Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 545

Shang Xia left the auspicious cloud cloak to Bu Jingshuang, let it still turn into auspicious clouds, and carried the four of them back to Tongyou station.

And Shang Xia returned to the Xuefeng Mountains alone.

The beam of original light that was thousands of miles away came into view again.

Without Shang Xia\'s previous cover of wind, snow, clouds and mist, although this beam of original light has shrunk again, it is not as hazy as before.

"What\'s going on, even though those people don\'t have the means to devour the origin of the world like the Square Monument in their hands, but the speed is not so slow, and it is still standing there brightly until now. Isn\'t this deliberately attracting people to snatch it?"

Shang Xia looked at the original beam of light thousands of miles away, and was greatly puzzled.

Because of this, he slowed down instead of rushing there to snatch it. Instead, he restrained his aura to the extreme, and began to slowly approach the position where the original beam of light was.

Previously, when Shang Xia was helping Yan Su\'e break through the siege, he took the opportunity to get close to the original beam of light, causing the Sifang Monument to swallow one-third of the original beam of light, but he never checked whether there was any change on the Sifang Monument.

At this time, when he sank into his mind with his mind, he found that the whole body of this square monument was actually red.

Looking carefully around the four sides of the stele, Shang Xia quickly noticed that three sides of the stele were intact without any cracks and gaps. Only the cracks on the last stele remained from top to bottom. The slightest bridging phenomenon.

This made Shang Xia feel puzzled. The amount of the source of heaven and earth he took from the pillar of light before was not small, and the source of heaven and earth presented by the beam of light was not only pure but also extremely concise, far from what he had in the Two Worlds Battlefield. The original tide captured in it is comparable.

According to Shang Xia\'s estimation, even if such a large amount of the source of heaven and earth can\'t make up most of the cracks on the last stele body, it should at least heal a small half, or at least one third of the stele body. Right now, the last stele shows no signs of healing at all, which is a bit strange.

Where was the huge source of heaven and earth used before?

Shang Xia stared at the reddish stele body, but when he examined it carefully, it wasn\'t that the stele body itself changed color, but a thin layer of red light appeared on the surface of the stele body.

Could this be the reason why most of the origin of the land disappeared that day?

Shang Xia was thinking in his heart, while carefully examining the stele body Shang Xia with his own spirit, and tried to touch the thin layer of red light, but still found nothing.

At this moment, Shang Xia acted on a whim, and landed his will behind the stele with only cracks left, and then slowly penetrated his perception into those cracks.


Shang Xia felt as if his mind had fallen into a bottomless abyss all of a sudden, and seemed to be swallowed by some strange giant beast, and even his whole body trembled, and cold sweat gushed out of his forehead in an instant.

Shang Xia couldn\'t help the throbbing in his heart, and looked around for a while. After realizing that there was no danger around him, he put his mind on the Sifangbei in his mind again, or more precisely, fell into it again. In that "bottomless abyss".

It wasn\'t until this time that Shang Xia held back the throbbing in his heart, and began to perceive everything in this "abyss" with his own divine will.

Only then did I realize that everything "in front of me" does not seem to be called "the abyss", it should be more like a crack inside a mountain peak.

It\'s just that there are many cracks, deeper and farther, extending in all directions, like a naturally formed maze.

In an instant, Shang Xia suddenly recalled, what kind of "abyss" is this? This should be the inside of the Sifangbei!

Those gaps that look like cracks in the mountain should be the situation inside the square stele itself.

The damage to the Sifangbei is not only the cracks on the surface of the Sifangbei, but also the internal damage.

In the same way, the cracks on the surface of the stele were healed by the source of heaven and earth, but the internal damage was not repaired as well.

However, most of the original source of heaven and earth absorbed by the Sifang Monument was used to restore the interior of the stele after bridging the remaining cracks on the surface of the second stele.

If Shang Xia only healed the cracks on the surface of the Sifang stele and ignored the damage inside the stele, this rare treasure that he has not known until now can only end up with nothing but gold and jade.

And once all the cracks on the four sides of the stele were healed, it would be difficult for Shang Xia to find out the damage inside the stele, let alone repair it.

As for why Shang Xia didn\'t notice the situation inside the Sifangbei from the beginning, it should be that the Sifangbei deliberately obstructed it.

The reason lies in the devouring power inside the stele, which made Shang Xia unable to investigate the situation before he advanced to the fourth heaven.

And even after advancing to the fourth level, although his own divine will has undergone a qualitative change, it is still reluctant to withstand the internal devouring power.

