hear Shang Xia\'s ingenious insights into talisman-making techniques and observe the exquisite skills.

What Shang Xia explained from the beginning to the end is what they have learned and experienced in the process of learning and refining talismans in the past. There is nothing refreshing or deafening about what they have experienced. opinion.

Observing until now, Shang Xia has given many talisman masters the feeling that no one knows what he said, and it seems that it is nothing special!

Is this how the great talisman master achieved it?

He has no own ideas, opinions, and superb talisman-making skills. He just follows the most common, simplest and most basic talisman-making techniques, blindly practicing hard and working behind closed doors.

Many talisman masters even shook their heads secretly, thinking that it was a waste of time for them to come to watch the talisman performance this time!

Shang Xia remained unmoved and continued to insist on his own way of performing talismans, and this time he performed talismans only to demonstrate to those who are really interested in the way of talismans. He does not need or care about some people\'s special expectations and Require.

After the demonstration of the second-order formation talisman, Shang Xia took the medium-grade talisman brush, picked up the third-order talisman paper, moistened the third-order talisman ink, and continued to prepare for the demonstration of the third-order formation talisman.

He didn\'t act like a sensationalist. When making Tier 3 talismans, he chose low-grade talisman brushes or low-level talisman inks to prove how good his talisman making skills were, even though it wasn\'t difficult for him.

All the processes seemed so regular, but in fact the way Shang Xia chose to make talismans was the actual situation that was applicable to most talisman masters.

After the demonstration of the Tier 3 Talisman began, it was still in the same style as before, but some Talisman Masters in the Talisman Hall had finally come to terms with it.

Shang Xia is using the formation talisman, which can be called the entry threshold of each level of martial talisman, to explain the most basic, but also the most applicable and most suitable for popularization of the talisman system.

That\'s right, Shang Xia wanted to establish and demonstrate a complete set of talisman inheritance system for the entire talisman hall on the spot, and it was a talisman inheritance system that came down in one continuous line!

And this is exactly a project that Futang of Tongyou College has always wanted to do, but has always been unable to do it.

But now, it is being realized bit by bit under the eyes of everyone under the hands of Shang Xia.

At this time, from the very beginning, I had no distractions from the beginning, and carefully observed some of the talisman apprentices and talisman masters who performed Shang Xia\'s talisman. Maybe they were still ignorant, but they really accepted Shang Xia\'s talisman inheritance system from the beginning, and It will surely become the biggest beneficiary of this set of inherited inheritance system.

On the high platform in the center of the talisman hall, as the real person in charge of the talisman hall in the past, Gong Fushi was so excited that he couldn\'t hold it back.