Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1494

In the arc-pointed star area, the earth-star eight-linked ball is in the void maelstrom.

Sitting on the last of the three big boats, Zhu Bao looked at a "spray" in the space vortex that was close at hand, but this flower would definitely affect the three big boats after seeing it in the past. The "spray" of the boat, at this time, only appeared in the ripples of the vortex, and then quickly disappeared.

"See, this is the power of a fourth-order stargazer!"

Song Zhen\'s voice rang in Zhu Nang\'s ear.

Obviously, Song Zhen, who was sitting at the front, had noticed Zhu Nang\'s uneasy movements just now.

Because the three big boats are connected head to tail, the defensive formations on the three big boats can also be compatible with each other. Therefore, at this time, when the people on the three big boats communicate with each other through sound transmission, they can completely avoid it. The effect of the space vortex.

Zhu Nang said stubbornly: "Our old Zhu has already seen the usefulness of the fourth-level stargazer before, so do you need to say more?"

After getting along with each other for this period of time, Song Zhen probably already understood Zhu Nang\'s open-mouthed temperament, and he didn\'t care about it when he heard the words, but said: "The connection between Miss Yan and Xingshi Xin has become more and more obvious. Although the journey looks dangerous, it should actually be simpler than traveling through the turbulent void of ordinary worlds."

Zhu Nangshen was relieved when he heard the words at the end, but he soon thought of something again, and asked the incarnation of Shang Xia who was sitting on the spirit-level ark in the middle of the town: "Hey, I said this Master Shang , how are you there, what orders does your real body give you?"

The avatar outside the body sitting in the central ark said with a smile: "There is no news, but I can vaguely perceive that the real body of the deity now knows our location very well."

Zhu Nang answered instinctively, and said, "If you can\'t even pass on the news, how can you know it well?"

But he quickly remembered who he was talking to just now, and immediately put on a flattering smile in the direction of the central ark.


"Aren\'t you going to do it yourself?"

Xin Lu\'s voice suddenly came from behind Shang Xia who was standing on the edge of the floating land and looking towards the Cangfa Realm.

Shang Xia turned his head in some astonishment. Instead of answering Xin Lu\'s question, he asked, "Have you already contacted Yanming? The caravan crossed the void vortex and entered the void of the Cangfa Realm. Yet?"

Xin Lu smiled and nodded, looking relaxed.

"So fast?!"

Shang Xia first exclaimed, and then said in admiration: "You are worthy of being a fifth-level stargazer, and this method has become several times more powerful in an instant."

Xin Lu walked up to Shang Xia, stood side by side with him, gazed at the sky barrier of the Cangfa Realm for a while, and then said: "Sister Yanming has left a guide for stargazing, and we are working together from inside to outside, and we want to deduce and find a way. The relatively safe and fast path is naturally not too difficult! But the real problem is that the path we found can only be said to be relatively safe, but it does not mean that there is no danger. On the contrary, the danger in that maelstrom is definitely not So, the rest of the road has to be walked carefully by themselves.”

Shang Xia nodded and said: "So that\'s the case! Then do I need to go to meet them?"

Xin Lu said in surprise, "You leave here at ease? Speaking of which, you haven\'t answered my question just now, aren\'t you going to help the Ying brothers yourself?"

Shang Xia glanced at her and said, "How do you know I didn\'t make a move? The problem is that we are only here to help. If we have to do all these things, what are his Ying brothers and Twin Thieves? Besides Since you want the other party to owe favors, you can\'t just owe me, Shang Xia, naturally, let our people participate more."

Xin Lu thought for a while, nodded and said: "What you said is indeed reasonable, and it is indeed not suitable for you to end the matter of Cangfa Realm yourself. After all, apart from supporting the merchant fleet of Zhenren Song Zhen and others, you have We need to prevent the wild beasts from the Lingcang Realm from invading again, and at the same time..."

Speaking of this, Xin Lu pointed in the direction where they entered the Cangfa Realm before, and said: "And there, the Yuanchen Star District should still be in the hands of the three star bandits, and there may be Yuanling Tianyu. Help, those people\'s progress in the turbulent void is not slow!"

Shang Xia was taken aback when he heard the words. He had ignored this issue before because the Ying brothers had repeatedly emphasized that the void turbulence in the Yuanchen star area would disappear after a certain period of time.

After pondering for a while, Shang Xia asked: "Has someone from the Yuanchen Star District started to investigate into the turbulent flow of the void?"

Xin Lu said: "It has already started."

