Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 601

Li Yuchen from the Xuzhou Zhenyang faction plotted against Shang Xia, but in the end he still didn\'t forget to pull Shang Xia into the water.

The sentence "Shangchen Xingchen Yuangang" spread thousands of miles in the void, and immediately attracted the attention of everyone on the three continents and islands to Shang Xia.

At this time, Shang Xia had already fled to the edge of the encirclement of the three land islands, and was about to escape from the predicament. From then on, the sky let the birds fly, but this loud cry caused Shang Xia to be caught by the three lands all at once. Lu Dao is eyeing it together.

Shang Xia was already on the verge of running out of oil and lamps, but he was decisive in this situation, and he vomited a mouthful of blood when he stretched out his hand and pressed on his chest.

The Dunguang under his feet was instantly stained red with blood, and Shang Xia Feidun\'s speed increased by 50% immediately.

This was originally a secret technique of escape commonly used by warriors in the Cangling Realm. Tongyou Academy has been fighting against Cangling warriors in the two realms for more than 20 years, so it naturally has researched this kind of secret technique.

It\'s a pity that the martial arts practice systems of the Cangyu and Cangling worlds are quite different. If a Cangling warrior performs the secret art of blood escape, his speed can at least double in a short period of time.

However, before Shang Xia could completely break away from the absorbing force field constructed by the three giant land islands, a huge but thin escaping light slanted across from the side, and it spotted Shang Xia\'s escaping trajectory. It hit him himself.

Shang Xia was almost taken aback, he hurriedly controlled the evil light to change his direction of escape.

However, that was obviously not an accident just now, and the ray of escape light also changed its direction, and it still hit Shang Xia directly.

Shang Xia slashed out a sword glow in the air, but the ray of light did not dodge or dodge, and even accelerated by three points to meet the sword glow.

But at this moment, Shang Xia also saw clearly that the person in the escape light was Shen Yuanzi who had both hands and half palms cut off by him before.

Facing Shang Xia\'s slashing sword light, this person directly raised his half-withered left arm.

The light of the sword flashed, Shen Yuanzi\'s left arm flew, but there was not much blood splashing, and the light that he came straight towards Shang Xia did not show any sign of weakening.

Shen Yuanzi\'s eyes were fixed, his left arm was cut off but he didn\'t seem to feel anything, he just stared at Shang Xia who was getting closer and closer with eyes like a pool of stagnant water.

Shang Xia was so stared at by this person, he couldn\'t understand that this person already had a death wish after losing the hope of advancing to the fifth heaven, and he wanted to drag him to die together.

Since Shang Xia was not willing to be forced by this person, he swept across the sky, and wanted to cut this person in half, depending on whether this person hides or not!

If you don\'t hide, your death will be in vain, so naturally you can\'t drag him to die together; if you hide, Shang Xia will naturally have a chance to avoid this person.

However, Shen Yuanzi\'s choice was once again beyond Shang Xia\'s expectation.

I saw that this person did not dodge or avoid the slashing blade, but directly shook his right shoulder. Under Shang Xia\'s astonished gaze, he even shook his right arm off.

The arm that lost half of its palm and was like dead bark with half of its forearm flew out and collided with the blade glow in mid-air, and then the arm and blade glow annihilated each other in mid-air, and Shen Yuanzi, who lost his arms, still came straight to Shang Xia.

In desperation, Shang Xia had no choice but to slow down the speed of breaking through, and risked being caught again by the suction force field of the three land islands, changing the trajectory of his escape in mid-air.

However, all of this seemed to have fallen into Shen Yuanzi\'s calculations.

In the void, Shang Xia and Shen Yuanzi crossed each other at a distance of several miles because they changed the direction of escape.

And at this moment, Shang Xia clearly saw the sarcasm in Shen Yuanzi\'s eyes looking at him.


Shang Xia\'s heart sank, and he suddenly thought of the scene where Shen Yuanzi blew himself up with his right arm and the sword light annihilated each other.

However, it was already too late at this time. Shen Yuanzi suddenly reversed the evil spirit in his body, causing the original spirit evil in his dantian to lose control and run away in an instant. A huge mushroom-like cloud of vitality was formed, and the ring-shaped shock wave spread, tearing and distorting the void all the way, sending Shang Xia flying several miles away in one fell swoop before he managed to stabilize his figure.

However, at this moment, a huge absorbing force field suddenly descended, and the void vortex originating from the North Sea land island had firmly locked him in the void.

Such a decisive and shocking scene made Weiyang and Shendu give up their fight against Shang Xia at the same time, even though they knew that this person might have a complete heaven and earth Yuangang.

After all, for the Shangchen Xingchen Yuangang on this person, the Beihai Xuansheng Sect directly sacrificed a fifth-layer seed of the Dzogchen realm!

This time, Beihai Ludao is determined to win against Shang Xia!

Moreover, Shen Yuanzi had already informed him that the person in front of him was the culprit who almost overturned Tongyou Ludao. At that time, even if Shang Xia handed over the heaven and earth Yuangang and Yuangang essence, he would not be as good as others. The warriors of the forces are released like ghosts, and they are sure to die.

