Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1375

After forcibly improving his cultivation base with secret techniques and nearly assassinating a second-rank real person on the other side, facing the siege of the sixth-rank masters of the digital Ling Tianyu, real Gong Zhuo fell into a desperate situation in an instant.

However, at this moment, although Immortal Gong Zhuo was so weak that he almost could not maintain his cultivation at the sixth level, he still did not panic, and even sneered in a low voice in the face of being surrounded by several immortals.

The giant starship that originally rushed over from thousands of miles away has already reached a distance of about a thousand miles, and this distance has also entered the attack range of the high-ranking fighters from the Yuanling Tianyu.

But at this moment, the huge anchor at the stern of the giant starship suddenly flew out without any warning, and the flying direction happened to be where Master Gong Zhuo was at this time.

Before the surrounding sixth-level real people could even make a move to stop it, the anchor had already broken through the void and hooked the position of the ram.

"No, that person wants to escape!"

"We can\'t let this person escape!"

Seeing this, the sixth-order real people in Yuanling Tianyu immediately started to seal the void, trying to prevent real Gong Zhuo from escaping.

However, just as the several real people were using their means at every turn, and the previously devious starships also began to readjust their formation, suddenly there was a violent spatial shock in the void accompanied by rumbling muffled sounds. The giant starship thousands of miles away smashed through the void so suddenly, and then broke into the formation of the Yuanling Tianyu starship fleet.

"Not good, stop it quickly!"

"be cheated!"


Yuanling Tianyu\'s reinforcements fell into a state of flying around again.

They originally thought that Gong Zhuo was going to escape from the siege with the help of the thrown anchor, but they never thought that the giant starship used the anchor as a void anchor and forcibly broke into their formation.

However, the giant starship crashed in in a suicidal manner. Although it directly smashed one starship when it came up, and then overturned two other ships, the already scarred hull looked even more serious at this time. dilapidated.

Although the giant starship was still on the rampage at this time, the Wanyunfeixia talisman Yunwuxiaguang that had shrouded it had already disintegrated, and it was only a matter of time before the hull collapsed. More importantly, Gong Zhuo Wei Gaopin also seemed to have lost his last chance to escape.

But everything Master Gong Zhuo has done at this time seems to be worthwhile, at least when Yuanling Tianyu\'s reinforcements were disturbed into a mess, the only three remaining large starships of the Wanyun Society were constantly pulling away from them It is even possible to get rid of the pursuit behind him.

The starships in Yuanling Tianyu had been knocked over by three giant starships that were nearly out of control. Although the three starships did not disintegrate, they were also seriously damaged.

At this time, several real people in Yuanling Tianyu seem to have decided that they have the chance to win. Instead, they don\'t intend to kill Gong Zhuo at this time. They want to capture this high-grade real person from the outer domain, and then they can get more from him. news about the intruder.

However, at this moment, the void not far from Yuanling Tianyu suddenly collapsed, and then a contemptuous cold shout came: "It\'s finally done, isn\'t it too late?"

The violent spatial fluctuations spread, Zhang Shun, who was firmly protecting his body with his own original domain, was knocked out of the void at a faster speed, but two high-grade real people rushed up behind him.

The high-ranking fighters on the Yuanling Tianyu side are naturally not idiots, how could they let Wan Yunhui mess up after a giant starship and a high-quality real person are broken?

From the time when Gong Zhuo disrupted the Yuanling Tianyu starship formation with an almost decisive attitude,

, the high-level fighters on the Yuanling Tianyu side have already determined that someone from the opponent\'s side will definitely come to meet them.

Just a joke, how can a high-quality real person be sacrificed at will?

They have already calculated that there must be high-quality real people lurking nearby on the invader side, and they are ready to respond to their own real people who are in a desperate situation at any time, and there may even be more than one person who comes to meet them!

This is also the reason why Yuanling Tianyu side obviously waited for work with ease and had an absolute advantage in overall strength, but they didn\'t rush forward to chase after Wan Yunhui\'s three fleeing starships.

As long as they can reversely deal with the few high-quality real people who came to meet the intruders, wouldn\'t the other starships be fish and meat in their hands?

And the development of the matter seems to be developing in the direction expected by the reinforcements from all parties in Yuanling Tianyu. The moment Zhang Shun was noticed, he was targeted by two high-quality real people. He suffered a dark loss.

On the other hand, Shang Xia, who originally expected Zhang Shun to attract the attention of other people, waited for an opportunity to sneak into the surrounding void of Gong Zhuo, and realized several things with his divine perception far beyond ordinary people. A sixth-level real person seems to be besieging Gong Zhuo deliberately but not attacking, and after the faint hostility lurking around, how can he not know that this is another trap?

So Shang Xia showed up without hesitation, and without anyone\'s expectation, he used the sacred stone stick to cast the fourth form of the Liuhe stick method to fix the space!

Under the mysterious stick force, the 300-mile void area centered on Shang Xia seemed to be reinforced by wedges. All warriors within this area were imprisoned in place without moving. Even if people outside this range want to rush in, they may first break this space confinement.

In fact, if Shang Xia hadn\'t intentionally strengthened the power of the fourth form of the Liuhe stick technique, the scope of the void that he could have imprisoned with this stick would have been even wider!