"Then if the void turbulence in Yuanchen Star District suddenly disappears, what will happen to the people who have already broken into the void turbulence?"

Xin Lu shook his head and said, "I don\'t know about that."

Shang Xia thought for a while, then glanced at the sky barrier of the Cangfa Realm, and said, "Forget it, I\'d better go and meet Song Zhen and others to come in first!"

Xin Lu was a little worried: "Is there really nothing going on in the Cangfa Realm?"

Shang Xia smiled and said: "It\'s just a Cang Realm, do you really think it can withstand the melee that has surpassed ten existences above the sixth level?"

Xin Lu was suddenly stopped by Shang Xia\'s question, and subconsciously said: "Then..."

Shang Xia smiled and said: "Don\'t worry, this battle is still going to be fought, and both sides are trying their best to avoid causing too much damage to the Cangfa world!"

After finishing speaking, Shang Xia nodded towards her, and the next moment, he disappeared before her eyes without any warning.

"Obviously my own origin has been borrowed a lot, and the whole person\'s aura has dropped a lot, but why this method is getting more and more mysterious, and even the impression of the whole person is getting more and more difficult to understand. Why is there another breakthrough? No, no, how long has it been since he advanced to the sixth-grade integration?"

Looking at the position where Shang Xia was standing before, Xin Lu couldn\'t help thinking in his heart.

Shang Xia didn\'t know that after he left, he attracted another woman\'s curiosity and attention to him. At this time, he had followed the direction Xin Lu pointed out before and came to the void turbulent flow in another direction of the Cangfa plane. edge.

However, after arriving here, Shang Xia suddenly discovered that he didn\'t seem to need to rely on Xin Lu or Yan Ming\'s guidance, because at this time, his feeling for the incarnation of the first rank left in the merchant fleet had already changed. Much stronger.

At this time, even if he just followed the connection with the avatar outside his body, he could quickly find Song Zhen and others in the turbulent flow of the void.

"This can be regarded as a double insurance. All kinds of accidents may happen at any time in the void and turbulence. No matter how cautious you are, you can\'t be too cautious."

Shang Xia flicked his sleeves, and the special miniature starship appeared at his feet, and carried him into the turbulent void in the next moment.

Because of the connection with the incarnation outside of the body, Shang Xia relies on his own strong cultivation strength, and without getting lost, he can completely not follow the path planned by Xin Lu and Yan Ming. Less dangerous, but save a lot of time because of it.

It\'s just that it\'s not easy to calculate the precise time in the turbulent flow of the void. Therefore, Shang Xia himself doesn\'t know how long it has passed. It seems to gradually begin to surge towards a fixed place, and at this time there seems to be a sense of direction in the chaotic and disorderly flow of the void.

"This is going to pass through the turbulence of the void, so fast?"

Although he didn\'t have an accurate sense of the exact time, Shang Xia still felt that it hadn\'t been long.

But he immediately remembered that the fleet of Song Zhen and others had to cross a huge void vortex first, which immediately made him vigilant. Maybe he didn\'t pass through the void turbulence, but came directly to the void vortex. The edge of the vortex!

Shang Xia immediately slowed down, and at the same time did not dare to hitch a ride in the direction of the turbulent flow of the void, but followed the induction with the incarnation outside the body while approaching, trying to get as close as possible to the turbulent flow of the void directions are staggered.

I don\'t know how long it took, the originally chaotic and disorderly flow of the void has calmed down a lot, but in fact, guided by that inexplicable powerful force, it gradually began to converge into a well-defined spatial torrent.

Although Shang Xia at this time has not yet glimpsed the whole picture of the great vortex of void, he believes that he must have entered the outer area of ​​the great vortex at this time.

And just when Shang Xia sensed that the distance between him and the avatar outside his body was getting closer, suddenly violent fluctuations erupted from the calm space torrent behind him.

Shang Xia subconsciously looked back at the location where the fluctuations came from. Although his vision and the range of divine sense perception were greatly hindered by the influence of the torrent of space, he was sure that the fluctuations that had just erupted should be caused by humans!

"There are other people? Or are they following me?"

A cold light flashed in Shang Xia\'s eyes. Although the possibility of the latter was extremely small, he felt that perhaps he should take the risk of investigating.

Shang Xia traced the connection with the avatar outside his body again, and after confirming that the avatar outside his body was still steadily closing the distance with him, he immediately turned and walked towards the violent turmoil that had just erupted in the torrent of space. place to go.

