Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1403

Similar to the steps of integrating land and land fragments into Liangzhou, after Shang Xia merged the newly divided piece of land into Qingzhou and communicated with the source sea, the rest of the work was left to the Jiujing Daoist and the warriors of Shendu Sect. up.

With just these three divisions, almost half of the world fragments of the Lingchen Realm that Shang Xia brought back from outside the region had already been delivered and removed, and the remaining half of the world fragments, which he had to carefully calculate.

This time the first thing to expand is Liaozhou!

Liaozhou is the sphere of influence of the Changbai faction, and the Changbai faction is now an ally of Tongyou College. Before that, Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia presided over the division of the world fragments of the Lingxi world. Beyond nine thousand miles.

Now Shangxia only needs to divide a small part of land and land fragments to help Liaozhou cross the threshold of the ten thousand li state and become the thirteenth ten thousand li state in the entire Lingfeng world. The most cost-effective way to grow in the plane world.

Prior to this, only the ten prefectures of Beihai, Yong, Jiao, You, Jing, Yi, Bing, Bing, Hai, and Ji in the entire Lingfeng world reached or exceeded the area of ​​ten thousand miles, and now the Liang and Qing prefectures are about to After crossing this threshold, Liaozhou will naturally rank thirteenth.

It\'s just that this time, even in the face of the allies, there is no reason to give away the pieces of land for nothing.

Shang Xia encouraged the Changbai faction to promote Liaozhou to the Wanli state, and the Changbai faction promised to give up 20% of the control of Liaozhou Yuanhai!

Of course, in order to dispel the doubts of the Changbai faction, Shang Xia also promised them on behalf of the Tongyou Academy that he would never attempt to control Liaozhou Yuanhai.

In the spirit-level world, the control of a state\'s source sea directly determines who owns the quota entrusted with the original true spirit.

Tongyou Academy had previously used the method of expanding the territory of Jeju to forcibly increase its control over Jeju Yuanhai until more than 50% of Yuanhai was controlled by Tongyou Academy, and Jeju Yuanhai was used to entrust the quota of the original true spirit So it fell into the hands of Tongyou Academy.

As for why Tongyou Academy wants to control 20% of Liaozhou Yuanhai, it is Shang Xia\'s long-term layout, and the reason for this layout is that he met Gong Zhuo, a high-ranking real person in Yuanxingjie Wanyun. exchange income.

Although a state-level source sea in a spirit-level world can only carry a sixth-order real person entrusting the original true spirit, if the spirit-level world can be promoted to the Yuan-level upper realm in the future, then a state-level source sea can carry six There is more than one high-level real person.


At that time, maybe 20% of Yuan Hai\'s control rights can mean one, or even two promotion places for sixth-level real people.

As for Liangzhou and Qingzhou, Weiyang Palace and Shendu Sect did not make any concessions on the control of Yuanhai, and they would rather pay a greater price for it.

Shang Xia speculates that the two Dongtian sects may have realized the importance of controlling Yuanhai in the future. Moreover, the two major factions with sixth-order real people who personally sit in the town also have the ability to achieve absolute control over Yuanhai, the state domain.

After Liaozhou\'s integration into land and land debris was on the right track, Shang Xia set his next goal at Yezhou.

Yezhou is also a quasi-thousand-mile state with an area of ​​nine thousand miles.

The Dongjun Palace of Yezhou’s blessed land sect has extraordinary strength, and has completed more than 60% to 70% control of Yezhou’s Yuanhai without a sixth-order real person in charge. Still didn\'t have the courage to refuse.

After paying the same price of 20% of the control of Yuanhai, and getting the promise of Tongyou Academy to never get involved in the dominance of Yezhou Yuanhai, he naturally agreed to integrate into the world fragments and use this to cross Wanli State Proposal for Domain Threshold.

As for the 20% of the control of Yuanhai, you must know that the entire Yezhou Yuanhai is only controlled by the Dongjun Palace for less than 70%. The control of Yuanhai that is no longer in control is actually a matter of fact. Things that benefit without cost.

Anyway, if there are fighters from the Winter Palace in the future to attack the sixth heaven, 70% of the control over Yuanhai will be enough to entrust the original true spirit in Yuanhai.

And Yezhou is about to become the fourteenth thousand-mile state in the Lingfeng world!

After Yezhou is Wuzhou. Like Liaozhou and Yezhou, Wuzhou is also a quasi-thousand-mile state with an area of ​​more than nine thousand miles.

At this time, after Shang Xia successively helped Liangzhou, Qingzhou, Liaozhou, and Yezhou to cross the threshold of the Wanli state domain, he even set off a trend of accelerating the growth of the plane world in the entire Lingfeng world.

Under this general trend, even if they control the dominance of Wuzhou Yuanhai, the Sanjiang faction whose overall strength of the sect is not below that of the Dongjun Palace, has no choice but to understand the current affairs and take the initiative to give up 20% of the control of Yuanhai to the merchants. Xia asked for the fragments of the divided world to help Wuzhou cross the threshold of the Wanli state.

Therefore, it is only a matter of time before the birth of the fifteenth Wanli state in Lingfeng Realm.

Since Shang Xia drove the ark to return from the outer domain, the entire Lingfeng world was broken by the world that was sealed off by the ark.

The film fell into a turmoil.

It\'s just that because Shang Xia and the Tongyou Academy behind him have absolute strength to suppress the entire Lingfeng world, this makes these disturbances never spread to Tongyou Academy\'s own body. No matter how noisy others are, it\'s just envy and jealousy .

After the expansion of Youzhou and the promotion of Liangzhou and Qingzhou to the Wanli Prefecture, this kind of noise seems to have reached its peak, and all kinds of gossip and slander have even begun to stir people\'s hearts.

But when the three prefectures of Liao, Ye, and Wu began to cross the threshold of the Wanli state one after another, this kind of noise seemed to break through and disappear without a trace.

The entire Lingfeng world fell into a strange calm at this time, and the major sect forces were quietly watching the big hand of Shang Xia and Tongyou Academy.

It seems that during this period of time, in addition to the frequent turmoil that spread to the entire world from the enlarged state in the entire plane world, there is only the vitality of the world that overflows due to the continuous filling of the source sea, so The vitality storms that spread to the entire plane world have been set off!

Shang Xia successively assisted five states to cross the threshold of thousands of miles in size, but in fact the benefits of the growth of the plane world benefited everyone in the entire plane world.

And during this period, the entire Lingfeng world does not know how many people have greatly increased their cultivation due to the skyrocketing vitality of the world, and it does not know how many warriors who were originally stagnant in the realm of cultivation have suddenly realized their sudden enlightenment and accumulated a lot...

In other words, during this period, due to the growth of the plane world, the warriors who have improved their own martial arts, and even all creatures in this world, will more or less benefit from Shang Xia\'s behavior this time.

And this is only a short-term positive impact caused by the growth of the plane world, but in fact this impact will continue, and the duration is extremely long!

At this time, the world fragments of Lingchen Realm floating above Lingfeng Realm have been divided into half, but as long as there are still remaining world fragments, Shang Xia will continue to divide them to promote the growth of the entire plane world.

But this time, Shang Xia\'s goal is two states that are also a long distance away from the state area of ​​thousands of miles. One is Yanzhou, and its sect that controls the dominance of Yuanhai is also an ally of Tongyou College. Its status is equal to that of Changbai Sect; while the other one is Yangzhou, and its dominant sect in the source sea is also very close to Tongyou Academy.

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