Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1396

What Song Zhen sighed was not the almost overwhelming superiority of combat power displayed by Shang Xia, but that he, who was also a sixth-level real person, could not understand the means displayed by Shang Xia!

You must know that Song Zhen himself is a second-rank real person, but he had to meet several opportunities to work under Shang Xia in recent years, and his cultivation base is not far from the third-rank outer realm.

But even so, Shang Xia\'s methods were still beyond his comprehension!

Although it was difficult to accept, Song Zhen already understood from the bottom of his heart that there was an essential gap between him and Shang Xia, and this gap was not only manifested in the realm of cultivation.

With Shang Xia personally sitting in charge of the ark, no matter how turbulent the void is, it can no longer shake the ark.

When Song Zhen returned to the ark, he saw that Shang Xia was watching with interest. Under the shroud of clouds and mist, several fifth-level warriors walked out of the ark directly to besiege a sixth-level star beast under the leadership of Yan Ming. scene.

Song Zhen took a look and found that although the fifth-level warriors looked a little embarrassed, in fact, there was no danger at all with Shang Xia personally watching over them, so he asked, "My lord, what happened in the depths of the turbulent void just now?" What? Was it ever left alive?"

Shang Xia didn\'t turn his head back and said: "These two star beasts are just a bait, but there is a sixth-level beast warrior hidden in the belly of one of them, and this one is the beast control of another high-grade beast warrior. It’s just that these beast warriors seem to be abnormal, and at the last moment they regarded death as home, but they didn’t even leave a single one alive!”

Song Zhen glanced at the siege battle that had gradually begun to be brought back by Yan Ming and others, and said, "We have stayed in place for too long, do we need our subordinates to take action to end the life of this beast as soon as possible?"

Song Zhen was worried that these beast warriors had other companions hiding in the turbulent void, so he hoped to leave as soon as possible.

However, Shang Xia didn\'t seem to care about it, he just said indifferently: "Don\'t worry, this battle is also a rare experience for academy warriors, so what if I wait for the first class?"

Song Zhen opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but when the words came to his lips, he said: "Yes!"

Song Zhen always felt that Shang Xia didn\'t seem to be in a hurry to leave this place, but intended to stay here for a longer time.

The siege against the sixth-order star beast trapped in the Wanyun Feixia Talisman is gradually coming to an end. Although the star beast still maintains a glimmer of life by virtue of its huge size and majestic vitality, in fact, it is only a matter of death. It\'s just a matter of time.

It\'s a pity that under the siege of several fifth-order warriors, the body surface of the star beast is covered with various scars. It was originally used as animal skin with high value among the various spiritual materials on the star beast and can be used to make large-volume space items. It is no longer of much value.

But even so, the several academy warriors who participated in the siege and killed the star beast happily disassembled the body of the star beast, separating as much as possible of the valuable things inside.

As for the star beast that Shang Xia had killed in the depths of the turbulent void before, when he returned to the Star Ark, he had already thrown it into the world fragments sealed inside the Ark.

Watching the warriors return to the ark, Shang Xia told Song Zhen beside him, "Be careful about the news about the warrior beasts in the future!"


Song Zhen responded, and then asked carefully, "Did your lord discover anything just now?"

Shang Xia shook his head, turned around and walked towards the boat, and said lightly: "Let\'s go!"

Song Zhen knew that Shang Xia must have discovered something, but since he didn\'t want to say it, Song Zhen of course wouldn\'t ask any more. Instead, after gathering the academy warriors who had returned to the ark, he drove the ark towards Yuandu Realm and sped away. go.

I don\'t know how long it took, but when Yan Ming reminded Song Zhen that he was about to pass through the turbulent void of the plane of Yuandu Realm, he suddenly realized that Shang Xia had walked out of the cabin in the ark at some point and stood there. On the deck of the bow of the ark, staring directly at the turbulent void ahead.

Song Zhen thought for a while, and suddenly ordered to the warriors on the bridge who helped him control the ark: "Slow down and turn!"

Before the others could recover from his abrupt order, Song Zhen said to Yan Ming again: "Come and try to plan a new path!"

"Are you kidding me!"

Yan Ming didn\'t even care about the identity of the other party\'s sixth-order real person, and said loudly: "We haven\'t escaped the turbulent flow of the void, how can we change it at will..."

However, before he finished speaking, Yan Ming\'s voice stopped abruptly.

When everyone looked up at her in doubt, they saw that she was looking at the front of the Ark in shock.

Song Zhen knew something was wrong, but he followed her gaze and looked back, only to see a giant chaotic palm that completely squeezed together the turbulent flow of the void suddenly appeared in the direction of Ark\'s advance, and then slapped it fiercely. Fall down!

"The seventh level..."

Song Zhen exclaimed in a tone almost groaning.