At this time, Shang Xia was already unable to fight, and his figure was falling rapidly towards the North Sea land island in the void, and he would be captured by the North Sea Xuansheng Sect in a short time.

"There is no other way, it seems that we can only use this!"

Shang Xia reached into the lapel of his chest, as if he wanted to take out something.

However, at this moment, Shang Xia suddenly felt something in his heart. When he looked up suddenly, he saw the outline of a floating land island hanging upside down in the dark depths of the void far above his head.

Because the distance is too far, Shang Xia can only vaguely see that the outline of this land is much smaller than the three giant land islands.

"Which land island is this, dare to appear here at this time, aren\'t you afraid of being blown up in the air by three giant land islands?"

It\'s strange that when Shang Xia saw this floating land island that wasn\'t even a large land island, what came to his mind was such a thought that had nothing to do with the current situation.

But at this moment, a void vortex suddenly appeared above this bold and upside-down land island, and its direction was directly facing the top of Shang Xia\'s head!

A huge absorbing force suddenly descended on Shang Xia\'s body, offsetting the absorbing force field from above the Beihai land island in one fell swoop!

"How courageous, to dare to snatch food from under the eyes of three giant land islands!"

Although Shang Xia felt that the land island floating above his head was beyond his control, the direction he flew away in an instant was very honest, rushing directly towards the direction of the void vortex of the newly appeared floating land island.

From this point of view, Shang Xia seemed more like throwing himself into a trap.

However, in fact Shang Xia knew that he had no other choice at all, and wanted to take the opportunity to escape from other directions, fearing that he would be captured by the absorbing force fields of the two land islands of Weiyang and Shendu immediately.

Moreover, these two land islands are probably looking forward to Shang Xia\'s escape from the North Sea.

The island\'s suction force field may give them a chance to intervene halfway.

On the other hand, Shang Xia might as well take the initiative to cooperate with this new land island and cast himself into a trap, maybe he can report Kou Chongxue\'s name as a deterrent.

Beihai Ludao would never have imagined that there would be a medium-sized land island, and it would be reckless to jump out at this juncture and snatch people away.

In fact, if the suction force field of Beihai Lu Island was not aimed at Shang Xia alone, and it was farther away from Shang Xia at this time, how could it be easily offset by a medium-sized land island?

However, when Beihai Ludao moved more of the absorbing power of the void vortex to Shang Xia\'s side, Shang Xia had already fled hundreds of miles in the direction of the medium-sized land island.

The farther the distance, the absorbing position inevitably declines, and vice versa.

Therefore, Beihai Ludao stepped up its absorption of Shang Xia as soon as possible, but because of the distance, it was once again offset by the absorption force field of the medium-sized land island!

The Beihai land island in the void has already begun to move at an accelerated rate, even at the expense of destroying the formation formed with the two land islands of Weiyang and Shendu, and began to press in the direction of the medium-sized land island.

At the same time, at this time, because the distance was getting closer again, Shang Xia finally saw clearly the medium-sized land island that "knows life and death, overestimates its own strength". Isn\'t it the Tongyou land island?

"How dare they?"

Only at this time did Shang Xia realize that it was not only because of the darkness of the void, but also because Tongyou Ludao approached the encirclement of the three giant land islands in a "head-to-head" way this time. Couldn\'t recognize it right away.

Fortunately, Shang Xia finally made a choice, although the starting point was different, but the goal was not wrong.

But behind him, Beihai Ludao approached forward as a whole, and the posture of chasing towards Tongyou Ludao shocked Shang Xia.

This is the posture of Beihai Xuansheng faction who has been completely enraged and is going to hunt down Shang Xia and Tongyou Ludao.

"Go back as soon as possible, so as to buy more time for Tongyou Lu Island to escape!"

Shang Xia knew what to do in his heart, but at this moment, he was already exhausted, and it was very rare for him to be able to maintain the current escape speed, and he really couldn\'t get up any faster.

Suddenly, two light shadows appeared above his head, and then the light shadow suddenly increased, but it turned out that it was two escaping lights that were approaching rapidly.

In the void, a whip shadow was thrown out suddenly, and Shang Xia also threw out the binding rope in his hand without hesitation.

A whip and a rope hooked in the void, and a huge force suddenly came, pulling Shang Xia\'s snail-like figure to quickly turn towards Tongyou Ludao.

It\'s Liu Qinglan\'s nine-strand whip!

A moment later, two more evil rays of light pierced through the void, wrapping and pulling around Shang Xia\'s waist, increasing his speed by another 30%.

This time it\'s Yunjing\'s natal evil light!

On the other hand, Shang Xia was angry and moved. Seeing that the two were getting closer, he couldn\'t help saying loudly: "It\'s too risky, we have already been targeted by Beihai Ludao, and our identities may also be exposed. !"

Liu Qinglan said angrily, "Shut up!"

Yun Jing smiled and said, "So what? They may not have time to pay attention to us soon!"

Shang Xia had doubts in his heart, and Tongyou Lu Island was getting closer and closer. He had completely got rid of the suction force field of Beihai Lu Island, but it seemed that the entire Tongyou Lu Island was in a dangerous situation.
