Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1383

The scouring force of the turbulent flow in the void has become weaker and weaker. Many warriors have been able to get out of the ark and the star boat, the twin robbers on the spirit-level ark and the survivors of the Wanyun Society on the star ark where Shang Xia is located. Walk around in the surrounding void, discover and collect some valuable items along the way.

At this time, the exchange between Shang Xia and the twin thieves is coming to an end.

The two thieves of the Twin Pirates, Ying brothers, may have recovered a lot from their internal injuries in the last period, so they also revealed a lot of news about the Luan Xinghai and various heavenly domains in the communication with Shang Xia, which made the latter My knowledge has improved a lot.

However, for Shang Xia, the most important thing was the deal with the fragment of the world in the ark, and now it is finally considered to be progressing.

At this time, the Ying brothers were explaining to Shang Xia some things about a Cang Realm to a limited extent.

"...That is a world of the Cang-level plane that our brothers once discovered by chance, but that world is basically in the barbaric era. Although there are also indigenous tribes, most of them are still in the period of ruthlessness and blood drinking."

Ying Lianquan briefly introduced to Shang Xia the plane world they wanted to conquer.

Shang Xia was stunned when he heard the words: "The wild world? Ru Mao drinks blood? Are the indigenous tribes in that world very powerful?"

Ying Lianquan laughed dumbly and said: "How is it possible? The targets of our conquest are not those indigenous tribes, and those indigenous tribes are also one of the foundations for us to strengthen our own ethnic group. Our real opponent is the wilderness, those born in the wilderness. Strange beasts, those 4th, 5th, and even 6th savage wild beasts!"

"Is that so?"

Shang Xia was surprised, and couldn\'t help sighing: "I never thought that there would be such a plane world under the starry sky."

Yinglianxi\'s gentle voice came again: "Under the starry sky, there are all kinds of wonders, just waiting for me to discover them."

Shang Xia echoed, "That\'s right, it\'s actually because Shang has less knowledge."

Now that his origin from Guantianyu is no longer a secret, Shang Xia will naturally not be vague about things he doesn\'t understand.

Ying Lianquan said with a wry smile: "Originally, with the strength of my twin thieves, it was difficult to conquer that Cangjie, but it\'s not impossible to try. It\'s just that Daoist Shang has also seen the current situation. With the loss of strength, we have already It is because we are unable to conquer that Cang Realm alone. However, the loss of a large number of manpower this time will make us have a large number of survivors to support, which will naturally make us even more stretched, and instead force us to speed up the conquest of that Cang Realm. pace."

Ying Lianquan roughly told Shang Xia about the predicament of the twin thieves, and then said: "As for why you should invite a real person to help you, firstly, it is because I have seen the experience of the real person helping Wan Yunhui before. Whether it is character, cultivation, combat power, or means, they are all amazing. Hehe, it is unwise for Wan Yun to betray the real man this time; the second is naturally because the real man was born in Guantian Not to mention the extremely far distance from the Cang Realm we want to conquer, the future situation of Guantianyu is also extremely bad. I am afraid that there will be no time for others in the next few decades, so we don\'t have to worry about the threat from Guantianyu That\'s right. As for the issues that may be exposed in the Cang Realm, all we need is for the Daoist to swear an oath not to disclose it to the outside world."

Shang Xia thought for a while, and said: "If this transaction is just like this, Shang will naturally agree, and because it involves the transfer of world fragments back to Guan Tianyu, a second-rank real person and Shang will be needed at that time. These people on the ship will help each other, so at that time, Shang will also

He intends to take these people along with the two bandit chiefs to the wild world. "

Ying Lianxi said: "There is nothing wrong with this!"

But Shang Xia said again: "But even so, it is a great advantage for Shang to get three states with an area of ​​thousands of miles from the two of you. If you want to do something, you might as well bring it up now!"

A fragment of the world equivalent to three complete states with an area of ​​thousands of miles, in exchange for a fifth-rank real person in Shangxia, plus Song Zhen, a second-rank real person, and Jing Hui and other fourth-rank and fifth-rank real people. No matter how you look at the method, the twin thieves have suffered a big loss.

Shang Xia continued: "And if Shang\'s expectations are correct, the fragment of the world that the two robbers took from the Lingchen Realm was originally supposed to be used in the wild Cang Realm that you want to conquer. To promote the growth of the plane world?"

The twin robbers in the ark fell into silence again.

Just when Shang Xia thought that the two might be discussing something again, unexpectedly Ying Lianquan said: "I have something to ask for!"

Shang Xia thought for a while, and his expression became a little more serious, and he tried to ask, "What do you want?"

Ying Lianquan said in a deep voice: "Astrology inheritance!"

After a pause, Ying Lianquan seemed to be afraid of Shang Xia\'s misunderstanding, and added further: "The inheritance of the fifth-level stargazer!"

The Twin Pirates themselves are one of the few star bandits in the chaotic star sea that have their own fourth-tier stargazers, and there are also two fourth-tier stargazers, and even these two fourth-tier stargazers are twin brothers, and they have their own cultivation bases. They are all in the sixth heaven, which is not only the only one among the star bandits in the entire chaotic star sea, even among the worlds of all the major heavens and planes, it is probably unique.

