Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1742

"Heh, Guan Zhenren, the matter has come to an end, why don\'t you go back as soon as possible to find a chance for your sect?"

In Dianmangdongtian, Guan Ziqing recalled that not long ago, the incarnation of the star robe said lightly in the midst of the turbulence in the void, but it suddenly disturbed his mind. He shook his head and smiled bitterly, thinking that he once Xu had already put life and death aside, but she never thought that this time before the concept of life and death, she would be in a state of confusion and lost ground many times.

This time, the spirit world\'s plans failed several times. Not only did they gain nothing, but they consumed a lot of the potential of the plane world. In the past, the old man who almost saved and protected the plane world by himself is now probably in the In the eyes of many people, he has become a sinner between heaven and earth.

"Senior, what happened in this turbulent void, the origin of the sea, the world, and the origin of the major states are exhausted. Please tell me what happened!"

Kuai Zhenren\'s gloomy face drew Guan Ziqing\'s attention back. The sudden smile on Guan Ziqing\'s face just now made him feel humiliated .

"Ah, sorry, the old man thought of something else."

Guan Ziqing smiled apologetically at Kuai Zhenren, that warm smile made people feel like a spring breeze, which made Kuai Zhenren slightly startled, and seemed to remind him of the person who took the initiative to stand up and constantly sacrificed himself more than a hundred years ago. At the price of martial arts, and at the risk of being assimilated by the origin of heaven and earth, he led them to fight against the real senior from the Yuandu world.

It\'s just that such thoughts just flashed in Kuai Zhenren\'s mind, but he couldn\'t help sneering in his heart that the other party was still thinking of doing the same trick again, but this time no one would be fooled again.

"This time, the old man was weak in intelligence and weak in strength. He failed to lead everyone out of the predicament. All the sins were borne by the old man. I only ask that all comrades can see that the old man has been dedicated for more than a hundred years, and can promise the old man. The sect can pass on!"

Guan Ziqing was still smiling and talking calmly to the people in front of him from all the major forces in the Lingmang world.

Under the strange eyes of everyone watching, Guan Ziqing\'s qi mechanism once again experienced a significant exhaustion, from the return to the real state of the object when he just returned from the turbulent flow of the void, to the current fourth-rank Taoist state, and the qi mechanism You are still slipping and falling.

Everyone present understands that the person in front of him can\'t hold on for long, and his body will disappear before his eyes.

As early as the moment he started to control the power of the heaven and earth in the Lingmang world in order to support Master Yan Yu, the origin of the heaven and earth in the plane world had already begun to erode the origin of his personal dantian.

Now, more than a hundred years have passed, this assimilation has already penetrated deep into the bone marrow, and there is no way to recover.

Once Guan Ziqing dies, everything about him will be returned to the origin of this world.

It\'s just that in such a desperate situation, what can Guan Ziqing get in return?


A sigh broke the suffocating silence present, Yu Tieshan, another fifth-rank real person in the Lingmang world, said: "Senior, do we still have a chance? Will the Lingmang world still have a chance?"

Guan Ziqing\'s eyes, which were originally as bright as a flash of light, dimmed by three points when he heard the words, slowly shook his head and said: "If you want to rely on the spiritual world to save yourself, it seems to be very difficult now."

"Can\'t we control the power of heaven and earth in the spirit world again, and control the power above the seventh level?"

A fourth-rank real person got up and said quite excitedly.

If the star-robed avatar was present at this time, then he would have known that the person who spoke at this time was the one who had previously fought with real Cai Qiao in the ruins of the spiritual world, but was captured by the fisherman Hai Yuanyuan. The new fourth-rank real person in the Lingmang world.

But as soon as this person\'s voice fell, everyone present fell silent again, and the atmosphere once again fell into an extremely awkward situation.

The fate of overly controlling the power of heaven and earth is in front of you, not to mention that not everyone has the spirit of Guan Ziqing who is willing to devote himself to the entire world of the plane.

What\'s more, even if Guan Ziqing came to the end, when he realized that he still had a sliver of life, he did not put all his eggs in one basket because of this, so that the entire spiritual world fell into the current situation.

