Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 523

With the movements Shang Xia made during his deep sleep, anyone can have a basic guess about his cultivation and strength.

This basic guess does not refer to at least how far Shang Xia\'s cultivation has reached, nor does it refer to how strong his strength is at least...

It means that every Tier 4 martial artist of Tongyou Academy will sincerely praise after watching it: "At least better than me!"


Shang Xia gave Chu Jia a strange look, and finally restrained his tiredness, and asked, "Is it heavy?"

He asked about Yunjing\'s injury.

Chu Jia thought for a while and said, "It\'s heavy, but it won\'t hurt the root. The key is that she still needs to stay in the station and deal with all kinds of disturbances from the outside world, so that she can\'t calm down to recover from her injuries."

Shang Xia asked again: "Is the core of the resident that you defended last, where my grandfather retreated, also there?"

Chu Jia shook her head and said, "I don\'t know. Only Deputy Mountain Chief Yun knows about this matter in Manyuzhou. She hasn\'t mentioned Deputy Mountain Chief Shang these days. She should be fine."

Shang Xia nodded his head indifferently, but he felt a little relieved, but he always had a feeling that his grandfather\'s closed-door retreat might not really be within this garrison guarded by a large formation.

Since Yunjing knew about this matter, Kou Chongxue and Ji Wenlong should also know about it.

Shang Xia asked again: "How is the situation of the others? How about our casualties in the previous battle? Judging by your appearance, the situation does not seem to be very good?"

Chu Jia\'s expression became gloomy all of a sudden, and he said, "Counting the Tongyou garrison, you attacked fourteen fourth-tier warriors..."

Shang Xia was shocked when he heard the words, and sat up from the ground at once, and said: "Come on, come on, fourteen fourth heavens, are you right? Where did Tongyou Academy get so many fourth-tier warriors?"

Although Shang Xia knew that Tongyou Academy had secretly transferred most of the fourth-tier warriors in order to compete for Manyu Continent.

He could even think that there might be hidden powers of high-level warriors inside the academy, but he never expected that Kou Chongxue would be able to shed so many fourth-level warriors in Manyu Continent in one go.

Regarding Shang Xia\'s question, Chu Jia also deeply agreed: "I was very surprised when I first heard about these people. Surprised. According to what he said, Mr. Lu Siyuan Lu once taught in the early days of the college, and it is said that he resigned from his teaching position and traveled around the world. There is also Mr. Fang Keweifang, who was said to have passed away earlier, but he does not know when They were picked up by the head of the mountain and taken to the Heavenly Vault, and have been cultivating until now. One of these two is the second level of the fourth level, and the other is a newcomer to the fourth level."

Shang Xia nodded and asked, "Is there anyone else?"

Chu Jia replied: "Ji Wenbin, the brother of Deputy Chief Ji, is said to have died in the Battle of the Two Realms in his early years; Liu Jikun, the brother of the former Deputy Chief Liu, who died in the Battle of the Two Realms back then, did not show up. There is also a senior named Yun Shu, who is said to be the son of the Yun family, and has been Deputy Chief Yun\'s personal maid in his early years."

These three are obviously family warriors, or they may be the backhands reserved by the Ji, Yun, and Liu families for family inheritance.

Shang Xia couldn\'t help but rubbed his head, and said: "The five four heavens, this is almost the power of a big family, just like that, it\'s just hidden, the mountain chiefs and deputy mountain chiefs seem to be old yin ...you are scheming and calculating, you are far-sighted!"

Although he thought it was unlikely, Shang Xia still couldn\'t help asking: "The four major families in Tongyou City, those three families have hidden their backers in the sky outside the sky. Does our business have any elders who are anonymous?"

Chu Jia resisted the urge to roll her eyes, and said in a flat tone as much as possible: "No

Have! "

Shang Xia actually nodded, with a genuine expression, and said: "That\'s right, among the four major families in Tongyou City, my Shang family is a latecomer, with the most shallow background, not comparable to the other three."

Chu Jia couldn\'t help but let out a "hehe" and said: "Deputy Shanzhang Shang and senior Shang Ke, it is said that there is a direct descendant of the merchant who is living outside and has a martial arts cultivation level, and now you have to add you, Shang Xia. Mr. Shang, four masters of the Fourth Heaven. Oh, there is also Shang Jian who may break through to the Fourth Heaven at any time. Heh, the background of the Shang family is really \'shallow\'!"

"How come you are so familiar with our business?"

Shang Xia made an expression of being afraid of you, moved his buttocks backwards, and said, "Tell me, what are your plans for our business?"

Chu Jia didn\'t know how many times she had rolled her eyes, and said angrily, "Please save yourself, who has time to play tricks with you here?"

Shang Xia sighed helplessly: "Okay, let\'s talk about the casualties this time. I don\'t think you came this time just to chat with me, right?"

Chu Jia was very angry when he heard the words, it was obvious that Shang Xia had been rambling and changing the topic, but now he blamed him, and it was all his own fault.

As the most famous genius formation teacher of Tongyou Academy, Chu Jia is the center of everyone wherever he goes. When did he experience such idleness?

Thinking that he was his teacher after all, and that the elders did not have the same knowledge as the younger ones, he managed to suppress the anger in his heart, tried his best to control his tone, and said: "In this battle, we will kill many aboriginal fourth-rank warriors..."

Speaking of this, she couldn\'t help but look at Shang Xia again. The key to the reversal of this battle lies in Shang Xia and the dozen or so fourth-order martial talismans he brought...

