Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1373

Since the joint fleet of Wan Yunhui and the twin pirates launched an offensive against the morning spirit world, the time has not even exceeded half a day. However, the main continent of the morning spirit world has already been torn apart by more than a quarter fragments of the world.

The ferocious offensives of Wan Yunhui and the twin thieves certainly stunned the Lingchen Realm, especially when Shang Xia completed the repair of the fifth style of the Liuhe stick method "Break the World" at the last moment, which became the most important thing that crushed the resistance of the Spirit Morning Realm. The last straw of will.

After Wan Yunhui was battered into a huge starship that was riddled with holes, the anchor fell into the broken continent and accelerated the separation of the fragments of the world from the morning world. For a moment, as if there was a tacit understanding, each of them began to break away from the battle.

Wan Yunhui and the twin robbers had achieved their goal, and because reinforcements from all walks of life in the Yuanling Tianyu could arrive at any time, and because they had received news of the appearance of the seventh-rank master in the upper realm of Yuanling, they naturally chose to accept it as soon as it was good.

And Shang Xia has already seen it clearly, don\'t look at Wan Yunhui and the twin robbers who fought extremely fiercely from the beginning, but it was more just to deter the morning spirit world. The fleet side has gradually declined, and the outside is strong but the inside is strong, and if it continues to fight, it will show its true colors.

As for the Spiritual Morning Realm, they were really scared of being beaten. Within half a day, three caves and secret realms were shattered, and six real people of the sixth rank died close to each other. At the end of the crossbow, and reinforcements don\'t know when they will arrive, if the fight continues, the entire Spirit Morning Realm may not be destroyed, even if it does not, it will be smashed to pieces. Wouldn\'t it be a chance for those "reinforcements" to help?

You know, the Lingxi Realm was attacked before, and in the name of aid, the various worlds in the Yuanling Tianyu took advantage of the opportunity that the major forces in the Lingxi Realm suffered heavy losses and had no time to take care of them, but they reaped a lot of benefits from it. My own family can also have a share!

Instead of finally taking advantage of others, it is better to stop fighting with the opponent tacitly. Even if more than a quarter of the main continent of the plane world is lost, the vitality of the plane world is inevitable, but the strength is still there, and it can still be passed. The method of dividing the perfect state to open up a new state, so as to barely maintain the lowest threshold of the spiritual world, then naturally it will be able to resist the coveted eyes of all parties in Tianyu.

It is precisely based on this mentality that the two sides who were originally fighting for life and death maintained their restraint in the process of completing the rift, and gradually began to break away from the war.

Of course, both sides still maintain vigilance that seems to be triggered.

At this time, after Shang Xia assisted the anchor of the giant starship to speed up the separation of the fragments of the world, he did not just leave, but chose to sit on this fragment that exceeded a quarter of the spiritual world. to prevent accidents.

While the giant starship was dragging the fragments of the world outwards, the remaining large starships of Wan Yunhui and the twin thieves gradually came to guard them from the surroundings. They themselves joined in dragging the fragments of the world one after another, making the speed of the cracked world further accelerated.

Wan Yunhui used a total of one giant starship and six large starships to invade the Spirit Morning Realm, but at this time only one giant starship and three large starships remained; Two of the four large starships were destroyed.

As for the ten medium-sized starships that were originally hidden by the two spirit-level arks of both sides, in the previous battle, in order to

Hold down as many starships as possible in the morning spirit world, create and destroy Wan Yunhui and the twin robbers who broke through the secret realm of the morning spirit world in succession, and finally the entire army was wiped out. Also very few.

The fourth-rank stargazer of the Twin Thieves who sneaked into the morning spirit world beforehand failed to escape the siege of the morning spirit world.

Not only that, in order to keep the Twin Thieves as much as possible, the twin brothers who are both first-rank stargazers and the last fourth-rank stargazer, the twins of the Twin Thieves, the second-rank twins, tried their best to fight with their souls. In the battle between the real people in the morning world, another one of them died in the end.

Twin Pirates regard twins as the core of martial arts inheritance. When facing an enemy, two twins teamed up can at least defeat three warriors of the same level and the same rank, and can still gain the upper hand. It\'s not impossible.

But once one of the twins is lost, the strength of the remaining one is usually in the middle and lower among warriors of the same level and rank. There is nothing left in Chengdu.

Therefore, the only three pairs of twins whose cultivation base reached the sixth level of the Twins Thieves were split into two pairs at once, which made the overall strength of the Twins Thieves sixth-level real people extremely damaged.

Fortunately, as the leaders, the two fourth-rank bandit heads did not lose much of their combat power. With these two in command, the foundation of the twin bandits could be preserved. Presumably, after a period of weakness, the twin bandits would be able to recover.

Compared with the battle losses of the twin robbers, the losses of the high-level warriors in Wan Yunhui were even greater.

This time Wan Yunhui left behind a third-rank Daoist Dongtian who sits in the Dongtian Secret Realm in the Floating City of Yuanxingjie, and the remaining sixth-rank Daoist people almost came out, together with Zhang Shun and Gong Zhuo, two high-ranking Daoist people. Inside, a total of six sixth-order real people participated in the battle of the Spirit Morning Realm.

