Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 409

Shang Ke obviously wanted to give up the opportunity to improve his cultivation in order to support the younger generation of the family.

Shang Xia could tell that the fifth uncle\'s choice was completely sincere. As the patriarch of the Shang family, he was really thinking about everything for the family wholeheartedly.

Feeling moved, Shang Xia smiled and said, "Grandson still thinks that \'Lingkong Wuyingsha\' is more suitable for Fifth Uncle to break through to the second level of the fourth order. Other options."

Shang Ke shook his head with a wry smile when he heard the words: "This time it won\'t work. The main purpose of returning to the Two Worlds Battlefield this time is to gain a firm foothold in the Two Worlds Battlefield. Although there are news It is said that there are gains from the spirit of heaven and earth, but Tongyou Academy does not have enough money for itself, so it is unlikely to distribute it to the four major families."

Knowing that Shang Ke misunderstood what he meant, Shang Xia simply took out the spirit gourd from his cuff, and said, "Look, Uncle, can you recognize the two spirits inside?"

"Is this what Kou Shanchang asked you to kill Huang Yunxiang?"

Shang Xia originally thought that once he took out the spirit gourd, it would definitely arouse the amazement and admiration of the fifth uncle.

However, the fact is that Shank did show an expression of surprise and admiration, but his focus seemed completely wrong.

This made Shang Xia feel like he was punching empty space.

"Exactly this thing!"

Shang Xia replied helplessly, and then said again: "But in fact, the real purpose of this spirit gourd is to collect heaven and earth spirits..."

"Oh, it can also be used to collect the spirits of heaven and earth? This is similar to the things in the hands of those direct disciples of the Holy Land. It seems that Kou Shanzhang also intends to make such artifacts for the academy\'s seeds that are expected to advance to the fourth heaven!"

Shank sighed.

Shang Xia suddenly felt discouraged, so he said directly: "There are two spirits of heaven and earth that I have collected by my nephew and grandson by chance. Keep your eyes open and see which one is more powerful than Erbo\'s advanced potion. fit."

"Oh, I have already collected two heaven and earth spirits... what?"

Shang Ke repeated Shang Xia\'s words, but suddenly raised his voice, turned his head to look at Shang Xia in disbelief, and said loudly, "What are you talking about? Heaven and earth spirit? Or... two ways?"

While talking, Shang Ke couldn\'t help shaking his head with the spirit gourd in his hand, looked at Shang Xia and then at the gourd, and couldn\'t help saying: "Really?"

In fact, there is no need for Shang Xia to say anything, the spirit gourd is in Shang Ke\'s hands, and he only needs to scan it with his own perception to confirm that there are indeed two complete heaven and earth spirits sealed inside.

"This this……"

Rao, the well-informed patriarch of the four major families in Tongyou City, had to take a deep breath at this time to relieve the excitement in his heart, and then looked at Shang Xia and asked, "Where did you come from?"

Shang Xia had no choice but to roughly explain the process of killing Huang Yunxiang and the fourth-level giant mouse with one sword by borrowing the fifth-level sword energy preserved by Kou Chongxue. Only then did the fifth uncle release the original "so it is" expression with an expression of "so it is". incredible".

But even so, Shang Ke was filled with admiration.

This side of the world does not mean that if you have the means to kill the fourth heaven, you can get the spirit of heaven and earth without any effort.

Even with the particularity of the Battlefield of the Two Worlds, which can strip the complete spirit of heaven and earth from the body of the fourth-order alien beast, it has never seen Tongyou.

The Wusha Realm fighters from the academy or the four major tribes joined forces to massacre the Tier 4 alien beasts here.

Because doing so would likely trigger a beast horde, directly causing damage to the battlefields of the two worlds, greatly shortening the time it took to overthrow.

However, it is extremely difficult for a single warrior to hunt and kill a fourth-order alien beast, which is why the number of fourth-level heavenly warriors in Tongyou Academy did not increase dramatically.

But in fact, Tongyou Academy has only been established for 20 years. Together with the four major families of Tongyou City, there are at least ten fourth-tier fighters who have been promoted directly because of the two realms. In the eyes of other martial arts holy places in the universe, it can already be described by the word "surge".

And this is also one of the fundamental reasons why other martial arts holy places covet the five frontier colleges openly and secretly!

"This earthy dust-like spirit is called \'Yellow Dust Sha\'. After refining this kind of spirit, the warrior\'s defensive ability will be doubled, but the power against the enemy will be insufficient."

Shang Ke only needed to leak a little of the breath of the two spirits stored in the spirit gourd, and he was the first to identify one of them, the "yellow dust evil".

"This kind of spirit spirit doesn\'t quite fit with the advanced potion \'Multiple Thousand Illusions\' handed down by our merchant, and another kind of \'Hundred Days Changchun Drunk\' needs to be re-investigated. As for the \'Rare Confused Liquid\' should There is a certain degree of fit, and further investigation is needed.”

Among the three and four advanced formulas currently mastered by merchants, the most well-understood one is of course "Multi-Thousand Illusion Brew", followed by "Rare and Confused Liquid", and "Hundred Days of Changchun Drunk" is the worst.

Originally, the merchant obtained the advanced formula of "Hundred Days of Changchun Drunk" earlier, but Shang Pei had the experience of taking "Rare Confused Liquid" to advance to the Wusha Realm. Therefore, the merchant had a deeper understanding of the latter.

