Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1690

After roughly agreeing that the Cangqing Realm will be blessed by the Lingfeng Realm, and after completing the promotion of the Yuan Realm in the Lingfeng Realm to join the Tianyu World with it as the core, the relationship between the two parties suddenly became much more harmonious.

In Lingfeng Hall, the exchanges between warriors from the two worlds became much more intense.

Kou Chongxue asked: "Really Xiao, what is the current situation in other Cang Realms in Guan Tianyu?"

Xiao Yugang put down the teacup in his hand. He understood what Kou Chongxue really wanted to ask, so he said: "Since the Xingyuan Dao Temple merged the Canghai and Cangxing realms and was promoted to the Spiritual Realm, the number of spiritual realms in the Guantian Realm has reached six. There are only four seats left in the Cang Realm."

"Except for my Cangqing Realm, the Cangyuan Realm once tried to complete the promotion of the Spirit Realm independently, but was obstructed by Xingyuan Dojo, Lingyu Realm, and Lingjun Realm; Cangmeng Realm has always been the follower of the Lingjun Realm As for the Blue Wind Realm, it has always maintained a good relationship with the Lingyu Realm."

Speaking of this, Xiao Yugang said again: "In fact, most of the blue worlds in Guantianyu were originally headed by the three spiritual realms of Lingjun, Lingyu, and Linglang. These three spiritual realms were originally the oldest in Guantianyu. The most powerful plane world, compared with the three major spirit worlds, the original spirit tea world and noble world can only be regarded as latecomers."

"It\'s just that you all know what happened later. The Linglang Realm was calculated by the Xingyuan Dojo. Not only did Master Zhu die, but the plane world was almost divided up. Let alone protect the Cangqing Realm. As soon as Langjie was attacked, he had already provided assistance, and directly provided a part of the source of the world, but Master Ban was not satisfied, and repeatedly asked me to wait for the source of the world and various resources. We are really... Sigh !"

Kou Chongxue\'s eyes touched several real people in this world without a trace, and then he said with a smile: "It turns out that so many things have happened in the middle! By the way, the six spirit worlds and the four heavenly realms are currently excluded from the Tianyu. Beyond the world, are there other hidden worlds that have never been discovered?"

You must know that before Lingfeng Realm was promoted, Cangyu and Cangling Realms had never been known to other circles because they had not established a void channel with Xingyuan Land.

But at that time, the sixth-level real people of Shendu, Weiyang, and the three major Dongtian sects in Beihai knew the land of Xingyuan, and at that time, many people did not pass through the void passage, but directly traveled through the void with masters to come to the land of Xingyuan and then Enter Xingyuan City.

Therefore, Kou Chongxue and others wondered whether there were other worlds hidden in the sky view.

It\'s just that this question is also difficult for Xiao Yugang to answer. After all, although Cangqing Realm and Xingyuan City built a void channel long before Lingfeng Realm, that doesn\'t mean that Xiao Yugang knows the answer to this question.

Kou Chongxue saw that Xiao Yugang was stunned first, and then pondered. He probably understood that this question made the other party a little embarrassed, so he was about to change the subject and say something else.

But Xiao Yugang said at this time: "Whether there are other undiscovered spirit worlds or blue worlds in Guantianyu, Xiao really doesn\'t know, but even if there are, it can only be undiscovered blue worlds. As for the spiritual world, there should be no more except for the current six major spiritual worlds."

"However, Xiao knows that besides the spirit world and the blue world, there are at least seven or eight barbaric worlds in Guantianyu. It\'s just that these barbarian realms are mostly in the void of Guantianyu, and it is Xiao who wants to It\'s not easy to find either."


Kou Chongxue was greatly surprised when he heard the words, and said, "I didn\'t expect that there are so many barbarian worlds in Guantianyu. I don\'t know if Daoist Xiao knows the specific location of these barbarian worlds in the void?"

Xiao Yugang was a little surprised and said, "Are these barbarian worlds useful to your world?"

At this time, the incarnation of Shang Xia, who seldom spoke, suddenly smiled and said: "Really Xiao, don\'t get me wrong. Since these barbaric realms are mostly located in remote places in the void of Guantianyu, and the barriers of Guantianyu\'s boundaries are about to collapse, foreign forces have now begun to pass through the realm. The gaps in the domain barriers seep in, and those savage worlds in remote voids may be the footholds where they extend their tentacles."

