Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1391

Accompanied by the violent tumbling, all the awake people in the ark could only feel the world spinning, and even Song Zhen felt a burst of discomfort in this tumbling accompanied by space force.

I don\'t know how long it took, but when he felt that the strength of the ark being blown away was getting exhausted, Song Zhen, who had stabilized his figure, quickly came out from the bridge, and the surging void turbulence outside the ark was shooting at him. Hitting and washing away the defensive screen.

At this time, the defensive array of the Ark has become dim and uncertain, as if it will be completely washed away by the turbulent flow of the void in the next moment.

Song Zhen\'s complexion changed when he saw this, and when he was about to return to the boat to increase his control over the defensive array, a thick original domain suddenly opened above the ark, and quickly included the entire ark in the original domain. under shelter.

"Don\'t rush!"

Shang Xia\'s voice made Song Zhen calm down immediately: "Go and see what happened to the others first, and then ask Senior Sister Yan to calculate the approximate location we are in. I will support here for a while, enough for everyone to recover. Already!"

Song Zhen cupped his hands above the ark, then turned back to the bridge.

At this time, most of the Tier 5 warriors in the bridge had recovered, and even the Tier 4 warriors who were stunned before woke up from the violent shaking and rolling.

The Ark was swept and coerced by the turbulence of the void just now. Although everyone was in a state of embarrassment, the tyrannical physique of the warriors of the fourth and fifth ranks would not be seriously injured just because of bumps.

Song Zhen quickly organized everyone to perform their duties, and as the Ark\'s defense system was strengthened, the originally crumbling defense soon became firm again.

However, Yanming encountered certain difficulties in locating the current location of the starship according to the star map and the original route. The distance between the ark and the torrent of space just now is a bit far away.

At this time, Shang Xia, who had restrained his original domain, returned to the bridge from the outside. Seeing that Yan Ming was still nervously calculating the current position, he couldn\'t help laughing: "Don\'t worry, we are actually much safer now than before. Already!"

As if she didn\'t hear what he said, Yan Ming was still immersed in deducing something, and confirmed it with the three-dimensional star map that appeared on the platform and the void path jointly deduced by Yuan Qiuyuan and others from time to time.

Song Zhen also stabilized the ark at this time, and when he saw Shang Xia coming in, he asked, "My lord, what should I do about the unknown vitality that infects our dantian origin?"

Shang Xia said "hmm" with a thoughtful look on his face, and said in a deep voice, "It\'s really a troublesome thing, but it\'s not impossible to solve it!"

Song Zhen couldn\'t help being shocked when he heard the words, but his expression was full of admiration.

Shang Xia didn\'t notice the expression on Song Zhen\'s face, but murmured: "If you simply strip away those infections, it will have some impact on your cultivation base. Although it won\'t affect the foundation, it will take some time to recover. Why don\'t you Sealing it up completely and then slowly assimilating it, so that it can be used as a help for your cultivation, it is not in vain for this good fortune."

Song Zhen showed a look of astonishment, and couldn\'t help saying: "It\'s still like this?"

Shang Xia glanced at the other party, and said: "This was originally a chance, but the original level of inspiration surging in the gap of the boundary barrier is too high, and a sudden encounter is not only useless but harmful to you, but if you can gradually figure it out , I think it can save you several months to several years of cultivation time."

While Shang Xia and Song Zhen were talking,

Yan Ming had already completed the repositioning of the ark in the turbulence of the void, and the other sober fifth-order warriors also showed excitement.

You don\'t need to ask everyone to guess that the lower the cultivation base, the more time you can save in practice, and as the only sixth-level real person in the ark except Shang Xia, the one who poured into the origin of the dantian before The source of the spiritual level, if it is used well, it is nothing more than a few months of practice.

At this time, Shang Xia laughed again: "Actually, it is only the most basic situation to use this opportunity to improve one\'s cultivation base. There is another important aspect, which is to understand the essence of that spiritual-level source. The level is extremely high, from this point of view, the higher the level of cultivation, the deeper the comprehension of the original essence of this spiritual level, so the opportunity will be reversed."

Speaking of this, Shang Xia looked at Song Zhen again, and said: "If you can gain something in the process of refining and assimilating this spiritual source, it may be of great benefit to your promotion to high rank in the future."

Song Zhenren showed a hint of surprise when he heard the words, and said respectfully: "Thank you, sir!"

Shang Xia nodded, then looked at Yan Ming and other fifth-rank warriors of the academy, and said with a smile: "You can also try to analyze the essence of that spiritual idea, but remember not to indulge in it too much, what you gain is what you lose It\'s natural!"

Several fifth-rank warriors headed by Yan Ming also said yes.

As for the remaining fourth-tier fighters who are still in a coma, no one is going to wake them up at this time.

However, if Shang Xia wanted to seal the spirit-level origin in everyone\'s body, he had to start with these comatose Tier 4 warriors.

Because of the low level of cultivation, the spirit-level source began to infect quickly after invading the bodies of these fourth-order warriors. If they were suddenly awakened, the evil spirits in the body would make the infection speed only faster.

