Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1736

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Guantianyu Lingfeng Realm Jiaozhou Dongtian Secret Realm.

Several years have passed since various forces inside and outside Guantianyu interfered in Lingfeng Realm to start the battle for plane promotion, and during this period, Kou Chongxue has been retreating and healing in this secret cave.

On this day, an original incarnation of the sixth heaven stripped by Shang Xia descended outside the entrance to the secret realm of the cave.

At the entrance of the secret realm of Dongtian, a martial artist who looks a bit simple and honest, and is about 30 years old seems to be stationed here. Judging from the fluctuation of energy revealed on his body, he is indeed a martial artist. Warrior, and the foundation is very solid.

Seeing Shang Xia\'s original incarnation coming, the warrior quickly got up and saluted him: "I\'ve seen Brother Shang!"

The original incarnation was slightly taken aback, looked at the person in front of him hesitantly and said: "You are..."

The warrior ???????????????? smiled honestly, and said, "My name is Yun Zhongyuan, and I was also taught in the Education Department of the academy, but I was two years later than Brother Shang."

The incarnation of Yuanyuan revealed a look of amazement, and when he looked closely at the person in front of him, he finally felt a little familiar, but if the other party hadn\'t introduced himself, he would not be able to remember the other party\'s name at all.

However, sensing the other party\'s vigorous aura and the cultivation level of the fifth heaven, the original avatar still inevitably asked curiously: "It turns out that it is Junior Brother Yun, and Junior Brother Yun\'s cultivation base is not weak, so he must be the core elite of the academy. Have you never heard of it?"

Yun Zhongyuan smiled and said: "My little brother\'s aptitude and comprehension are all average, and his martial arts practice is extremely clumsy. Not to mention compared with his classmates at the same time, he is also very inconspicuous compared with his brothers and sisters who are a few years behind. Brother Shang has never I\'ve heard that I\'m pretty normal."

Yuan Yuan\'s avatar shook his head, and said with deep meaning: "Junior Brother Yun is self-effacing. It seems that Brother Yun is at least a person with great wisdom and stupidity, and a late bloomer! Where are those classmates who were successful in martial arts back then? The realm of martial arts cultivation is comparable to that of Junior Brother Yun. What about now?"

Yun Zhongyuan said with a little panic, "I can\'t deserve Brother Shang\'s praise like this, it\'s just that my little brother is lucky and has survived in recent years."

Hearing that he had been calling himself "little brother" instead of "junior brother", Yuanyuan\'s incarnation suddenly said, "Brother Yun is from the Yun family? How is the old Patriarch?"

In the old days, Ji, Liu, Yun, and Shang, the four big families in Tongyou City, could be said to be of the same spirit. The two belonged to the four big families, so they should call each other according to the seniority of the family.

Afterwards, with the overall rise of Tongyou College and Youzhou, the four major families naturally also continued to grow and develop.

It\'s just that in this process, the speed of the rise of the four major families has been divided, and the gap between them has become more and more obvious.

In addition, during this process, masters of the fourth, fifth, and even sixth ranks continued to emerge. The four major families originally played a role similar to the pillars of the entire Tongyou City, and even the entire Youzhou. is weakened.

Until now, in Youzhou and even in Tongyou City, the names of the four major families have been less and less mentioned. Even some new generation warriors who were born after the first year of Lingfengli may not know Tongyou There used to be four great martial arts families in the city that were once prominent.

The "Old Patriarch" of the Yun family that Yuanyuan incarnation called naturally refers to Yun Jing, one of the four vice-heads of Tongyou College who is as famous as Shang Xia\'s grandfather, Shang Bo.

Yun Zhongyuan heard the words and quickly said respectfully: "Brother Lao Shang is concerned, grandmother has been pretty good in recent years."

Yun Zhongyuan actually called Yun Jing "grandmother", Yuanyuan had a faint realization in his body and mind, and at the same time he knew why he guarded the entrance of the secret cave.

