Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1472

In fact, as a sixth-order martial talisman, after being activated, the Tiandun Yinlin Talisman can indeed attract part of Shang Xia\'s power to increase the combat power of the person holding the talisman.

But just as those sixth-level real people thought at the beginning, how long can the power of a martial talisman last?

This is also the fundamental reason why the four real people were led into the undercurrent of the void by Xin Lu\'s stargazing technique, and after one was dispersed and the other was pushed back, the remaining two real people, one on the left and one on the right, dared to approach the Ark of the Twins Thieves .

In their view, such a great power, even if the martial talisman is exquisite, can still be maintained for a period of time, but the stargazer, who has just entered the fifth heaven, may not be able to bear it first.

Under normal circumstances, the thoughts of these two real people are not wrong, and the Tiandun Yinling Talisman has indeed reached the end of its strength, and Xin Lu has already reached the limit of carrying this force. I am afraid that if he persists for a while, his whole body The body will be collapsed by this force.

However, the timing suddenly changed at this time!

"Kill the one closest to you first!"

A voice that seemed illusory and unreal came, but Xin Lu could hear it clearly.

"It\'s you..."

Although the voice was ethereal and difficult to find, at first hearing it, one might have thought that one might have hallucinations, but Xin Lu recognized the source of that voice.

As if thinking of something, Xin Lu reached out and wiped it on his waist, only to find that after the martial talisman was activated, the talisman paper, which should have been annihilated according to reason, still had a few fragments left at this time, and these fragments were not only There is no sign of decay at all, and even the aura of vitality flickers on it, which looks like a treasure.

Xin Lu quickly held a few fragments of martial talismans in his hands, and suddenly felt a vigorous aura coming down from the void. , even with herself, she can clearly perceive the rise in her combat power.

Not only that, the pressure on his body when he activated the Heavenly Escape Attraction Talisman earlier, as his combat power rose again, not only did not continue to increase, but it was paid off by a little bit.

"Have you arrived?"

Xin Lu hurriedly spoke again, and said directly to the extremely fast residual talisman in his palm.

"You catch by surprise first and then hit or kill another one. I will wait for the opportunity to cooperate and destroy their starship!"

This time, that voice sounded a lot more real, and it was undoubtedly Shang Xia\'s voice, and the fragments of the Talisman\'s Talisman can not only be used as a medium of communication between Shang Xia and Xin Lu, but more importantly, can As his guide in the turbulence of the void.

The reason why Shang Xia dared to break into the turbulent void to search for the traces of the twin thieves before was because he had absolute confidence in his own strength and was not afraid of being scoured by the turbulent void. Another very important reason was that once Xin Lu activated the Heavenly Escape Attraction Talisman, so Shang Xia could perceive it within a certain distance.

Of course, it must be within a certain distance!

Otherwise, the Tiandun Introducing Talisman can only be used as an ordinary sixth-order martial talisman.

Fortunately, Shang Xia\'s luck was good, or more precisely, Xin Lu and the twin thieves were lucky. They had been defeated by the three star thieves without going too far after breaking into the turbulent void. And Shang Xia came to the Yuanchen star area in time, and without much effort in the turbulent flow of the void, he had already sensed the signs of the Tiandun\'s approaching talisman being activated.

It\'s just that Shang Xia couldn\'t arrive in time because of the turbulent flow of the void, and when he voluntarily lent his source energy to Xin Lu from a long distance, the consumption was extremely serious, and almost two points were consumed for every point he lent. the price.

Fortunately, Shang Xia\'s own Liuhe Origin Qi is strong and thick enough to withstand such consumption in a short period of time. Fortunately, Shang Xia is constantly approaching in the turbulent flow of the void with the help of the guidance of the Heavenly Escape Amulet, so that the consumption is also increasing. Only then did he dare to act like this after continuously decreasing.

And after Xin Lu received the reverse help from Shang Xia and the news that Shang Xia had arrived, his confidence was greatly increased. Seeing that the fastest sixth-order real person was getting closer and closer to the ark, In order not to cause the war to spread to Ark, Xin Lu even took the initiative to rush out this time, facing the sixth-level real person and directly blasting him face to face with the ordinary set of martial arts martial arts he had practiced. .

This time, not to mention the three star thieves, even the warriors of the twin thieves watched all this happen, and there were signs of a short-circuited thinking for a while.

Seeing this, Xin Lu, who had long experienced this, immediately retreated under the curtain of the Ark, while the sixth-level real person on the other side, who had already approached the Ark, immediately turned around and fled like a frightened rabbit.

However, this person came back not long after he left, and not only came back with him was a companion who was washed away by the undercurrent of the void, but also two third-rank real people.