Moreover, these two twin stargazers of Twin Pirates have integrated the inheritance of Twin Pirates\' twin secret art, and have formed some unique characteristics in stargazing, which are quite unique.

However, the inheritance of the twin thieves\' astrology is still scattered and missing. Not to mention that they don\'t have the inheritance of the fifth-order astrology at all, even the two star-gazers in the past were lucky enough to break through the astrology to the fourth-order because of some unrepeatable opportunities .

Otherwise, the Twin Thieves would not have cultivated other talented star masters and star apprentices except for the two fourth-level stargazers.

What\'s more, one of the two twin fourth-level stargazers has passed away, and some stargazing techniques that could only be performed with the help of twin secret techniques can no longer be used, making this only fourth-level stargazer who was originally The flimsy astrology is even more flimsy.

As for why the Ying brothers asked Shang Xia for this matter, it was naturally because of the inheritance in the sea of ​​chaotic stars. The last star master of the sky-gazing school hid in the sky-gazing domain with the legacy of the star-gazing master , then if you think about it, there must be a relatively complete inheritance of stargazers in Guantianyu, and Shang Xia\'s ability to come outside Guantianyu without the barrier of the boundary has been lifted, which in itself proves that there must be a stargazer behind him exist.

Shang Xia understood the reason why the Ying brothers sought the inheritance of stargazers from him in just a moment. At the same time, although he already knew the scarcity of inheritance of astrology outside the sky-gazing domain, it seemed that he was really interested in the inheritance of stargazers. The degree of value estimation is still not high enough!

But despite this, Shang Xia decided to agree after pondering for a while.

"Shang, the inheritor of the fifth-level stargazing technique, can decide to agree, but it is only limited to the fifth level! Moreover, your stargazer needs to make an oath. Before getting the permission of Shang\'s sect, your stargazer will not get

Leak the inheritance or pass it on to others! "

What Shang Xia promised to give to the other party was only the inheritance of the fifth-level stargazing technique, and only this part of the content needed to be sworn. Naturally, the twin thieves can continue to improve their inheritance of the first four levels, and continue to cultivate their own observation skills. Star Master.

After a while, the Ying brothers apparently made up their minds after discussing, and finally Ying Lianxi said: "Deal!"

After an ark and a dilapidated large starship came out of the turbulent flow of Yuanling Tianyu, they came to a strange void.

The fourth-order stargazer of the twin thieves quickly calculated the approximate position on the star map, and then the two starships moved away from this void, and two days later came to a void full of meteorite star belts. Here It is more convenient to hide the two starships.

Until this time, Shang Xia made calculations based on the information provided by the twin thieves, only to find that four or five months had passed since he joined the fleet of Wanyunhui in Yuanxingjie. In contrast, it has already entered the twenty-seventh year of the Lingfeng calendar!

And during these four or five months, the survivors of Shang Xia and Wan Yunhui drifted in the turbulent void for nearly another month.

And one month is enough time for Wan Yun to return to Yuanxing Realm, and even if Wan Yun will fragment the world into the thirty-fourth state of Yuanxing Realm and everything goes well, maybe they are going to attack the secret realm of the No. 2 lair by now up.

Shang Xia didn\'t dare to stay here any longer when he thought about it, and left an original avatar to sit on the damaged large starship, and after maintaining contact with the twin thieves, the deity\'s real body begged for a piece of ordinary chaotic starfish from the twin thieves. The picture left.

Whether it is the more than 20 abandoned sons of the Wan Yunhui, or the people of the twin thieves, after experiencing the trip to the Yuanling Tianyu, it cannot be said that everyone was injured, but each of them was short of origin. Recuperate in this earth-star meteorite belt.

Without the encumbrance of other people, Shang Xia\'s speed would be much faster if he acted alone.

According to Song Zhen\'s previous introduction, as well as the previous communication with the twin bandit Ying brothers, we can know that generally speaking, the starry sky outside the major celestial domains can be regarded as a sea of ​​chaotic stars.

In other words, as long as it is not outside the scope of the major celestial domains, it can be collectively referred to as the sea of ​​chaotic stars.

In other words, Shang Xia at this time is actually in the sea of ​​chaotic stars.

Following the directions on the star map, Shang Xia almost flew all the way through the outer void of Yuanping Tianyu, and after a few days, he arrived at the outskirts of the turbulent flow in the realm where Yuanxing Tianyu was located.

However, Shang Xia didn\'t intend to enter Yuanxing Tianyu. Instead, he wanted to use it as a void to locate it, and then turned around and flew away to the depths of the void in another direction.

During this period, Shang Xia even released an exquisite miniature starship to travel in the void for a while.

In this way, he traveled through the void for more than 20 days. On the way, he passed two more heavenly domains, encountered two starship fleets of different sizes, and once tried to stop a star thief, and was even caught by two starship fleets. The sixth-order star beast chased after it for a while, but finally came to a place called "Xinghai Market" without any danger.

This is a place in the Chaotic Star Sea that is specially used for trading, and it is a real mixed place.

According to Song Zhen\'s previous report to him, Song Zhen reorganized a small caravan based on this Xinghai market, and the caravan also has a special contact point in the market.