However, thinking of the more than ten fourth-order martial talismans once used up, even Chu Jia, the Great Formation Master, felt a burst of pain, but when he thought about the loss of his side, he couldn\'t care less about the pain. He knew that if Shang Xia hadn\'t thrown more than a dozen fourth-rank martial talismans in one breath, how many high-ranked warriors on his side might have died in this battle.

Unlike Cangyu and Cangling sects who covet Manyu Continent, Tongyou Academy\'s attempt to seize Manyu Continent is almost desperate.

Except for the two fifth-order patriarchs sitting in the sky outside the Cangyu Realm and ready to respond at any time, it can be said that more than half of the essence of the entire Tongyou Academy has gathered here at this time.

"...I attacked fourteen fourth-tier fighters, but four died and four were injured."

Even if Chu Jia is such a cold and arrogant person, he can\'t help feeling sad when he mentioned this.


Shang Xia widened his eyes and said, "Four dead? We lost four fourth-tier masters in this battle?"

Chu Jia nodded and said: "That\'s right, the four people who died were the Gujiao from Neisha, and Lu Siyuan, Yun Shu, and Ji Wenbin from Tianwai. Among these four people, only Mr. Lu Siyuan and Mr. Lu belonged to the second level of the fourth order, and the other three The cultivation bases are all on the first floor of the fourth order."

Among the four people, Shang Xia only knew Gu Shou.

Chu Jia said again: "Apart from these four, there are four more seriously injured, namely Liu Zhi from the Liu family, Shanglu Bingshang from the Kaogong Division, Fang Kewei from the Heavenly Vault, and five of you. Uncle Shangke."

Shang Xia suddenly raised his head and said, "How is my fifth grandfather\'s injury?"

Chu Jia said: "In fact, the injury is not too serious, but the source of his dantian was too severely depleted during the battle, and his foundation was damaged. If he wants to improve his cultivation in the future, it may be impossible."

Shang Xia said "Hey" with a look of annoyance on his face. He regretted that he should not have separated from Shang Ke in the first place.

If the two had been acting together, it was absolutely impossible for Shang Ke to suffer such a fatal injury.

Although Shang Xia knew a long time ago that Shang Ke\'s foundation was not deep enough before he advanced to the Fourth Heaven, and it was unlikely that he would have achieved higher achievements in the Fourth Heaven.

But there is a glimmer of hope and there is no possibility at all, after all, are two different concepts.

"Is there nothing we can do?"

Shang Xia asked unwillingly.

Chu Jia just shook his head silently.

If it were someone else, maybe there are some ways to think about it, but Shanke\'s background is shallow, he was able to advance to the fourth level at first with a bit of luck, and now even he himself has simply given up on going further in the future It\'s possible, just thinking about recovering from the injury.

Shang Xia was silent for a moment, then asked: "Can you figure out the reason why the high-ranking aborigine warriors secretly colluded?"

Chu Jia shook his head and said, "I can only be sure that there must be connivance and instigation by other forces behind this?"

It\'s almost nonsense.

Shang Xia asked again: "Has the news ever spread back to the Qionglu outside the sky? What did Kou Shanchang say?"

"Mr. Kou Shan said that the reason may be the battle of Yunshuijian, and you know the details best."

After Chu Jia relayed Kou Chongxue\'s words, he stared at Shang Xia intently.

Shang Xia was silent for a moment after hearing this, and then sighed: "It really is because of the \'Linxiao Shengang\'!"

Chu Jia is also a generation of ice and snow intelligence, only heard a "Linxiao Shengang", and said: "You have taken away the \'Linxiao Shengang\' and many people know about it, and the deputy head of Shang came to Manyuzhou Since then, Lu has been in retreat and hard training, and has rarely shown himself, so they guessed that Deputy Mountain Chief Shang is going to use the \'Linxiao Shengang\' to attack the fifth heaven?"

Shang Xia nodded, and said: "It is indeed the reason, but not all!"

At this time, what came to Shang Xia\'s mind was the conversation between Kou Chongxue and him about the fusion of the two worlds when he was in the outer sky.

This time, Shang Xia didn\'t ask Chu Jia to ask, so he took the initiative to explain: "To prevent my grandfather from attacking the fifth heaven, to use the hands of aboriginal warriors to consume each other with us, to weaken our strength, and to prevent us from trying to seize the Manyu Continent. Revenge and warning against Kou Shanchang, and so on, the opponent\'s purpose can be counted as killing birds with one stone!"

After all, Shang Xia lay back in the auspicious clouds again, under his dull eyes, was his flashing thought.

However, Chu Jia looked at Shang Xia who was still indifferent in front of him, and finally couldn\'t help scolding: "Are you going to sleep here all the time?"

Shang Xia stared blankly and said, "What are you doing?"

Chu Jia said coldly: "The sphere of influence that we locked for nearly two years before has been divided up after a big battle. If we don\'t take any action, we will only have this one under our feet protected by the formation." Small area."

Shang Xia\'s eyes didn\'t move, he just said in his mouth: "You shouldn\'t tell me about this, but you should tell Deputy Mountain Chief Yun."

"Deputy Chief Yun just said that there is no rush, and we will wait until everyone recovers from their injuries."

Shang Xia said: "Deputy Chief Yun is right."

"But when we heal our injuries, this huge Manyu Continent really won\'t have anything left for us."

"so what?"

Shang Xia\'s eyes finally regained their divine light: "If you lose the land, everyone will lose the land, and if you lose the land, everyone will save the land! Besides, how do you know that those forces who secretly divided up the area we controlled before didn\'t set up a trap on purpose? Just wait until you get out of here before jumping in?"

Chu Jia said: "But what if someone bullies you?"


Shang Xia\'s gaze finally shifted to Chu Jia\'s face, waiting for her to speak.