Just as Xin Lu was frantically calling Shang Xia for help with the broken talisman fragments in his hand, a large starship that was originally blocking the way of the ark suddenly disappeared in the turbulent flow of the void without any warning. It disintegrated on its own in no time, and countless fragments of wood and human fighters scattered out, and most of them were annihilated by the turbulent flow of the void in a blink of an eye.

However, not everyone in the disintegrated starship was annihilated, and two sixth-order real people still appeared among them, and they were not afraid of the scouring of the turbulent flow of the void.

It\'s just that one of them seems to have only a first-rank cultivation level that has just entered the Wuxu Realm, but he is trying his best to search and rescue people and valuable materials scattered in the turbulent flow of the void.

As for the other one, he was hanging in the midst of the turbulence in the void, vigilantly watching the turbulent void around him, and the screams and cries for help around him seemed unshakable at all, and the aura displayed from now on From the perspective of realm, he is also a fifth-rank real person!

It\'s just that at this time, the longer this fifth-rank real person hangs in the turbulent void, the more cloudy and uncertain his expression becomes.

In the scene that just happened, he can be sure that the starship was attacked, but where did the attack come from, and how did it destroy a large starship with a complete array of guardians? Know nothing.

"Really Mei, can you help me out!"

The first-rank real person from the three star bandits is not strong enough. Although he can barely protect himself under the turbulence of the void, he is powerless to save a few more people.

However, the person who was not too far away from him originally came from Yuanling Tianyu, and this time, Mei Zhenren, who seemed to be a military supervisor, clearly had the ability to save people with his cultivation of the fifth-rank return to the true realm, but at this time Standing in the midst of the turbulence of the void, he stood by and watched, watching the star thief elites around him be devoured by the turbulence of the void.

Mei Zhenren didn\'t even look at the other party when he heard the words, he just said coldly: "Idiot!"


Yipin Daoist was furious in his heart, and according to his past habits, he wanted to yell, but when the words came to his mouth, he suddenly remembered the identity of the other party, not only because of his high-level cultivation, but also because this person came from Yuanling Tianyu, the three of them The world of Tianyu, which the Great Star Thief Group is about to enshrine as its suzerain.

March, early spring.

Read the latest chapter content and download the iRead novel app. The latest chapter content is already in the iRead novel app, and the website no longer updates the latest chapter content. In the eastern part of Nanhuangzhou, a corner.

The hazy sky was gray and black, revealing heavy oppression, as if someone had spilled ink on the rice paper, and the ink soaked the sky, smudged the clouds.

The clouds overlapped and blended with each other, spreading out crimson lightning bolts, accompanied by rumbling thunder.

It was like a low roar of the gods, echoing in the world.

Please download the iRead novel app, and read the latest chapters for free without ads. The blood-colored rain, with sadness, fell to the mortal world.

The earth is hazy, and there is a ruined city, silent and lifeless in the red rain of blood.

The walls and ruins in the city, everything withered, collapsed houses can be seen everywhere, as well as blue and black corpses and minced meat, like broken autumn leaves, silently withering.

The once bustling streets are now deserted.

The sandy road where people used to come and go is no longer noisy.

Only blood mud mixed with minced meat, dust, and paper remained, which was indistinguishable from each other, which was shocking.

Not far away, a wrecked carriage was sunk deep in the mud, full of mourning, only an abandoned rabbit doll hanging on the shaft, swaying in the wind.

The white fluff has already been soaked into wet red, full of eerie and strange.

The muddy pupils seemed to have some resentment remaining, and they looked at the mottled stones in front of them alone.

There, there was a figure lying on its stomach.

This is a boy of thirteen or fourteen years old, his clothes are ragged and full of dirt, and there is a broken leather bag tied around his waist.

The boy squinted his eyes and remained motionless. The biting cold penetrated through his worn coat from all directions, covering his whole body, gradually taking away his body temperature.

But even if the rain fell on his face, he didn\'t blink his eyes, staring coldly into the distance like a falcon.

Following his gaze, a skinny vulture was gnawing on the carrion of a wild dog at a distance of seven or eight feet, and looked around vigilantly from time to time.

It seems that in this dangerous ruin, if there is any slightest disturbance, it will fly into the air in an instant.

Download the iRead novel app and read the latest chapters for free without ads. And the teenager is like a hunter, patiently waiting for the opportunity.

After a long time, the opportunity came, and the greedy vulture finally submerged its head completely into the abdominal cavity of the wild dog.

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Chapter 1472: Heavenly Escape Introduces Talisman (fourth continuation)