Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 598

As the first group of warriors who rushed here, Shang Xia could see clearly when the "Original Sun" finally shattered, and the total number of virtual or real auras that escaped from it was only more than ten, and definitely not more than two. Ten ways, and most of them are the seemingly illusory Yuan Gang essence.

Now that the essence of Shang and Xia\'s Yuan Gang is in hand, it may not be as good as those warriors who got the Heaven and Earth Yuan Gang with great luck, but this kind of harvest is enough to be proud of among all people.

What\'s more, not all of the heavens and earth Yuangang that escaped at that time may be found.

Shang Xia asked Kou Chongxue for help many times, and once joined forces with his Yuangang incarnation in Changfeng City. He knew that Yuangang had a spirit, and it was not easy to find it, and even more difficult to subdue it after finding it.

However, after Shang Xia obtained the essence of Yuan Gang, he would naturally be coveted by other masters.

But before Shang Xia defeated the golden-faced warrior first, then scared away the bronze mirror warrior, and then broke through the joint interception of two fourth-tier masters with a single knife, and escaped calmly in the battle group of the big melee. For peace and combat power, many warriors who spied on were afraid.

However, Shang Xia naturally wouldn\'t leave just like that. Instead, after leaving the place of melee for a certain distance, he wrapped the cloak behind him again, temporarily hiding his figure.

The mutton fat jade pendant that Shang Xia just got was obviously just a temporary thing to seal the essence of Yuangang.

At this time, most of the surface of the jade pendant was covered with cracks, and the essence of Yuan Gang inside would probably escape from the broken jade pendant in a short time.

This is probably also the reason why the golden-faced warrior and the bronze-mirror warrior can\'t wait to compete for the arc-shaped jade disc. They urgently need a stable carrier that can seal the essence of Yuan Gang.

At the same time, Shang Xia probably already understood how the scuffle in the distant void happened.

This Yuangang essence is so difficult to capture, even if a warrior can get it, he can\'t keep it in himself, but he doesn\'t want to be taken by others for nothing, so he can only engage in pointless fights.

Even if you get it by chance like the golden masked warrior, you can only seal it for a short time. If you can\'t escape in time, the sealing time has passed, and the essence of Yuangang will inevitably be exposed by itself, and it will attract other people\'s coveting and snatching .

Moreover, Shang Xia suddenly realized at this time that the people they coveted him before were not only for the essence of Yuangang, but also for the carrier of the essence of Yuangang, such as the arc-shaped jade bi!

Just as Shang Xia wanted to understand the reason behind this, the jade pendant in his hand was finally stretched to its limit.

With a crisp sound of "click", the jade pendant finally shattered, and as soon as the dark golden smog-like stream condensed from it, it was about to slip through Shang Xia\'s palm.

However, as early as the moment when the essence of Yuangang was leaked, Shang Xia\'s palm was already filled with the original spirit, and the power of reincarnation of the four seasons circulated, forming a cage along the five grasping fingers.

That ray of light rushed left and right between the palm and the fingers, but it still couldn\'t escape Shang Xia\'s palm.

Seeing this, Shang Xia smiled slightly, and in his other hand was already the largest piece of fragment he had picked up from the broken curved jade.

As Shang Xia brought the fragment closer to his palm, the ray of Yuangang essence seemed to find a breakthrough in an instant, and immediately penetrated into the inside of the jade bi fragment, and then it was like the first ray of Yuangang essence that Shang Xia got. , huddled into a ball among the fragments and completely quieted down.

However, unlike when the first ray of Yuangang essence entered the Yuanyuan jade, the size of the Yuanyuan jade instantly shrunk a circle. After this Yuangang essence penetrated into the jade fragments, Shang Xia felt that the originally black jade got dimmer.

It seems that this jade bi fragment is really similar to Yuanyuan Gangyu.


If this is the case, this ray of Yuangang essence cannot stay in the jade for too long.

Shang Xia looked at the darker and darker color of the jade fragments, and thought to himself, if this ray of Yuangang essence was allowed to grow in it towards the heaven and earth Yuangang, even if it succeeded, who would dare to use it?

It may be said that this piece of jade and the essence of Yuangang inside will be completely abolished.

Thinking of this, Shang Xia carefully inspected the fragments of the mutton fat jade pendant, and found that the material of the jade pendant was somewhat similar to that of Yuanyuan Gangyu.

It\'s just that the quality of that piece of jade pendant is not only inferior to that of Yuanyuan Gangyu, but also inferior to the fragments of jade bi.

The two wisps of Yuangang essence had a place to settle temporarily, and Shang Xia was not worried about losing it. After he was relieved, he moved the Square Monument again with divine will to see if he could find the whereabouts of other heaven and earth Yuangang or Yuangang essence.

Shang Xia squeezed the twitching eyebrows with Youzhou\'s thumb and index finger, looked at the void that was still in the melee, and reprimanded in a voice that only he could hear: "I don\'t believe it, except there, other directions There is no Heaven, Earth Yuangang or Yuangang essence to get away!"

The beating of the Square Monument gave Shang Xia a very simple reminder that the void that was caught in the melee was the place where the most Yuan Gang and the essence of Yuan Gang gathered.

However, Shang Xia had just escaped from inside, so naturally he didn\'t want to rush in again.

What\'s more, he has already exposed a certain strength before, and he has been confirmed to have the essence of Yuangang and the means to seal the essence of Yuangang. Once he returns to the place of melee, he is bound to become the target of public criticism. siege.

Although Shang Xia had absolute confidence in his own cultivation and combat power, he was not so arrogant that he would ignore everyone\'s cooperation.