However, so far, two real people of the sixth rank of Wan Yunhui have died and two have been seriously injured. Among them is the second-rank real person Shen Zhongshan, who was familiar with Shang Xia. He also died in this battle, and one of the two was seriously injured. It is almost completely abolished, and the possibility of recovery is already very small.

Although Gong Zhuo, a fourth-rank real person, seems to have retained some combat strength, in fact, at this time, even a second-rank real person may not be able to stop him, and he has lost at least two pieces of Wan Yunhui\'s inheritance in this battle. God soldiers.

At this time, the Lingchen Realm has completed the rift, and the torn plane world is sealing off the fault zone of the continent under the auspices of several local real people, so as to prevent more of the origin of the world from leaking into the void, and at the same time When bridging the plane barrier, try to repair the sky barrier as much as possible.

And on the fragments of the world gradually submerged into the depths of the void under the drag of several starships, Wan Yunhui and the Twin Thieves are actually doing similar things, but they soon discovered that this thing seems to be doing it faster than theirs. It is much easier to imagine, at least the origin of the world contained in this world meal seems to be scattered and not as much as imagined.

After a number of high-level warriors reported this phenomenon layer by layer, Wan Yunhui and the real people of the twin bandits soon guessed the reason, which should be the reason why Shang Xia personally took charge of the world fragments.

After expressing their gratitude and admiration to Shang Xia again, the two parties decided to divide this fragment of the world into two spirit-level arks before entering the turbulent flow of the void and leaving the void of the Spiritual Morning Realm.

This is because the Spiritual Morning Realm has apparently completely given up on this fragment of the world, and Wan Yunhui and the twin robbers

Naturally, you can divide the spoils with confidence.

The second reason is that if this fragment of the world is dragged into the turbulence of the void, let alone Shang Xia personally sits in the town, even if a real person of the sixth-order Dzogchen sits in the town, the original source of the world in the fragment will not be preserved.

Moreover, if the fragments could be divided and incorporated into the ark earlier, it would be much more convenient for the two of them to evacuate and to be safe after encountering danger again!

At worst, the two parties can run away separately at that time, and then gamble on their luck.

So, right in front of the turbulent flow at the edge of the void in the Lingchen Realm, Shang Xia witnessed Wan Yunhui and Shuang Shenghui divide this fragment of the world, which is equivalent to six ten thousand li states, and then use secret techniques Incorporate the fragments equivalent to three ten thousand li state domains into the spirit-level ark.

This fragment of the world was obviously carefully selected by Wan Yunhui and the twin thieves in advance. The six states gathered together, and each of them has an area of ​​nearly ten thousand miles, is almost the most elite place in the Lingchen world. .

Although Wan Yunhui and the Twins Pirates seem to be divided into three states each, which looks even on the surface, but in fact Shang Xia can still see that Wan Yunhui has taken a lot of benefits, at least the three states he got. All states are full of source seas, and the loss of the source of heaven and earth within them is relatively small.

After the division was completed, the two sides entered into the turbulent flow of the void one after the other, and began to evacuate along the long road to the outside of Yuanling Tianyu.

However, in the process, Shang Xia once again discovered that the relationship between the two parties is obviously no longer as close as it was before. At least the two large starships of the twin thieves trailing behind seemed to be close to the only remaining Wan Yunhui. The four starships were out of touch.

The two parties seem to be intentionally keeping the distance between each other, and even faintly have begun to guard against each other.

Shang Xia didn\'t care about these things. He first met Zhang Shun, and after receiving the gratitude and praise from the other party, he returned to the giant starship. Reminiscing about the heavy mountain that died in the war, and finally returned to the original cabin, began to slowly settle down and restore the previously lost Liuhe Yuanyuan Qi.

After experiencing the battle of Lingchen Realm, especially after he created and perfected the fifth style of the Liuhe stick method, Shang Xia clearly felt that in the process of running the "Liuhe mixed one without leakage method", he would feed back the Sifangbei. The efficiency of refining the original essence of Qi has increased a lot again, not only has the previous loss been quickly made up, but even with his own cultivation base, he has improved a lot.

It\'s a pity that the void turbulence outside the void where the Spirit Morning Realm is located is not heavy. Although the speed of the two fleets traveling through the void turbulence was affected by the previous battle damage, they still quickly walked out of the void turbulence. , came to Cang Gengjie, the first stop after they entered Yuanling Tianyu.

However, when the two fleets crossed from the edge of the void in the Cang Geng Realm, and wanted to leave the Yuanling Tianyu as soon as possible, when passing through a rocky belt in the void, Shang Xia\'s spiritual perception suddenly began to faintly warn.

Under such circumstances, Shang Xia would not care about the diligent cultivation in his body, and suddenly forcibly woke up from the samadhi, and wanted to get up to warn the masters of Wan Yunhui.

But before he got out of the hatch, he suddenly heard Zhang Shun\'s hasty voice echoing in the ears of every fighter in his own fleet: "The men and horses of Yuanling Tianyu are lying in ambush among the piles of rubble, ready to meet the enemy!"