Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 634

Chen Yu and the others on the opposite side didn\'t realize Shang Xia\'s sudden question, but the faces of Liu Qinglan and the others behind him changed drastically, and each of them faintly became alert.

However, Chen Yu who was standing in front of them suddenly burst out laughing "haha" and said, "Your Excellency is indeed extraordinary! To tell you the truth, this place can be called Sanhe Island, but it can also be said not!"

Shang Xia motioned to Liu Qinglan and the others behind him without any hindrance, but said in his mouth, "I would like to hear more about it!"

Chen Yu gave a "hmm" and explained: "Everyone already knows that the so-called \'Sanhe Island\' is just a fragment of land and land from the three factions of Shendu, Weiyang, and Beihai. A land island was synthesized in China to host this trade fair. Since this land island is synthesized, it can naturally be separated temporarily. And the land island under your feet at this time is the three lands of "Sanhe Island". One of the islands!"

Shang Xia suddenly nodded, and said: "So, at this time, there are two other land islands in the void that are welcoming other comrades holding invitations?"

Chen Yu smiled and said, "Exactly!"

Immediately afterwards, he said again: "As far as we know, apart from the invitations sent to the major forces in the two worlds, there are still many comrades who want to participate in this fair. Flying across the void to find the location of Sanhe Island, but now that Sanhe Island is divided into three, it has increased the chances of these comrades to find Sanhe Island."

So that\'s the case, no wonder this land island will take the initiative to come to greet them in the void. It turns out that there are two land islands doing the same thing in the entire void of the outer sky.

"One more thing, since you are here, please don\'t fly away at will, let alone fight with people on this island, otherwise we will have to expel offenders from the island and won\'t welcome them to the island again gone."

Chen Yu added.

Shang Xia nodded and said, "This is what should be done!"

After bidding farewell to Na Chen Yu and the others, Shang Xia and the others walked towards the island.

After watching the six people from Tongyou City walk away, Dou Yuancheng, a disciple of Weiyang Palace standing behind Chen Yu, said in a low voice: "This group of people is very bitter, three of the first floor of the fourth level, one of the second level of the fourth level, Just to gain knowledge, we should bring a few young people here. In recent years, the great reputation of Tongyou Academy seems to be unbelievable under the great reputation. Could it be that Kou Chongxue is supporting the scene?"

Yun Chengzi, another disciple of Beihai Xuansheng Sect, said with a smile: "Brother Dou doesn\'t know something. Although this Tongyou Academy is a force of Cangyu, in terms of understanding, I\'m afraid it\'s not as good as the next one. This Tongyou Academy has only been close since its rise. Thirty years, it is not easy for others to train these people."

Chen Yu looked at the backs of Shang Xia and his party as they went away, but they heard all the teasing conversations between the two behind them.

At this time, Dou Yuancheng said: "Uncle Chen Yu\'s cultivation of temperament is beyond my reach, and such a power in a remote village can treat him with such courtesy."

Chen Yu\'s eyes moved slightly, then he suddenly chuckled and said, "Did you notice the person who was the leader before?"

Dou Yuancheng and Yun Chengzi both thought for a while when they heard the words, and they were a little confused, so they said, "What\'s wrong with that person?"

Chen Yu Youyou said: "That evil spirit is integrated into one body, and his cultivation must have reached the fourth level of great perfection..."

Dou Yuancheng and Yun Chengzi each glanced at each other when they heard the words, and said "Oh", their tone seemed a little more serious.

However, when the two of them couldn\'t see clearly the specific background of Shang Xia, they had already guessed, so it wasn\'t too surprising.

However, when Chen Yu said this, the corners of her mouth turned upside down.

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There was a trace of silent ridicule, but he continued: "Besides, that man is younger than the two nephews!"

Dou Yuancheng and Yun Chengzi were stunned at first, and then their expressions became a little weird.


Shang Xia and his party didn\'t know about the conversation between Chen Yu and the other three behind them after they walked away.

But at this time Chu Jia suddenly said: "Those people just didn\'t seem to take us seriously."

This "we" actually refers to everyone except Shang Xia.

Liu Qinglan said in a deep voice: "The cultivation base is not good, there is nothing to say, just get used to it. If you really want to win, you have to work hard to improve your cultivation base."

At this moment, Shang Xia, who was walking in front of the crowd, suddenly stamped his feet, and turned his head abruptly to look into the void beyond Lu Dao.

Everyone didn\'t know why, and turned their heads to follow his line of sight.

"Someone is coming again!"

Shang Xia knew that everyone hadn\'t noticed yet, so he explained to them in a low voice.


When Shang Xia and others looked back, Chen Yu, the silver-crowned warrior guarding the edge of Sanhe Island, also vaguely sensed it, and turned his head to look into the deep and dark void.

"Have you ever sensed that the person holding the invitation is approaching?"

Chen Yu asked the two of them in a low voice.

Dou Yuancheng and Yun Chengzi each shook their heads, then realized something, and said in astonishment: "Is there really someone else here?"

