Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1721

As the only grand master of the sixth-order formation, almost all the large-scale creations in Tongyou Academy that need to be engraved with the guardian formation have been arranged or modified by Chu Jia himself, and the large starship under everyone\'s feet is no exception!

At the same time, all the formations arranged and modified by her hand can naturally perfectly fit the five element rings of the magic weapon in her hands.

Therefore, when Xingzhou was in turmoil in the aftermath of the confrontation between the two seventh-order beings, Chu Jia integrated the five-element ring into the Xingzhou guardian formation system, and after she, a sixth-order formation master, personally presided over the formation, the original The Xingzhou, which was on the verge of overturning almost at any time, got better in an instant. Even Song Zhen, who was originally driving the Xingzhou, heaved a sigh of relief at this time.

Of course, because the confrontation between the two seventh-order beings is still going on, the danger of Xingzhou has not been completely relieved.

But after having Chu Jia personally preside over the overall situation, the large ??????????????? Starship of Tongyou Academy was finally able to gradually get rid of danger in the process of keeping away.

"The confrontation of the seventh-order existence is so terrifying!"

Even Hai Yuanyuan and the others, who had witnessed Shang Xia\'s confrontation with the seventh-order existences in the various heavens in the Lingfeng world, could not help but be shocked again at this time, and even the degree of shock was even better than that in the Lingfeng world. outside.

The reason is very simple. At that time, they were inside the Lingfeng Realm, and they were sensing the struggle of several seventh-order existences through a sky barrier, instead of bearing the spread of the seventh-order battle without any cover as they are now.

"Our urgent evacuation was almost overwhelmed by the aftermath. The warriors on the starship in the Lingmang Realm are facing a direct confrontation between two seventh-order existences. I\'m afraid they will be wiped out?"

Zhu Nang wiped off the oily sweat from his forehead, looked at the chaotic void in the distance, and said with palpitations all over his face.


"Probably the opposite!"

Chu Jia and Song Zhen said almost in unison.


Zhu Nang looked at the two strangely. With such an intense confrontation, how could the starship in the Lingmang Realm survive?

Song Zhen smiled and said, "Leader Chu is the one to explain. Master Chu is the clan of the Taoist clan, so her explanation is more authoritative!"

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Chu Jia smiled, looked at Zhu Nang and said, "Because the starship in the Lingmang Realm also has formations, and the real person from the Lingmang Realm who fought against the Star-cloaked Lord is the master of the guardian formation. , Therefore, the two are actually one in the process of confronting the star-cloaked master. If the star-cloaked master wants to destroy the star boat, he must first defeat the person who opposes him."

Song Zhen also said at this time: "Although it was just a glimpse, the star-robed master may not have taken advantage of the other party." Song Zhen\'s words made the hearts of everyone on the star boat tightened.

But he quickly said again: "But don\'t worry, everyone, even if the star-cloaked master is not the opponent, it is not difficult to expect to retreat completely, and this is why we have to evacuate in the first place. A burden to the Venerable Lord in the star robe."

Hai Yuanyuan was not convinced and said: "Doesn\'t that mean that if my teacher...\'s incarnation was also on the starship at that time, wouldn\'t it be possible to use our starship\'s formation system to fight against the opponent?"

The other sixth-order real people above Xingzhou did not speak, and even Chu Jia remained silent.

At this time, Xingzhou had escaped thousands of miles away, and behind the Xingzhou, the chaos was still expanding, and at the same time, the palpitating void fluctuations spreading out from inside could still be clearly perceived. .

"When will they end?"

Hai Yuanyuan\'s tone revealed a little worry.

Huang Yu didn\'t know when he had already stood beside her, looking at the chaotic void thousands of miles away with her, and said in a deep voice, "I don\'t know!"


This battle that took place in the depths of the ruins of the spiritual world, the aftermath of the war almost affected the entire ruined world, and there were countless ruined buildings that were directly destroyed by the two and turned into ashes. Many explored in the ruins of this world Many masters from Lingmang Realm and Yuandu Realm fled one after another, but it is still unknown how many people were involved in the aftermath of the great war, and their life and death are unknown.

