Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1728

As the final victor, it is natural that the winner takes all, reaping all the remaining fruits of victory in the ruins of the spiritual world.

It\'s just that Song Zhen\'s words made everyone present feel regretful.

What they drove to the spiritual world this time was a large starship. Although it could also carry a large amount of material resources, it could not be compared with the ark that was specially used to carry fragments of the plane world.

The incarnation of the star robe laughed dumbfounded when he heard the words, and joked: "We don\'t know what the final harvest will be, so we start to worry about not being able to take it back?"

Song Zhen also laughed along with the others when he heard this, but he still said: "Your Majesty doesn\'t know, in fact, in the previous exploration, our harvest has almost filled nearly half of the space of the Starship, if the harvest is too big If so, we can only choose to discard some ????????????????? some of the less valuable materials."

In fact, Tongyou Academy was not worried about gaining too much. They could store some of the excavated materials in the Spirit Realm as an ally.

It\'s just that Guan Ziqing has returned home in the hands of the star-cloak avatar, and the alliance between the Lingmang Realm and the Lingfeng Realm has already broken down. Naturally, the materials that were originally piled in the starship cannot be stored in the Lingmang Realm.

Before the star-robed avatar could respond, Huang Yu said first, "I\'m afraid it won\'t work. The goal of the Ark is too big, and the Lingfeng Realm is under the eyes of many existences. Once it sets sail, it will definitely trigger those who spy on the sky. The attention of the seventh-level existence."

The avatar of the star robe nodded, agreeing with Huang Yu\'s analysis.

Hai Yuanyuan was puzzled and said: "Teacher, why did that Master Guan Ziqing in the Lingmang Realm make such a choice? Isn\'t he afraid of our revenge when he betrays his allies so easily?"

The star-robed avatar smiled and said meaningfully: "Perhaps from the point of view of Master Guan Ziqing, his alliance with Master Jiuyin from the Lingyin Realm is the shortcut to maximize the benefits of the Lingmang Realm. "

Hai Yuanyuan immediately asked, "What benefits?"

The star-cloaked avatar patiently explained: "Perhaps it can bring back to life the spiritual world, so that Master Jiuyin doesn\'t have to linger on his last breath; promote the plane of the spiritual world, and Master Guan Ziqing can get rid of the mortal situation."

"How is this possible?"

Hai Yuanyuan can be considered to be experiencing the process of plane promotion in Lingfeng Realm, so she naturally knows the difficulties involved, and immediately shook her head and said. At this time, Zhu Nang, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said: "Perhaps it is not impossible, for example, let the ruins of the Lingmang world and the Lingyin world merge into one, and let the world will of the Lingmang world annex and merge the remaining Lingyin world The will of the world, and the Lingyin world collapsed at the last moment of being promoted to the upper realm of the Yuan level. Perhaps the last essence it retains can also promote the transformation of the Lingmang world itself; The Seventh Heaven, and Guan Ziqing may also be able to be reborn by directly promoting the promotion and transformation of the Lingmang Realm, not only can his life and cultivation level be saved, he may even be able to go further, and he may also step into the Seventh Heaven."

Hai Yuanyuan was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously looked at the star-cloaked avatar, and said, "Can this work too?"

The star-robed avatar smiled, and said: "Don\'t forget, the predecessor of Lingfeng Realm was originally ???????????????? It was originally formed by the fusion of two Cang Realms, and now Lingyu Realm It is also doing similar things by attracting the will of Yuanping Realm\'s original world."

"It\'s annoying to guess. Since we are the only ones left here, why don\'t you just go and have a look?"

Chu Jia unceremoniously interrupted everyone\'s discussion, and directly reached out to drag the star-robed avatar onto the star boat.

Counting the entire Tongyou Academy, Chu Jia is probably the only fifth-rank warrior who dares to be so arrogant. No matter how lawless Hai Yuanyuan is, she would not dare to be lawless in front of her teacher.

While most of the ruins of the spiritual world were annihilated, most of the formation bans left in the remaining ruins were also weakened a lot during the confrontation between several seventh-order beings.

This made the next exploration of the star-robed avatar a lot easier.

In fact, on the large starship at this time, there is Xin Lu, a fifth-level stargazer who is good at star-gazing and positioning, Chu Jia, a master of the sixth-level array, and Chu Jia, who is proficient in five-element escapism. Hai Yuanyuan, and the seventh-rank star-cloaked incarnation of the Supreme Venerable at the end of the lineup, this lineup was unique even when most of the ruins of the Lingyin world had not been annihilated.

The large starship traveled all the way among the ruins of the world, and all the forbidden relics where it passed were unearthed. The large starship that originally only filled half of the space quickly filled the other half of the space.

Not only that, even the storage items carried by everyone on the star boat were fully utilized, and they were filled with some valuable small items.

It\'s just that although these harvests are considered valuable in any aspect, almost none of them can enter the eyes of the star-robed incarnation. also no.

In fact, the harvest along the way is that there are very few that can make Song Zhen, Hai Yuanyuan and others shine.

On the other hand, the 20 or 30 elite warriors from the academy that accompanied the starship were all smiling, cheering from time to time, and all of them were full of energy.

During this process, the star-cloak avatar has been in meditation most of the time, and the source star robe on his body has been bathed in the starlight, and then passed through the source star talisman array on the star robe. Transformation, benefiting the body bit by bit.

In the battle of the four seventh-order existences, the star-robed avatar had the last laugh, but in order to help Beidou Xingyuan through the air, the real body of the deity was almost consumed At this time, the star-cloak avatar has no power to support the star-cloak avatar. The star-cloak avatar can only collect and gather starlight to condense the star essence bit by bit, and then transform it through the source star talisman. The efficiency is naturally extremely low. But it can only add one point.

As for Shang Xia himself, who is the real body of the deity, after the previous battle, he has further expanded the recovery speed of his Big Dipper source.

Of course, for Shang Xia himself, the biggest gain in this battle is the condensed fire of the stars.

This is a little bit of essence that gathers the source light of the seven big sun stars.

Originally, Shang Xia thought that it might be more accurate to call it "the real fire of the big sun", but unexpectedly, that little flame was not as hot and violent as the big sun star at all, but it was more warm and silent like under the stars at night.

However, this little flame is nothing but burning!

Master Yan Yu\'s blood-born incarnation was ignited by this little spark. If he hadn\'t seen the opportunity quickly, that blood-born incarnation and a bit of the original true spirit entrusted in it would have been wiped out.

And after Shang Xia advanced to the Seven Star Realm, and finally after the Origin Star Talisman, he once again had a means to deal with the enemy in the Seventh Heaven.

At the same time, the star boat that was traveling through the ruins of the spiritual world finally stopped, and the star-robed avatar who had just entered meditation also opened his eyes at this time.

Song Zhen walked in at this moment and said, "My lord, the core of the ruins of the Lingyin world is here, you should come and see for yourself!"