Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1500

"If the Cangfa Realm is promoted to the Spirit Realm now, is it possible to resist the Lingcang Realm?"

Shang Xia asked the Ying brothers very seriously.

However, the Ying Brothers did not respond to his inquiry. Instead, they looked at him in astonishment like Song Zhen, Xin Lu and others, as if they had heard some unbelievable Arabian Nights.

"How can the Cangfa Realm be promoted to the Spirit Realm right now? There are at least four states in the Cangfa Realm that have not yet reached five thousand miles in size!"

What everyone thinks is not whether the Cangfa Realm can resist the Lingcang Realm after being promoted, but how can the Cangfa Realm be promoted to the Spirit Realm now?

If it weren\'t for Shang Xia himself to be the backbone of everyone, I\'m afraid everyone would have suspected that he had lost his mind.

However, seeing that Shang Xia still had a calm and confident expression, everyone gradually put away their expressions of astonishment and astonishment, and gradually began to seriously consider this issue according to his train of thought.

"Can you really do it?"

Even though she felt unbelievable in her heart, Ying Lianxi couldn\'t help asking.

"How did you do it?"

Ying Lianquan was no exception, and immediately asked another question.

Seeing that Shang Xia smiled and said nothing, the Ying brothers didn\'t ask any more questions. After all, it was very likely that something secret was involved.

So instead, the two began to seriously think about how the Cangfa Realm could really be promoted to the Spiritual Realm.

"Ascension to the spiritual world is unlikely to happen overnight..."

Ying Lianxi said so first.

But Ying Lianquan quickly continued: "Perhaps we can use this to return to the fourth-rank Taoist realm?!"

Song Zhen couldn\'t help joining in when he heard the words, and said: "More than that, the king of giant vines is not protected by the Yuanhai refining magic weapon, and he doesn\'t have the slough left by Gaopin Daoist. If you have the opportunity to be promoted to a high-ranking class, will you still be willing to seek refuge in the Lingcang world?"

After all, the Giant Vine Variety Plant King chose to seek refuge in the Lingcang Realm at first, because it had the opportunity to advance to the fourth-grade Taoist realm at any time, but it was unable to be promoted due to the plane restrictions of the Cangfa Realm, so he came up with such a idea.

However, now that the giant vine alien plant king has the opportunity to be promoted in situ, he will naturally not choose to integrate into other different world planes, because that means that even if everything goes smoothly, it will inevitably have to endure several times. Centuries of weakening.

In a way, it seems that there is no choice!

"If there are really three local fourth-rank real people with the will of the plane world blessing, they are not without the power to fight!"

Ying Lianxi thought about it seriously and said.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Shang Xia has the ability to withstand the beast king whose cultivation base is equivalent to the sixth-order Dzogchen in the Lingcang world!

However, when everyone\'s eyes turned to Shang Xia, they only heard him smile and said: "In that case, let\'s start, more than a dozen alien beast kings from the Lingcang world are coming!"


After passing through the turbulence of the void and successfully gathering at the edge of the plane void of the Cangfa Realm, more than a dozen alien beast kings from the Lingcang Realm did not immediately rush to the sky barrier of the Cangfa Realm.

The Lingcang Realm is also a wild Cang Realm, and there is no such treasure as a large starship that can cross the turbulent flow of the void. The ability to enter the void of the Cangfa Realm plane depends on its huge and tyrannical body.

Therefore, even if these alien beast kings are all above the second rank, they will inevitably wear out after crossing the turbulent flow of the void, and they can only temporarily recover after gathering.

On the other hand, the Cangfa Realm has already taken advantage of this short gap and started to act.

Song Zhen and Zhu Nang first sent their own spiritual-level ark into the Cangfa Realm, and then drove their two large starships and dozens of middle and high-level warriors out of the sky barrier to line up the void.

After the Ying brothers separated, they went to the Cangfa Realm separately.

At present, there are only two third-rank local alien beast kings, one is the giant vine king, and the other is the colorful bird king. They hope to unite to the outside world under the premise of a large-scale invasion of the Lingcang world.

As for the pair of twin robbers who have just successfully advanced to the sixth level of heaven, they don\'t care about retreating and cultivating to stabilize their cultivation at this time, and under the orders of the Ying brothers, they are shouldering the most important task of fighting against the invasion of the Lingcang world. one ring!

The floating land beyond the sky barrier has long been emptied, and now only Shang Xia, Xin Lu, and Yan Ming are left.

Looking at Shang Xia, who was sitting cross-legged on the edge of the floating land and land, adjusting his state and accumulating strength, Xin Lu said to Yan Ming next to him with some concern: "It\'s really possible? How do I feel that it is possible to promote a sky realm out of thin air? Everything is like the Arabian Nights."

Yan Ming said unhappily: "It\'s just a brief push, you didn\'t listen to his explanation? In a sense, this is to give the Cangfa Realm a false impression that the will of heaven and earth is about to be promoted, and it doesn\'t really make the Cangfa Realm one action. Promoted to the spirit world."

Xin Lu still said to himself: "Even so, the series of promotional measures in the early stage of Cangfa Realm\'s promotion are not fake, right? Besides, there is no way for others to enter Cangfa Realm."

Yan Ming rolled her eyes and said, "What does that have to do with you? In the worst case, we\'ll leave on our own! We haven\'t been entangled by the Cang Law Realm like the twin robbers. Is it possible that you really want to do it for this?" Can the twin thieves take their lives?"

Xin Lu was startled when he heard the words, and resentfully said: "That\'s right!"

However, Xin Lu quickly came to his senses and looked up and down at Yan Ming with strange eyes, which made Yan Ming feel uncomfortable all over.

