Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1497

The local sixth-order alien beast king in the Cangfa world was finally repelled.

Under the order of the Ying brothers, the members of the twin thieves on the ark that was several states away from the two of them immediately released the secret space inside the ark.

Fragments of the Upper Realm from the Barbarian Realm and the Celestial Realm, floating continents collected from the void, and even a small earth star were released from the secret space inside the ark. come out.

Shang Xia and the others had guessed in advance that the twin thieves\' ark might contain fragments of the world, and the twin thieves themselves did not deny it, but none of these terrestrial fragments came from the spiritual world.

And Shang Xia, who was on the floating land of the sky barrier, was also a little surprised after receiving the news. He didn\'t know why the Ying brothers were willing to share the world fragments that were equivalent to the three perfect states of the spiritual world with them. He trades.

You know, Shang Xia at this time already knew that the Cangfa Realm itself is a plane with sixteen states. At the beginning, he didn\'t see all the original incarnations, but he just saw thirteen of them. Killed it.

Among the sixteen states, there are also twelve states that have reached or exceeded the consummation state with a radius of 5,000 miles, not the ten that Shangxia\'s original incarnation had only discovered at that time.

If it is calculated in this way, if the Ying Brothers had used the fragment of the world of the Lingchen Realm in the Cangfa Realm, I am afraid that the Cangfa Realm would be more than enough to be promoted to the Spirit Realm at this time, right?

However, Shang Xia quickly changed his mind. Given the situation that the twin thieves faced at that time, they might not be able to keep the fragments of the spirit world in their hands under the severe injury. Not to mention other people, it was Shang Xia himself at that time. If the Brothers categorically reject his trade request, will he take action against the Twin Thief for that piece of world fragment?

Shang Xia thought back and reflected for a while, but found that he was not sure that he would not be tempted.

But then again, after the twin pirates traded the fragments of the spirit world to Shang Xia, they didn\'t suffer a loss.

At least without Shang Xia\'s help, I am afraid that the twin thieves would have been wiped out under the siege of the three star thieves in the midst of the turbulent void before they found the Cangfa Realm.

Even now, if Shang Xia didn\'t help them drive away the high-level alien beasts that invaded the Lingcang world, and then threatened the Lingcang world\'s counterattack in the void passage, until the support of Tiandun Yinlin Talisman, Song Zhen, and Zhu Nang, the twin thieves It is still not possible to persist until now.

At this time, after repelling the blockade of the local alien beast king, it is a foregone conclusion that the twin robbers invaded the Cangfa Realm.

However, at this time, the twin bandits also have no ability to counter-kill the remaining sixth-order alien beast kings, and it is conceivable that in the next time, the confrontation between the twin bandits and these local alien beasts will be a protracted battle!

But Shang Xia soon realized that he might have underestimated the Ying brothers\' ambitions.

At the moment when those fragments, land, land, and stars were released, among the several strongholds that had been established on the edge of the main road of the plane, even if there were a number of middle and high-level warriors who rose into the sky, they were able to fight against the enemy in the ark. Together, the warriors flying in the sky pushed these things to different positions according to the plan, and then began to place them on the edge of the main continent according to the prior plan.

As pieces of fragments, lands and stars were placed on the ground, two relatively compact new state lands were barely put together on the northeast coast of the main state of Cangfa Realm.

And in this process, the original will of the Cang Law Realm has further recognized the warriors of the Twin Pirates, although this recognition

The extent is only to slightly weaken their power to be repelled.

However, the two brand new lands have indeed tended to integrate into the Cangfa world, but they are still far from becoming two brand new states. The most notable feature is that these two brand new lands cannot Forming the source sea, even within the range of these two continents, even the vitality of the heaven and earth is pitifully small!

If the Twin Pirates are left alone and let the two lands grow along with the Cangfa Realm, it may take hundreds of years to gather the source sea and turn it into the seventeenth and eighteenth states of the Cangfa Realm .

But no matter if it is the Twin Pirates or the Ying Brothers, obviously they can\'t wait!

No, it should be that they have already planned!

At this moment, the two held in their hands the gold and silver blazing light ball that was originally captured by the gold and silver double rings.

And after the two looked at each other, a group of extremely rich original energy emerged in their respective palms, and the faces of the two also turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye at this time.

At the same time, two pairs of fifth-order warriors, both of whom are twins, greeted them from the strongholds that had infiltrated into Cangfa Realm earlier, and the cultivation bases of these four warriors have each reached above the fifth level of perfection!

There is no doubt that these two pairs of twin warriors must be the elites carefully cultivated by the Ying brothers earlier, and among all the members of the twin bandits, they must also belong to the top existence below the sixth level.

However, in the previous battles, no matter whether they were besieged by the three star thieves in the turbulent flow of the void, or in the process of forcibly breaking into the Cang Law Realm, three twin thieves forced their cultivation bases to fight against the alien beast king. None of the four have played.

At this moment, after seeing these four people coming forward, the originally sluggish expressions of the two Ying brothers also dissipated a lot at this time, and there was a bit of anticipation in their smiling eyes.