However, after Shang Xia made a move, these spiritual origins, although extremely high-level, were actually harmful to ordinary warriors. They were first contained, and then driven away by his own Liuhe Origin Qi, and finally gathered at the origin of Dantian, where they were captured. He imposed a ban with the ever-improving Liangyi Qiankun Forbidden Law, but left a forbidden seal that warriors can seal by themselves.

After the spiritual origin of the infestation in the body was successfully banned by Shang Xia, these comatose Tier 4 warriors gradually woke up, and then Shang Xia taught different forbidden seals to different people, allowing them to control the internal bans in Dantian, And make full use of it in the process of cultivation.

After helping these fourth-tier warriors to complete the ban, Shang Xia helped the fifth-tier warriors in the ark to complete the ban on the origin of the alien species, and finally helped Song Zhen control the origin of the infection in his body.

However, Shang Xia told Song Zhen: "Don\'t be too busy refining these sources of inspiration. This little improvement in cultivation is just a drop in the bucket for you. Instead, it\'s better to understand its essence, maybe it can help you. Step into the territory of Sanpin Waihe sooner."

After all, Shang Xia looked at Yan Ming.

Yan Ming had already completed the repositioning of the ark and the correction of the path of the star map. Seeing that Shang Xia looked over, he said, "We may not be far from the Lingmang Realm."

Shang Xia is not surprised by this. After the Ark was swept away by the space turbulence like a tsunami, other people may be dizzy and unable to detect the changes inside and outside the Ark, but Shang Xia probably knows how far the Ark was just blown away. !

"Then proceed according to the corrected path. Except for those who cooperate with the boat, everyone else can stay on the ark.

Look inside and out to find the damage to the Ark and fix it. "

Shang Xia just gave an order, and was about to re-hand over the affairs here to Song Zhen and leave.

In the process of being infected by the source of inspiration just now at the gap in the boundary barrier, Shang Xia himself was undoubtedly the one who got the most benefit and opportunity, and he is naturally anxious to figure out his own situation, especially the change of Sifangbei.

However, Song Zhen saw that Shang Xia was about to leave, so he quickly followed two steps, and asked in a low voice behind him: "My lord, what is the essence of the origin of the inspiration? Could it be... the power of the seventh level?"

Shang Xia thought for a while, and said: "I\'m just guessing, the Cang Realm has its origin of heaven and earth, the spirit world has its origin of heaven and earth, and the upper realm of Yuan level also has its origin of heaven and earth, so does a heaven have its origin? origin?"

Shang Xia\'s words are really not aimless, because of the Sifangbei, he once absorbed the origin of the heaven and earth, and also swallowed the origin of the spirit world, and even plundered a third of the source sea of ​​a state in the Yuanxing world One, the origin of these three plane worlds is obviously a progressive order from low to high in essence.

However, when Shang Xia passed through the gap in the boundary barrier, although the time when he came into contact with the origin of the inspiration was extremely short, judging from the activity of the Sifangbei and his own understanding, the level of the origin of the inspiration seems to be still at the Yuan level. Above the origin of the world!

"The origin of the heavens?"

Song Zhen muttered to himself with a look of astonishment on his face: "Does the Tianyu world also have its origin? Yes, otherwise why don\'t those Yuan-level upper realms annex those attached to them? The growth of the world, but to bring these worlds under control, and then call itself a heaven..."

Shang Xia glanced at Song Zhen in surprise, he didn\'t expect him to think of this.

However, what Shang Xia paid more attention to was that before and after they passed through the gap in the boundary barrier, they first formed against the current, and then they were engulfed and blown away, but they could still be regarded as going downstream. He took a breath.

Shouldn\'t the entire Guantianyu be alive?

When this thought flashed through Shang Xia\'s mind, he was suddenly shocked by this thought.

Well, maybe it should be related to Yuanping Jie, or more precisely, it should be related to the star master who is replacing Yuanping Jie\'s world will?

Shang Xia couldn\'t help but shook his head, trying to get rid of the weird thoughts that came up in his mind, and then slowly calmed down, preparing to ponder the changes in the Sifangbei in his mind.

At the gap in the boundary barrier, when the projection of the square monument jumped out actively under Shang Xia\'s consent, although the duration of the front and back was extremely short, the part of the source of inspiration it absorbed was even far more than the The sum of all warriors in the ark including Shang Xia.

But after the Sifangbei dissipated and the projection returned to his mind, Shang Xia clearly noticed the mottled writing on the four sides of the Sifangbei at that moment.

Shang Xia had never seen this phenomenon on Sifangbei before.

According to the past rules, there are writings emerging on the four sides of the Sifangbei, which usually appear when Shang Xia\'s own cultivation is about to reach the Great Perfection, to deduce martial arts supernatural powers, or when he is about to step into the threshold of the next realm. It is sometimes used to deduce the formula of advanced potions.

The vision that appeared on the square tablet this time is obviously related to the source of inspiration it swallowed, or the origin of the heavenly domain speculated by Shang Xia.