Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1388

"Now you understand why your subordinates are so shocked?"

While talking, Song Zhen walked over and personally interrupted Yan Ming\'s observation of the turbulent flow in the void.

Shang Xia let out a "huh" from the side, and said, "You mean her stargazing skills are better than ordinary fourth-tier stargazers?"

"Not only strong?"

Song Zhen signaled that Yan Ming didn\'t understand, so Yan Ming should not open his mouth first, but hurry up to recover, and then said to Shang Xia: "The fourth-level stargazers in Chaotic Star Sea and even many star fields can\'t do what Miss Yan is like." Accurate, it is even more impossible to have such a rich variety of stargazing skills as Miss Yan, and if the subordinates have read correctly just now, there are probably three or four kinds of stargazing skills that Miss Yan has used before and after?"

Yan Ming finally couldn\'t help but said: "Why? I am the worst among the three stargazers in the academy! Well, there are indeed four kinds of stargazing skills I have just performed, and there are two other kinds of stargazing skills. Astrology has not yet had a chance to prove it, and I am not as proficient in these two as Xin Lu."

Song Zhen, a real person of the sixth rank, opened his mouth and couldn\'t say anything at this time, but his eyes flashed brightly from time to time.

Shang Xia smiled when he saw this, and explained to Yan Ming who was on the side: "The inheritance of stargazers outside the sky domain is not perfect, and there should be a big force to cherish their brooms, and the spread of stargazing is also extremely scarce. There are quite a few middle and high-level stargazers who lack the means to perform stargazing."

Song Zhen finally came to his senses at this time, and sighed softly: "Should I say that Guantianyu is worthy of being the place where the last star master of the Guantian sect hid? Only one Dongtian sect in the spiritual world has Three fourth-tier stargazers? The other forces in Lingfeng Realm and the other major plane worlds in Guantianyu..."

Shang Xia unceremoniously reached out his hand to stop Song Zhen\'s imagination, and said: "You don\'t have to think too much, there will not be more than five stargazers above the fourth level in the entire Lingfeng Realm, and there will be no more than five stargazers in the entire Skygazing Realm." It won\'t bloom everywhere as you imagined, stargazer is still an extremely rare inherited skill."

Song Zhen immediately echoed: "Understood, my lord means that the academy is second to none in the Lingfeng world, even in the entire Guantianyu\'s overall strength!"

Yan Ming laughed "giggle" when she heard the words.

Shang Xia coughed lightly, and said: "Although it is exaggerated, but in terms of sect power alone, Tongyou Academy is not afraid to watch any sect in Tianyu."

Song Zhen smiled "hehe", and then looked at Yan Ming and explained: "In the void of the outer domain, a high-level stargazer above the fourth level, who can be proficient in one or two fourth-level stargazing skills, has enough standing If you can master three or four fourth-level stargazing skills, then your status will be comparable to that of a sixth-level real person. No matter where you go, you will be treated as a guest of honor, and everyone will see you. to give

Enough respect; if you can master five or even more than five fourth-order stargazing techniques, you are probably eligible to be summoned by seventh-order masters in all major heavens, because these people are very likely to be summoned in person in the future. Achievement of the legendary fifth-level stargazer! "

Speaking of this, Song Zhen smiled embarrassedly, and said: "Of course, the last one is just speculation by the subordinates. After all, the subordinates have been hanging around in the Chaos Star Sea for more than a hundred years. So far, I have never heard of any Star Thief Group. Possess a stargazer who understands four or more fourth-order astrology techniques."

Even though Shang Xia had already heard some news about the stargazers in Outer Domain beforehand, after learning about the true status of the stargazers in Outerlands from Song Zhen, Yan Ming still inevitably showed a look of shock. , and at the same time, there was a bit more emotion.

"I will soon be able to master six fourth-order stargazing techniques, so that I can catch up with Xin Lu. As for that freak Xiao Yuan, forget it. Not only has he mastered the complete seven fourth-level stargazing techniques inherited by the academy, but also I also sorted out and perfected two fourth-order stargazing techniques from the scattered and broken inheritance you brought back..."

Yan Ming hadn\'t finished speaking with Shang Xia before he was mercilessly interrupted.

"OK OK!"