After understanding this, Yuan Yuan\'s incarnation asked directly: "I want to see the head of the mountain, but I don\'t know if the head of the mountain is still convenient?"

Yun Zhongyuan had already guessed his purpose at the moment when Yuanyuan\'s incarnation appeared, and he calmly said: "Brother Shang, is there something urgent? If it is urgent, I will pass a secret talisman in."

After pondering for a while, the original avatar did not answer directly, but asked: "How is the head of the mountain recovering from his injuries recently? Do you have any news here?"

If it was someone else who asked, Yun Zhongyuan would have to believe that the other party had ulterior motives, and maybe even turn his face and fight directly, but at this time it was Shang Xia who spoke, even if it was just an original incarnation, Yun Zhongyuan would not say much. Thinking about it, he said directly: "The last time I saw the head of the mountain was half a year ago. At that time, the head of the mountain looked good, and he even seemed very happy, which made me fortunate to get his guidance again."


Yuanyuanhua thought to himself, determined that the relationship between the person in front of him and the head of the mountain was absolutely extraordinary, so he said: "Then send me a secret message and go in, I plan to meet him."

Yun Zhongyuan was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, but he quickly nodded and smiled again: "Okay!"

A special communication talisman was sent out from Yun Zhongyuan\'s hand, and it went straight into the secret realm of the cave.

Seeing this, the original incarnation moved in his heart, and asked, "Didn\'t the head of the mountain strip the original incarnation?"

Yun Zhongyuan didn\'t know what the origin incarnation meant by asking this question, but he still replied: "I\'ve never seen the origin incarnation of the head of the mountain!"

Seeing this, the original incarnation nodded and stopped speaking, but began to wait.

About less than a stick of incense had passed before and after, there was a sudden movement in the secret cave, and when the avatar of Yuan Yuan looked up, he saw Yun Zhongyuan was also turning his head back. Standing at the entrance of the secret cave, he obviously felt it. The movement from inside.

A moment later, Kou Chongxue\'s figure appeared at the entrance of the secret cave, and after casually glanced at Yun Zhongyuan next to him, his eyes fell on Shang Xia\'s original incarnation, and he couldn\'t help frowning: "What happened? Wake me up at this time?"

The original avatar obviously didn\'t expect that it was the real body of Kou Chongxue who appeared this time, instead of stripping out the original avatar to find out.

But Shang Xia, who was in the void outside the sky, had already seen Kou Chongxue through the vision of the original avatar, and couldn\'t help but said: "I see that although your injury is very good, but it has not completely healed, how can you comprehend it at this time?" With swordsmanship supernatural powers?"

In the beginning, when Kou Chongxue learned that Kou Chongxue was in the process of recuperating and healing, he never stripped off the original incarnation, but chose to select elite warriors from the academy to guard the entrance of the cave. Appearing here, the doubts in my heart became more certain - Kou Chongxue is trying to comprehend the supernatural powers of the sixth heavenly martial arts!

Because Kou Chongxue\'s martial arts is an extremely pure way of swordsmanship, therefore, when he comprehends the higher level of swordsmanship, he needs to devote himself wholeheartedly to it. At this time, he can no longer distract himself from the original Incarnate.

This is Kou Chongxue\'s martial arts, a realm where the martial arts are sincere in the heart, and the heart is sincere in the sword.

At this time, Kou Chongxue didn\'t seem to have any sign of a good complexion that Yun Zhongyuan said earlier, but instead looked tired, giving people a feeling of physical and mental exhaustion.

Hearing the incarnation of the source directly stated the general condition of the injury in his body at this time, Kou Chongxue understood that the real body of Shang Xia should be using the incarnation of the source to talk to him in person, and said: "The opportunity is rare, especially when I was there before It seems that Yuanhai, who perceives the plane world in the cave, has grown to a certain extent, which directly brought me some enlightenment about swordsmanship supernatural powers, and the activeness of heaven and earth is also the best time to learn swordsmanship supernatural powers. "