Song Zhen, who had followed Shang Xia for a long time, naturally heard from Shang Xia about the vision when the seventh-rank master made a move in person.

However, only when they really face the giant palm that seems to be able to turn the world upside down, can they truly feel the despair in their hearts.

The warriors below the fifth rank in the ark were all overwhelmed by the power of the giant palm, waiting for the final judgment of fate like a fool.

Although Song Zhen was still able to maintain the situation at this time, he couldn\'t even think of resisting under the giant chaotic palm. He even felt that he was not as good as other people who died in a daze, so that he would not have to endure such a burden. The despair of human slaughter.

No, no, there is still hope!

A thought suddenly flashed in Song Zhen\'s mind: My lord has encountered the giant palm that evolved from the seventh-level master in the turbulent flow of the void, and it was more than once!

Song Zhen moved his gaze to the bow with difficulty, but only saw the familiar figure disappear in a flash.

Just when Song Zhen didn\'t know why, he suddenly felt the ark under his feet suddenly tremble, and everyone on the bridge fell to the ground like a gourd after Song Zhen hit it.

However, Song Zhen seemed to understand something at this moment. He hurriedly got up from the ground and stabilized his body. When he looked out, he saw the huge ark body moving horizontally in the turbulent flow of the void. , and at the same time avoid the range that the seventh-level chaos chief slapped.

At the same time, other warriors in the bridge also climbed up from the ground in embarrassment, and only at this time did everyone realize that they had escaped from the state of being shocked just now.

But just when these people were still terrified, but also looked grateful, they suddenly heard Song Zhen shout: "Quick, stabilize the boat!"

Previously, under Song Zhen\'s drill, everyone was already extremely proficient at controlling the ark. At this time, when Song Zhen yelled, everyone suddenly acted like a conditioned reflex.

Everyone returned to their positions and performed their duties. Only at this time did someone take the time to glance outside the boat.

However, it was this glance that shocked everyone even more.

I saw the giant palm slammed down, and the surrounding turbulence instantly formed a space tsunami similar to the space tsunami they encountered when they passed through the gap in the boundary barrier of the Sky Viewing Realm, and swept towards their direction .

But only Song Zhen, Yan Ming and a few other warriors with the highest cultivation level noticed that a hole was pierced in the palm of the giant palm that was slammed down in the turbulent void.

Although they didn\'t know what happened at that moment, both Song Zhen and Yan Ming had an intuition that the hole pierced in the palm of the giant chaotic palm must have been done by Shang Xia!

The turbulent space tsunami rushed in, and the ark encountered violent washing and impact again. The huge boat body was pushed forward in the turbulent flow of the void during the violent shaking and turning.

However, this time the people in the ark were much calmer than when they first encountered the space tsunami surging through the gaps in the boundary barrier, and they quickly stabilized the ark in the turbulent void turbulence.

Of course, this is also because although the slapping of the seventh-order chaotic giant palm is fierce, it is not as concentrated in a certain direction as the gap in the boundary barrier. that violent.

However, the people on the ark did not feel so lucky at this time, they were even more worried that the seventh-rank master would become even more angry after missing this blow, and then there would be more chaotic giant palms Slapped over, even if the seventh-rank master came forward personally, even Shang Xia would not be able to resist it at that time.

But at this time, Shang Xia\'s figure holding the sacred stone stick descended from the turbulent void above, and the moment it landed on the deck of the ark, everyone could clearly feel that the entire huge ark was falling down. It\'s more than three feet.

Song Zhen was refreshed, and was about to walk out of the bridge to meet him, but suddenly saw Shang Xia put away the stone stick in his hand, then turned to the left side of the ship and looked towards the direction where the giant chaotic palm fell.

Song Zhen didn\'t know why, but he instinctively sensed that the danger in the turbulent flow of the void was not far away, so he stopped immediately when he stepped out of the bridge.

At this time, a strange roar could still be transmitted to the ears of everyone on the ark through the turbulent turbulence of the void.

When everyone heard the words and looked in the direction Shang Xia was looking at, they saw two or three star beasts hovering around the place where the giant chaotic palm slapped, and their size was smaller than the two primordial beasts they had encountered before. Star beasts entering the sixth rank are much larger.

It\'s just that these two or three star beasts look very miserable at this time. One of them has lost a third of its body, and the other half of its body has been flattened. There is only one star beast with the largest size and strongest strength. Although it was covered in blood, it seemed to be in good shape, but at this moment, it was constantly urging the two severely injured star beasts to escape from their original positions.


Song Zhen seemed to understand something all of a sudden, and a look of fear suddenly appeared on his expression.

At this time, Shang Xia\'s figure also appeared on the bridge, and he said calmly when he saw it: "You guessed it right, there are beast warriors with higher cultivation behind us who are secretly tracking us, and just now The target of the seventh-rank master in the metropolis is not us, but the beast warriors who are chasing behind us."