Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1367

From mastering the production method of "Wanyun Feixia Talisman" to now, under the continuous transactions of Wanyun Club, the total number of Wanyun Feixia Talismans made by Shang Xia has exceeded ten pieces, most of which are It all fell into the hands of Wan Yunhui.

Although Shang Xia has witnessed Shen Chongshan cast this martial talisman with his own eyes, and used one in order not to reveal his identity when he was in danger, but in terms of the depth of his understanding of this talisman, Shang Xia may not know it well. It is far inferior to Wan Yunhui, where this martial talisman was originally inherited.

But now, Wan Yunhui seems to be showing Shang Xia the correct way to use this talisman. It can be combined with the starship\'s own defense array to protect the entire huge starship with a martial talisman. body.

This made Shang Xia suddenly think that the residence of Wanyunhui\'s sect was originally a floating city, and the volume of the floating city must be larger than a giant starship. Fu Congchen retreated from the whole body.

And when the four starships of Wan Yunhui and the twin pirates approached within 300,000 miles of the sky barrier of the Spiritual Morning Realm, Shang Xia began to clearly sense that a wave was brewing and rising inside the giant starship under his feet. Plenty of power.

At the same time, Shang Xia can still clearly perceive that there are at least five directions in the surrounding void, and there are faint void fluctuations connected to the giant starship, as if he is giving up his own power, and then strengthening it on the hull of the giant starship .

In addition, there is a large starship belonging to the Wanyun Society following the giant starship. At this time, there is also a steady stream of power pouring into the giant starship.

If Shang Xia remembered correctly, this large starship following the giant starship had been at the tail end of the Wanyun Society fleet before, and it had always been personally commanded by Zhang Shun, the master of the Wanyun Society.

At this time, Shang Xia\'s heart moved slightly. Could it be that there is something special about this starship that Zhang Shun has been sitting in personally, for example, it is dressed up as a spirit-level ark?

The more Shang Xia thought about it, the more she felt that this possibility was extremely great!

The fleet of the twin thieves is accompanied by only four large starships this time. Except for one spirit-level ark, it is impossible to have a second ark to follow, and it is unlikely that the twin thieves will have a second spirit-level ark.

And if it is just a spirit-level ark, then it is obviously not suitable for the expectations of the two forces to raid the morning spirit world, at least it is not suitable for their action plan to make a quick decision and withdraw in time!

Unless the two forces can achieve all their goals at once this time, then it means that the two forces must at least each have a spirit-level ark to follow!

Thinking of this, Shang Xia couldn\'t help turning his eyes to the void not far away, where there were also two large starships of the Twin Thieves charging towards the sky barrier of the Spirit Morning Realm one after the other.

If there are no accidents, then the one following behind should be the spirit-level ark hidden by the twin thieves.

However, what surprised Shang Xia a little was that apart from the giant starship of the Wan Yunhui gathering power under his feet, a power was also brewing inside the starship charged by the twin thieves, but it was more powerful. The giant starship is obviously weaker, but it seems to be unique.

And at this time, the Lingchen Realm, which had already discovered the invaders from the foreign domain, finally responded.

Under Shang Xia\'s gaze, six or seven whirlpools of spiritual light suddenly appeared on the sky barrier of the Spiritual Morning Realm, and they seemed to be gaining momentum as well.

At the same time, several black spots the size of sesame seeds suddenly appeared on the sky barrier of the Lingchen Realm. According to Shang Xia\'s visual inspection, it should be the presence of various forces in the Spirit Morning Realm.

The starship is going out urgently, the intention should be to intercept these four starships in the void.

And when both sides were urgently making the final preparations before the big battle, a deep spiritual light suddenly exploded in a certain direction deep in the void.

Not long after, there was another light cluster flickering in other directions, and then it gradually went out after a while.

The four starships of Wan Yunhui and the twin robbers were not affected in the slightest, and the speed of the charge was still getting faster and faster. At this time, the distance between the two sides had even been shortened to nearly 200,000 miles.

Shang Xia glanced at the depths of the void at the stern. If he guessed correctly, the Starship used by the Spirit Morning Realm to patrol the void should have encountered the Starship of the Wan Yunhui or the Twin Thieves.

As for the result of the encounter between the two sides, Shang Xia will not think there will be any surprises at all. If even the starships used to patrol the void cannot be wiped out, then how can Wan Yunhui and the Twin Thieves have the confidence to dare to fight the Lingchen Realm? idea?

At this time, the distance between the four starships and the sky barrier of the Spiritual Morning Realm has been shortened to within 200,000 miles, but it was not the United Fleet who launched the attack first, but the Spiritual Morning Realm side.

The seven vortexes of aura that floated above the sky barrier before were actually the seven cavernous secret realms of the Spiritual Morning Realm that formed a guardian array to extract the origin of the world from the plane world, and then seven huge beams of light burst out from the seven origin vortexes. Then they merged into one strand in the void, and directly broke through the void and rushed towards the giant starship that charged forward.

Shang Xia was standing on the deck of the giant starship at this time, almost facing this huge beam of light whose diameter was almost equivalent to half of the hull of the starship.

The huge and restless power contained in that beam of light, even though Shang Xia was still thousands of miles away from him at this time, could feel a sense of imminent catastrophe.

Shang Xia almost instinctively infiltrated the divine sense into the depths of the giant starship\'s hull, thinking that the only thing that could resist this attack from the Lingchen Realm was the seventh-order power that Wan Yunhui\'s starship fleet array could gather!

