Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1515

In Lingcang Realm, together with the Great Ape King, the sixth-level Dzogchen Alien Beast King, there are a total of six high-grade Alien Beast Kings.

Before the Great Ape King was severely injured, he had been hiding and cultivating and never showed up, but no one knew about its situation.

The remaining five high-grade alien beast kings joined forces this time to try to erase the original true spirit entrusted by the giant ape king in the source sea, with the intention of forcing it out.

Unexpectedly, Shang Xia\'s whereabouts were exposed halfway, and the five high-grade alien beast kings joined forces to besiege Shang Xia, an infiltrator from the outer domain.

Seeing that all the high-grade alien beast kings have gained the upper hand in the battle to besiege Shangxia by taking advantage of their geographical advantages, but at this moment, the alien beast king Rust Giant Bear, who had just been promoted to the fourth-rank Taoist realm, suddenly appeared in front of him. Killed under the sky barrier!

At this time, still in the Lingcang world, what kind of existence can kill a giant bear king who is physically tyrannical and good at defense in a short period of time, and the giant bear king is not even left in the process. How many chances to call for help!

The four high-grade alien beast kings who were participating in the siege of Shang Xia immediately turned back to the interior of the Lingcang world, and they didn\'t even care about letting Shang Xia, a six-layered Dzogchen existence in the outer domain, leave, which would become a serious problem for the Lingcang world!

However, Shang Xia is subject to the suppression of the will of heaven and earth in the Lingcang world. How can he be reconciled to being besieged by a group of different beast kings when he can display 70% to 80% of his strength at most?

How could he not guess at this time that the death of the giant bear king was most likely caused by the giant ape king?

Of course, the help of Arc Wing King, the top third rank Alien Beast King, might be indispensable in this process.

The four high-grade alien beast kings returned to Lingcang Realm in a hurry at this time, naturally to join forces to deal with the giant ape king.

Naturally, Shang Xia couldn\'t let them get what they wanted!

Even without the holy artifact stone stick in hand, Shang Xia was still able to use the force of Liuhe Origin Qi to condense the stick, and the one-style "Break Boundary" directly plunged the Ziling Giant Crane King into the turbulent flow of space.

The Giant Crane King is naturally not an easy person, and the purple thunder light is about to break free from the turbulent flow of space accompanied by a high-pitched cry.

But at this time, Shang Xia had come close and jumped forward, and he also fell into the turbulent space and pushed the Giant Crane King down again. Among the high-grade alien beast kings, the slowest one, King Qu Ji, was also dragged into the turbulent current.

At this time, the fifth-rank Alien Beast King Sixiang and the fourth-rank Gray Eagle King who had already rushed to the sky barrier suddenly stopped.

They naturally know everything that happened behind them, but if they rushed under the sky barrier, they don\'t know what is waiting for them inside the plane world.

For a while, these two high-grade alien beast kings were caught in a dilemma, lingering on the sky barrier, not knowing what to do.

But they hesitated, but the one under the sky barrier would not hesitate.

A huge white-haired long arm suddenly broke through the sky barrier and grabbed Gray Eagle King\'s pair of giant claws.

The Gray Eagle King was like a frightened chicken. While screaming unpleasantly, he called for help from the Four Immortals, the Alien Beast King. At the same time, he tried his best to flap his gray feather wings, and fled away as a gray streamer above the sky barrier.

The four different beast kings seem to be extremely angry that the Gray Eagle King will only dodge and escape from the enemy, but the fear of being dominated by the giant ape king for many years has already penetrated into the bones of many high-quality beast kings in the Lingcang world.

But the four different beast kings also understand that the high-grade beast kings in the Lingcang world took advantage of the giant ape king\'s severe injury to rebel, and there was no retreat between the two sides, not to mention the death of the giant bear king, and there was no room for relaxation between the two sides. room.

Facing the long arm, Sixiang plucked up the courage to lower his head and slammed into the opponent. At the same time, he did not forget to neigh to warn the Gray Eagle King, telling him not to have illusions, and to be at both ends.

The sudden attack of the giant ape\'s long arm was not able to seriously injure the Gray Eagle King, it just pulled off a few feathers from Gray Eagle King\'s body with the rest of its power.

However, the determination of the four different beast kings seems to make the giant ape king under the sky barrier suspicious, but it seems to have made up its mind quickly. The giant ape bent its long arm and clenched a giant fist towards the charging Sixiang hammered the past.


Although both sides of the confrontation are deliberately avoiding the sky barrier, so as to avoid the aftermath of the confrontation and damage the plane world itself.

But at this moment, the sky screen barrier is still like a carpet that has been vigorously lifted, and the raised folds spread, almost toppling the entire sky screen screen.

After the shock wave that set off the void subsided a little, the four different beast kings seemed to be drunk, almost unable to stand on the sky barrier, and half of the two towering horns on the top of their head were broken , making his stature even more unbalanced.

And the long arm of the Giant Ape King didn\'t seem to take much advantage, and the furry giant fist seemed to have broken two phalanxes, and the fist and the back of the hand were scratched with bloody scars. Even the entire ape arm is in an extremely sore and limp posture at this moment.

And that Gray Eagle King seemed to be taking advantage of it, and swooped down directly from the void, a pair of giant black iron-like claws directly tore off a huge piece of flesh and blood from the ape\'s arms.

The intense pain caused the Great Ape King to let out an angry roar under the sky barrier, and the ape arm that looked so weak immediately waved it as if in an emergency, scaring the Gray Eagle King to flutter its wings and wanted to escape again .

But at this moment, an arrow light condensed entirely by the intense starlight broke through the sky barrier, piercing directly through one of Gray Eagle King\'s flight trajectories, as if it had accurately calculated the escape trajectory.

The Gray Eagle King uttered a long and shrill cry, and the original flying trajectory suddenly became crooked, but it was still able to control its figure and converge towards the direction where the four images were.

Almost in no particular order, in the void tens of thousands of miles away, purple thunderbolts bloomed one after another from the broken space, and the Purple Ling Giant Crane King finally broke free from the turbulent space stirred by the Liuhe stick pose It came out, but there were not a few purple feathers left all over its body, and at first glance it looked no different than a native chicken.

As for the other fourth-rank King Quji, it was even more miserable. Its figure was caught out of the turbulent space by the Ziling Giant Crane King, and its body was directly cut off by a third.

In the turbulent flow of space, Shang Xia\'s figure also escaped. Apart from being a little tired, he didn\'t appear to be in a panic.

Obviously, although Shang Xia\'s personal combat power is restricted, he is not injured after all. In essence, he is still a genuine Liuhe mirror Dzogchen real person. Without the support of absolute superior strength, the opponent wants to take real injuries. It\'s not easy to get to him.

And at this moment, the situation above the sky barrier in Lingcang Realm suddenly became subtle.


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