Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1696


Shang Xia once again sent an avatar of origin to accompany Zhu Nang to face Kou Chongxue in the Jiaozhou Dongtian Secret Realm. After Zhu Nang gave a general account of what happened, Kou Chongxue interrupted Shang Xia before he could open his mouth.

"I know what you want to say, but the old man has reached an important juncture now, and he can\'t leave at all."

Kou Chongxue\'s face was full of helplessness.

How could he not know that the relic of the plane world that Zhu Nang mentioned is very likely to be a great opportunity, even extremely important to the Lingfeng world, which is currently in a critical period of transformation.

At this time, we can see the disadvantages of the shallow foundation of Lingfeng Realm.

When Shang Xia advanced to the Seven-Star Realm, Kou Chongxue was recovering from his injuries, and Yang Taihe and Zhang Xuansheng were in a situation where their respective cultivation realms could not be guaranteed. Facing the opportunity that was close at hand, the Lingfeng Realm could not send a high-quality real person to lead the team Go to Lingmang Realm.

Without the guidance of Daoist Gaopin, the danger of exploring a ruin that should at least be a spiritual world is self-evident.

What\'s more, in the spiritual world, there will inevitably be several high-quality real people leading the team as a comparison.

In Jiaozhou Dongtian Secret Realm, Kou Chongxue sat opposite Shang Xia Yuanyuan\'s incarnation, looking at each other, not knowing what to do for a while.

"Actually, we still have a high-grade spirit world real person."

Standing aside, Zhu Nang cautiously interjected.

However, neither Kou Chongxue nor Shang Xia paid any attention, Zhu Nang wisely closed his mouth.

Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia\'s original incarnation naturally knew who he was talking about, and the real Gao Qin was indeed controlled by Shang Xia at the moment.

However, neither Kou Chongxue nor Shang Xia can guarantee that Master Gu Yi will be attracted immediately once the real Gao Qin is released to view the sky.

You must know that many times, the issue of life and death cannot become an absolute constraint for some people.

"And what about your external avatar?"

Kou Chongxue thought of another way. Shang Xia\'s external avatar also had at least the combat power of the fifth-rank return to the true realm. Now that his real body has successfully advanced to the seventh heaven, perhaps the combat power of the external avatar will be further improved because of this.

However, Shang Xia shook his head and smiled wryly: "I have already promised that the high-level spiritual materials of the academy will first be inclined to those who are qualified to attack the sixth heaven. Some of the high-level spiritual materials involved in refining the incarnation directly affect at least three The configuration of four six-level advanced potions."

Kou Chongxue stared at Shang Xia in a daze when he heard the words, and then sighed helplessly.

Zhu Nang asked cautiously at this time: "Then... what should I do?"

Shang Xia said helplessly: "Let Song Zhen take Xin Lu and the two fourth-tier formation masters to make a stand near the ruins first, and learn as much as possible about the situation there, but don\'t go too deep. We are in danger, and if it is really a ruin of a spiritual world, I am afraid that it will not be able to be excavated and cleaned up in a short time. By then, we will be fully staffed, and it will not be too late for me to go to investigate."

Having said that, by that time, I am afraid that most of the valuable things in the surface world ruins have already fallen into the hands of the spirit world.

Zhu Nang was also a bit frustrated when he heard the words, and said: "That\'s the only way to go."

After coming out of Jiaozhou Dongtian Secret Realm, Shang Xia\'s original incarnation was directly blocked by Hai Yuanyuan.

"What, you want to hit the sextile mirror now?"

The avatar of Yuanyuan frowned and looked at the determined woman in front of him, and said, "Why don\'t you wait? Once the metamorphosis of the Yuan-level upper realm is completed in the plane world, the impact on the sixth heaven will be twice the result with half the effort, and there is no need to worry about the promotion quota." matter."

Hai Yuanyuan\'s martial arts practice is completely in accordance with Shang Xia\'s inheritance, so the names of each realm are also completely in accordance with Shang Xia\'s name.