"What kind of eyes do you have?"

Yan Ming couldn\'t help shouting loudly.

Xin Lu smiled "hee hee" and said: "I said that you have been in a bad mood since you met me. Are you jealous that I became a fifth-level stargazer first?"

"What\'s there to be jealous of, is the Great Star Watcher great?"

Yan Ming raised her voice involuntarily, but then muttered again: "It\'s just shit luck."

Xin Lu smiled even more when she heard the words, and when she was about to tease Yan Ming again, she was suddenly interrupted by Shang Xia\'s arrogance.

At that moment, Shang Xia just sat there quietly cross-legged, but his surging aura only burst out, so that even the void hundreds of miles around him began to distort.

"it has started!"

In fact, Xin Lu and Yan Ming had already separated a long distance from Shang Xia, but at this time they had to retreat a hundred miles again.

At the same time, at the edge of the plane void separated hundreds of miles away from the sky barrier of the Cangfa Realm, more than a dozen huge, strange-looking giant beasts and birds are entrenched there, and the cycle of majestic aura Spread out, the void is turbulent with their breathing.

Suddenly, in the middle of more than ten giant beasts and birds, a giant ape-like beast that seemed to be the most "petite" suddenly stood tall, and a pair of golden eyes seemed to shoot out strands of light from it towards the place where the Cangfa Realm was located. Looking in the direction, it immediately caused a commotion among the strange beasts and birds around, and even the turbulence in the void not far behind them was followed by waves of disorder.

And at this moment, inside the Cangfa Realm, the twin thieves Shi Chongyuan and Shi Chongyi, who had just completed their promotion to the sixth heaven, were carrying a three-foot-thick stone pillar as thick as a thigh and flew towards them at a very slow speed from low altitude.

"Should it be here?"

The younger brother Shi Chongyi stabilized his figure in the air, which was only a hundred feet above the ground, and asked the elder brother behind him. At the same time, he did not forget to reach out and wipe the sweat from his forehead.

A majestic sixth-level real person, even if he has just entered the stage and has not had time to stabilize his cultivation, he is still an out-and-out first-rank real person, and he is so tired from carrying a stone pillar.


If you let others hear it, you will definitely feel that it is ridiculous, but the fact is that it is true!

At the beginning, when the two leaders handed over the stone pillar to their brothers, they also specifically told them that this "stick" was very heavy, so they must be careful and do their best.

At that time, the Shi brothers didn\'t care about it, and felt that the two leaders were making too much fuss. Although the so-called "stick" was indeed heavy, what was it to the two first-rank real people?

Unexpectedly, when the two brothers followed the leader\'s order and went to search for a state that had not yet reached the consummation of the Cangjie, the stone pillar not only became thicker and heavier, but also became heavier.

Originally, the "stick" was just casually held in the hands of his elder brother Shi Chongyuan, but after less than a stick of incense, Shi Chongyuan had to carry it on his shoulders.

After another incense stick of time, Shi Chongyuan had to call his brother for help, and the two carried one on their shoulders in front of the other.

After another stick of incense, the duo of brothers who were originally flying in the sky had to drop again and again, and even the speed of the flying dunk dropped to the level of "climbing clouds".

However, it has grown to the size of a "stone pillar", and its weight is still increasing, so that the two newly promoted first-rank real people have to use the thin source qi in their bodies over and over again to persist Carrying this stone pillar forward, so that the almost impeccable physical body of a real person of the sixth rank has to sweat beads of bean-sized sweat.

However, during this process, the two brothers also discovered that in the process of trying their best to use the thin Genesis Qi in their bodies, although the consumption was extremely serious, it also made the new Genesis Qi condensed and thicker, even if it was too late. The stable cultivation base gradually settled down during this process.

After finally coming to a state with an area of ​​less than five thousand miles as required, the two brothers quickly followed the leader\'s instructions and erected the stone pillars on the ground.

Shi Chongyi looked up and forgot to glance at the top of the stone pillar, and turned to his twin brother and asked, "What do you think this pillar is for? The two leaders are mysterious, and we are the only four sixth-order real people in the twin thieves now." Second, what else is there to keep secret?"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, his elder brother Shi Chongyuan was still looking up at the top of the stone pillar, as if he hadn\'t heard what he said at all.

Shi Chongyi let out a "hey" and looked up out of curiosity, but unexpectedly, his feet suddenly softened, and he staggered suddenly, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to support a "wall".

Shocked, Shi Chongyi turned his head to look, but unexpectedly, his body continued to sink involuntarily.

At this moment, Shi Chongyi suddenly felt the other arm tighten, and then he was pulled by his brother Shi Chongyuan to retreat several tens of feet away.

"What\'s the matter, what happened?"

Shi Chongyi had just finished speaking, and before his brother could answer, he saw the reason.

The stone pillar, which was originally thigh-thin and three feet long, began to "grow" rapidly after it was erected on the ground.

At this time, not only has it become thicker, but the top has grown hundreds of feet, and it is about to break into the sky, and it is still growing.

Not only that, but the other end of the stone pillar originally standing on the ground is also sinking towards the ground, and the surrounding ground is also sinking downward like quicksand. Shi Chongyi almost fell under the ground just because of this.

"This...couldn\'t this be the sacred jade pillar used to support the stability of the space in the cave?"

Shi Chongyi muttered to himself.

Shi Chongyuan glanced at his brother, then at the top of the stone pillar that was heading for thousands of feet, and said in a deep voice, "What kind of jade pillar that supports the sky can grow so tall? It\'s probably not the \'jade pillar that supports the world\'!"