Xiao Yugang nodded, and said, "Xiao will write down the specific azimuth coordinates of the few barbarian worlds he knows!"

The original incarnation stayed in the Lingfeng Hall for a while, then left to join the real body of the deity.

The establishment of the subordination relationship between Cangqing Realm and Lingfeng Realm this time can be regarded as both sides get what they need.

Although Cangqing Realm may still have such thoughts hidden, and the transfer from Linglang Realm to Lingfeng Realm is somewhat suspicious, but these are nothing to the Lingfeng Realm, which has absolute strength at the moment. On the contrary, once the Lingfeng Realm really completes the metamorphosis of the Yuan-level Upper Realm, the Tianyu World System will be established immediately because of the addition of the Cangqing Realm, which may further feed back Shang Xia\'s personal cultivation realm.

Of course, if the Cangqing Realm can be promoted to the Spirit Realm through this, it may also directly trigger a qualitative change in Shang Xia\'s cultivation realm!

However, after synchronizing with the original incarnation the last memory in the previous Lingfeng Palace, Shang Xia really aroused a little curiosity: Is there still an undiscovered spirit world or blue world hidden in Guantianyu?

Because of the lessons learned from Cangyu and Cangling, the predecessors of Lingfeng Realm, Shang Xia felt that it would be better to be cautious.

The original avatar that had just returned to the true body of the deity was stripped out again, and went straight to Tongyou | Cave Heaven.

"There are other blue or spirit worlds hidden in Guantianyu? This is unlikely!"

On the observatory, before Yuan Qiuyuan could speak, Yan Ming spoke first.

Yuanyuan turned his head to look at Yuan Qiuyuan and said, "What do you think?"

Yuan Qiuyuan thought for a while, and said: "Although the possibility is not high, we have always tacitly agreed that there will be no other heaven and spirit worlds in Guantianyu, so we have never really searched for them seriously. If they really exist For such a plane world, it must have been covered up by formations or some natural visions."

Yan Ming looked at Yuan Qiuyuan in surprise, "Do you think there will be?"

Yuan Qiuyuan said: "If it really exists, then the Xingyuan Dojo must know about it, and the Star Master must also know about it."

Without waiting for Yanming to ask the reason again, Yuan Qiuyuan said directly: "Don\'t forget Yuanpingjie! And Xing Xingtian of Xingyuan Dojo must be a sixth-level stargazer right now."

The original incarnation gave a "hmm", obviously agreeing with his judgment, and then said: "Then, can you two look for it within the scope of Tianguan, and one more thing is to find as many as possible in the star map. Mark the gaps in the boundary barrier."

Yan Ming asked curiously, "It\'s all for the first thing, what\'s the reason for the latter thing?"

The Yuanyuan incarnation sighed softly, and said: "The force of foreign forces penetrating into Yuanping Realm is probably much more serious than we imagined."

After giving the order, Yuan Yuan\'s incarnation was about to leave, but was stopped by Yuan Qiuyuan.

"What else?"

The original incarnation looked at Yuan Qiuyuan in surprise.

Yuan Qiuyuan stretched out his hand to lure the starlight rays falling from the gaps in the leaves of the star tree, and immediately a few ray of starlight fell on the ground of the observatory along the direction of his lure.

The mechanism on the ground of the observatory was touched, and a stone platform rose from it, and a bronze book was placed on it, which was the stargazing book passed down to the skywatching school.

The original incarnation said in surprise: "Do you want this deity to try to open the remaining eight pages of the stargazing book?"

Yuan Qiuyuan nodded.

"Isn\'t this stargazing book best opened by a stargazer?"

Although the avatar of Yuanyuan said so, he had already walked towards the half-opened stargazing book.

Now that the first eight pages of the stargazing book have been opened, the entire stargazing book should have sixteen pages.

Yan Ming said at this time: "At the beginning, the highest cultivator of the Sky Watching Sect was also the Seventh Heaven, and now Xiao Yuan is equivalent to half a sixth-order Star Watcher. You two try it together, maybe you can open a page or two? "

The avatar of Yuanyuan stretched out his hand and was about to read the next page of the star book, Yan Ming saw it and said, "Can you do it?"

The original incarnation turned to look at Yan Ming, and Yan Ming quickly said: "I mean, aren\'t you a sixth-order original incarnation? Don\'t you need your own body to do it yourself?"

Yuan Qiuyuan said at this time: "The secret realm of Dongtian can\'t hold the seventh heaven!"