Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1692

From the thirty-seventh year of Lingfeng Realm to the end of the thirty-eighth year, during this period of more than a year, the entire Guantianyu fell into an unprecedented calm.

And this kind of calm probably started after Shang Xia successfully promoted to the seventh heaven.

It can be said that it is precisely because of Shang Xia\'s promotion that completely changed the situation of the entire Guantianyu, so that the existences in the outer domains of all walks of life who covet the Yuanping world have to be promoted because of Shang Xia, who is completely unexpected at the seventh level. Due to the appearance of Zun, he had to suspend, adjust, and even change the original plan.

However, everyone understands that this tranquility is only temporary, and as the boundary barrier is about to collapse, the temporary tranquility can only indicate that greater waves will be set off inside Guantianyu.

In the past year or so, among the more than ten real people in Lingfeng Realm, some of the less injured have fully recovered, and most of the more seriously injured have stabilized. As for Kou Chongxue, Feng Ziying and others who want to fully recover, it may take three to five years.

On the contrary, after Feng Ziying returned to Lingfeng Realm, he changed back to his previous identity as You Shang. Although his injury had not healed, it did not delay his return to the family, and stayed and flew with Wei Qiongyi.

Shang Xia was also speechless after hearing this. He heard that he had a deep friendship with Feng Ziyuan when he was in the Xingyuan Dojo, and he even fell in love with the second-rank real person who was cultivated by the real person Pei Lu from the Star Lord\'s Mansion since he was a child, and even accompanied him to rebel against the Xingyuan Dojo. .

It\'s a pity that Feng Ziyuan\'s confidante was so unlucky that she fought against the turbulence in the void, and finally died, and even Feng Ziying herself almost died in Huangquan.

It is heard that he almost died with Feng Ziyuan before he was rescued, and after he was rescued, he felt resentful towards Kou Chongxue for not saving his confidante, which shows that the affection between him and Feng Ziyuan is also deep.

However, more than a year has passed, and he has not even healed from his injuries, so he remarried with Wei Qiongyi again, and Shang Xia was also very sad when he heard about it.

It\'s just that his biological son Wei Zheng was extremely displeased by his sudden return. Although the two are biological father and son, the relationship is extremely rigid. It is difficult for Wei Qiongyi to be in the middle.

Naturally, Shang Xia heard the short stories from these parents from Hai Min, but he just laughed it off.

But if we see him again in the future, we can use this matter to tease him, which is quite a bit clever.

And after the strength of many sixth-level real people in this world has recovered, Lingfeng Realm is above the seventh-level level, except for Shang Xia, it can be regarded as regaining the power of self-protection, and Shang Xia can also leave Lingfeng with peace of mind. Fengjie to do something that he already wanted to do.

For more than a year, Gai Qingzhu wanted to continue to collect high-level spiritual materials for Shang Xia, and hand them over to him to remake the incarnation outside the body, so that another high-quality real person could sit in the academy.

But after Shang Xia learned about this, he thought about it and told Gai Qingzhu to stop the matter.

First of all, there are already many warriors in Tongyou Academy who have reached the high level of Wugang Realm and are making the final preparations to attack the sixth heaven. The various high-level spiritual materials required for advanced medicine are difficult to obtain Collection, but many of the high-level spiritual materials needed to make external avatars are required for sixth-level advanced potions. If Shang Xia wants to remake external avatars, he will definitely be promoted to the sixth heaven of digital academy warriors. make an impact.

Secondly, Gao Qin\'s own strength has recovered to a certain extent after being controlled by Shang Xia, and this high-ranking combat power can make up for it temporarily. The loss of Tongyou Academy\'s overall strength is not too great.


However, when it comes to the number of high-grade martial artists in the academy who are already on the verge of being promoted to the sixth heaven, it has to be said that there are already many warriors from all major sects in the Lingfeng world who are on the verge of being promoted to the sixth heaven.

Some people have reached such a state through their own step-by-step practice accumulation, but a considerable number of them have been smashed into various spiritual materials and resources by the sect forces behind them on a large scale, and forcibly supported them.

The reason why the major sects spare no expense in cultivating fifth-level heavenly fighters is also very simple. The world of Lingfeng is about to be promoted, and everyone wants to take advantage of the transformation of the origin of the world to increase their impact on the sixth-level heaven. It is not impossible to hope to use this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to strengthen the sect forces behind each of them, and even achieve the goal of changing the martial arts power structure of the entire plane world in one fell swoop!

And among these fighters who are preparing to be promoted to the sixth heaven, there are also Shendujiao, Tianxing Pavilion and other Dongtian sects that lost their sixth-level real people in the void turbulent battle.

You must know that once the transformation of the Yuan-level upper realm is completed in the Lingfeng Realm, not only can the number of caves and secret realms that can be carried be increased from nine to twelve, but the original true spirits that can be carried by each prefecture\'s source sea will also be reduced. And only one person increased to three or five people.

At the same time, the number of states that can be carried by the plane world that has completed the promotion of the Metaverse will also increase from twenty-four to thirty-six.

Of course, the increase in the number of prefectures is not achieved overnight. Even if Lingfengjie is promoted successfully, the number of prefectures it owns is only the initial twenty-four.

For more than a year, Shang Xia still didn\'t have much idea about creating his own seven-star realm martial art, but after repeated attempts, he was able to recover the speed of the Big Dipper in his dantian after being depleted Speed ​​up a lot.

But apart from this, it is impossible to increase the source of the Big Dipper in the dantian, and then achieve the goal of improving the realm of cultivation.

That is to say, during the past year or so, except for Shang Xia\'s self-improvement with the momentum of the "Seven Star Dingling Pill", the rest is only to stabilize his own cultivation, and nothing else. into.

But apart from his own cultivation, Shang Xia has not gained nothing in the past year or so.

At least he has completed the initial sorting out of the reorganization and aggregation of the seven mutation formations into a brand-new seventh-level martial talisman, and the rest is to start trying to make this seventh-level martial talisman to prove his correctness. sex.

It\'s just that even if you have a complete seventh-order martial talisman inheritance, it is not easy to make it. In addition to the difficulty of making it, the required talisman paper, talisman pen, and talisman ink must be of extremely high grades. requirements.

At least at present, Shang Xia does not have seventh-order talisman paper in his hands, not to mention this seventh-order formation talisman recombined from seven different sixth-order mutation formation talismans. The star silkworm is woven, and it is the silk spun by the star-eating silkworm that was cultivated and cultivated by the origin of the metaverse.

At present, this kind of silk is probably only available in Xingyuan Dojo. Although Tongyou Academy obtained some silkworm eggs through Feng Ziying and handed them over to Sun Haiwei to hatch successfully, those star-eating silkworms have not reached the silk-spinning period, and because of lack of In the original cultivation environment of Yuanjie, the quality of silkworm eggs is not high enough, and it is impossible to spit out the silk used to weave the seventh-order talisman paper.

However, Shang Xia actually has an item that can be directly used to make a seventh-order martial talisman in his hands, and that is the Star Robe of the Lord of Guards.

It\'s just that the Star Robe of Master Wei is a treasure in itself, and Shang Xia is obviously unwilling to destroy this strange treasure just because of the making of a martial talisman.