Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 526

After coming out from Yunjing\'s place, Shang Xia probably understood his responsibilities for the next period of time.

After Shang Bo searched for a place to retreat and practice painstakingly, and Yun Jing had to retreat to recover from her injuries, all the affairs of the Tongyou Station would fall on Liu Qinglan.

Although everyone knew that Shang Xia was actually the most powerful person in the entire garrison at this time, but in terms of seniority and seniority, he was the lowest among them all.

But Shang Xia himself also had a duty, and although it was the simplest, it was also the most dangerous, that was to step out of the station to guard the formation, and restore the control of the Tongyou lineage over the original sphere of influence.

Regarding how Tongyou Academy controls the surrounding sphere of influence, he has already got the answer from Chu Jia.

When Shang Xia saw Shang Ke again, the old man looked refreshed. Where was the slightest depression caused by the severance of the martial arts path?

"This is you?"

Shang Xia looked at Shang Ke in confusion, but didn\'t know how to speak for a moment.

"The wounds are healed!"

Shang Ke said with a smile: "I can probably guess what Yunjing wants you to do. Now, Grandpa Fifth, I can help you again."

Shang Xia said with guilt: "I should have left a few more talismans for you, otherwise you wouldn\'t have..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Before Shang Xia finished speaking, he was interrupted by Shang Ke\'s big and small voices, and he smiled and waved his hands and said, "Boy, you don\'t have to worry about it. a good thing."

Seeing the puzzled look on Shang Xia\'s face, Shang Ke slowly put away his smile, and sighed slightly: "In order to keep up with your grandfather\'s footsteps and to make the family grow further, the old man has actually been supporting. "

"In order to support me in the early years, your grandfather used a lot of resources on me. Unfortunately, my aptitude in martial arts is not satisfactory. No matter my cultivation base or combat power, I have always been on the same level."

"I gave up my obsession many times in my heart, but my family was weak at that time. Even your uncle\'s generation, most of them had not yet matured. In desperation, I could only bite the bullet and hold on."

Shang Xia said: "No matter what happened in the past, but now that your cultivation has reached such a point, wouldn\'t it be a pity to give up?"

Shang Ke still shook his head and smiled and said, "It\'s fine to drag your grandfather down in the past, at least I still feel that I am my brother, so I don\'t need to be too polite. But now you juniors have started to take care of me, an old man, doesn\'t it seem like an old man? Too useless?"

Shang Xia shook his head and said: "You can\'t say that, these years you..."

Shang Ke reached out his hand again to stop Shang Xia\'s words, and said seriously: "Son, the merchant is no longer what it used to be. Except for me and your grandfather, your third aunt Shangpei, and you, on the surface we already have four merchants. Fourth-tier masters, but in terms of high-level combat power, they are not even weaker than the Zhu family in Youzhou back then. Besides, your second uncle may have already succeeded in advancing to the fourth-tier heaven, but in the current situation, maybe I will secretly sit in Tongyou City for a period of time."

Shang Ke sighed again, with a look of guilt on his face, and said: "Son, Fifth Grandpa is tired and a little scared, it\'s better to fight for that illusory possibility for me than to tire everyone Simply put an end to this thought completely, it\'s time for me, as an elder, to fight for some benefits for you younger generations of the family."

Speaking of this, the heavy color on Shanke\'s face was swept away, and the whole person once again returned to the state of refreshment at the beginning: "Said

To be honest, when I learned that the possibility of further cultivation was completely ruined because of the damage to the original source, my whole body suddenly relaxed, and the heavy feeling that had been tense before suddenly disappeared. Then most of them were removed. "

After listening to Shang Ke\'s half confession, half explanation, Shang Xia felt that he really shouldn\'t ask too much from his uncle.

Thinking back now, my great-uncle was indeed a meek and easy-going personality.

It\'s just that the family situation in the past did not allow him to be at ease. In order to share the pressure on Shang Bo, he had to bite the bullet and move forward. Now that the way forward is cut off, everything went according to his wish.

The grandfather and grandson chatted for a while, and Shang Xia suddenly remembered something, and asked, "I didn\'t expect that Ji, Liu, and Yun\'s family had other fourth-tier warriors. Did you know about this?"

Shang Ke shook his head and said, "I recognize all three of these people, but I really didn\'t expect them to be alive, and they have all advanced to the fourth level. But your grandfather may know about this."

Shang Xia nodded, and said: "This is the background of the three of them as the Youzhou family in the past?"

Shang Ke said with a smile: "Maybe, but today, our business is no different from these three. But..."

Shang Xia asked, "But what?"

Shang Ke pondered for a while, and said: "Before Ji Wenlong advanced to the fifth heaven, without the support of the blessed land, the only way to enter the vault outside the sky was to rely on the guidance of the fifth heaven warrior."

Shang Xia followed Shang Ke\'s intentions and said, "That\'s right, these three people, together with Lu Siyuan and Fang Kewei, are obviously all taken by Chief Kou Shan to the Heavenly Vault of Heaven."

Shang Ke said: "It\'s fine for Lu Siyuan and Fang Kewei, but Yun Shu, Ji Wenbin, and Liu Jikun don\'t belong to Tongyou College. Why did Kou Chongxue bring them there?"

