Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1754

Although the two continents formed by the division of land and land in Lingyin Small Realm fell into the source sea, in fact, these two continents cannot be called the state domain of this realm.

Because although the two state regions at this time have begun to connect to the plane world, they have not been generated by the source sea.

After all, Lingfeng Realm has not completely completed the promotion of Yuan-level Upper Realm, and the number of states it can carry is still twenty-four.

Only after Lingfeng Realm has completely completed its promotion and transformation, can these two new states be able to gather in Yuanhai, thus turning into the twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth states of the new Yuan-level Upper Realm.

Of course, because most of the benefits of being promoted in the plane world are missed, the new two new states will definitely be the last two among the new Yuanjie states, no matter in terms of background accumulation or their degree of affluence.

But even so, for the survivors of the Lingyin Small Realm, from a small secret realm where they could not see the way forward and lived poorly, to a Yuan-level Upper Realm that was about to complete promotion and had bright prospects It is a great fortune to have a place in my own home.

At the same time, in response to the request of these survivors from the Lingyin Small Realm, these two new states will be named "Yinzhou" and "Lezhou" after they are promoted in the plane world.

After everything in Lingyin Realm has been properly arranged, the promotion of the entire Lingfeng Realm has reached the final juncture.

You must know that this time Lingfeng Realm not only assimilated and fused the original essence equivalent to half a dojo, but also had two seventh-order original incarnations that were consumed by the star robe incarnation and Shang Xia himself respectively without any consumption. With one move, most of its original energy is also swallowed by the plane world.

After such a situation, not only the potential overdraft problem caused by the forcible promotion of the plane in the Lingfeng world was completely made up for, but the original deficit had already been filled, and there was no barrier to the promotion of the plane world.

At about this time, from the Jiaozhou direction of the plane world, a sword light suddenly tore through the void, and it came to the sky barrier almost in an instant, and the sword pointed at Shang Xia!

Shang Xia\'s eyes lit up when he saw this, and he immediately retreated hundreds of miles, leaving behind a temporary stripped-out source avatar wearing a source star robe, and he deliberately observed what was going to happen next. everything of.

This ray of sword energy faintly carries the rhythm of destroying the source, and the point of the sword is unstoppable.

This is Kou Chongxue\'s martial art swordsmanship supernatural power.

And at the moment when he achieved supernatural power, he chose the star robe incarnation to personally test the edge of Youxue Sword.

The avatar of the star robe faced this sword that was similar to a sneak attack at this time, and the deity\'s real body retreated, which made him somewhat caught off guard.

However, the incarnation of the star robe is also an existence whose combat power has reached the peak of the seventh rank and first rank. At a critical juncture, I saw him shake the source star robe on his body, and the seven mutation symbols on the star robe suddenly peeled off a part of it. A phantom emerged, forming an illusory seventh-order talisman array in the midair, accompanied by abundant starlight, and then collided with the sword edge of that beam of sword energy.

That sword energy was immediately extinguished in mid-air, but the seventh-order talisman gathered by the star robe incarnation in the sky with the help of the source star robe was also wiped out by that sword. The power of this seventh-order talisman can be regarded as waste Most of it.

Seeing that Ben Zunxin came up to him, the star-cloaked avatar looked at him and said, "This sword is already enough to threaten the existence of the seventh order."

Shang Xia nodded, how could he not empathize with what the star-cloaked incarnation felt just a few hundred miles away?

But he still asked again: "Do you think the hidden disease in the head of the mountain has ever been cured?"

The incarnation of the star robe replied: "This sword is full of energy!"

Shang Xia nodded in satisfaction, the avatar of the star robe fit his figure again, and the source star robe returned to his body.

Kou Chongxue\'s previous sword test was not only to test the sword, but also to inform Shang Xia of his recent situation.

At this time, because the transformation of the plane world may be completed at any time, everyone in the entire Lingfeng world except Shang Xia gathered in the plane world, ready to welcome the feedback from the heaven and earth when the transformation is completed.

Among the forces of all sizes in various states, there are many warriors who are at the peak of the fourth level and the peak of the fifth level, looking forward to using the power of plane promotion to cross the barrier of the fifth level and condense the original energy; The sea entrusts the threshold of the original true spirit, and achieves the sixth-fold innocence.

At this time, more than half a year has passed since Lingyin Xiaojie entered Lingfeng Realm, and the time has quietly entered Lingfengli forty years.

According to the calculations of the three stargazers on the observatory, this year will be the last year of the existence of the boundary barrier of the Skywatching Territory. At that time, the entire Skywatching Domain will be exposed to the eyes of various forces from all walks of life in the outer domain. .

Suddenly at a certain moment, Shang Xia sensed that the source star of the Big Dipper in the dantian suddenly rose and then shrank again, and a large amount of pure and almost unrefined source energy gushed out from it, surpassing the already The first-class subsidiary source star that was completely lit up, re-entered the second subsidiary source star that had been lit up by a third, and then increased its brightness by more than half, almost reaching the point where it was about to be fully lit. the point.

Shang Xia\'s personal cultivation realm has reached the peak of the second rank of the Seven Star Realm almost in an instant, and he is only one step away from being able to light up the third subsidiary source star, reaching the level of the third rank of the Seven Star Realm.

Shang Xia suddenly turned his head and looked down at the sky barrier. At this moment, he seemed to have directly witnessed the expansion of the plane world under his gaze.

A voice of the Great Dao originating from the origin of the world seemed to echo in the minds of every warrior in the new plane world—Yuanfengjie!

At this time, everyone has understood that the promotion and transformation of the plane world has finally been completed, and the original will of heaven and earth of the newly born Yuan-level upper realm named this plane world "Yuanfeng Realm"!

In an instant, all the spiritual beings in the world seemed to be cheering, even Shang Xia\'s own martial arts will fell into a strange state that resonated with the world at this time, celebrating the promotion of the plane world, celebrating the The new life of this world.

Shang Xia was not in a hurry to enter the newly born plane world that was enough to carry him as a seventh-level heavenly warrior, but directly sensed a place where the origin of heaven and earth gathered in the dark with the will of his soul. The location, and there is also the place where his ray of original true spirit rests on the source sea of ​​Youzhou.

At this time, the size of Youzhou Yuanhai has almost doubled compared to before the promotion, but the key is not the increase in the overall capacity, but the essence of the newly born Yuanjie Yuanhai. It is several times better than that of Lingfeng Realm.

Before the promotion of the plane world was completed, Shang Xia\'s seventh-order original true spirit was entrusted in Youzhou Yuanhai, and it almost exploded the entire Yuanhai.

However, at this time, a ray of his original true spirit descended, but the newly born Youzhou Yuanhai already had enough redundancy to carry the original true spirit of other warriors.

Of course, these original true spirits are only limited to sixth-order real people!


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