Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 622

After directly deciding to leave "Liufeng Wuying Yuangang" to Yunjing, Kou Chongxue said with some emotion: "We worked together to create Tongyou Academy more than 20 years ago. You are the only one who has never been able to get a glimpse of the Five Heavens Gate, and now even the little ones of the grandchildren are walking in front of you, so there is no need for you to refuse."

On the contrary, these words made Shang Xia\'s words quite embarrassing.

Yun Jing let out a chuckle, and no longer refused, she reached out and took the Yuangang crystal.

However, Kou Chongxue did not look at the last Shang Xia next, but instead said to Yan Su\'e in harmony: "Patriarch Yan was injured at the origin. You Academy will definitely do their best to help the patriarch break into the realm of the fifth heaven!"

Kou Chongxue\'s words made Yan Su\'e, who had long been used to the world, feel a little grateful, and said, "Thank you for your concern, but the old man knows his own affairs, so there is no need for the old man to waste all this time and energy... ..."

Kou Chongxue waved his hand to stop Yan Su\'e from continuing, and then said: "Patriarch Yan doesn\'t need to be so polite, we are a family from now on, we should work together to tide over the difficulties!"

After all, Kou Chongxue\'s gaze finally fell on Shang Xia, and said with a smile, "Boy, what do you want?"

Shang Xia hesitated for a moment, then under everyone\'s strange eyes, he took out a jade box, put it on the stone table and pushed it to the center.

"Hey, what do you mean, kid, are you giving up this heaven and earth Yuangang?"

Kou Chongxue just glanced at it, and he already knew that the jade box contained Shangchen Xingchen Yuangang.

This is a complete heaven and earth Yuangang, and the quality of the Shangchen Xingchen Yuangang itself is excellent.

This Dao of Heaven and Earth Yuan Gang came from Shang Xia\'s fight with others in the original void, and at the same time, he also snatched the essence of two Dao Yuan Gang.

Shang Xia sternly said: "It is not the disciple\'s credit to get this heaven and earth Yuangang. The matter of a heaven and earth Yuangang is very important, and the disciple has no right to take it as his own."

After Shang Xia finished speaking, Shang Bo on the side nodded expressionlessly.

When Kou Chongxue heard this, he laughed and said, "I was asking what you want, but you took out a heaven and earth Yuangang to give me a difficult problem. But you kid, aren\'t you playing hard to get with this old man?"

Shang Xia smiled "hehe", but didn\'t hide his thoughts, and said: "I do have some things to ask the elders for advice, but it is sincere to take out this Dao Chen Xingchen Yuangang."

Yun Jing laughed and said, "You are also a Dzogchen warrior of the fourth heaven, and the threshold of the fifth heaven is right in front of you. Don\'t you want to use this heaven and earth Yuangang to cross that threshold?"

Speaking of this, Yun Jing\'s tone became a little serious, and said: "Don\'t think that I can calmly discuss the ownership of Tiandi Yuangang when I wait here today, but if you leave this pavilion, you can trust a Tiandi Yuangang Is it enough to attract three or five ancestors of the Martial Gang Realm to a big scuffle?"

Shang Xia was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, but he still said: "Actually, the disciples of Chen Xingchen and Yuangang are not needed at all. Instead of keeping them in our hands and never being able to use them, it is better to take them out, and maybe the academy will have one more immediately." The fifth-level ancestors, or let the ancestors go to the next level."

Kou Chongxue\'s expression suddenly changed when he heard the words, and he looked at Shang Xia in surprise and said, "Have you found out the direction to advance to the fifth heaven?"

Shang Xia smiled slightly, and said: "Indeed, we already have an idea." Kou Chongxue didn\'t ask the reason, but said directly: "Okay, the old man Shangchen Xingchen Yuangang can decide to stay, and if you need anything, just ask , as long as we old guys can do it, there is nothing wrong with it."

Shang Xia bowed his hands and said: "The disciple needs the essence of Yuangang, different types of Yuangang essence."

Kou Chongxue\'s expression remained unchanged, and said: "Okay! How much do you need? Can you have a specific name?"

Shang Xia thought for a while and said, "At least ten kinds!"

As soon as the words came out, the expressions of Shang Bo, Yun Jing, and Yan Su\'e all changed.

The value of Yuangang essence is indeed far inferior to that of Tiandi Yuangang, but this does not mean that Yuangang essence is easy to obtain.

There are different kinds of Yuangang essences, and at least ten kinds are not necessarily enough. If you really want to find them, it may be much more difficult than obtaining two or three complete heaven and earth Yuangangs.

Shang Xia continued: "As for the essence of Yuan Gang, the disciples are not sure yet."

Yunjing finally couldn\'t bear it and said: "Even you are not sure, so how do you look for it, find a needle in a haystack, and find more than one needle?"

A look of hesitation appeared on Shang Xia\'s face when he heard the words.

The five-element realm advanced formula deduced by Sifangbei requires a total of ten five-element Yuangang essences, and the Yuangang essence of each row must be distinguished from yin and yang.

But the problem is, to let Shang Xia judge whether a certain kind of heaven, earth and Yuangang belong to the five elements, he can barely try, but if he goes further and distinguishes between yin and yang, he is powerless.

At this moment, Kou Chongxue suddenly pondered for a while, shaking his hands and flung out a ray of dark blue light that seemed to have substance from the cuff.

"Just take a look at this!"

Shang Xia subconsciously stretched out his hand to catch that ray of light, and at the same time, the evil spirit in his body was already swallowed up in his palm, touching this ray of light.

All of this happened in a flash, and all Shang Xia\'s actions were just subconscious reactions.

