Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1657

When a martial artist starts to attack the seventh heaven, how grand is the vision of heaven and earth formed, and how far-reaching is the impact at the same time?

So what happens when a spirit-level world begins to simultaneously advance towards the Yuan-level upper realm?

It has been more than two months since Shang Xia forcibly started the process of Lingfeng Realm\'s promotion to the Yuan-level Upper Realm. In fact, at this time, all parties in the entire Guantianyu should know that almost everyone knows it.

However, the strange thing is here. During the process of his promotion, apart from the intervention of Master Gu Yi from the Yuanming Realm, trying to seize Shang Xia\'s identity to control the world of the plane, the rest of the sky-watching world The high-level forces did not take any measures to interfere with the promotion of Shang Xia and Lingfeng Realm during this period, at least not within the void range of the Lingfeng Realm.

As for Master Gu Yi\'s plan, it was finally defeated in Shang Xia\'s hands, and even indirectly promoted Shang Xia\'s promotion to the Seven Star Realm.

Could it be said that including Xingyuan Daochang, Lingjun Realm, Lingyu Realm, Yuanping Realm, and even the high-level worlds of Lingtu Realm and Linglang Realm, as well as those foreign forces who have long coveted the Guantian Realm, would sit idly by? With the promotion of Shangxia and Lingfengjie, will there be another strong enemy and a huge force in the future?

How could these people be so kind?

The answer is of course impossible!

In fact, as early as when Shang Xia had just started the promotion of the Lingfeng realm, the transformation that originated from the essence of the world of the plane world had already triggered the transformation of the other four spiritual realms in Guantianyu in the first place. resonance and response.

Such visions will naturally attract high-grade real people in their respective planes to search for the reason, and then the news will soon spread from the spiritual world, from the Yuanping world, and from the special channels of various foreign forces that are connected. Not everyone knows about it, but at least everyone who is qualified to know about it already knows about it.

However, almost all the parties who got the news reacted unanimously to this incident: the young people in Lingfeng are looking for death!

And this young man not only wants to die, but also wants to drag the creatures of the entire plane world to destroy together!

what is this?

Rather teach me to bear the world, don\'t want the world to bear me?

If any spirit-level world that has achieved perfection in the state area can be promoted to the Yuan-level upper realm, then for hundreds of years, the Lingjun Realm and Lingyu Realm have never been less talented than the young people in the Lingfeng Realm. A stunning warrior?

However, since the millennium, there is still only one Yuan-level upper realm in the unknown Yuanping Realm among the various plane worlds in Guantianyu, which is the proof.

It is also because of this that most of the high-level forces in Guantianyu chose to wait and see at this time, sitting and watching the fate of the young people in Lingfeng Realm.

Of course, there is another reason because all parties in Guantianyu, as well as the foreign forces behind them, have entered a fierce stage of competition for Yuanping Realm at this time.

Compared with focusing on a plane world that is doomed to fail in promotion, and a reckless young man who is doomed to do nothing, the benefits of a ready-made Yuan-level upper realm are obviously more attractive to these people.

However, the subsequent changes in the Lingfeng world made the high-level warriors from all walks of life a little confused.

First, more than a month after starting the promotion process in the plane world, another vision of heaven and earth with very personal characteristics burst out from the inside of the plane world that was in the process of promotion and transformation.

It wasn\'t until this time that the high-level forces from all walks of life suddenly realized that the young people in the Lingfeng world hadn\'t hit the seventh heaven at the same time as the plane world started to promote!

In this case, things may seem a little unbelievable.

Especially for Zhuo Gudao, Xiong Xin, Cang Xuangao, Yuan Chan, Zou Shanhai and other masters who are not ignorant of being promoted to the seventh heaven, what Shang Xia did is simply out of line.

However, he was able to persist until now without showing any signs of decline. This is simply a miracle!

It wasn\'t until this time that the high-level fighters of the major forces realized that the young man in Lingfeng Realm might not be acting recklessly, but had something real.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, www.yeguoyuedu.com Android and Apple are both available. 】

But even so, the high-level forces from all walks of life, and even the high-level forces in the outer domain behind them, still don\'t believe that Shang Xia will succeed in the end.

After all, in their view, the time for Lingfeng Realm to become a spiritual world is too short, so short that they have no time to accumulate more background, even if that young man is as amazing as the star master back then, There is no way to fill the lack of foundation in the plane world.

What\'s more, at this time, Master Gu Yi from Yuanming Realm made a move!

The young man was finally hopeless!

Those forces from all walks of life who have a deep connection with the forces in the outer domain have already learned from the forces behind them that Master Gu Yi in the Yuanming Realm is not simple. The presence!

The so-called "not easy to mess with" not only refers to his personal strength, but also includes this person\'s scheming, and his ability to plan and plan is also unfathomable.

Since such an existence has been shot, how can the immature young people in the Lingfeng world still have a way out?

However, the facts slapped everyone in the face again!

The vision of heaven and earth caused by that young man\'s impact on the seventh heaven still continued, and even became more majestic and majestic.

The promotion of the plane in Lingfeng Realm has never stopped, and the speed of transformation has accelerated a little.

On the contrary, it was learned from the news from the forces in the outer domain that Master Gu Yi seemed to have temporarily given up spying on Guantianyu temporarily, and it was suspected that the power to sneak into Guantianyu before had been compromised!

The news caused an uproar among high-level fighters from all walks of life in Guantianyu, and many people even didn\'t believe that this kind of thing was true.

However, when all walks of life\'s strategies against Yuanping Realm have temporarily stagnated, the high-level executives of Xingyuan Dojo, Lingjun Realm, and Lingyu Realm in the Lingguan Realm all began to re-emphasize the promotion of the Lingfeng Realm and the young man, and When they began to organize people to go to the world of Lingfeng Realm to intervene and obstruct, they suddenly realized a problem, what kind of combat power they need to mobilize to be able to beat the power of Master Gu Yi who sneaked into the interior of Lingfeng Realm ?

At the beginning of the thirty-seventh year of the Lingfeng calendar, the Lingguan world took the lead in dispatching its own intervention forces to expedition to the void of the Lingfeng world plane, a joint attack formed by seven sixth-level real people headed by the fifth-rank real person Yuan Yan.

Although the seven sixth-level real people are only high-ranking Yuan Yan, and the remaining six are all below the third-rank, the power of the seven people to form a combined attack formation is still not to be underestimated, and when they set off for the Lingyu world, they also fought with each other. The masters sent by Lingjun Realm and Lingyu Realm reached a tacit agreement to join forces after gathering in the void of the Lingfeng Realm.

However, not long after these seven real people left the void of Lingyu Realm under the leadership of Yuan Yan, they were caught off guard by Kou Chongxue, a sixth-rank real person who suddenly came out of the void. After being severely injured on the spot, Yuan Yan abandoned his companions and fled And left, the remaining six real people below the third rank died two and were seriously injured, with heavy casualties.

Later, according to the real person Yuan Yan who fled back to the Lingguan Realm, there were ghosts from the Lingfeng Realm in their team of seven real people, and there were still two of them!

It was precisely because Feng Ziying and Feng Ziyuan, the two second-rank real people, suddenly turned against the water without warning, and Kou Chongxue, who had obtained their accurate route and ambushed in advance, cooperated with each other inside and outside, and was able to severely damage Yuan Yan in one fell swoop.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, the remaining four real people fled separately, while Kou Chongxue was still injured, and Feng Ziyuan joined forces with Feng Ziying to attack real person Yuan Yan and did not make any further moves. In the end, these four real people still escaped.