Shang Xia thought about it: "You mean, are there any secret deals or tacit understandings between these three families and Chief Kou Shan? But now two of these three have died, and only Liu Jikun is left."

Shang Ke looked a little dignified and said: "I\'m not worried about the secret affair between the three of them and Kou Chongxue, what I\'m worried about is your grandpa!"

Seeing Shang Xia\'s expression was slightly startled, Shang Ke went on to say: "Don\'t forget that 20 years ago, Tongyou City didn\'t have any four big families, only three big families, and our business was just a family that suffered relatively small losses after the catastrophe. It’s nothing more than a light and medium power. Your grandfather’s cultivation base has soared all these years, which is certainly due to his own opportunities and hard work, but it is undeniable that Kou Chongxue’s strong support is equally important..."

Shang Xia heard the unfinished meaning in Shang Ke\'s words, and said: "You mean Kou Shanchang may ask grandfather to do some unavoidable but dangerous things in the future?"

Shang Ke patted him on the shoulder, and said: "The most difficult thing in this world to repay is a favor! Kou Chongxue may not have any malicious intentions, but who can tell clearly in the future? Before Ji Wenlong advanced to the fifth heaven, the entire Youzhou had only Kou Chongxue alone is qualified to be a chess player in the Cangyu and Cangling worlds, and all of us can only be his pawns."

Shang Xia knew that from the standpoint of the family, his uncle had always been wary of Kou Chongxue and Tongyou Academy.

But Shang Xia could hear what he said today.

In fact, Kou Chongxue not only supported Shang Bo, but also cultivated Shang Xia a lot.

Shang Ke didn\'t teach Shang Xia to be ungrateful, but more importantly, he had to treat the relationship with the academy and the family separately.

In fact, Shang Ke said similar words to Shang Xia more than once.

After Shang Ke knew the task Yun Jing had arranged for Shang Xia, he volunteered to go out with him, but Shang Xia declined in the end.

Shang Ke probably understood that with Shang Xia\'s combat power at this time, as long as he was not surrounded by several times the high-ranking warriors of the Four Heavens, basically no one would be able to defeat him on the land of Manyuzhou. If he followed him, If you really encounter danger, it will become a burden instead, so you no longer force it.

"Oh, yes, there is one more thing!"

Shang Ke patted his forehead, released a bunch of things from the Jinyun box, and said: "These things are the trophies collected from the dead aboriginal warriors before. You have been practicing before, and I will Take away the part that belongs to you first, and now it is considered to be returned to the original owner."

Shang Xia scanned the things on the ground with his eyes. Although there were a lot of them, there were not many that could catch his eyes. He picked up a few things that he might need, and pushed the rest to Shang Ke again. , said: "You always put it away first, and bring it back to the family in the future, maybe other people can use it."

Shang Ke also knew that his grandnephew had a lot of treasures on him, and he didn\'t pay much attention to the frivolous items, so he put them away casually, and said, "These will be used as rewards for you to collect all kinds of talisman-making spiritual materials in the future. Do the math It\'s about time, let\'s go, go out and have a look."

After all, Shang Ke stood up and called Shang Xia to go out as well.

Shang Xia didn\'t understand, so he followed and asked, "But what happened?"

Shang Ke replied: "It\'s nothing, it\'s Qionglu outside the sky who sent other people over."

Shang Xia was surprised: "Didn\'t it mean that this kind of void passage across the star world can only be restarted once in half a year?"

Shang Ke replied without turning his head: "How could Kou Chongxue and Ji Wenlong not respond to such a big event? Besides, the opening of the void channel in the astral realm requires a lot of energy. The reason why it is opened once every six months is because of frequent Opening and attracting attention, now the attack by the high-ranking aboriginal warrior proves that our place has already been exposed, so why is there any need to keep it secret?"

After Shang Xia came outside, Shang Xia was seeing other people flying towards this side from mid-air.

Shang Xia also met for the first time several Tier 4 warriors whom he had never met before, including Fang Kewei, Liu Jikun, and Liu Zhizhi.

Shang Lubing was still recuperating and recovering from his wounds. It was said that this old fritter had provoked too many opponents at the last moment and was accidentally surrounded and beaten.

If Shang Xia and Yun Jing hadn\'t teamed up to kill Hu Wendao and Zhang Tianji and startled the other aboriginal warriors to retreat, maybe he would have confessed on the spot.

At this time, Shang Xia\'s divine will suddenly sensed a huge void wave moving from far to near in the sky above his head.

In just a split second, the clouds above the station flew back in all directions as if frightened.

Liu Qinglan suddenly raised her head and said, "Here we come!"

As soon as the voice fell, a huge and stable void wave came, and a circular space portal opened above the station, and several figures suddenly fell out of it, and then as the portal gradually closed, these figures also moved faster or slower. He stabilized his figure in mid-air.

"Bu Jingshuang, Zhang Haogu, Qian Stone, Yuan Zhen, and Kou Shanchang have acquired the entire family property of Tongyou Academy in one breath!"

Shang Xia looked up at the four of them slowly falling from mid-air, and couldn\'t help but sigh inwardly.