However, Shang Xia soon discovered that the violent turbulence that he obviously believed had been continuing, and it was still rotating in the direction of the great vortex of the void, as if it was completely engulfed by the torrent of space.

At this time, the ability of space torrents to gather and coerce has become extremely strong, but fortunately, Shang Xia\'s own strength is strong enough to completely overcome the erosion of this force, and gradually catch up and approach the direction of the turmoil.

"It\'s actually a large starship!"

Shang Xia soon discovered a starship that had been dragged into the torrent of space, and this starship looked familiar. one of the boats.

It\'s just that at this time the people on the starship seem to have sensed the danger of being dragged into the torrent of space, and are trying to struggle out of it, and the violent turbulence he sensed is precisely the three sixth-order real people on board. Let\'s work together, and one of them is also no stranger, it is the real Tian Zhentian who betrayed the twin robbers and almost succeeded in backstabbing!

However, logically speaking, at this time, the three major star bandits should be looking for the plane void of the Cangfa Realm in the void turbulence in the original star area, and this is near the void vortex in the arc star area. Not to mention the direction in the sea of ​​chaotic stars, even from the perspective of the void of the Cangfa Realm, it is completely different, but how could this large starship of the three star bandits end up here?

"Could it be that the turbulence of the void in the Yuanchen star area has disappeared, and the starship that was originally intended to search for the Cangfa Realm was brought here by the turbulence of the void?"

Although it still feels a little weird, but at present, it seems that this explanation is the only one that makes sense.

As for helping each other, this starship can break free from the coercion of the torrent of space?

Shang Xia is not so disregarding the past, and judging from the current extent of the starship being engulfed by the torrent of space, even if he wants to help, he would have to spend a lot of time and effort, but he just doesn\'t have the time and energy.

Shang Xia raised his eyebrows, and finally sat and watched the starship being carried by the torrent of space and continued towards the central area of ​​the void maelstrom. As for the final outcome, it was not something he considered.

After what happened just now, Shang Xia became more and more cautious in the process of searching for the fleet based on the induction of the avatar outside him, until he finally discovered that he had just crossed the great vortex of void, and proceeded cautiously A merchant fleet consisting of three starships.

Compared with Shang Xia finding the merchant fleet, Song Zhen and others were more happy after seeing Shang Xia, especially Zhu Nang directly showed a look of "finally don\'t worry about it".

After talking, Shang Xia learned that the journey of Song Zhen and others was full of dangers. Even if there were two stargazers planning the route in advance, and Yan Ming was personally in charge to guide the fleet to adapt to the situation, they were also crossing the continent. In the course of the vortex, it encountered the danger of overturning several times.

Although in the end, with the concerted efforts of everyone and a little bit of luck, they finally got here, but the three big boats except the spirit-level ark that was deliberately protected in the center, the two large starships in the front and back were already at this time. Scarred and scarred, at first glance it looked as if it might disintegrate at any moment.

And Shang Xia also roughly narrated the experience after parting with everyone, but after hearing him mention at the end that a large starship belonging to the three star thieves suddenly appeared nearby, and was coerced into After entering the torrent of space in the maelstrom, Yan Ming\'s eyes flickered as if he had some speculation.

"What did you find?"

The change in Yan Ming\'s expression naturally couldn\'t be hidden from Shang Xia, so he asked directly.

Yan Ming thought for a while, and said: "I just guess that this great vortex of the void is not only pulling the turbulent flow of the void, but it is very likely that even the Cangfa Realm is in the process of being swallowed by it."

After Yan Ming finished speaking, Shang Xia and the others all had dumbfounded expressions.

Seeing this, Yan Ming had an expression of "I knew it would be like this", and said: "Of course, this is just my speculation, but it is not difficult to prove this matter, after meeting with Xin Lu , the two of us working together should be able to come to a conclusion soon."

Having said that, Yan Ming changed her voice, looked at Shang Xia and asked, "By the way, has Xin Lu\'s stargazing technique made great progress?"

Shang Xia let out an "uh", as if she had just turned around, and said, "Yes, she is now a fifth-level stargazer!"

"I knew it! Let her go first!"

Yan Ming curled her lips, turned around and returned to the wooden platform that guided the course.

Seeing this, Song Zhen quickly came to Shang Xia\'s side and said in a low voice, "If Miss Yan\'s speculation is true, then..."

Shang Xia understood what Song Zhen wanted to say, and ordered: "This matter will be discussed after the affairs of Cangfa Realm. Before that, don\'t mention it to outsiders except Xin Lu."

That\'s the big chapter for today.