Shang Xia is no stranger to the power of the seventh level, and thinks that only the power of the seventh level can deal with the power of the seventh level!

However, what makes Shang Xia\'s heart sink is that the energy inside the giant starship is still gathering and rising, and there is obviously no sign of any explosion at any time, which shows that the momentum of the giant starship has not yet been completed!

Shang Xia\'s fingers subconsciously pinched his brows, and the Sifangbei in his mind jumped.

But it was precisely because of this jump that Shang Xia calmed down all of a sudden, and forcibly suppressed the plan to summon the projection of the Sifangbei.

And at this moment, Master Gong Zhuo\'s voice came from behind him: "Realist Shang really has a great bearing. When Gong was attacked by such a force, he couldn\'t deal with it as calmly as you!"

Shang Xia smiled without looking back: "No one else, I just believe that Wan Yun will take the lives of the people on this boat as a joke."

As soon as the words fell, the huge beam of light collided with the charging giant starship in the void!

The eyes of Shang Xia and Gong Zhuo were instantly filled with blazing light, followed by an earth-shattering loud noise that almost made the two high-quality real people deaf.

However, this is not over yet, a powerful impact followed, causing the hull of the giant starship that was charging forward to stagnate suddenly in the void, and then even retreated a little, so that Shang Xia was so shocked. The characters couldn\'t help but staggered two steps forward before they stabilized their stature. As for Gong Zhuo who was originally standing behind Shang Xia, he looked even more embarrassed.

At this time, Shang Xia could even hear the transmission inside the hull of the giant starship.

There was a "creaking" sound, as if the huge hull was about to disintegrate and shatter in the next moment.

However, even in this situation, Shang Xia noticed that the power accumulating in the hull of the giant starship hadn\'t stopped, and there was no sign of an explosion.

The seventh-order power possessed by Wan Yunhui\'s rowing array is still waiting!

The intense blazing light outside the hull had already weakened slightly, and Shang Xia could even see that the other three large starships were still charging forward at this time, and the distance between the giant starship and the giant starship that had been thrown away by nearly a thousand miles at this time distance.

And at this time, Gong Zhuo\'s sighing voice came from behind him again: "Just this one blow, it took the real Shang\'s effort to make two Wanyun Feixia Talismans!"

Shang Xia turned around in astonishment and asked: "Just two Wanyun Feixia Talismans, can they block the attack of the seventh-order power gathered by the cave array in the Lingchen Realm?"

Gong Zhuo said with a smile: "Of course it\'s more than that. The array formed by the seven caves in the Lingchen Realm is only capable of controlling the power of the seventh level. Besides, this attack has its own damage when it penetrates tens of thousands of miles away. Of course, More importantly, the Wanyun Feixia Talisman is the core of a Talisman array inherited by the society. As long as there is sufficient supply of Wanyun Feixia Talisman, this Talisman Array can be used at any time. Speaking of which, the Lingchen Realm has just A single strike of the seventh-order force formed by the formation of the hole in the sky is equivalent to directly piercing through the defenses of the two top-level sixth-order talisman arrays that we have carefully arranged on the starship."

"I see!"

Shang Xia was stunned, and also realized that Wan Yunhui still kept a hand on the Wanyun Feixia Talisman, but this is also human nature.

Gong Zhuo seemed to be aware of what Shang Xia was thinking, and smiled at the side: "Please don\'t blame the real Shang, it is true that this talisman array is like this Wanyun Feixia talisman, it is a secret that is not passed on in our sect, and this The two are not of the same origin, it is a talisman array created by the senior formation masters of this association in order to give full play to the effect of the Wanyun Feixia Talisman with this talisman as the core."

Shang Xia smiled and said: "Gong Zhenren doesn\'t need to explain, Shang will naturally save the truth that seniors should not let their efforts be taken lightly, and it will be the same if it is Shang."

Gong Zhuo couldn\'t help smiling and nodding when he heard the words.

Shang Xia pointed in the direction of the Spiritual Morning Realm and asked: "It\'s just that the cave formation of the Spiritual Morning Realm will soon have a seventh-order power attack, how should we deal with it this time?"

At the same time, the eyes of the two turned to the sky barrier, which was already less than 150,000 miles away. At this time, the giant starship that was originally at the forefront had fallen to the end, and the starship that was accumulating power from the twin robbers took the place of the giant starship and faced Lingchen directly. The sky barrier of the world.

Upon seeing this, Master Gong Zhuo smiled and said, "This time, the Spirit Morning Realm may not have a chance to launch an attack again!"

Seeing Shang Xia looking over with puzzled eyes, Gong Zhuo motioned him to watch it himself.

When Shang Xia turned his head to look, he saw a solid gray beam of light suddenly shooting out from the star boat of the twin thieves.

The beam of light also pierced through the void at the moment it shot out, and appeared directly thousands of miles away from the sky barrier of the Spiritual Morning Realm, but it exploded in an instant, turning into a large cloud of dust-like mist, almost Most of the sky barrier in the morning spirit world is covered by it, and at the same time, the vision of the seven caves is also blocked.

"It\'s that simple?"

Shang Xia looked at Master Gong Zhuo with astonishment on his face.

If it is said that just relying on a fog of dust to block the opponent\'s attack vision, then this seems to be too much of a joke.

Gong Zhuo said with a mysterious smile: "Twin Thief\'s means are more than that, Master Shang please wait and see!"