Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 532

The moment the majestic divine impact rushed to the ground three feet in front of You Shang, it was like encountering an invisible barrier.

Although under the impact of one wave after another, the barrier in front of You Shang kept retreating, and even he couldn\'t help but retreat a few feet in mid-air, and the expression on his face was even more serious. With a ferocious look of gnashing teeth, it is obvious that it is very hard to resist.

Even so, he still persisted stubbornly.

Not only that, at the moment when the other party\'s divine power exploded, the clouds and mist in the surrounding sky were driven away from a distance, but at this time, only the sky behind You Shang was not affected, but turned into a cloud due to the accumulation of more clouds and mist. There was a large black cloud.

"you again!"

Seeing that his own divine impact could not do anything to the opponent, the warrior who rushed up from the ground also avoided possible attacks in the process and successfully gained a firm foothold.

But at this time, from the furious words of the other party, it can be seen that the two not only know each other but also have a long-standing relationship.

"Brother Su Jinyuan, we meet again!"

You Shang, who took a breath, cupped his hands and smiled with his face still a little pale.


The other party snorted heavily, and said in a deep voice: "Su Mou said to Your Excellency before that this snow-capped mountain area is large enough, and Su Mou only wants to cultivate here for a while. Do you really want to make things difficult for Su when you think that your Excellency has turned back on you? "

You Shang heard the words but wondered: "Come on slowly! Brother Su did say that the well water does not violate the river water, but why did you say yes? But it is all wishful thinking of Brother Su."

Su Jinyuan was stunned when he heard the words, and said sarcastically: "So! Su forgot, Dao brother did not agree. Earlier when Su and Dao brother fought, Dao brother was at a disadvantage. At that time, he may have only cared about escaping and never listened. Are you there?"

"Rumble rumble—"

A low thunderous sound suddenly came from the thick clouds accumulated behind You Shang, and there was even a faint golden-red thunder glow walking and shuttling among them.

During the confrontation between the two high-ranking senior warriors of the Four Heavens, Su Jinyuan\'s aura was obviously stronger. Although You Shang was still as stable as a rock under the oppression of his aura, he couldn\'t change his defensive situation.

After being expelled from all directions by Su Jinyuan\'s aura, the clouds and mist and water vapor scattered all around could only gather behind You Shang, and even formed a spectacle of dense thunderclouds above the continuous snow-capped mountains.

Facing Su Jinyuan\'s ridicule, You Shang snorted coldly, and his voice even directly overwhelmed the muffled thunder in the sky behind him: "It\'s useless to talk more, a certain family had a lot of fun in the previous World War I, and a certain family has been practicing for a long time. I have gained quite a lot, and I am here to ask for advice today!"

When You Shang was speaking, the bronze spear in his hand pointed towards Su Jinyun, who was miles away.

But at this moment, the long spear seemed to be roaring with the thundercloud accumulated behind him, and there was a large piece of subtle thunder hanging down on the long spear in the air, as if You Shang could still borrow the power of thunder from heaven and earth when he shot the spear the next moment !

Not only that, You Shang, who had always been passive in the imposing competition between the two, also gained a little initiative by virtue of the spear in his hand and the thunder in the sky.

"Forget it!"

Su Jinyuan said loudly: "Since this is the case, then in today\'s battle, you and I will not only decide the outcome, but also life and death!"

After all, I saw this person stretch out his hand

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With a swipe of the sky, a three-foot long sword flew out of it, and then circled above his head as if it had a spirituality, but the tip of the sword always faintly pointed to You Shang\'s position.

This person\'s weapon vaguely has some characteristics of a divine weapon, and what he uses is actually a rare skill of controlling a sword.

You Shang had obviously suffered a small loss at the hands of this person before, so he naturally understood the sharpness of this person\'s methods, seeing that the moment this person sacrificed the flying sword, he should have chosen to strike first.

The body of the bronze long spear has a blood light flashing, and the moment it penetrates the void, it is accompanied by a thunder light, which can increase its speed by three points.

The distance of several miles was smoothed out in an instant, and the moment the spear head protruded from the void in front of Su Jinyuan, the snow demon that emerged from it instantly rendered the surrounding world a bloody color.

Facing You Shang\'s charged blow, Su Jinyuan\'s expression was calm, and with a slight movement of his thoughts, a cyan natal spirit suddenly emerged above his head and merged into the three-foot long sword.

The long sword suddenly trembled slightly, making a heart-pounding trembling sound, and suddenly disappeared above its head, followed by a sound of metal and iron clattering, and the surrounding area was rendered into A piece of blood-colored void suddenly shattered like a torn curtain.

In the sky more than ten miles away, Shang Xia, who was hiding in the dark clouds, was half relying on God\'s will, half relying on belief, accumulating the power of thunder in the dark clouds little by little, and at the same time not forgetting to pay attention to the distant war.

And when the cyan natal evil spirit emerged above Su Jinyuan\'s head, Shang Xia\'s eyes widened suddenly.

Shang Xia would not think that the abundant and thick blue evil spirit was that the other party had only smelted one kind of natal spirit, but that the other party had truly achieved the unity of the four evil spirits!

Integrating the four smelted natal spirits into one, this is the embodiment of the cultivation of the four heavens.