"I leave it to you!"

"We must seize this opportunity!"

After each exhorting, they each handed the blazing light balls in their palms to a pair of twins.

After the two twins got a ball of light respectively, they immediately turned around and headed towards the two patchwork lands.

At the same time, Zhu Nang came to Song Zhen\'s side and asked in a low voice, "What do you think those two balls of light will be?"

Song Zhen turned his head and glanced at him, and said, "It\'s about this time, don\'t tell me you can\'t guess!"

Zhu Nang smiled sheepishly when he heard the words, and said: "The two Ying brothers are really good at chess!"

Song Zhen seemed to be about to nod, but his face was slightly ponderous, and he said, "It may not be them! I think it\'s more like a previous arrangement, and they took advantage of it in the end!"

Zhu Nang thought for a while, then nodded in agreement, and said: "However, there are still many mysteries in this matter. You said that the corpse, Gaopin Daoist, didn\'t die after he died? How did you enter the Cang-level world? What is the relationship between the Ying brothers and that person?"

Song Zhen shook his head and said, "I\'m afraid only the Ying brothers know the answers to these mysteries."

While the two were speaking, the two pairs of twin warriors who had obtained the gold and silver light spheres had already started to act, and they also tried their best to do it themselves during the action to avoid other people\'s help.

And as the actions of the two twins continued to deepen, first the weak heaven and earth vitality of the two lands began to rise sharply, and then the two lands began to blend in a closer situation, not only These patchwork continental plates began to decipher and merge with each other, and they are also in harmony with this side of the sky.

more closely integrated.

And in this process, it is naturally accompanied by the vibration of the earth, and the degree of the vibration is becoming more and more severe, and even the scope of the impact is wider and wider. Not only the Cangfa Realm state adjacent to these two lands has been affected. Affected, the entire world of Cangfa Realm began to show visions frequently at this moment!

"The strength of the vitality of the world is increasing, and the will of the world is becoming active, even excited? This world is growing at an accelerated rate!"

Song Zhen then sighed: "Sure enough, those two gold and silver balls of light should be the two sealed source seas, and the two magic weapons, the gold ring and the Yin ring on the wrists of the Ying brothers, may be the seals. The key to the two Yuanhai seals!"

Zhu Nang on the side put forward a different point of view, saying: "I don\'t think the two source seas are necessarily sealed, but rather refined into two strange treasures, and the functions of these two strange treasures may be Is it able to make high-quality real people enter the world of low-level planes?"

Song Zhen gave a "hmm" but did not refute, but a thoughtful expression appeared on his face.

Zhu Nang has become very familiar with Song Zhen during this period of time, and under his deliberate flattery, the two of them act in a tacit understanding in all aspects, so they also know Song Zhen a little bit, seeing his expression at this time , asked immediately: "Why, what did you find?"

Song Zhenruo said thoughtfully: "There are sixteen prefectures in the Cangfa Realm. If these two are completed now, then..."

Zhu Nang immediately understood what Song Zhen wanted to say: "One of the conditions for the Cang Realm to be promoted to the Spirit Realm is eighteen states, but here is not only the dead body of a high-quality real person, but also two A thing that seems to be sealed from the source sea, hey, you don’t want to say that the Cangfa Realm originally fell from the spiritual world, right? Alas, that’s not true, even if the Cangfa Realm has completed eighteen states, But there are at least five or six states whose area is less than 5,000 miles, so they still can\'t complete the promotion, right?"

Song Zhen shook his head and said, "We can only guess how it will be, let\'s wait and see what happens!"

At this time, several consecutive violent earthquakes spread outward from the two continents, and this time, even the entire Cangfa Realm plane seemed to shake.

"Yuanhai was born!"

Song Zhen and Zhu Nang looked at each other. As sixth-level real people, the two of them naturally knew what happened immediately.

What\'s more, the two of them are aware that the coercion and rejection of this world towards them has also eased a little, but the degree is extremely small, and only a sixth-level real person can vaguely perceive it.

"These two continents, no, it should be said that they are new states, and their respective areas have exceeded five thousand miles in size, right?"

Zhu Nang asked subconsciously.

Song Zhen nodded and said, "That\'s right, they are two perfect Cang-level states!"

Zhu Nang said again: "Although the twin robbers are outsiders, they gave them away as soon as they came up, or they restored the two perfect states in the Cangfa world, which must have greatly contributed to the growth of the plane world. In this way, there must be A large number of twin martial thieves have been recognized by this world, and they will no longer be rejected as outsiders!"

Song Zhen thought for a while, and said: "Low-level warriors and ordinary people should be recognized by this world, but mid-level and high-level warriors may still be somewhat hindered, and the higher the cultivation level, the greater the hindrance, but..."

Before Song Zhen finished speaking, he was once again attracted by the vision of heaven and earth bursting out from the two new states.

"This is... relying on the original true spirit, those two couples are going to take this opportunity to attack the sixth heaven!"