Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 514

All the things on Shang Xia\'s body were placed in the Qiankun bag, and after a period of self-cultivation, his personal state and strength were at the peak, so after getting Kou Chongxue\'s permission, he went straight along the "Between Two Realms Blending Belt" On the edge of the chasm, I went to find Ji Wenlong.

At this time, Shang Xia repeatedly looked at the spirit gourd in his hand as he walked.

Shang Xia\'s Lingsha Gourd was once transformed by Kou Chongxue, and a small emerald green sword was warmed inside, containing the power of Kou Chongxue\'s sword, but after being used by Shang Xia, only the emerald green sword remained. A sword-shaped phantom appeared.

Later, Shang Xia tried many times to restore the power of this sword shadow, but he couldn\'t do it all the time.

This time Shang Xia took the initiative to go to that continent outside the region, but he took the opportunity to beg Kou Shanzhang to let the sword shadow turn from virtual to real again, and regain the power of a sword of the fifth-level ancestor.

Of course, Kou Chongxue also repeatedly warned that unless it was a critical moment of life and death, this sword must not be used with all its strength, otherwise the five-level weather mechanism would burst out, and Fang Zhoulu would immediately self-destruct.

Under Kou Chongxue\'s guidance, Shang Xia was able to divide this small emerald green sword into two sword auras and cut them out one after another, each with the power equivalent to a full-strength blow of a fourth-order Dacheng warrior.

Such a method would obviously greatly reduce the power of the small emerald green sword, and cause waste in the process of using it. After all, even if the full blows of two fourth-level Dacheng warriors could add up, they were far inferior to a fifth-level sword energy.

However, under the premise of not encountering other fifth-order existences, this is already the strongest hole card that Shang Xia can hold.

When Ji Wenlong saw Shang Xia coming, he just sighed slightly and said, "Son, have you thought it through?"

He obviously already knew that Shang Xia was coming.

Shang Xia smiled and said, "Don\'t worry, I know what I\'m doing, nephew and grandson."

"That\'s good!"

Ji Wenlong didn\'t try to persuade him any more, but returned to him the twelve fourth-order martial talismans he had made earlier, along with a few Jinyun boxes containing various materials, and said, "Since you want a one-off Send them away, and you will hand over these things to them."

After Shang Xia accepted the things, he finally couldn\'t help the curiosity in his heart, and asked: "My nephew once heard from the head of the mountain that even the fifth-order patriarch wants to cross the void of the star realm outside the sky with his body. It is extremely difficult and dangerous. Then how do we open up the void channel and send people to the continents outside the realm that are deeper in the void of the astral world?"

Ji Wenlong didn\'t reply, "Do you know where those blessed lands and secret realms are established?"

Shang Xia had heard Kou Chongxue talk about it before, and said: "I heard that it is built on the weak point of the barriers of the plane world. After the establishment of the blessed land space, it can not only absorb the origin of the world, but also be like a fortress. Protect the weak link of the barrier of the plane world."

Ji Wenlong let out a "hmm" and said, "Although warriors in the Martial Gang Realm can\'t open up void passages in the astral world,

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, but can barely do it with the help of the original power of heaven and earth absorbed by Fudi. "

Shang Xia was slightly taken aback, as if he had grasped something vaguely, and asked: "The Tongyou Mysterious Realm is not a blessed place, so naturally we don\'t have that level of background, so we chose to cooperate with the people from the Changbai Holy Land in the Cangling Realm?"

Although Shang Xia\'s tone remained calm, it was already a little blunt.

Tongyou Academy and Cangling Wuxiu have fought bloody battles between the two worlds for twenty years. Both sides don\'t know how many relatives and friends have put their lives in it. What\'s more, when the Cangling Realm invaded, most of Youzhou fell, causing casualties. It is an astronomical figure.

Even Shang Xia can understand that the fusion of the two realms is irreversible, and the real culprit is not only in the Cangling Realm. He has even roughly understood his plan from Kou Chongxue, but he wants to completely turn around this corner in his heart. Come, but it is not easy.

In fact, Kou Chongxue and Ji Wenlong were surprised by Shang Xia\'s ability to remain rational under such circumstances.

It can be seen from this that even if there are Kou and Ji, and maybe even several founders of Tongyou Academy, such as Shangbo and Yunjing, who collectively endorse, there must be many obstacles to promote this matter.