Seeing the silence, Yu Tieshan, one of the three fifth-rank real people in the Lingmang world, couldn\'t help coughing lightly, and tried to explain in a tactful tone: "Maybe Li Zheng real person doesn\'t know something..."

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the smiling Master Guan Ziqing: "The origin of the world in the Lingmang world can no longer withstand more consumption. The superiors are fighting each other, and the origin of the world in this world is already extremely consumed. If you continue to squander it regardless of the loss, it is not a big deal for you to be rejected by this world, and the plane world may eventually fall from the spiritual world. What\'s the point of us doing it then?"


The fourth-rank real person called Li Zheng real person didn\'t know what to say for a while.

Guan Ziqing interrupted him with a wave of his hand, then restrained the smile on his face, and said as calmly as possible: "Some words are better for the old man. The Lingmang Realm is located in a remote place in the starry sky, and the surrounding area is surrounded by Yuandu Realm. , Guan Tianyu besieged, and the relics of the Lingyin world are almost our last chance, but it is a pity that the old man failed."

The real Li Zheng still wanted to speak, but it was obvious that everyone present was silent, and he still didn\'t say anything in the end.

The real person Guan Ziqing continued: "The matter has come to this point, there are only two paths left in the future of this world, one is to take the initiative to invest in the Yuandu world; the other is to invest in the Lingfeng world. !"

Seeing everyone\'s surprised expressions, Master Guan Ziqing continued: "Of course, the problem with the previous road is that we have been fighting against the Yuandu Realm for more than a hundred years, and the enmity between the two sides is too great. You won\'t refuse us, but you won\'t be retaliated against afterwards; the latter path will take time, the barrier of Guantianyu has not disappeared, and Lingfengjie is still only Lingfengjie. If this world wants to get its protection, We must wait until Lingfeng Realm completes the promotion to Yuan-level Upper Realm, and before that, Yuandu Realm will definitely not let me wait, so we need to work together to get through this most difficult stage."

Daoist Wu Zhang smiled wryly: "Our relationship with these two worlds is not good!"

Everyone understands that Master Wuzhang\'s words are considered polite. Needless to say, Yuandu Realm has been fighting for hundreds of years, and Lingfeng Realm originally formed an ally with Lingmang Realm, but both sides are because of Lingyin Realm? ????????????????? The legacy and tear the face.

However, Master Guan Ziqing didn\'t take it seriously, and said: "Neither Yuandu Realm nor Lingfeng Realm, which will complete the promotion of Yuan Realm in the future, will not reject a spirit-level world\'s voluntary refuge. As for the relationship between us and Lingfeng Realm, The person who chooses to betray is the old man, so what does it have to do with you?"

Kuai Zhenren said in a deep voice: "In this way, senior, are you optimistic about Lingfengjie? Kuai also admitted that Lingfengjie is indeed a good partner, and the previous misunderstanding is not impossible to resolve, but it has not yet been completed. Realm promotion, and Guan Tianyu is currently in a whirlpool, even if the Lingfeng Realm already has a seventh-level master to protect, there are many variables in whether the promotion can be completed in the end."

Guan Ziqing coughed twice, and during the moment when everyone was talking, his aura had already slipped to the critical point of high-grade state, but he still didn\'t feel normal, and said meaningfully: "The risk must be What\'s more, the relics of the Lingyin world have already been obtained by the Lingfeng world, which will definitely speed up the promotion speed of the Lingfeng world."

Immortal Cai Qiao interrupted at this time: "Then how can we resist Yuandu Jie and Master Yan Yu before Lingfeng Realm is promoted?"

Guan Ziqing smiled. How could he not understand these people\'s thoughts, but he still said calmly: "That depends on the sincerity of our spirit world. You may not know it, but just before a moment in the turbulent flow of the void In a great battle, an incarnation of Shang Xia Shangzun resisted the joint efforts of this old man and Master Yan Yu\'s chaotic projection!"


In the depths of the void and turbulent flow of the Lingmang Realm, which is close to the gap in the Guantian Realm.

The large starship of Tongyou College has been moored in one place for a long time, but it still has not waited for the Jiuyin Ark to come to join, nor has it seen the star-cloaked avatar appear, let alone know that the star-cloaked avatar is one against two, How is the battle with Guan Ziqing and Master Yan Yu?