Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 625

Now Tongyou Xuanjie has become a transfer place for Tongyou Academy warriors to return to Tongyou City from the outer sky.

Shang Xia originally thought that after returning from Manyu Continent, the origin of heaven and earth plundered by the membership of Tongyou Xuanjie from there would be promoted to Tongyou Blessed Land in one fell swoop.

However, I don\'t know if Shang Xia thought too simply, or because Tongyou College had other plans. In short, after Kou Chongxue sent the Jiuhua Jade Array Disk back to the Mysterious World, it seems that there has not been much change here.

Well, not without changes.

At least when Shang Xia came back here again, he already noticed that the vitality of heaven and earth in the mysterious world had become more and more intense.

Not only that, compared to the previous rudimentary, the current Xuanjie has obviously been planned, and many pavilions, secret rooms and houses have been built on the third floor boundary.

Moreover, Shang Xia could clearly notice that the number of warriors practicing in secluded cultivation in the mysterious world at this time was much higher than before.

Shang Xia didn\'t stay longer in the mysterious world, and soon returned to Tongyou Academy.

Today\'s Tongyou Academy seems to be more lively.

Recently, it seems to be the opening season of the college, and the newly promoted students come from all over Youzhou, and even areas outside Youzhou, which makes Tongyou College and even the whole Tongyou City become so festive these days Generally lively.

Shang Xia even saw two or three of these newly promoted students who were obviously from Man Yuzhou.

These people were either from the Ren family, or they were rescued by warriors on Tongyou Lu Island during the formation of Earth Star.

As for the youths who came from outside Youzhou, most of them were the descendants of the old people of Youzhou who migrated from Youzhou to other states after the fall of Youzhou.

As long as these teenagers can prove that either of their parents is from Youzhou, has the most basic foundation of martial arts practice, and after a preliminary investigation by the Academy\'s Department of Social Affairs, they can enter the foreign dormitory and become official students of the academy.

In addition, Shang Xia also found a lot of people from the Cangling Realm among this group of newly promoted students. These people are mainly young people of the right age from the Yan clan, and they have all entered Tongyou College now.

It is said that several third-tier warriors of the Yan clan entered the academy as instructors, and served in departments such as the Department of World Affairs and the Department of Academy Guards.

In recent years, with the improvement of Tongyou Academy\'s overall strength, as well as its continuous progress and expansion in the Two Realms Battlefields, Qianye Mountains, Taihang Mountains, and Manyu Continent, the Academy has been able to continuously harvest various cultivation resources. channel.

It is precisely because of the abundant supply of resources that the enrollment scale of Tongyou College has been expanding again and again.

When Shang Xia passed through the college quietly, he had already learned from the conversations of the people in the college that the number of students enrolled in the outer dormitory had already changed from Shang Xia\'s six-bedroom house to thirty students in each house. It has increased to the current twelve rooms with forty people in each room.

At the beginning, each room in the outer dormitory set up a trainer, and most of them were concurrently served by outstanding students from the upper dormitory.

Nowadays, each room in the outer dormitory has a supervisor and a deputy. Although the outstanding students in the upper dormitory can still serve as supervisors through competition, they can only serve as deputy positions, and they must pass two years of inspection before they can take up the full position.

In addition to the outer dormitory, each room in the inner dormitory and upper dormitory has been added, and the number of students in each room has also increased.

There were a total of twelve professors in the Department of Education of the college before, but now the number of professors in the Department of Education has increased to twenty-four, and Shang Xia is now one of the trusted teachers.

In the past, there was one teaching decree for each of the outer, inner and upper three houses, but now each house has an additional teaching decree, and it is stipulated that each

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The cultivation base of the famous teachings must be above the fourth heaven.

After hearing the news, Shang Xia first went to the Department of Education to report, and received a special teaching piece from Liu Qinglan, who was still in charge of the Department of Education and also served as the deputy head of Sanshe. Jade plaque.

According to the news from Liu Qinglan, there will be two more deputy chief instructors in the Department of Education, and besides her, Yan Su\'e will be the other deputy chief instructor.

And her granddaughter Yan Ming, a fourth-level master, will enter the Department of World Relations and serve as a deputy director under Yun Jing.

With this jade card, Shang Xia has officially served as an instructor in the academy, and can also receive a fixed salary from the academy every month, settled in silver dollars.

At the same time, in addition to the normal teaching work, if you make additional contributions, you can also accumulate merit in the college and record it in the teaching jade card.

These achievements help Shang Xia to obtain priority exchange or discount exchange in the exchange process of some scarce resources provided by the academy.

After receiving the teaching jade card, Liu Qinglan did not release him immediately, but directly asked him to confirm the content of the teaching.

However, Liu Qinglan also probably knew that Shang Xia was unlikely to teach for a long time, so his teaching objects did not include the students from the outer house, but directly from the inner house and the upper house, these students who had stepped into the first level of martial arts. staff start.

As for the students from other houses, firstly, they are in the critical period of laying the foundation, so they should not pay too much attention to things beyond their ability, and secondly, it is impossible for Shang Xia to spend energy on laying the foundation for the new recruits.

After thinking for a while, Shang Xia decided to divide the lecture into two parts.

Part of it is used to explain the skills of making some martial arts, using skills, and coping skills.

The specific martial arts production course of the Department of Education has been taught by Gong Fushi of Futang.

