Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1756

Although the promotion of Lingfeng Realm was forced by Shang Xia from the beginning, even in the early stage of the promotion, the potential of the plane world has been overdrawn.

However, under the vigorous promotion of Shang Xia and Tongyou College, first fragments of the plane world were integrated, and later the source of heaven and earth from the outer world was injected. After that, Shang Xia, Dongtian Array, and Kou Chongxue successively transformed four seventh-order source incarnations After being defeated, it integrated its original energy into the plane world, which greatly made up for the background of the plane world.

Until the last essence of the spiritual realm before being promoted to Yuanjie, the secret realm of Xiaojie was completely integrated into Lingfengjie, so that after Lingfengjie completed the promotion of Yuanjie, there was still room to promote the continued expansion of the twenty-four states .

Excluding Youzhou prefecture, which was deliberately taken care of by Deshang Xia and Tongyou College, whose area crossed the threshold of 20,000 li in one fell swoop, the area of ​​Beihai prefecture was also close to 18,000 li in size, Jiaozhou Also more than 15,000 miles, and Bingzhou is also close to 15,000 miles in size.

The rest of the prefectures that initially reached tens of thousands of miles before the promotion of the plane world, at this time, the area of ​​​​the states also increased to about 12,000 to 13,000 miles in size.

And states with a little background like Yongzhou, Yuzhou, Jingzhou, and Yizhou can have an area of ​​about 15,000 miles.

Even the newly added Yinzhou and Lezhou prefectures, with the aftertaste of the promotion of the plane world, not only successfully gathered the source of the prefectures, but even the size of the prefectures was slightly increased by about a thousand miles.

After removing the most intuitive changes in the state domain, source sea, and sky barriers after the promotion of Yuanfengjie, the other most frequent changes are naturally the collective leap of the overall strength of the warriors in this realm.

Leaving aside the low-level warriors, this time Yuanfengjie has completed the promotion, and almost all the mid-level and high-level warriors with cultivation bases above the fourth heaven have improved their personal cultivation bases to varying degrees.

As the only seventh-level master in Yuanfeng Realm, Shang Xia\'s spiritual perception can almost cover the entire dangerous world to some extent.

And almost from the moment when the name Yuanfengjie was engraved on the spirit and will of all warriors, in his perception, regardless of the progress in the current realm, only those warriors who have been promoted across the great realm have never Stop resting.

Almost every day, there are new five-level sky warriors who successfully condense their natal Yuangang are born.

Of course, there are not a few of them who failed to advance, and even many died directly after failing to advance.

But I have to say that under the current circumstances, the possibility of success in promotion is still much higher than before.

At the same time, there are not a few fifth-level heaven warriors who take the opportunity to attack the sixth-level heaven.

It\'s just that compared to the fourth-level attacking the fifth-level, the number of warriors who advanced from the fifth level to the sixth level is much smaller, but compared with the past, it is not known how many times more frequent.

At least in Shang Xia\'s perception, since the moment Yuanfengjie completed his promotion, he has noticed that at least five warriors have started the process of advancing to Wuxu Realm in one day.

Of course, the promotion of a fifth-level heaven warrior to the sixth-level heaven cannot be achieved overnight, and it will take a long time to reach the final result.

After that, almost every few days or more than ten days, Shang Xia could detect that there were new warriors trying to go deep into the source sea to enshrine the original true spirit and join in the process of impacting the sixth heaven.

However, the difficulty of advancing from the fifth stage to the sixth stage has increased by many times compared to the fourth stage and the fifth stage.

Even though they have the advantage of improving the plane world, and at the same time these warriors can more or less get some inspiration from the world, the possibility of successfully crossing the threshold of the sixth heaven is not very high.

On the contrary, in the past, those martial artists who had reached the fifth level of heaven knew that their foundation was insufficient, and they had no possibility of being promoted to the sixth level of heaven. Simply gave up the plan to attack the sixth heaven.

However, nowadays those martial artists who are lingering in front of the Wuxu Realm have got rid of their original worries and joined the trend of attacking the sixth heaven because of the promotion of the plane and the feedback of the heaven and earth.