This is also the fundamental reason why Kou Chongxue has only promoted this matter secretly all along, but has never allowed too many people to participate.

And this time Kou Chongxue explained the whole story to him personally, which also means that Shang Xia has truly stepped into the core decision-making circle of Tongyou Academy.

Unexpectedly, at this moment Ji Wenlong shook his head and said, "That\'s not true!"

Looking at Shang Xia with a puzzled face, Ji Wenlong turned around and vacated a little above the gap formed by the "fusion zone of the two worlds" not far in front of him, and a circular void portal suddenly appeared. come out.

However, in Shang Xia\'s divine perception, he can see more details. He can find that after the opening of this circular void portal, it is continuously absorbing the original energy of heaven and earth from the original source gap below.

These origins of heaven and earth are obviously much richer than what Shang Xia perceived on the dome outside the sky, and at the same time, these rich origins of heaven and earth also contain a part of the atmosphere that makes Shang Xia feel strange.

If he guessed correctly, this part of the strange origin of the world should come from the Cangling Realm.

That is to say, this void channel in the astral world that can connect to continents outside the domain is actually achieved with the help of the heaven and earth origins of Cang Yu and Cang Ling.

"The longer the time, the greater the movement and the more consumption, the old man can\'t hold on for long."

Ji Wenlong nodded towards Shang Xia.

Seeing this, Shang Xia took a deep breath, jumped straight up, and plunged his whole body into the circular void portal.

And at this moment, a large number of origins of the two worlds poured in together with Shang Xia, and the tide of origins even directly distorted the void above the origin gap.

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At this time, Ji Wenlong made a sudden move, wiped out the original tide with one sleeve, and at the same time closed the opened void portal again, and everything returned to its original state.

Almost at the same time, Ji Wenlong felt something in his heart. Wherever he looked, on the other side of the original chasm, an old man with a slightly short stature appeared.

"You just opened the void portal?"

Xu Bailing looked at Ji Wenlong on the other side expressionlessly.

Ji Wenlong said noncommittally, "What advice does Old Friend Xu have?"

Xu Bailing said in a deep voice: "If the old man remembers correctly, it has been less than half a year since your Excellency opened the void channel, right? How frequently you open the channel, the consumption of the origin of the two worlds is still second, isn\'t it afraid of being noticed here? Move and then attack to destroy it?"

Ji Wenlong smiled and said: "Your Excellency, you are worrying too much, Ji has his own discretion, and besides, the avatar of the head of the hospital has been sitting here all the time, so there will be no accidents!"

Xu Bailing nodded, and said: "It seems that Brother Luo is right. The situation in that foreign continent is not very good, so we have to open the void channel frequently for support."

The expression on Ji Wenlong\'s face remained unchanged, and he said: "Your faction should take care of yourself. I heard that there is a problem within the blessed land of your faction, which has almost affected the stability of the entire blessed land, and this is why your faction is willing to cooperate with us. The root cause of opening the void channel?"

Xu Bailing\'s complexion changed, and he said coldly: "When did the dignified fifth-rank ancestor spread rumors? I heard that not long ago, there was a fifth-rank ancestor in the Cangyu world who disregarded his status and attacked the lower-rank juniors. The shame of the patriarch, I think your Excellency must agree with Xu\'s words, don\'t you?"

The two fifth-order patriarchs had a conversation with guns and sticks, and at the same time they were constantly testing each other, and finally broke up unhappy.

Ji Wenlong\'s figure appeared outside the pavilion again.

"With the further deepening of the integration of the two worlds, the two sides have a deeper understanding of each other, haven\'t they?"

In the pavilion, Kou Chongxue smiled at Ji Wenlong who appeared.

Obviously, Kou Chongxue had already noticed what happened at the Void Portal just now.

"Luo and Xu must have guessed something."

Ji Wenlong\'s avatar approached the pavilion, and immediately found a place to sit down.

Kou Chongxue said disapprovingly, "So what?"

Ji Wenlong said in a deep voice: "People who are not of our race must have a different heart! They have to join forces with us this time, somewhat as a last resort. But once things happen on the outer continent, they may not abide by the previous agreement."

Kou Chongxue corrected with a smile: "It\'s not that it\'s not possible, but it\'s definitely not going to be followed! Matters that come down to the truth, whether it\'s the other generation or our side, will not be easily caught by the other party. It will depend on whose means are more powerful." It\'s wise."