However, Shang Xia\'s expression changed slightly at this time, his whole attention seemed to be emptied all of a sudden, and he sat there in a daze without any reaction.

Seeing this, Shang Bo felt displeased, so he wanted to wake him up.

But before he could open his mouth, Kou Chongxue had already reached out his hand to stop him, signaling him to stay calm.

At this time, Shang Xia\'s attention had been completely focused on the Sifangbei in his mind.

At the moment when his natal evil spirit came into contact with that ray of dark blue light, a dark light suddenly floated on the surface of the Sifang stele, followed by a series of writings on the surface of the stele: Essence of Shouyang Copper Mother Yuangang, Gengjin essence.

The Sifangbei actually gave a self-identification for this ray of Yuangang essence.

This is a function that Sifangbei has never thought of before.

Shang Xia wondered, could it be that the new purpose was born because the "Original Sun" transformed by Manyu Continental\'s will source absorbed enough of the source of heaven and earth?

In any case, the Sifangbei can distinguish the yin and yang of the essence of the Five Elements Yuangang, which immediately dispelled Shang Xia\'s original worries.

Shang Xia raised his head abruptly, and said in surprise, "The essence of Shouyang Copper Mother Yuangang?"

Shang Xia\'s exclamation moved everyone present.

Although people don\'t know that "Shouyang Copper Mother Yuangang Essence" is a kind of Gengjin Yuangang essence, they do know that "Shouyang Copper Mother Yuangang" is the most top heaven and earth Yuangang, and at the same time, it is also the essence of Kou Chongxue\'s advanced stage. Five heavens, and lay the foundation for its tyrannical combat power. What everyone didn\'t expect was that Kou Chongxue still retained the Yuangang essence of "Shouyang Copper Mother Yuangang".

Kou Chongxue didn\'t care about this, but said with a smile: "How, can this thing still be used?"

Shang Xia hurriedly nodded and said, "It\'s useful, it\'s very useful!"

Kou Chongxue smiled and said, "Since that\'s the case, this ray of Yuangang essence will belong to you."

Shang Xia said happily: "Thank you, Shanzhang! This disciple has already obtained one of the ten Yuangang essences he needs!"

Shang Bo also said at this time: "This old man also has a Yuangang essence here, you can see if it can meet your needs."

After all, a strand of silver-gray Yuangang essence flew out, and Shang Xia quickly captured it in his palm.

Shang Xia secretly transported the original spirit to come into contact with it, and a series of handwriting suddenly appeared on the square tablet in his mind: Taisu Yinsha Yuangang Essence, Xinjin Essence.

It is actually a genus of Xinjin in the essence of the Five Elements Yuangang.

Shang Xiadun was overjoyed. The ten kinds of Yuangang essence needed for the monarch medicine of his Five Elements Realm advanced potion "Five Elements Shunni Yinyang Ointment", had gathered the two kinds of Jin Xing.

In an instant, Shang Xia had a feeling that these essences of Yuan Gang were not difficult to get together.

Of course, rationality tells Shang Xia that this is just an illusion, and now the two Yuangang essences are used together by coincidence, and it\'s more just luck.

Seeing that Shang Xia obtained two kinds of combined Yuangang essence so quickly, others seemed to think that Shang Xia\'s original request was not too difficult to fulfill.

Yun Jing smiled and said, "Can you still use the Yuangang essence conceived in your Yuangang jade?"

With a thought in his heart, Shang Xia took out the Yuanyuan Gangyu again.

Although Shang Xia had some guesses about the five elements of the "Tianxin Bailu Yuangang Essence" in the Yuanyuan Gangyu after asking Kou Chongxue just now, but he didn\'t mind using the Sifangbei to do a more accurate verification.

Shang Xia didn\'t use the source of Lingsha to touch the original Gangyu, but first extracted the ray of Yuangang essence from the source of Gangyu, and then touched it with the source of Lingsha.

The handwriting on the body of the Sifang stele was refreshed again: Tianxin Bailu Yuangang essence, Renshui essence.

Shang Xia sighed softly in his heart: now there are three kinds of the ten kinds of five elements Yuangang essence.

Shang Xia nodded towards the crowd and said, "This method is also applicable."

Yun Jing clapped her hands and smiled when she heard the words: "Don\'t forget, back then you sent a ray of Yuangang essence to the source of heaven and earth on the Jiuhua Jade Array Disk for preservation!"

Kou Chongxue immediately stretched out his hand to move across the air, and a void channel with a diameter of only a few feet appeared on the outer sky, and then a dark golden Yuangang essence flew out of it and hovered in front of Shang Xia.

Shang Xia touched this ray of Yuangang essence with the essence of spirit evil in the palm of his hand, and words appeared on the square tablet immediately: The essence of emptiness, darkness, birth and death, escape from space.

This time, the Sifang Monument only gave the name of the Dao Yuan Gang essence, whether it belongs to the Five Elements, and whether it is used in Shang and Xia, but there is no identification at all.

However, Shang Xia can also guess that since Sifangbei gave such a result, it is obviously not suitable for his use.

So Shang Xia shook his head helplessly, and said, "I\'m afraid this disciple of Yuan Gang\'s essence will not be needed."

Yun Jing let out a "huh", she saw that the three consecutive Yuangang essences were all used by Shang Xia, and thought that Shang Xia\'s needs were extremely broad, but she was just expressing curiosity.

Kou Chongxue remained calm about this, and just waved the wisp of "Essence of Essence of Essence of Life and Death Escaping Essence of Essence of Void" back to Tongyou Blessed Land.