Because these people know very well that this is probably the best time in their life to attack the sixth heaven.

But any fifth-layer heavenly warrior who is unwilling to reconcile will give it a go at this time.

And once they miss this opportunity, I\'m afraid they will lose the courage to attack the Wuxu Realm forever.

It is also because of this that the success rate of this wave of high-ranking fighters in the Yuanfeng world breaking through the sixth heaven may not only not be too high, but may be much lower than before.

And among these martial artists who gathered together to attack the great realm, there were Shang Xia\'s grandfather Shang Bo and uncle Shang Ke.

But it is a pity that the great-uncle Shang Ke\'s own martial arts foundation was ruined due to his years of focus on family affairs. In the end, he still failed to cross the threshold of the fifth heaven, and passed away suddenly after his vitality was exhausted.

As for his grandfather, Shang Bo, the hope of advancing to the Sixth Heaven was extremely small, and he had already rejected the college\'s plan to raise and supply resources for him to help him hit the Sixth Heaven.

However, it took Lingfeng Realm less than forty years to start the promotion of Yuan Realm. Under the premise that the entire plane world lacks masters above the sixth heaven, high-level warriors of the fifth heaven like Shang Bo are naturally entrusted with a certain amount of power. What\'s more, he is also the grandfather who is the main promoter of the promotion of the plane world!

With the deliberate help of Shang Xia, Shang Bo finally succeeded in entrusting the original true spirit in the source sea of ​​Jeju, and became the leader of Tongyou College after Kou Chongxue, Shang Xia, Gai Qingzhu, Sun Haiwei, Dou Zhong, and Hai Yuanyuan. The seventh sixth-level real person is also the first sixth-level real person in Tongyou Academy to be successfully promoted after the completion of the promotion in the plane world.

What needs to be pointed out here is that the original true spirits of Shang Bo and Hai Yuan Yuan reside in the source sea of ​​Jeju at the same time.

However, Shang Xia himself has already noticed in the process of helping his grandfather get promoted. It is a fluke that his old man was able to succeed this time. If Shang Xia hadn\'t acted in time, he had successfully controlled part of the will of the world in Yuanfeng Realm to forcibly suppress the disturbance in the depths of the source sea in Jeju. Come down, I\'m afraid his old man has already fallen short because of his lack of strength.

And before Shangbo advanced to the sixth level, Yuanfeng Realm already had four new sixth-level real people.

Among the four newly-promoted sixth-level real people, except for one from Tianxing Pavilion in Yizhou, the other three are not from the major cave sects, and two of them seem to be from the background of casual warriors.

And similar sixth-order real people will definitely emerge in the next period of time, but the number will not be too many.

It can be seen that even though Shang Xia had informed the academy in advance about the limited number of sixth-order real people in Yuanhai, many Dongtian sects including Tongyou Academy, as well as some blessed land sects with deep foundations, did not immediately Join this trend that hits the sixth heaven.

At least those fighters who are truly regarded as the seeds of the sixth heaven will not easily start the process of attacking the sixth heaven before they have made sufficient preparations, such as Chu Jia, Tian Mengzi, Yan Ming, Ren Huan of Tongyou Academy... …

In addition to these warriors who hit the big realm, the group of sixth-order real people in Yuanfeng Realm also ushered in a wave of cultivation and promotion.

Although the more advanced the martial artist is, the more difficult it is to improve his cultivation, but the higher the martial artist\'s participation in the promotion process of the plane world, the higher the degree of participation in the promotion process of the plane world, and the favor of the will of the plane. The bigger it is, the more it will feed back the inspiration of the world.

And in this wave of promotion of the original sixth-rank real people, first of all, the first-rank real people Dou Zhong, Lu Bailu, Lu Xueji, and Zhang Jianzi successively advanced to the second-rank inner union. Zhang Jianzi is Dongtian Daoist, and it is said that his cultivation base is not far away from breaking through the third rank.

Secondly, the original second-rank Dongtian masters Liu Jingsheng and Gai Qingzhu successfully advanced to the third rank, and the second-rank spirit world masters Yifan, Lu Wuzi, and Sun Haiwei also successfully advanced to the third rank.