Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 438

When Shang Xia entered Yu Xi Peak, he had already noticed that the vitality of heaven and earth here was stronger than that of the two realms.

After discovering the cohesive origin of heaven and earth at the bottom of Shuidianzi at the foot of the mountain, as well as a group of ideal "Yingrisha" that can be used as a "summer spirit", Shang Xia quickly followed the induction and continued to move towards Yu Xifeng. walking on the hill.

However, when passing through the dense forest at the foot of the mountain, within the scope of his perception, the phenomenon of spiritual materials and spiritual objects breeding appeared several times, and some low-quality spiritual materials have even been successfully bred.

No need to think about Shang Xia to know that the birth of these spiritual materials and spiritual things must be related to the rich vitality of heaven and earth permeating Yu Xi Peak and the special environment.

Even in the process of shuttling through the dense forest, both the Sifangbei and the Lingsha gourd have been disturbed to a certain extent.

In order to find out the cause of the interference, Shang Xia even changed the route twice to find the source of the interference.

One of them allowed Shang Xia to find a small cloud of scattered mist, which obviously had not yet formed a complete spirit of heaven and earth.

After Shang Xia collected it in the spirit evil gourd, together with the four strands of different types of evil mist collected before, Shang Xia now has as many as seven fourth-order evil mist in his hands.

The other time was Shang Xia following the induction of the Sifangbei, and finally harvested a source of heaven and earth after overturning a piece of earth and rock.

Although this source of heaven and earth is far from what he had gained in the black mud swamp, it is also comparable to what he gained in Yuanyu Cave, and it can heal a small section of the crack on the third stele body of the square stele.

But immediately afterwards, Shang Xia no longer wasted time being disturbed by the walking process, and went straight to the direction where the Four Square Monument and the Lingsha Gourd were most strongly and coincidently sensed at the same time.

According to the previous experience of discovering "Yingri Sha" in Shuidianzi, it is very likely that there is also a phenomenon that a complete heaven and earth spirit coexists with a group of heaven and earth origin.

At this time, Shang Xia has already noticed that although Yu Xifeng did not collapse in the war two years ago, its mountain has become bigger and taller after experiencing the backlash of the two worlds.

The dense forest at the foot of the mountain disappeared almost as far as the mountainside.

When Shang Xia came out of the humid and hot dense forest, what appeared in front of his eyes was a meadow blown by the gentle breeze.

Without the stuffiness in the dense forest, the environment here suddenly becomes refreshing and mild, filled with spring colors everywhere.

If you look at Yu Xifeng from a distance at this time, you can see that there seems to be a wide emerald green belt wrapped around the mountainside.

There is no gorgeous summer color at the foot of the mountain, but there is a scene of hidden vitality but ready to go, this is the breath of spring!

Shang Xia let out a foul breath, and started to walk through the meadow under his feet, continuing to follow the induction of the Sifangbei and the spirit gourd.

The moment he was about to reach the mountainside, Shang Xia stopped, and on a long strip of rock protruding horizontally more than ten feet away in front of him, there was a collapsed gazebo, and there was a group of brightly colored pavilions on it. The spirit of heaven and earth mixed with colors has already taken shape.

However, Shang Xia\'s eyes only glanced at the forming group of heaven and earth spirits, and then his attention was attracted by the flowers and plants under his feet.

This is a medicine garden that was opened up earlier, and there are a batch of spiritual herbs and spiritual trees of different types and qualities.

At this time, there is a thin layer of dark gray mist in this medicine garden, which is flowing back and forth against the ground.


There are hundreds of various spirit grasses and spirit trees in this large area. At this moment, it looks as if they are soaked in this spreading mass of the origin of heaven and earth, presenting a jaw-dropping growth.

And while these hundreds of unusual spiritual grasses and spiritual trees are absorbing the origin of the world and growing wildly, at the same time, wisps of, even invisible, evil spirits will overflow from these spiritual grasses and spiritual trees, and move toward that place. Gathered away from the group of spirit demons in the collapsed gazebo.

A name of Heaven and Earth Spirit Sha once heard from Kou Chongxue appeared in Shang Xia\'s mind - Hundred Flowers Essence!

The reason why Kou Chongxue mentioned this kind of spirit spirit at the beginning is because this kind of spirit spirit of hundreds of flowers has a certain connection with the "Changchun Pure Gang" he practiced in Wuchongtian, so it left a deep impression on Shang Xia .

It is precisely because this kind of heaven and earth spirit spirit is formed by gathering the essence of herbs, flowers and trees, so the formed spirit spirit looks colorful, but it gives people a strange and unapproachable feeling.

However, Shang Xia heard from Kou Chongxue that Baihua Jingsha sounds like a hodgepodge of herbal essences, and it looks like poison, but it is actually an extremely pure source of heaven and earth spirits, and it is compatible with other heaven and earth spirits. It is extremely high, and it is an ideal choice for a fourth-order warrior.

The more critical point is that this spirit has the effect of prolonging lifespan for warriors.

One must know that warriors will usher in a new qualitative change from the inside out after advancing to the fourth level.

This qualitative change itself can allow warriors to gain a lifespan far exceeding that of ordinary people.

But Baihua Jingsha can further extend the lifespan of warriors on this basis, which will virtually bring more opportunities and choices to warriors.