Chen Yu remained silent, but looked at a certain place in the void, and suddenly said loudly: "Since your Excellency has already found this place, why don\'t you show up to see it? Since Sanhe Island is going to hold a trade fair, there will be no guests coming to the door Reasons to be rejected."

After Chen Yu finished speaking, there was no response for a long time in the void.

Just when Dou Yuancheng and Yun Chengzi thought that no one would appear, a dark silhouette of a human figure appeared from a distance, and a hoarse voice said: "The invitation of Sanhe Island can be issued to people like this old man. So I can only come here uninvited, I just don’t know if a man from the mountains like this old man can land on this Sanhe Island?"

Chen Yu asked with a smile: "Is this fellow from Jiaozhou?"

The man\'s tone became vigilant in an instant, and he said, "Why, do you need the old man to report himself?"

Chen Yu smiled, and said: "That\'s not necessary, and after your Excellency lands on the island, you can rest assured that no one will harm you!"

As he spoke, he signaled Dou Yuancheng and Yun Chengzi who were behind him to open a portal on the screen barrier and stay away from the three of them.

Chen Yu signaled the other party to come in, and at the same time said the precautions that he had just mentioned to Shang Xia and the others, and finally said: "A solitary comrade like you can walk and trade freely on the island, but at least But I can’t participate in the last auction, I need to clarify this with Your Excellency first.”

Following Chen Yu, she seemed to be afraid that the other party would misunderstand, and explained: "This is not aimed at you, but this fair is held for the first time, and there must be many shortcomings in it. Please forgive me."

At this moment, the man suddenly said with a "hehe" smile: "If you intend to harm me, you don\'t need to explain so much to the old man!"

After all, the figure of the man flickered several times in the void, and the man had already walked in through the specially opened door.

I saw this person with messy gray and white hair, a burly figure with a big frame, but his clothes were a little scruffy, with a mask covering half of his face, he nodded slightly towards Chen Yu and the others, Then he turned and walked towards the island.


Shang Xia and the others had already left when Chen Yu opened the door.

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At this time, this third of the Sanhe Island has gathered many fourth-tier masters from various forces, including many Wusan people, and there are even some people who hide their heads and show their identities and do not want to reveal their identities.

Among these people, if there are any acquaintances, they will stop and exchange a few words, but most of the time they still wander around the island at will, in fact, they want to check the reality of this land island.

Shang Xia and the others soon discovered that the real core of this land island was not in the center of the island, but at the corner of the fan-shaped island.

But when everyone came to this area, they found that the ground at the corner of the real edge dropped three feet suddenly, forming a fan shape on the periphery.

The ground that dropped three feet seems to have been compacted by special means, and there are several stone tablets and wooden signs on the periphery of this fan-shaped arc, warning everyone not to randomly walk in the fan-shaped area where the ground has been compacted. Make more stops.

Tens of feet away from this area, there are two rows of monasteries in the front and back, which also surround the fan-shaped area in an arc.

So a street with a width of twenty or thirty feet was formed between these two rows of houses.

After Shang Xia and the others went to look at the fan-shaped area as the core, they immediately wandered on the street between the two rows of abbots.

Perhaps it was because this was the first time that the Two Realms Trade Fair was held, everything on this land island looked crude at this time.

However, while Shang Xia and the others were walking around, they discovered that some of the abodes on both sides of the street had been rebuilt into a pavement-like situation, and some people had already started business inside.

Shang Xia and the others also turned around a few shops, and found that there were some "ordinary" spiritual objects, utensils and the like, which looked rich and varied, but few of them really caught their eyes.

Chu Jia and the others walked in and out of these shops, and they were very interested at the beginning, even thinking about picking up leaks in their hearts.

But which one of these shops is not a Tier 4 warrior, and how can there be so little knowledge and experience?

After a long time, everyone felt bored.

"this one?"

Chu Jia said with some disdain: "If some warriors of the second and third ranks come here, we won\'t have to worry about the excitement, but we have wasted so much energy to come here, is it possible to go back to purchase a batch of low-level cultivation resources?"

Ji Yu said with a smile: "It\'s a long experience. After all, we can gather warriors from two states and states. Although most of the items are not high-grade, we have seen a lot of things that we have never heard of before."

Liu knew it and said: "Maybe it\'s not time yet, after all, the land island under our feet is only one-third of the entire \'Sanhe Island\', these people must have treasures in their hands, but it\'s not time to take them out yet .”

Liu Qinglan suddenly said at this moment: "These people are mostly warriors, or high-ranking warriors from some small families and gangs. The holy places of the states and the great powers of the family have not yet shown up."

Everyone thought about the shops they visited along the way, and they found that the warriors sitting there lacked the bearing of those holy land families, so they couldn\'t help but secretly nodded.

At this time, Shang Xia smiled and said, "I\'m curious about the isolated area on the edge of Lu Island. What do you think will be used there?"

Chu Jia curled her lips and said, "That corner is the concatenated area where the three land islands merged. When the three land islands merged into one, there will be the most central area. Maybe there will be a building built on the rammed ground. A huge venue."

Shang Xia really wanted to say something, but was suddenly interrupted by Liu Qinglan: "In front is the abode arranged by Sanhe Island for us, let\'s go there and have a look first!"