Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1667

After Yuan Qiuyuan successfully brought reinforcements from the Spiritual Realm and Lingmang Realm into Guantianyu and brought them together with Song Zhen, he immediately devoted almost all of his energy to finding and capturing Pei Lu from the Xingyuan Dojo in the Spiritual Viewing Realm. On the trail of the real person and the group.

During this period, Xin Lu and Yan Ming have been working hard to guide Kou Chongxue and others in the turbulent void to avoid the joint encirclement and suppression of dozens of real people including Lingjun Realm, Lingyu Realm, Lingtu Realm and Linglang Realm.

But because the other party has a large number of people and the help of a stargazer behind them, instead of helping Kou Chongxue and others to get rid of the other party\'s siege and interception, the situation of Kou Chongxue and others has become more and more serious as time goes by. hard up.

During this period, whether it was Xin Lu or Yan Ming, they asked Yuan Qiuyuan to help them more than once to help the remaining sixth-level real people on their side get out of danger, but Yuan Qiuyuan directly refused without hesitation.

He wanted to find traces of the real person Pei Lu and the others in the spiritual realm as soon as possible, and his intuition told him that the overall strength of the seven real people including Pei Lu might be the weakest among several forces, but once the other party entered the spirit The emptiness of Fengjie\'s plane, I am afraid that it will bring disaster to this world.

Of course, there is another reason. At this time, the stargazers have almost reached the upper limit of what they can do to guide the real people in this world in the void and turbulence of the plane. Even if Yuan Qiuyuan joins in, it is impossible to guide them There will be more beneficial changes in the situation of the sixth-order real people in the world.

Yuan Qiuyuan saw very clearly that there were only two possibilities that could really reverse the situation on his own side: one was whether Shang Xia could complete the transformation in time, and the other was whether reinforcements from the spiritual world and the spiritual world could arrive in time.

And these two possibilities have no direct relationship with him.

As for the traces of Zhenren Pei Lu and the group, the two stargazers Xin Lu and Yan Ming also tried to find them before, but they all failed without exception.

Xin Lu and Yan Ming suspected that Zhenren Pei Lu had the support of a sixth-level grandmaster-level stargazer behind him, so they were able to suppress the two of them who had a geographical advantage while being far away from the spiritual world. A local fifth-level grand stargazer.

However, after Yuan Qiuyuan had the experience of looking directly at Master Gu Yi through the gaps in the boundary barrier, his own stargazing skills seemed to have reached the verge of transformation, and this is why he is confident that he will see Pei Lu. Real people find out the root cause.

However, what he didn\'t know was that since the real person Pei Lu and his group stepped into the turbulent void of Lingfeng Realm, the traces of their group of seven sixth-level real people have been under Shang Xia\'s control all the time.

Not only Zhenren Pei Lu and others, but also the situation that Kou Chongxue and others are facing now, Shang Xia is also vivid in his mind.

However, from the beginning to the end, Shang Xia did not interfere in any way.

Even if Master Pei Lu and his team had already passed through the turbulent flow of the void and entered the void of the plane, they began to make some arrangements in the void, obviously preparing for the summoning of Zhuo Gudao to descend.

As for the situation of Kou Chongxue and others, it is not that Shang Xia cannot interfere, but at this time he is in the critical period of being promoted to the seven-star realm, and the fault is directly related to the life and death of Kou Chongxue, Sun Haiwei and others, otherwise he would definitely not be here. Time to be distracted.

What\'s more, he is also sure that although the purpose of his own forces is to prevent Lingfengjie and his promotion, under the crushing of absolute strength, the other party will naturally try their best.

But once they find out that the Lingfeng Realm is desperately trying to protect the local plane world, and even bring them heavy losses because of this, these people will definitely not be willing to risk their lives.

And the facts are exactly as Shang Xia expected. Although three second-rank real people died in a row, when he directly gave up the incarnation that had finally raised his combat power to fifth-rank, and took a After killing the two fourth-rank real people in the Lingtu world and severely injuring the sixth-rank real Zuo Li, the rest of the people became wary.

At the same time, while Kou Chongxue was deliberately delaying time, Shang Xia had also noticed that under the leadership of Song Zhen, the reinforcements composed of five high-grade real people from the Spirit Law Realm and the Spirit Mang Realm were still approaching in the turbulent flow of the void. The location of his real person, and this finally made Shang Xia completely relieved.

But almost at this time, a secret communication talisman suddenly flew from Tongyou City below and landed in Shang Xia\'s hands.

"I found traces of the people from the Xingyuan Dojo. They have entered the void of the plane, and some arrangement they are making has already strengthened their connection with the stargazers from the Xingyuan Dojo. Please defeat them as soon as possible!"

Yuan Qiuyuan\'s anxious voice immediately came to mind in the communication talisman, and at the same time, attached to it was the approximate azimuth coordinates of Daoist Lu and his party in the void of the plane that he calculated, which was almost the same as under Shang Xia\'s control. .

"Xiao Yuan\'s stargazing skills seem to be on the threshold of transforming into a sixth-level stargazer!"

Shang Xia sighed softly, but the secret communication talisman in his hand was reduced to ashes in the next moment.

Yuan Qiuyuan didn\'t know that the reason why Zhenren Pei Lu was able to successfully avoid Kou Chongxue and others\' interception in the turbulent void was originally the result of Shang Xia\'s intentional connivance.

Standing in the sky above Youzhou, Shang Xia looked down, and almost every detail of the transformation that was taking place in Lingfeng Realm was clearly and completely presented in his eyes.

Compared with the transformation speed when he forcibly opened the Lingfeng Realm and promoted to the Yuan Realm before, although the Lingfeng Realm is still in the process of transformation, it has clearly shown a phenomenon of lack of strength.

Although the will of heaven and earth in this world is still taking care of Shang Xia, he has been able to further perceive the anxious and urgent emotional will conveyed to him by the will of the plane world at this time.

The will of heaven and earth in the Lingfeng world has also noticed the lack of potential, and can only hope that Shang Xia can solve this problem, otherwise the plane world that failed to promote will inevitably suffer serious damage, and even directly lead to the overall status of the entire plane world. Maybe it will fall again!

"Don\'t worry, don\'t worry, someone will come to your door soon!"

After Shang Xia raised his gaze, he scanned somewhere in the void, as if his sight had already penetrated the barrier of the plane, and saw everything that was happening in a certain direction deep in the void of the plane.

But his line of sight just swept across from that direction, and then looked towards a farther place. What he really cared about was how many existences would wait for the opportunity to descend behind those cracked gaps in the boundary barrier Source incarnates to get a piece of the pie.

At the same time, in the depths of the void not far from the turbulent flow of the void in the Lingfeng Realm, under the command of Pei Lu, several sixth-level real people in the Spiritual View Realm did not spend any money on preparations in advance. After too much time, a huge array combined with astrology was completely arranged on the several large meteorites and land fragments gathered around it.

Following the order of the real person Pei Lu, the seven real people of the sixth level activated several nodes of this stargazing array at the same time, and the complicated brilliance formed by densely packed runes spread across each node. They are connected with each other, and soon a deep and stable space channel is built in the void.

As the grand and majestic air mechanism spread from the other end of the space channel, it seemed that the entire void of the Lingfeng Realm trembled in fear of the coming existence.