However, what everyone doesn\'t know is that the two seventh-order beings who were supposed to fight with all their strength in that chaotic void, the star-robed incarnation and Master Yan Yu who descended on Yan Xintao\'s real person, are conducting a battle calmly at this moment. dialogue.

"There is something wrong with the ruins of this world. Yuandu Realm is not too far from here. Doesn\'t Master Yan know something?"

"Spiritual world, a plane world that collapsed in the process of being promoted to the Yuan-level upper realm, now it seems that its world will has not been completely wiped out!"

"But the plane world has indeed completely collapsed. Without the protection of the plane world and the nourishment of the origin of heaven and earth, how can a plane world\'s will survive to this day?"

"This is also Yan\'s doubt, but it seems that Shangzun has already guessed?"

"Master Yan was just joking. Shang has only had the opportunity to go out to view the Tianyu a few times. How much can he know? However, Master Yan\'s Yuandu Realm is not too far away from here. Could it be that he really didn\'t notice anything? Especially Was it when the Venerable Master advanced to the seventh heaven?"

A slightly stiff smile appeared on Yan Xintao\'s face, and Master Yan\'s voice came out of his mouth, saying: "Since that\'s the case, then there\'s no need for you and me to make detours, just be open and honest!"

The star-robed avatar\'s expression became solemn, and he said in a deep voice: "Who was the person who was promoted to the upper realm of Yuan level in the spirit world and took the opportunity to attack the seventh heaven at the same time?"

Master Yan Yu replied: "Although there is still a Lingmang Realm between this world and the Lingyin Realm, the name of the genius martial artist Jiuyin Zhenren in the Lingyin Realm is still recorded in the classics handed down from this realm." .”

The star-robed avatar nodded, and said, "Realist Guan Ziqing didn\'t mention this to the deity. He only said that the ancient books in the Lingmang Realm were seriously lost, and that the Lingyin Realm protected the void coordinates of their own plane world very well. It\'s strict."

Master Yan Yu immediately let out a sneer from Master Yan Xintao\'s mouth when he heard the words: "At the beginning, the spiritual world and Jiuyin were full of ambitions, and there were only two blue worlds around the spiritual world. Included in the Tianyu World System????????????????? The void coordinates of the Lingyin Realm have never been leaked because our two realms belonged to the Cang Realm at the time, and there was no inheritance of stargazers. There is no ability to calculate its coordinates at all.”

"Also, although only high-level warriors in our two worlds are eligible to enter and exit the void of the spirit world, it is not because of the intentional restriction of the spirit world, but because it was still difficult to open up void passages hundreds of years ago. In fact, high-level warriors communicate frequently among the three realms. There are not a few records about the spiritual world handed down from this realm alone. The Jiuyin real person has also been seen in various records many times. The Mang Realm is closer to the Spiritual Sound Realm, and the exchanges are more frequent, so how could there be no records at all? It\'s just a deliberate concealment."

The star-robed avatar nodded, and said: "The star master has not died, and now he is trying to replace a Yuan-level upper realm that has reached perfection, and then cross the threshold of the eighth heaven in one fell swoop!"


Master Yan Yu was first shocked by the news suddenly revealed by the star-cloak incarnation, and his martial arts will was almost unstable, but he realized the real intention of the star-cloak incarnation in telling him the news, and said in a deep voice: "You It means that the Nine-Yin Daoist in the spirit world did not die completely in the process of being promoted to the seventh heaven, but tried to replace or integrate with the will of heaven and earth that was about to collapse, so that he survived until today?"

The star-robed avatar didn\'t respond, just smiled slightly.

However, Yan Xintao\'s face showed suspicion, and Master Yan Yu\'s voice came from his mouth again: "But even so, what is the purpose of Guan Ziqing\'s intention to conceal the news of the spiritual world?"

The star-robed avatar let out a chuckle again, and said, "Master Yan thinks that Guan Zhenren is blessed with the power of heaven and earth in the plane world, so that he can have the strength enough to fight against you. How about this after-sales service?"