Although Shang Xia was already prepared when he discovered that You Shang\'s own cultivation had reached the fourth level, but when he really saw the moment when Su Jinyuan showed the fourth level of cultivation, he was still in his heart. Can\'t help but secretly sigh.

Not to mention Shang Xia\'s psychological changes here, let\'s say that You Shang\'s charged blow was easily dispelled by the opponent with a single sword strike, and the bronze spear was about to be knocked into the air when it swirled in mid-air.

And at this moment, a hand suddenly came out of the sky, grabbed the end of the spear and shook it lightly, the long spear immediately turned like a cloud-turning python, and strangled the flying sword hovering in the mid-air come.

Seeing You Shang\'s instant kung fu, Su Jinyuan bullied him, and he was also secretly jealous. He pinched his fingers under the toga, and a series of imperial sword tricks attracted the flying sword in midair like a butterfly wearing a flower. Under the strangulation of the bronze spear, it flashed nimbly, and waited for an opportunity to counterattack from time to time.

In an instant, a burst of "jingle ding dong dong" came like the dense sound of chaotic beads falling into a jade plate, and there was only a piece of gun shadow and sword light left in the world, the void was cut to pieces, and the huge vitality storm spread to the void in a radius of more than ten miles. Everything inside was torn to pieces.

And at this moment, You Shang shouted loudly, turning a blind eye to the almost pervasive sword energy and sword light lingering around, the bronze spear flicked in the air, and immediately there were four evil lights, each of which was condensed by a natal spirit The long spear was separated, and then it pierced Su Jinyuan\'s body together with the bronze long spear from different directions at the same time.

You Shang\'s gun tactic is the most important thing. It hurts yourself before hurting others. It seems to be at a disadvantage, but once the opponent is forced to back down, the momentum will be completely taken away by him. Next

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It will definitely be a stormy attack.

What You Shang gambled on was that Su Jin would not choose this kind of play that was close to losing both sides when he believed that he was half as good as him in terms of cultivation and strength.

However, a sneer came from Su Jinyuan\'s mouth, and You Shang knew that he had made a wrong bet.

Su Jinyuan also did not lack the courage to confront him head-on.

I saw that this person suddenly opened his arms, protruding his hands from the big sleeves of the toga, and at the same time activated the sword art. The sword energy all over the sky instantly gathered back, and condensed into a huge blue light giant sword in mid-air, facing him He chopped off his head towards the top of You Shang\'s head.

Since You Shang\'s goal of seizing the initiative has not been achieved, then he simply had a head-to-head collision.

In an instant, everything between the heaven and the earth became silent. The five giant spears controlled by You Shang were instantly annihilated in two ways and under the giant blue light sword, followed by two more shattered. In the end, only The bronze spear held tightly in his hand collided with the blue light giant sword.

You Shang\'s clothes immediately turned into rags, looking quite embarrassed.

However, he held the gun forward, and it was inconvenient to maintain his figure, but the whole body was shaken back several feet in the sky, directly distorting the void around him along the way.

The blue light giant sword also disintegrated, but the three-foot long sword still made a clear sound, guarding Su Jinyuan.

"Ha, the four evil spirits do not belong to each other, and they fight each other independently. Brother Dao turned out to use Su to sharpen his knife!"

As soon as Su Jinyuan opened his mouth, the three-foot long sword suddenly split into two swords in the void, and then the two swords turned into four swords, the four swords became eight swords, and the eight swords became sixteen swords...

When his words fell, the void in front of You Shang was filled with countless sword lights.

Facing the scalp-numbing sword light in front of you, You Shang was calm and fearless, and said coldly: "Everyone is mutual, why don\'t you want to use the power of a certain family to take the last half step, and get a glimpse of the fourth stage in one fell swoop?" The doorway to the Great Consummation?"

"Since everyone has their own plans, let\'s enjoy this battle and try Su\'s \'Galaxy Sword Art\'!"

As soon as Su Jinyuan finished speaking, he drew the sword formula in his hand, and the sword light filled the sky like meteors falling from the night sky, shooting towards You Shang from different directions.

At the same time, You Shang\'s expression was still serious to the extreme, he was seen holding the barrel of the gun tightly with both hands, shaking the big bronze gun in his hand rapidly.

Every time it shakes, the huge gun head cuts a perfect stream of light in mid-air.

And as You Shang shook the big gun in his hand more and more quickly, the streams of perfect streamers pierced by the tip of the gun were regenerated without waiting for annihilation, so that there were more and more circles of perfect streamers in the midair. Dense, and as You Shang retreated slowly in mid-air, a vortex was gradually formed that was outlined by countless flowing light lines.

When the sword glow approached You Shang, it was surrounded by circles of light, and then sucked into the vortex like a moth throwing a flame, and finally annihilated and disappeared.

However, the sword light is still vast and boundless. Although You Shang can hold a stalemate for a short time, but after a long time, he will undoubtedly be at a disadvantage in this kind of confrontation.

But even so, Su Jinyuan seemed to be still not satisfied, so when You Shang was exhausted, he suddenly took out another object from his sleeve robe to sacrifice, but saw a fist-sized pearl suddenly shooting out a brilliant light, which was not affected by it. The influence of the sky-filled sword light and spear line directly aimed at You Shang\'s eyes.