Now Tongyou Academy has only one promotion quota fully controlled by it, one is the quota for spiritual real people from Yuanhai, Jeju, and the other is the quota for Dongtian real people from Jiaozhou Dongtian Secret Realm.

As Shang Xia\'s first successor of the martial arts path in the true sense, Hai Yuanyuan\'s goal of hitting the sixth heaven is naturally to become a sixth-level real person, and Dongtian real person is not within the scope of her consideration at all.

Hai Yuanyuan gritted her teeth lightly, her face was full of stubbornness, and said, "I just want to attack the Liuhe mirror now!"

The original incarnation frowned, and was about to say something, but suddenly realized something, looked at Hai Yuanyuan and said, "You didn\'t come to find me, did you? You didn\'t know that my avatar was here, you came here The real purpose here is to ask to see the head of the mountain?"

Hai Yuanyuan bit her lip and did not speak, but the expression on her face had already admitted Shang Xia\'s guess.

"Don\'t make things difficult for the head of the mountain!"

The original incarnation said earnestly: "There are at least three or five warriors in the academy who have reached the threshold of the sixth heaven. Everyone is waiting for the final transformation of the plane world. Your impact on the six-fold mirror at this time will lead the academy. It will have a bad influence."

A flash of hesitation flashed in Hai Yuanyuan\'s eyes, but she still seemed unwilling to give up.

Seeing this, Yuan Yuan\'s avatar sank, and when he was about to say something with a heavier tone, he suddenly heard Kou Chongxue\'s voice coming from the depths of the cave behind him: "Let her in!"

The Yuanyuan incarnation thought for a while and turned sideways to make way for the road. Hai Yuanyuan raised her head and glanced at the Yuanyuan incarnation, and then hurriedly walked into the secret cave from beside him.

The original avatar looked at the back of the girl who had entered the cave, and realized that this girl who seemed to him to never grow up was actually a mature adult long ago.

Zhu Nang saw that Shang Xia\'s Yuanyuan incarnation looked distracted, and said softly at the side: "Miss Hai likes to inquire about some things about Outer Domain, especially the situation of Chaotic Star Sea. A look of fascination."

Yuanyuan\'s incarnation paused, turned to look at Zhu Nang and said, "What do you want to say?"

Zhu Nang said in a low voice: "After my subordinate returned from the Lingmang Realm, Miss Hai asked her subordinates about her experience two days ago. Xing Xing’s experience was told to her in detail, and she talked about the predicament we encountered right now, and at that time Miss Hai bluntly said that she might be able to help when exploring the ruins of the plane world.”

Zhu Nang took a look at Yuan Yuan\'s incarnation, and continued: "At first, my subordinates thought that Miss Hai was just talking, so they praised, \'Young lady\'s move is enough to relieve the worries of the superior\', but also pointed out that \'the ruins of the plane world are dangerous. Very much, the girl still needs to accumulate strength, maybe after she advances to the sixth level in the future, she will be able to become a powerful arm of the Supreme Master!"


Yuanyuan incarnation pointed at Zhu Nang, and then said helplessly: "No wonder this child is unwilling to come to me. She is sure that I will not let her leave Guantianyu, so she hit the head of the mountain chief. It\'s a pity ..."

Zhu Nang smiled wryly when he heard the words, but it\'s a pity that not only Tongyou College, but also the entire Lingfeng world can\'t send people to help Song Zhen and others.

The Yuanyuan incarnation shook his head, knowing that Hai Yuanyuan could not succeed, so he was no longer willing to take care of these things, and after saying goodbye to Zhu Nang, he returned first to join the real body of the deity.

However, shortly after the original incarnation and the deity merged, Chu Jia appeared directly in front of him with the help of the short-distance teleportation of the Five Elements Ring.

"You want to perfect a seventh-order martial talisman with the help of Master Wei\'s star robe? Do you think I, a formation master, can help you, a talisman master?"

As soon as Chu Jia came up, he asked unceremoniously.

Shang Xia had long been used to Chu Jia\'s temper, so he slowed down and said slowly, "Even if you can\'t do it, the carving knife in your hand may come in handy."