But the current range is enough. His stick technique can imprison others, but naturally it won\'t imprison himself. In just a short time, Shang Xia directly reached out and pulled Gong Zhuo out of the encirclement. Those four sixth-level real people who were temporarily imprisoned in the void by him, including a fourth-rank real person, could only watch helplessly as Gong Zhuo, who was originally used as a bait by them, was rescued!

But when Shang Xia took over Gong Zhuo, how could it be so simple if he really wanted to break out of the siege?

Within 300 miles of void, although Shang Xia pinned down the four real people, the masters of Yuanling Tianyu who were ambushing outside the range of 300 miles would not let Shang Xia leave!

A fourth-rank real person appeared directly and blocked Shang Xia\'s path. When he waved his hand casually, a large piece of flame fell and burned towards Shang Xia and Gong Zhuo who was beside him.

This fourth-rank real person intercepted Shang Xia head-on, and the fifth-rank real person was somewhat frightened, but fortunately, he only wanted to delay for a while, and soon many sixth-rank real people from Yuanling Tianyu would surround him. The four real people imprisoned behind Xia are about to break free at this time, and Shang Xia will inevitably fall into the siege of many sixth-level real people.

In the face of absolute strength, even if Shang Xia has all kinds of skills, what can he do?

Shang Xia also understood this truth, so facing the interception of the fourth-rank real person opposite, he directly sacrificed a "Wanyun Feixia Talisman", and a dense cloud and mist shrouded himself in it, and then ignored all the surrounding attacks. , and bumped into the fourth-rank real person blocking the way in a daze.

The fourth-rank Daoist of Yuanling Tianyu was already scolding his mother in his heart. How could these invaders be so brave and savage at every turn?

It\'s a dismissal.

Even so, this fourth-rank Daoist still avoids it from the heart.

As for the frontal interception, what a joke, don\'t say that the opponent is a fifth-rank real person, but the cloud-like talisman, they have seen its defensive power before, how can he, a fourth-rank real person, be able to break it of?

After Shang Xia aroused a Wanyun Feixia Talisman, he resisted the siege of many masters around him, rushed out of the encirclement all the way through the gap left by the fourth-rank real person, and then aroused a fifth-rank temporary amulet. The Yuanfeng Xu Fu was used to boost the speed of Feidun, and instantly opened a distance from the chasing masters behind him.

The reason why Wan Yunhui and Master Zhang Shun begged Shang Xia to help Master Gong Zhuo was largely because they believed that he should still have the Wanyun Feixia Talisman in his hand.

It\'s not that Shang Xia doesn\'t have sixth-order Liuhe Shifting Talismans in his hands, but under such circumstances, recklessly triggering these martial talismans to escape is tantamount to seeking his own death.

However, even so, Wanling Tianyu\'s sixth-level masters still have no plans to let Shang and Xia go. Besides, Shang Xia has a martial talisman that blesses escapism in his hands, so how could others not have similar means?

At the same time, one of the two high-grade real people of Yuan Ling Tianyu who was still chasing and entangled with Zhang Shun in the void suddenly turned around and turned back at this time, but happened to intercept Shang Xia\'s escape path. Once again, he and the pursuers formed a front and back attack on him.

Gong Zhuo, who had never opened his mouth all this time, couldn\'t help but smiled wryly at this moment: "Realist Shang, Gong and Wan Yunhui are already grateful for your kindness if you can help me with one step. In this situation, neither you nor I can escape. Please invite the real person." For the time being, let\'s break through first!"

However, Shang Xia has never said a word. In fact, after he activated the Wanyun Feixia Talisman, he has actually been accumulating energy all the way while fleeing.

Just as Gong Zhuo finished speaking, Shang Xia turned around abruptly, and the stone stick, the sacred weapon that had been stored for a long time, was swung backwards by him!

The majestic stick gesture directly broke through the void, and as the stick gesture extended, the shattered void also began to crack deeply towards the sides!

A fifth-rank real person who was chasing behind Shang Xia\'s face immediately changed drastically, and ran away crazily to one side without thinking.

The fourth-rank real person behind him who was originally in charge of intercepting Shang Xia was also alert. The moment he noticed that the fifth-rank real person in front of him was dodging, he dodged to the other side without thinking.

The two high-rank real people dodged suddenly, but the other two sixth-rank real people who followed them couldn\'t react in time. They swung the stick, and a third-rank real person faced the stick directly, but his body collapsed, leaving nothing behind. Next, the other second-rank real person was not under the direct pressure of the stick, but was just swept away by the aftermath and lost an arm directly.

Seeing this, the rest of the real people who followed immediately dispersed. After all, there were no sixth-level real people who followed, but the force of the stick split the void and spread for thousands of miles. None of the middle and high-level fighters on the boat was spared, and after the stick fell, the sixth-level masters of Yuanling Tianyu and the Starship Fleet were already split by a huge space shattering belt.

Shang Xia coldly glanced at the sixth-order masters of the Yuanling Tianyu who had not yet awakened from the power of the stick after avoiding his stick, and casually gestured to Gong Zhuo who was beside him with a complex expression of astonishment. Follow up and meet Zhang Shun.

As for the other high-quality real person who came back to intercept Shang Xia\'s way, he saw a cloud of light and mist rushing towards him in a daze, but somehow avoided it, and then watched the two of them helplessly. People broke away from his side.