This is also the reason why Shang Jian resolutely chose "Rare and Confused Liquid" after he discovered that the advanced potion "Multiple Thousand Magic Brew" did not suit him well.

"As for this spirit demon?" Shang Ke seemed a little unsure, and said after deliberation, "It seems to be quite similar to \'Liu Feng Fei Yun Sha\'. If so, it is quite suitable for your second uncle\'s swordsmanship. The meaning of agility."

Shang Xia suddenly remembered that when the giant rat and beast fought with Huang Yunxiang, his originally fat body had an unusual agility to avoid Huang Yunxiang\'s offensive, and immediately said: "Seventy-eight out of ten it can\'t be wrong."

After finishing speaking, Shang Xia said with a smile: "How about it, Fifth Uncle, in this way, you old man can safely and boldly refine \'Lingkong Wuyingsha\' into your own natal spirit."

Shang Ke had mixed feelings in his heart, looked at Shang Xia and sighed: "So Uncle owes you a lot."

Shang Xia smiled and handed the Guling bottle containing the fourth-grade monkey wine to Shang Ke, saying: "If the family does not talk about two families, the uncle\'s cultivation will be further improved, and the family\'s power will be even better. It\'s a good thing."

Shang Ke sighed softly, looked at the spirit-guling bottle in his hand and said, "Just one catty of spirit wine is enough."

Seeing that Shang Xia wanted to persuade him again, Shang Ke waved his hands and said, "Uncle\'s cultivation base only needs one catty to cultivate to the point where he can smelt the second natal spirit spirit. It is impossible to assist uncle to cultivate to the third level of the fourth heaven, so you just keep the remaining spirit wine for your own use."

Shang Xia said "Oh" and stopped forcing it.

When meeting Shang Ke this time, Shang Xia no longer intends to continue to explore the fringes of the two worlds, and simply follows him back to the current Tongyou Academy in the two worlds.

Renovate the station.

On the way, Shangke suddenly remembered something, and said, "By the way, have you made any progress on the advanced medicine this time? Have you ever found the remaining source of heaven and earth?"

Shang Xia smiled wryly when he heard the words: "Although I have gained something, it is a drop in the bucket compared to the real needs."

Shang Ke also said after hearing the words: "Indeed! There are very few remaining sources of heaven and earth in the battle fields of the two worlds. If you want to use a bottle of advanced medicine that remains and want to deduce advanced formulas, the world you need When has the original source been missing?"

Shang Xia does need a lot of origins of heaven and earth, but it is not just for deriving advanced formulas, but naturally he will not take the initiative to explain this misunderstanding.

But Shang Ke quickly gave him a surprise: "But when it comes to the remaining origin of the world, uncle, I know a place, but..."


Shang Xia was overjoyed when he heard the words, and directly ignored the turning point in his uncle\'s tone.

Shang Ke shook his head and smiled wryly: "Don\'t worry, although there are quite a lot of remnants of the origin of heaven and earth in that place, it may be extremely difficult to enter. Even the fourth-level heaven warriors are not sure that they can retreat after entering."

Shang Xia suddenly felt the excitement all over his body being washed away by a basin of cold water, and his heart turned cold, but he couldn\'t help but asked, "What exactly is it?"

Seeing Shang Xia\'s disappointed face, Shang Ke couldn\'t help apologizing, and said: "You should be familiar with this place, it is Yu Xi Peak, one of the six auxiliary peaks of Tongyou Peak."

Shang Xia was full of surprise and said: "Yu Xifeng? Are Tongyou Peak and the six sub-peaks still there?"

Shang Ke sighed: "Where is it still there? Now the only thing left intact is Yu Xi Peak."

Shang Xia asked again: "Then what\'s going on with Yu Xifeng, why can\'t even fourth-order warriors get in?"

Shang Ke corrected: "It\'s not that I can\'t get in, but I\'m afraid I won\'t be able to come out alive after I get in!"

"I can\'t even explain a few sentences clearly. After you return to Zuowangpo, you can go to the foot of Yu Xi Peak to have a look yourself, and you will understand."

Zuwangpo is now Tongyou College\'s foothold after regaining its foothold in the two worlds, and the two of them are on the way back to Zuwangpo.

Shang Ke reminded again at this time: "By the way, although you still need more sources of heaven and earth to try to deduce, if you can determine the spiritual materials and spiritual objects required for part of the formula, you should continue to prepare early, otherwise once you To be able to deduce a complete advanced formula, it will take a lot of time to collect it."

Shang Xia nodded and said: "What uncle said is very true. My nephew and grandson also have something to ask you for advice. Have you ever heard of the \'Spirit of the Four Seasons\'?"

Shang Ke smiled in surprise: "The spirit of the four seasons? Why do you think of asking this? Could it be that your advanced potion needs these things?"

Seeing Shang Ke\'s expression, Shang Xia was overjoyed, and said, "You really know these things? Uncle, please tell me quickly."

Shang Ke was surprised: "You really need these things?"

Seeing Shang Xia\'s eager expression, Shang Ke hurriedly said: "Okay, let me say. The so-called \'spirit of the four seasons\' is just a certain essence of heaven and earth born in different seasons. It is born naturally and has a certain degree of activity, but it does not possess Wisdom. Although this thing is rare, it has few uses, so it is not too precious. As far as I know, Kou Shanzhang has a flower spirit born in spring in his collection, which can be regarded as the \'spirit of spring\'."