Until now, Shang Xia\'s refinement of the natal spirit has continued to deepen, and his own spirit has also continued to grow, and finally he was able to withstand the devouring power generated by the damage inside the stele, and finally crossed this threshold.

After thinking about this, Shang Xia finally escaped his spirit from the inside of the Sifang stele, and sighed as he looked at the cracks on the surface of the only remaining stele.

Although it was only a short period of investigation, Shang Xia was able to conclude that the repair of the internal crack damage may be more difficult than the repair of the external surface of the stele, and the origin of the world may be more massive.

For a long time to come, he will probably go farther and farther on the road of chasing the origin of heaven and earth.

What is this square monument?


After temporarily diverting his attention from the square tablet in his mind, Shang Xia found that he had returned to a position one or two hundred miles away from the original beam of light.

At this time, a not-so-severe fluctuation of vitality suddenly came from tens of miles away in front of the left. Shang Xia\'s heart moved, and he carefully extended his mind towards the direction of the fluctuation of vitality.


Shang Xia was stunned, but soon realized something was wrong: "No, no, this is a forbidden trap!"

Shang Xia pondered for a while, then made up his mind, and continued to approach the position where the forbidden trap was located.

And as the distance got closer, the vitality fluctuations that seemed somewhat obscure at first gradually became clearer.

"It\'s actually a four-level heaven warrior fighting. This is not a restriction trap at all, but an entanglement between the formation and the restriction. It is such a clever method. It can not only trap the fourth-level masters, but also suppress the fluctuating aura caused by the battle. To such an extent!"

The closer Shang Xia got to this forbidden trap, the more cautious he became.

Since the opponent can set up a trap here, it is naturally possible to set up a second trap.

At the same time, what made Shang Xia even more amazed was how long it took for him and Yan Su\'e to break through and leave, and those people were able to deploy such a huge means around the beam of original light. What kind of courage is this?

How is this possible for those down-and-out native fighters in Man Yuzhou who hold a middle-grade sharp weapon as a treasure?

If before Shang Xia believed that Cen Yu and others were a mysterious third-party force, he was only 60% to 70% sure, now it is almost 100% sure.

But the more this is the case, the more it proves that these people have big plans, and the more Shang Xia wants to understand, what is the purpose of these people coming to Manyu Continent!

Thinking of this, Shang Xia immediately made a move, and slapped the exquisite formation restriction with a volley of palms.

The Four Elephant Palm is now being used more and more proficiently in Shang Xia\'s hands, and with the continuous improvement of Shang Xia\'s cultivation base and the continuous refinement of the Four Seasons Spirit Sha, its power is increasing day by day.


There are no earth-shattering sounds, let alone scenes that shake the earth.

The spiritual light on the surface of the forbidden building smiled quickly like snow that had been splashed with boiling water. The originally suppressed vitality fluctuations suddenly became violent, and even the earth-shattering roar directly triggered several snow blocks within a few miles. Peak avalanche potential.

However, the power of the Four Elephant Palms is not just for dissolving a few restrictions, the rest of the power is directly imprinted on the formation, although it has not been directly broken, but the power of the Four Seasons Shaguang, which decays everything like the years, makes the whole body The operation of the formation method seems to have been in disrepair for a long time, and it is also restricted everywhere.

The Tier 4 expert who was trapped in the formation restriction was able to persevere until now, and he is not an idle person. He suddenly realized that the opportunity to escape was in front of him, and immediately poured out his own evil energy like a lifeless one. Bumped out of the formation directly.

Then there was a loud bang, and a man with disheveled hair and looking very embarrassed rushed out from the distorted light and shadow, his eyes swept around, as if he was suspicious because he didn\'t find anything, he immediately turned around and took a look. Protecting himself with a steel mace, he yelled at the formation that had just broken through: "Bitch, where did you come from? Xue was in danger of being murdered by you!"

The dense light and shadow flickered again, and an acquaintance flew out of it.

Liu Yu\'s gaze also glanced around with doubts and anxiety, and then his gaze fell on the seemingly corrupted barriers on the periphery of the formation, and his expression became more and more ugly.

When Shang Xia saw that the person rushing out was actually Liu Yu, he also felt a burst of astonishment.

At the same time, he became more and more curious about the person who rushed out first.

That Liu Yu\'s strength is not considered weak, the actual fourth level cultivation base of the Four Heavens, although a little lacking in courage, but in terms of strength, it is only a little worse than Yan Su\'e.

With the help of the formation, that Liu Yu could only barely gain the upper hand in the process of fighting with this person, and was eventually broken out by him, which shows that this person\'s cultivation base is not weak.

Seeing this, Shang Xia restrained his aura more and more tightly.