Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1476

Among the chaotic sea of ​​stars.

After Song Zhen organized a caravan headed by a large starship and more than ten medium-sized starships, he set off for the Yuanchen Star District.

However, Song Zhen did not forget Shang Xia\'s entrustment, and deliberately changed the route on the way, and Yu Yuanhongjie picked up the fleet of Suiyuan Pirates and joined his caravan.

In this way, this caravan has two large starships, twenty-two medium-sized starships, and seven or eight small starships that crashed at the end of the fleet.

At the same time, this caravan also has a third-rank and a first-rank real person who has just entered the sixth heaven. There are more than forty members of the caravan above the fifth heaven, and a quarter of them are from Tongyou Academy. One-fourth of the warriors came from some of the fifth-tier masters recruited by Shang Xia in the Yuanling Tianyu, and another quarter were the fifth-tier warriors Song Zhen had earned during his business trips in recent years, and the rest were The subordinates who came from Suiyuan Robber Zhu Nang, and the number of other third- and fourth-tier fighters were over a hundred.

In addition to these manpower, during the process of Song Zhen\'s business, the caravan often added a large number of temporary manpower, but this part of the people usually gathered and scattered, not fixed.

However, the fleet and manpower accompanying Song Zhen\'s operation this time were obviously the most core people, and no temporary manpower joined them.

Even when the fleet set off, each starship set off in twos and threes from the surrounding star area of ​​Xinghai Market, and finally converged in the agreed area, thus avoiding the possibility of the caravan\'s whereabouts leaking as much as possible.

In fact, Song Zhen still holds a spirit-level ark in his hands, but this ark does not belong to him, but belongs to Tongyou College.

In terms of size alone, the spirit-level ark is actually comparable to a large starship.

However, the ark is too expensive, and Song Zhen\'s trip to the Yuanchen star area is very likely to encounter danger, so naturally he will not drive the ark to accompany him.

Under the guidance of Yan Ming, a fourth-level stargazer, Song Zhen\'s caravan hardly took any detours in the void, and the speed of travel was extremely fast, and soon approached the starry sky where the Yuanchen Star District is located. where.

But just when the merchant fleet passed a huge and desolate planet, suddenly there was a burst of energy.

The machine burst out from the other side of the earth star, and then a ray of light bypassed the earth star and came straight towards the merchant fleet.

After Zhu Nang led the rebels to join Song Zhen\'s merchant fleet, Song Zhen used both soft and hard tactics along the way, and tidied him up submissively. He is usually just a real person of the first rank, and immediately volunteered to intercept the enemy.

Unexpectedly, before he could rush out of the starship, Song Zhen stopped him and said, "Don\'t worry, the person who came should be just an original incarnation."

"Original incarnation?"

Zhu Nang was slightly taken aback, and subconsciously asked, "Whose is it?"

Song Zhen glanced at the other party with a half-smile, and said, "What do you think?"

After finishing speaking, Song Zhen withdrew the defensive formation of Xingzhou, and came to the deck to welcome people in.

"grown ups!"

Song Zhen bowed his hands to the visitor.

Zhu Nang, who was following behind, quickly imitated the example, but when saluting, he couldn\'t help looking at the comer from the corner of his eye.

The person who came did look exactly like Shang Xia, and his cultivation equivalent to the first rank seemed to confirm the identity of the other party\'s original incarnation, but Zhu Nang always felt that there seemed to be something wrong with the avatar in front of him.

"Excuse me, please don\'t gossip. I have brought you the latest news about my real body. Your caravan can no longer move forward. The Yuanchen Star District has now become the battlefield where the three star bandits set up an ambush."

The original incarnation spoke while motioning Song Zhenping to move back and forth.

After Song Zhen signaled the people around him to leave, leaving only Zhu Nang and him, Yuanyuan incarnate jointly raided the three star bandits in the Yuanchen star area and severely damaged the twin bandits who settled here. up.

Song Zhen and Zhu Nang were also shocked when they heard the news, especially after knowing that the three major star bandits joined Yuanling Tianyu at the same time and planned to jointly form a super large star bandit group, they thought that The situation in Chaotic Star Sea may change to some extent as a result.

"Then what should we do next? I wonder if your lord has an explanation?"

Song Zhen quickly adjusted, and hurriedly asked the avatar in front of him for advice.

The source avatar nodded, and said: "This deity has gone to that wild Cang Realm with the twin bandit Ying brothers. Once the void location of that Cang Realm is determined, it can be inferred by Star Master Yan. At that time, Yan, Xin The two star masters work together to deduce the inside and the outside, and maybe they can find out the second path to enter and exit the wild sky, so as to avoid the ambush of the three star bandits in the original star area."

After all, the incarnation of the original source handed over a Tiandu Yinlin Talisman to Song Zhen, and said: "You should carry this talisman with you, and when the two star masters jointly deduce the exact location of the Wild Cang Realm and encounter difficulties, they will trigger this talisman." The talisman may be helpful to the two star masters, and this talisman itself can borrow part of the power of the deity\'s real body to descend, and it can also be used as a hole card when encountering enemies. But..."

The original source incarnation looked at Song Zhen, but then his eyes fell on Zhu Nang, and said: "However, the power that this talisman can borrow is limited. Since you have advanced to the third-rank outer state, then this talisman has no effect on you. It is extremely small, but it can exert its power to the maximum on his body."

Song Zhen smiled, and handed the Tiandun Yinlin Talisman that he had originally obtained directly to Zhu Nang beside him, which made the new second-in-command of the Merchant Navy feel at a loss for a while.

"This... how embarrassing this is, hehe!"

Whether it\'s Yuan Yuan\'s incarnation or Song Zhen, they already know Zhu Nang\'s character, so it\'s better to just ignore this person\'s behavior of being good-looking after taking advantage of it.

"The losses of the Twin Pirates can be described as heavy, and now only the two Ying brothers are left to support the facade of the sixth-level real people. There are only a dozen warriors above the fifth-level heaven, and there are still nearly a hundred third-level and fourth-level warriors. However, the ark belonging to them carried a large number of first- and second-tier warriors, as well as relatives and mortals of the twin thieves. But if the wild world is really as the Ying brothers said before, then they want to conquer this time. I\'m afraid this sky world is too weak, and the inner space of the ark can\'t carry life for a long time, so it will definitely be eager to introduce external forces, and then it will be the best time for you to enter the arena."

The original incarnation has roughly confided Shang Xia\'s plan to the two of them.

It wasn\'t until this time that Zhu Nang suddenly thought of why the original incarnation in front of him made him feel different.