Although all the people on the bridge are his own people at this time, Shang Xia is still unwilling to talk about this topic here. After all, the inheritance of stargazers seems to be mysterious in the entire Tongyou Academy, so he smiled and said: "You still Don\'t provoke Lao Song any more."

Song Zhen spread his hands and made a helpless expression.

After laughing, Yan Ming suddenly thought of something, looked at Song Zhen and said, "By the way, you haven\'t told me why you interrupted my observation of the direction just now?"

Speaking of which, it has been a long time since Song Zhen interrupted Yan Ming. During this period of time, because there was no guidance and evasion from the stargazer, Fangzhou has been hit by turbulent currents several times. It even directly affected the body of the hull, bringing a strong sense of vibration.

However, most of these waves of impact were blocked by the Ark\'s own defensive barriers. Even if there were stronger impacts, the strength of the Ark\'s hull was extremely strong, and the strong shock did not actually cause any damage to the ark.

Song Zhen explained with a smile at this time: "Our journey has just begun. Although Ms. Yan has avoided the turbulence of the void for us many times during this period, how much has it consumed you during this period? "

Seeing Yan Ming\'s slightly stunned expression, Song Zhen knew that the other party had heard what he meant, but he still said seriously: "The journey is still very long. According to the star map, the current location of the Ark is actually still shrouded in Lingfeng. Among the void turbulence around the void, it has not even reached the boundary turbulence and boundary barrier of Guantianyu. At that time, the erosion of the void turbulence will be more intense, potentially

There will be even more dangers. At that time, will Ms. Yan still have spare energy to deal with accidents? "

Seeing Yan Mingruo\'s expression, Song Zhen finally said: "So, Miss Yan, you must have a reasonable plan for the consumption of stargazing on yourself, not only to allow sufficient rest time for recovery, but also to We must also take into account the safety of the ark under our feet. As for the small wind and waves that may be encountered in the turbulence of the void, you can leave it to the ark\'s own defense system and the strength of the ark itself to bear it. They are actually not as strong as you imagined. So fragile."

Shang Xia smiled and said, "It seems that these are just experiences!"

Yan Ming also nodded, solemnly bowed his hands towards Song Zhen, and said, "You have been taught!"

In the following journey, because Yan Ming knew how to play her role as a stargazer more efficiently, she cooperated with Song Zhen more and more tacitly, and her efficiency became higher and higher.

Although as the ark got deeper and deeper in the turbulent void, it suffered more and more frequent shocks and various accidental risks, but the ark of Tongyou College was not hindered at all in the turbulent void. The speed is getting faster and faster!

And during this process, Ark suddenly entered the peripheral void of a plane world while traveling in the turbulent flow of the void.

Still Song Zhen had rich experience, and his response was considered timely. Coupled with Yan Ming\'s reminder, Fang Zhou took concealment measures in time, and bypassed the outer void of this plane world along the edge of the turbulent void.

During this process, Shang Xia quietly escaped from the ark and carried out investigations near this plane world, and soon determined that the plane world he discovered was also a Cang Realm under the jurisdiction of Guantianyu Xingyuan Dojo, which was exactly Canghai. boundary!

Shang Xia lingered near the void outside the sky barrier of the Canghai Realm for a while, and from the beginning to the end, the sixth-order real people in the Canghai Realm never noticed his presence.

Because there were other important matters, Shang Xia did not stay near the Canghai Realm. After roughly observing the situation inside the Canghai Realm through the sky barrier, he turned around and quickly returned to the ark.

At this time, under the guidance of Yan Ming, the ark has already circled to the other end of the Canghai Realm at the edge of the void, and this is where the turbulent flow of the Guantian Realm merges with the void turbulent flow of the plane of the Canghai Realm. The place.

The next itinerary for the group of Tongyou Academy is to enter the void and turbulent flow of the boundary from here, then find a gap in the boundary barrier and shuttle through, and finally leave the turbulent flow of the boundary of Guantian Realm completely.

If during this process, the approximate route calculated by Yuan Qiuyuan is not wrong, and the course guided by Yanming is not deviated greatly, then the first seated world that this ark arrives in the turbulent flow of the boundary should be the spiritual world. The outer void of the awn world is now.