Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 567

Before Shang Xia, the three knives seemed to be inadequate because of the insufficient control. When each knife was cut out, a large number of shame was scattered from the middle, so that the power of these three knives was weaker than one knife.

In fact, these three knives are the "solar terms" new "solar terms" of Shang Xia, calling for "mang".

Each of the evil Yuans scattered by each knife contains the soul will separate from the soul of Shang Xia, and the evil Yuan Yuan is lurking in the void of the opponent\'s Zhou.

Because in the process of fighting against each other in the process of fighting against each other, it is not only the collision of magical martial arts weapons, but also a comprehensive battle for each other. Such a shy knife style.

In fact, the inspiration of the "mango" of Shangxia comes from the "incarnation symbol", which is the inheritance of the martial arts inheritance from the Lingyu Realm obtained from Nalin. "Incarnation", and the fifth -order "alternative".

During this time, Shang Xia\'s retreat, and some of them also put some energy on trying to make these three martial arts.

The third -order "Paper Man" is not very difficult for Shang Xia. He even started to make a few pieces and just used it.

However, because there is no fourth -order rune paper, Shang Xia can only be deduced because there is no fourth -order rune paper.

Unexpectedly, in the process of deduction, it was to let Shang Xia touch the class by passing through. From the method of making the "incarnation" method, I realized that the knife technique in which the darkness was shaped and the stove was set up.

Even for the sake of caution, Shang Xia was exerting three consecutive times on the time of the enemy, in order to ensure that everything was lost.

It turns out that Shang Xia\'s knife technique is really extraordinary. At the moment of launching, he almost trapped the Lingyu warrior who reached the fourth -order Dacheng.

With all the heads and feet, more than ten knives woven into a knife net, which made him unavoidable, but could only be a hard gear!

However, this person was able to be sent here, and naturally there was a way to save lives. At the critical moment, I saw that this person made a seal again with one hand, but he pressed the seal directly on his body.

The first layer of cold hit the body instantly, and could actually cover a thick layer of ice armor without interfering with the light protection light. The freezing is not exaggerated.

More than a dozen knife mangs instantly cut into the protective light of the body, followed by the sound of the ice armor cracking and broken. I don\'t know if it is because of the consumption of the Yuanyuan or frozen in the ice.

Don\'t wait for his body

Standing in the air in the air, the whole person seemed to be dragged hard. Not only did the more and more stingy, but even the whole person walked towards Shang Xia.

But it turned out that the other side of the ice chain in this person was still grasped in Shang Xia\'s hands. It was dragged by Shang Xia. The Lingyuwu man was not only more difficult to maintain his body, and the distance between the two was closer.

When Shang Xia drank lightly, the Baijian sword in her hand was thrown out as a hidden weapon.

This type is that Shang Xia applied the gun type with a long sword, and was controlled by the four seasons. It was even more indestructible.

When Bai Geng\'s sword flew out, he directly torn the void, and directly shocked the Lingyu warrior who was dragged by Shang Xia\'s unstable shape.

I saw this person reached out and touched his chest for a while, but he found an ice mirror from it, and took a picture of the Baijian sword thrown towards Fei.

When the mirror surface appeared on the mirror surface, there was a mirror mapping, but there was a sword qi that was more powerful than the Bai Golden Sword out of the mirror, and turned towards Shangxia.

At the same time, he heard a crisp sound, and the Baijin Sword body directly crushed the ice mirror in the man\'s hand, and then penetrated the palm of the mirror.

But at this point, the sword of Baijian Sword has been decadent, and it is no longer unable to go further.

The other sword qi reflected from the ice mirror was dragged down from the top of his head directly from the top of his head from the top of his head, and the sword was chopped finely before getting close to Shang Xia.

However, Shang Xia did not stop, following her left hand holding Linyuan knife, and then slaughtered again.

This time Lingyuwu seemed unavoidable.

Unexpectedly, this person suddenly made a drink, and directly broke the ice chain that was sacrificed by him for a long time with his fate.

Lingyuwu immediately sprayed a bloody mist, but turned into the blood -colored ice residue in the air.

At the same time, 70 % of the broken ice chains were in the hands of Lingyu martial arts, and the remaining 30 % were still caught by Shang Xia.

The Lingyu warrior shakes the broken ice chain, and the Linyuan knife that will fall off in the mid -air will avoid the almost to kill. The ice chain is also off -hand, but this person is As a result, the bond with Shang Xia and recovered freedom.

So the person turned to choose to escape for the first time, and in the blink of an eye, he had already stunned more than ten miles in the void!

Shang Xia knew that Lingyuwu had always had various means of defending enemies and fleeing foreign objects, and it was always difficult to kill. This was so deliberate to calculate with the knife -type "mang".

Seeing that this person even revealed his back

When it comes out, Shang Xia simply discarded the knife type with the old Lingyuan knife, and the volley was a "four elephant palms"!

Although this type of palm method has not been accumulated, it is far from being compared with the previous strike of the floating land island, but it is far from what Lingyu warriors who have escaped the escape after the inner surgeon can bear it.

Seeing that this person was already indifferent, he saw that the person suddenly shot a slap size from the cuffs and looked like a small boat with a paper.

However, when the small boat was flying out, it had transformed into a long and short flying boat at the foot, and then saw that the person opened his mouth and sprayed on the flying boat, and then the whole person had been committed to it. On the flying boat.

And then Feizhou\'s bite of his life and blood helped, and suddenly broke the void, carrying Lingyuwu who did not enter the void.

Shang Xia obviously did not expect that this person died in the end of this way. There was still such a means of escaping. The four elephant palms fell directly to the place where the flying boat did not enter. The bloody boat was dyed, and it quickly turned into a fluffy paper crumbs.

Although Shang Xia has completely occupied the upper hand in this battle, and the enemy\'s hit in the future, and even forced the opponent to escape the two destiny in Dantian, it can almost be said that the person has been cut off in the future to get a glimpse five in the future five. The possibility of heavy sky.

However, for Shang Xia, he still felt sorry for himself, just a little bit, and he could stay here forever!

Unfortunately, this person eventually escaped!

The warriors in Lingyujie are really hard to kill!

Compared with the same -order martial arts, the means of fighting for fighting are more abundant, and there are more foreign objects such as various weapons and different treasures that can be used.

However, Shang Xia has further determined the position of his own combat power at this time. It is about the strong four -order master of warrior, or the warrior who has trained the four -order big magical martial arts, but it is definitely necessary Bi Cen Yu\'s the most top four -order four -order successful warriors are slightly inferior.

However, if Shang Xiazheng had the opportunity to encounter the top four -order warrior such as Cen Yu next time, he would have a complete grasp of the whole body of the person.

Of course, the premise is that this person has never advanced the five days!

After some measurement, Shang Xia consciously entered the country, and finally diluted the annoyance of the Lingyuwu who escaped from him.

But at this time, Shang Xia suddenly realized that he seemed to ignore something.

After thinking about it, he suddenly "oh" patted his head, and finally remembered that when he found the Lingyuwu, he had a shame to the depths of the land island.