There is no doubt that Baihua Jingsha can be used by Shang Xia, and can be used as the "Spirit of Spring" in the "Spirit of the Four Seasons" that he needs.

It\'s just a pity that the source of heaven and earth in this medicine garden can\'t be used by him.

It is precisely because of the nourishment from the source of heaven and earth that the flowers, plants, and spiritual trees in this medicine garden grow rapidly, and even undergo transformation, becoming spiritual materials of higher quality.

More importantly, it is under the nourishment of the source of heaven and earth that the flowers, plants and spiritual trees in the medicine garden can continuously condense the spirit of hundreds of flowers, and this place will also become a spiritual land that regularly produces spirits of flowers and spirits.

But once Shang Xia absorbs all the origin of the world here, then the flowers, plants and spirit trees in this medicine garden will become a one-shot deal, and they will no longer condense into a hundred flowers and spirits.

So far, Shang Xia has found two of the four spirit spirits each used to represent the four seasons, and everything is going smoothly.

Yu Xifeng was only half way up the mountain, and Shang Xia raised his head to look at the higher place on the top of the mountain, and his heart became more and more expectant.

With the increase of the mountain, this time on the way, whether it was the square monument or the spirit gourd, there were signs of being disturbed again.

It\'s just that Shang Xia didn\'t look for the source this time.

Perhaps the source of these disturbances is also some natural treasures, but the entire Yu Xifeng is the territory of Tongyou Academy after all, except for the necessary things needed to advance to the fourth level, it would be uncomfortable to take too many other things. Big talk.

Of course, Shang Xia\'s entry into Yu Xifeng itself is risky, and once he succeeds, Yu Xifeng will no longer become a forbidden place that warriors below the third level dare not enter, and warriors above the fourth level cannot enter.

After walking through the green and green meadows on the mountainside and reaching the mountainside, the originally mild and humid climate suddenly became cool and dry, and even the grass on the ground began to turn yellow.

Originally appeared thin

The sparse pine and maple trees became denser with the height of the mountain, gradually forming a black-green and orange-red forest.

Shang Xia walked through the woods, and could still see mature and plump pine cones, maple leaves falling from time to time, and squirrels scurrying up and down the trees from time to time, carrying food.

At this moment, the Sifangbei and the Lingsha gourd, which were originally pointing at the same point, diverged to a certain extent in the direction.

Shang Xia only thought for a while, and then chose to follow the induction of the spirit gourd to find the location where the spirit of heaven and earth was conceived.

But not long after walking, Shang Xia came to a ground where layers of fallen leaves were piled up.

With the help of the spirit gourd\'s guidance, Shang Xia was able to confirm that among the thick pile of fallen leaves, there was a heaven and earth spirit that was conceived.

Shang Xia casually picked up a branch, and picked up the fallen leaves that had begun to rot on the ground, until a maple leaf that was bigger than a palm, with distinct veins, orange-red like jade, was exposed close to the ground.

This is probably the first leaf to fall in this forest!

Because of this, it was able to condense all the autumnal spirits of this region into one, turning it into a spirit demon.

Such a thought suddenly came to Shang Xia\'s mind, but he didn\'t know what kind of heaven and earth spirit condensed on this maple leaf.

Shang Xia leaned over to pick up the maple leaf, but suddenly found that the paper-thin leaf weighed more than a hundred catties.

And the moment he touched this leaf, Shang Xia\'s heart felt desolate and dejected for no reason, as if he had lost his enthusiasm for everything all of a sudden.

Fortunately, his martial arts will was strong enough to allow him to keep his mind clear and rational during such a near-sudden attack, and randomly vibrate the square monument in his mind to counter it.

As Shang Xia put his true energy on the palm of his hand, cutting off the direct contact between the maple leaf and the palm, the "sad" artistic conception suddenly disappeared from him.

Shang Xia breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly excited, pinched the root of the maple leaf and slapped it lightly in one direction, and saw that all the pine and maple trees growing in this direction had a huge blow. Rain of fallen leaves.

"This kind of spirit has never been mentioned before, and it has never been recorded in the classics collected by the academy or the family. Could it be a kind of spirit that has never appeared before?"

Shang Xia held the maple leaf and thought to himself: "If that\'s the case, then I might as well give him a name. Well, as the saying goes, \'One leaf knows autumn\', let\'s call it \'One leaf Sha\'!"

This time, Shang Xia didn\'t leave the maple leaf, which he called "One Leaf Sha", on his body, and then walked towards the direction pointed by the Sifangbei.

After a while, Shang Xia saw a dark gray cloud covering the tops of a pine tree and a maple tree that crossed each other.

Without saying a word, Shang Xia directly used his martial arts will to move the Sifang Monument, but only landed on the dark gray cloud tens of feet high.

This once again proved Shang Xia\'s initial control over the Sifangbei in his mind.

The clouds tens of feet high turned into funnel clouds in an instant, and strands of the origin of heaven and earth followed the connection established with the Sifangbei, pouring down from mid-air in an endless stream, directly within three feet above Shang Xia\'s head. Disappeared out of thin air.

At the same time, there was a rumbling tremor in Shang Xia\'s mind. When he observed it with his own martial arts will, he discovered that the crack on the third side of the stele, which had already extended to two-thirds of the way, was moving along with the world. The origin of the drop and quickly healed.