Gong Fushi has been getting older and older in recent years, his cultivation has stagnated, and his energy has become more and more exhausted. Since he stopped thinking about making fourth-order martial arts, he began to focus on the work of the younger generation of Fushi in the Futang. At the same time, a systematic basic course of talismans and seals was set up in the Sanshe of the Education Department to train more junior talents for talisman masters.

However, what Shang Xia explained was more practical skills, mostly problems that were often encountered in actual combat.

However, although these things are important, Shang Xia is unlikely to talk about them every day. Generally, it is enough to teach them once every ten days or so.

Moreover, it can be adjusted at any time when something happens, the teaching time is flexible, and the teaching content is relatively free.

For the other part of the lecture, Shang Xia intends to use the experience course of martial arts practice to tell some about his own martial arts concepts.

This includes Shang Xia\'s understanding and cognition of Wuyuan Realm and One Yuan Realm, Wuji Realm and Liangyi Realm, Martial Art Realm and Sancai Realm, and even Wusha Realm and Sixiang Realm.

Of course, it is impossible for Shang Xia to throw out his own practice system openly now, which will inevitably cause cognitive confusion among the students, even if not many people in the academy may recognize his ideas .

The current Shang Xia can only use the old concept of martial arts practice to explain his point of view from a brand new angle, whether it is carrying private goods or stealing money, trying not to conflict with the current practice concept.

This point was also mentioned more than once by Kou Shanchang and Shang Bo.

Regarding the teaching content of this part, after discussing with Liu Qinglan, it is set to be taught once a month, and it can also be flexibly adjusted.

It can be seen from this that even those who know Shang Xia better

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Liu Qinglan is actually extremely conservative and cautious about his views on teaching his unique cultivation concepts.

Of course, this is not only for the content of Shang Xia\'s lecture, but also for the consideration of protecting Shang Xia.

After Shang Xia left from the Education Department, he suddenly thought on the road that, as the great talisman master of the academy\'s talisman hall, he should have a monthly salary, but he seemed to have never received it.

Shang Xia, who was going to leave the academy and return home to rest for a few days, turned around and walked towards the direction of the hall.

Now it is the 849th year of the Shenwu calendar. Shang Xia left the Cangyu Realm for Manyu Continent from the 847th year of the Shenwu calendar. Nearly two years have passed in a flash.

When Shang Xia went to Fu Tang, Yun Jing, who had already returned earlier, summoned Liu Zhiyuan in the academy.

As the patriarch of the Liu family among the four major families in Tongyou City, Liu Zhiyuan has been in charge of the college\'s storage department in recent years.

After the older generation of warriors began to deliberately retreat behind the scenes and delegated the management of the academy to the younger generation, Liu Zhiyuan had already become a prominent figure among the senior management of the academy.

"Aunt Jing, what do you want from me?"

In front of Yunjing, Liu Zhiyuan was extremely respectful.

Since Liu Jitang died in the Coral Linxuan Realm, the Liu family is about to fall, and will no longer be one of the four major families in Tongyou City.

But fortunately, the heritage of the family inheritance is still there, and with the support of Kou Chongxue, Yunjing, Shangbo and others, Liu Zhiyuan quickly advanced to the fourth heaven, re-stabilizing the status of the four major Liu families.

Therefore, although Liu Zhiyuan has a lot of influence in the past few years, and as the patriarch of the Liu clan, he was originally qualified to be equal to Yunjing, but when he visited Yunjing alone, he still respectfully performed the gift of a junior.

Yun Jing smiled and said: "I haven\'t seen you for two or three years. After I came back, I heard that you have been brave enough to do things in the past two years. Second Brother Liu has a spirit in heaven. I am very relieved."

Liu Zhiyuan looked serious when he heard the words, and said in a loud voice: "My nephew and the Liu family can be what they are today, thanks to the cultivation of the elders over the years, my nephew will not slack off in the slightest."

"Good, good, good!"

Yun Jing smiled and praised repeatedly, then suddenly changed her tone, and said with deep meaning: "It\'s just that after my nephew Zhiyuan advanced to the second level of the fourth level, the improvement in cultivation in the past two or three years is very small!"

Liu Zhiyuan\'s expression froze slightly when he heard the words, and he said, "Xu Yes, Xu is because my nephew is tired of ordinary affairs."

Yun Jing nodded, and said: "Since you are tired of ordinary affairs, why not put more effort into cultivation? You must know that cultivation is the foundation of a person, and everything else is vain in front of absolute strength."

Liu Zhiyuan bowed his head and said: "What Aunt Jing taught me is that now is the time for new students to enter the school. In recent years, the college has expanded its enrollment year after year. When it comes to the beginning of the school season, everything is complicated. After staying busy for a while, my nephew will send all the warehouse department Let others be responsible for the proper arrangements, so that you can practice in seclusion for a period of time with peace of mind."

Yun Jing took a deep look at him, and said: "Since you have made a plan, then go ahead and do what you say. But now there is one thing that requires your Liu family to contribute as much as possible .”

Liu Zhiyuan raised his head slightly in surprise, and asked, "I don\'t know what Aunt Jing has ordered, what should my nephew do?"

Yun Jing said: "Go to your Liu family\'s treasury and check it out. If there are any fourth-level or even fifth-level spiritual objects related to gold and iron objects, or earth and stone, just take a piece and send it to me." Merchants go."


Liu Zhiyuan suddenly raised his head and said loudly.