After the Sifangbei jumped together in a "chug chug" together, seeing Shang Xia\'s indifference, he seemed to have finally realized something, so he changed the direction and jumped a few times, with an appearance of extremely weak induction.

However, Shang Xia\'s expression suddenly brightened, and he immediately lifted the package of Xiangyun\'s cloak, revealing his figure in the void.

Immediately, he recognized the direction that the Sifangbei re-sensed, and immediately flew towards that direction.

The "beating" between the eyebrows that Shang Xia felt, or the Sifangbei seemed to "jump out" from it, naturally it was not that the Sifangbei was really beating or trying to get out of his head, but more like Shang Xia\'s divine will The embodiment of an alternative way of interaction with the Sifangbei.

But this time, before Shang Xia flew far, the void in front of him suddenly changed from dark to deep, as if a bottomless abyss suddenly appeared in front of him and opened the entrance to him.

Shang Xia\'s divine sense perception is so keen, even though the changes in the void in front of him are extremely subtle, he still stopped immediately, and at the same time, the divine mind bypassed the void in front of him and spread in other directions.


A slightly surprised voice sounded out of nowhere, and the abyss that was still in front of him seemed to come alive at this moment, like a starry sky monster with its huge mouth open, actively devouring towards Shang Xia.

At the same time, Shang Xia\'s divine will suddenly sensed that the void around him was suddenly imprisoned, and even the divine will that spread outward with him was affected.

Shang Xia snorted coldly, but he didn\'t seem to care about the confinement of the space around him at all. He stretched out his left palm, and the surrounding space trembled, and then he suddenly squeezed his palm tightly, The invisible restrictions that imprisoned the void all around suddenly shattered.

A ray of light flashed across the void in the distance and disappeared again.

Shang Xia only let out a sneer, and swiped the Linyuan saber in front of him.

Yuan\'s giant mouth suddenly split open like a curtain, revealing the dark void behind it, and also revealing a figure full of surprise.

"It\'s you!"

Seeing the person in front of him, Shang Xia\'s eyes froze immediately, and at the same time, he became even more on guard.

"As expected, you recognize the old man. It seems that the old man did not find the wrong person. You were the one who murdered the land island of our school in that area full of land fragments, right? It\'s a good trick!"

Shen Yuanzi took a step forward, directly passing through the void pierced by the Linyuan knife. The series of void shocks caused by the original abyss-like space being torn apart did not hurt him at all.

Without any warning, Shang Xia stepped back suddenly, opened the distance between Shen Yuanzi and said in his mouth: "Your Excellency, as a Dzogchen warrior of the Beihai Xuansheng Sect, I know your identity very well. Is it strange?"

Shang Xia almost overturned Beihai Ludao at the beginning, which greatly delayed the time for Beihai Ludao to enter the original void, but he thought to himself that he had never met the warriors of Beihai Xuansheng Sect, and the other party should not recognize him.

What\'s more, Shang Xia participated in the competition for the essence of Yuangang before, so naturally he covered up his true face in the process.

It is related to the opportunity to advance to the Wugang realm, so how could he easily reveal his identity.

And at the moment when Shang Xia retreated, the void abyss that had been torn apart by him in the void on both sides was suddenly aroused, and turned into two spatial fragmentation zones like torrents, and they converged in the void where he was before.

Shen Yuanzi actually ignored the broken void strangling him, crossed the broken void in front of him and approached Shang Xia again, and said with a sneer: "You bastard who hides his head and shows his tail, don\'t you know that your aura has already been captured by the old man, and you can change your identity however you want. As long as you appear in front of this old man, you will have nowhere to hide!"

When Shang Xia heard this, he felt a bit more at ease, knowing that although the other party could lock him through the air mechanism, he actually didn\'t know his identity, and naturally he didn\'t know his background.

Thinking of this, Shang Xia no longer retreated in the void.

The twisted void around him squeezed towards him, but he directly stretched out his hand to press the void, and the chaotic void was immediately smoothed by him.

Shang Xia also walked towards Shen Yuanzi slowly and quickly, and said in a calm tone: "Actually, I am also very curious. Since your Excellency was able to find me, it is natural that I saw that I was fighting with others before, and I must understand that I am here." It is also the same as advancing to the fourth level of great perfection. Even if the time to advance is not as long as Your Excellency, and the methods are not as sophisticated as Your Excellency, but you can come and go freely in front of Your Excellency, so what is the point of Your Excellency stopping you now?"

Before the words fell, Shang Xia suddenly became violent, and the Linyuan knife directly broke through the void and slashed straight at the top of Shen Yuanzi\'s head.

It was also the first time Shang Xia used this "Autumn Sword" in actual combat.

Taking the thirteenth "Liqiu" of the "Twenty-Four Solar Terms Divine Sword" as the general outline, the six-style saber techniques are consolidated into one sword.

This knife doesn\'t care about the momentum, doesn\'t talk about the artistic conception, doesn\'t care about the knife technique, it only depends on the result!

However, just as the saber style was about to fall, Shang Xia\'s brows throbbed violently.

At the same time, Shen Yuanzi, who was standing opposite him, didn\'t care about Shang Xia\'s slash, instead a strange smile appeared on his face, and he opened his mouth and said, "Who told you that there is only this old man?"

In the dark depths of the void behind Shen Yuanzi, a deep shadow suddenly became thicker and thicker, and then more and more outlines began to be outlined in the void and became clear, until the last giant that could not be seen at a glance began to emerge !

Beihai land island!

Without saying a word, Shang Xia directly interrupted the knife pose, ignoring the backlash of evil spirits in his body, turned around and fled!