Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1694

In the void of the plane of Lingyu Realm.

Being in the void of this plane, although Shang Xia couldn\'t perceive its boundaries, he could be sure that this void of the plane was much wider than the void of the Lingfeng world, and it was still expanding among.

And the reason for this is not difficult to guess, no matter which plane void has the Lingyu world, the Lingguan world, and the Yuanping world that has completely removed the hidden barrier, if the plane void is not exploded, it will be destroyed. Can only continue to expand on a large scale.

In fact, the plane void in Lingfeng Realm is also continuously expanding with the advancement of the plane world.

After Zhuo Gudao left, Shang Xia did not immediately leave the void of the Lingyu plane, but inadvertently glanced at the depths of the surrounding void.

Originally, Shang Xia felt that in the void of the plane of Lingfeng Realm, there were enough eyes staring at him, but in this void of the plane, he realized that the attention he received was actually not enough. Nothing.

However, Shang Xia didn\'t care about these faint sights. At least for now, all these people can do is stare with their own eyes.

After leaving the void outside the sky barrier of the spiritual world, Shang Xia\'s figure reappeared outside the Yuanping world.

And the moment his figure appeared in the void, an original true spirit descended on the sky barrier, condensed into an original incarnation of the star lord, staring coldly at Shang Xia\'s movements through the void.

At this time, Shang Xia naturally wouldn\'t go to trouble the Star Lord alone, and the reason why he came outside the Yuanping Realm, his real purpose was to sense the spirit-fixing device that had been placed in Yuanhai before.

Because of the will of the star master and the original heaven and earth, Shang Xia successfully placed two spirit-fixing devices in two different states in the north and south of the Yuanping world.

It\'s a pity that when he advanced to the seven-star realm, the spirit-fixing device absorbed the origin of the world, one of which was easily detected and destroyed by the star master, and the other was because there was no seventh-level in the state where the will of the original heaven and earth was located. The presence of the Venerable Master made this spirit-fixing device the only one that survived among all four Shang Xia\'s spiritual-fixing devices placed in the Yuan-level upper realm.

More importantly, the artifact Shang Xia placed in the source sea of ​​a certain state in the south is itself a talisman pen of the same quality as a high-grade sharp weapon. The trace of the original true spirit sent in has further merged with this talisman pen, and now its quality has at least reached the level of a magic weapon.

At the same time, Shang Xia could also feel that the quality of this talisman still had the potential to continue to improve, and it seemed to be closely related to his own cultivation.

"It\'s a pity! If the quality of this talisman pen reaches the holy grade, maybe I will take it back now!"

Shang Xia carefully perceived the talisman pen that was still in the depths of Yuanhai outside the Yuanping boundary, and finally gave up the plan to take it out with some regrets.

Shang Xia still has two magic-level talisman pens in his hands. Among them, the Yin Ke Xinghao pen is of inferior quality and is used the most in Shang Xia\'s hands. Now the wear and tear has been extremely serious, and it may still be able to persist in making sixth-order martial talismans. For a period of time, if it is used to try to make a seventh-order martial talisman, it may turn into a bald pen on the spot.

As for another newly made talisman pen from Yuan Xingjie, its quality is half as high as that of Yin Ke Xinghao\'s pen. It may be barely used to try to make a seventh-order martial talisman, but doing so will definitely damage the talisman pen itself. great.

Shang Xia had no choice but to do so before he could not get a higher-quality talisman.

As for the Yuan Hongjie mentioned by Zhuo Gudao, there may be a talisman pen that can be used to make a seventh-order martial talisman. Not to mention that hundreds of years have passed, such a highly consumable item may not be usable. Even if it is still usable, why would such a treasure be lent to Shang Xia, a possible potential opponent?

Now that he has come to the Void of Lingyu Realm, Shang Xia will naturally not leave easily.

Because when he was carefully sensing the connection with the spirit-fixing weapon in the void, Shang Xia suddenly discovered an interesting phenomenon, that is, he was able to trace the original ray of truth in the spirit-fixing weapon. Use the breath of the spirit to change the changes in your own air mechanism.

That is to say, because of the spirit-fixing tool that was placed deep in the source sea, Shang Xia waiter sneaking into the Yuanping world again may not be repelled and suppressed by the plane world. He can be like a native aborigine. Generally act freely in several states in the south of Yuanpingjie!

In the same way, at this time, the plane world where the other three spirit-fixing tools are still in contact with Yuan Xing in his dantian will no longer have any suppression and rejection of Shang Xia.

It\'s just that the other three plane worlds are only spiritual worlds. Even if the will of heaven and earth does not reject Shang Xia, the plane world cannot accommodate a seventh-level master.

As for the other two Yuan Realms, the spirit-fixing devices of Yuandu Realm and Yuan Xing Realm have already been destroyed by the local seventh-rank superiors, and even Shang Xia himself doesn\'t know whether he will be rejected by these two plane worlds.

Originally, the state domain in the northern part of the Yuanping Realm dominated by the Star Lord was a good experimental object, but now the Star Lord\'s avatar is eyeing Shang Xia from above the sky barrier, making it impossible for him to verify it.

Shang Xia\'s original purpose of sensing the surviving spirit-fixing device in the southern part of the Yuanping Realm was actually to investigate the current situation of the Lingyu Realm\'s will towards the Yuanping Realm\'s original heaven and earth, as well as the origin of several states.

In fact, Shang Xia did find out some interesting things. For example, among the six or seven states in the south controlled by the original will of heaven and earth, the source seas of the three states that directly face the will of the star master are still abundant, and even faintly strengthen.

However, the source seas of the four states behind seem to be in short supply all the time, and the origin of heaven and earth in the source seas where Shang Xia\'s spirit-fixing weapon is located seems to have been losing all the time.

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There is no doubt that Lingyu Realm has accelerated the theft of the origin of Yuanping Realm\'s heaven and earth. The next step is probably to split several states in the south of Yuanping Realm to prepare for Lingyu Realm\'s direct promotion to the Yuan-level Upper Realm.

Shang Xia hung in the void tens of thousands of miles away from the Yuanping Realm\'s sky barrier. Suddenly, if he felt something, he turned his head and looked towards the depths of the void in the direction of Lingyu Realm, vaguely meeting the gaze of an existence directly. superior.

"Jin Shangzun!"

Shang Xia felt the sharp sword piercing feeling from his eyes, and muttered something in his mouth, but his expression seemed much more dignified.