Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1504

At this time, Shang Xia, who was on the top of the stone pillar, could see clearly that after the Ying brothers recovered their cultivation bases of the fourth rank, although they lost the gold and silver rings of the magic weapon, it may be because of a precipitation in their cultivation bases. After that, my personal aura became more and more serious and sophisticated!

Just like the moment when the two brothers suddenly rushed out from under the sky barrier, not only did all the different beast kings in the Lingcang Realm fail to notice the aura that was concealed in advance, but also the time they chose was just right.

The Alien Beast King of the Lingcang Realm may have thought that there are sixth-order existences other than the alien beasts in the Cangfa Realm, but he never imagined that two fourth-rank real people would rush out from under the sky barrier of the Cangfa Realm!

Although they no longer have the blessing of the two magical weapons of the gold and silver rings, the Ying brothers still held the opponent\'s right hand with their left and right hands at the first time, and then the other arm struck out from the air at the same time!

Two invisible and intertwined source qi dark forces disturbed the void and turned into two swirling undercurrents, and then went straight to a third-rank alien beast king who was struggling to tear the sky barrier.

The Strange Beast King has a deer body and a bull head, but has four horse legs. Every time he stepped across the sky barrier, he could not only penetrate the sky barrier, but also bombard the ground of Cangfa Realm with the force of his step.

In just a few times of crossing, at least several mountain peaks collapsed on the land and land of the Cangfa Realm, several tiankengs appeared abruptly on the ground, and two islands in the sea overturned and sank directly. The local creatures died tragically, and a stronghold established by the twin thieves was stepped on. Inside, from fifth-level warriors down to ordinary people, there was no chance of escape. Horseshoe Basin.

The third-rank alien beast king with the bull head and deer body saw the Ying brothers attacking, instead of being afraid, he lowered his head, facing the Ying brothers\' position with two huge horns, and charged head-on.

However, this third-rank Alien Beast King obviously underestimated the methods of the Ying brothers. The joint attack technique performed by the twin brothers with the secret technique of twins was extremely concealed, even insidious, so that the Alien Beast King did not realize the danger at all. , Instead, he took the initiative to deliver it to the door.

However, the low-grade Alien Beast King didn\'t notice the danger, but it didn\'t mean that the high-grade Alien Beast King didn\'t know anything!

Among the more than ten alien beast kings who conquered Cangfa Realm this time, under the leader of the giant ape king, there are still four alien beast kings who have reached high-level combat power.

One of the fifth-rank alien beast kings, who looked like four different beasts, was obviously closely related to this third-rank alien beast king.

Seeing that the bull-headed alien beast king rushed up regardless, he immediately sounded a warning, and at the same time, the offensive that originally joined forces with the giant ape king and other high-grade alien beasts to shake the Cangfa world also turned around, and the coral-like horn cluster above his head emitted a great light across the void Coming towards the Ying brothers.

Although it seems that the attack of the four different beast kings is too late, and Hong Guang is also weakened by the suppression of the will of the Cangfa world as he approaches the sky barrier, but if the Ying brothers insist on dealing with the bull-headed beast king, then it is bound to happen next Will be attacked by Hongguang.

In the eyes of Si Xiang Yi Beast King, even if the two fighters who had just entered the fourth rank dared not leave the sky barrier too far, they would never dare to ignore its attack!

But the impossible just happened!

Faced with the Hongguang attack of the fifth-rank alien beast king like besieging Wei and saving Zhao, the Ying brothers did not choose to protect themselves first, but even more aggressively attacked the bull-headed alien beast king!

The bull-headed beast king\'s own combat power is actually equivalent to the top of the third rank, which was originally very close to the fourth rank. However, in the case of directly attacking the sky barrier, it is more severely suppressed by the will of the Cang Law world, and his own combat power can only be exerted at the beginning. The degree of third grade.

Although the Ying Brothers cannot be recognized by the original will of the Cangfa Realm, the degree of suppression by the will of the world has been greatly weakened. Well, how could the third-rank Alien Beast King be his opponent?

The moment the offensives of the two sides collided on the sky barrier, the impact of the bull-headed alien beast king was immediately wiped out, and the two intertwined dark forces directly rolled the huge body of the alien beast king and rotated, and the surging space force was even stronger. It directly smashed the two huge horns on top of its head, and then sliced ​​off pieces of flesh and blood from its body like Ling Chi.

A miserable howl came from the mouth of the bull-headed beast king, but he couldn\'t break free from the dark torrent of the Ying brothers\' joint attack.

If it goes on like this, the bull-headed beast king will only die!

But just when the bull-headed beast king was already closing his eyes and waiting to die, the Ying brothers\' attack suddenly stopped, and then the circling dark energy directly retracted, and then stirred the void around the two of them, and Hong Guang, who was not like the beast king, was in the void. They collided suddenly, and then Hong Guang was wiped out in the joint attack of the two.

And at this instant, a long tail flicked, and the dense starlight on it turned into a shooting star-like brilliance in the void, and rolled up the dying bull-headed beast king who was soaked in blood. Far away from the sky barrier.

Even though the full blow of the fifth rank alien beast king was weakened by the suppression of the plane world, it was so easily deflected by two warriors who had just entered the fourth rank, which surprised all the alien beast kings for a while.

But at this time, the Ying brothers took a regretful look at the bull-headed alien beast king who had submerged into the depths of the void. It was only a split second before the third-rank alien beast king would surely die under the joint attack of the two of them!

That is to say, the huge bodies of these alien beast kings have tyrannical vitality, but any other third-rank warriors have already died without a place of burial under the joint attack of the two.

But even so, the third-grade bull-headed alien beast king who was severely injured has completely lost its combat power, and it is by no means that it will no longer pose any threat to the Cangfa world.

But at this time, the Ying brothers, who had attracted the attention of many alien beast kings in the Lingcang world, had also lost the chance to attack the alien beast kings under high rank.

The five-rank and four-unlike alien beast king let out an angry roar, and suddenly lowered his head and rushed forward for a distance in the direction of the sky barrier. The two clumps of antlers on top of his head shattered the void it passed through, but the broken space The fragments turned into sharp blades and shot towards the Ying brothers.

The Ying brothers glanced regretfully at the other alien beast kings near the sky barrier. They had already lost the chance to take action against these high-grade alien beast kings who were being targeted by high-grade alien beast kings.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible for the Ying brothers to sit back and watch the high-grade alien beast kings in the Lingcang world continue to shake the entire Cangfa world through combined attacks. It will be a matter of time before they meet them.

The two Ying brothers looked at each other, and they left the vicinity of the sky barrier at the same time as if they had a good understanding, and went directly to meet the fifth-rank strange beast king.

Facing the sharp blades transformed by the oncoming space debris, the two Ying brothers directly let go of their respective palms this time, but the interaction between the two of them still exists, and because Because each freed up a hand, when the two launched a joint attack, the surging dark energy became even more majestic when they intertwined.

The space sewing that came in was directly crushed and submerged by the dark force, and even pushed back towards the fifth-rank alien beast king.