Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1360

Shang Xia originally just echoed the words of the two high-grade real people Wan Yunhui, to see if it would bring some adverse effects to him after the death of real Qihua in his hands, but he never thought about it this time. The disturbance caused by the assassination was so big that it not only exposed Emperor Qi\'s sixth level of great perfection to Yuan Xingjie, but also disturbed a hidden world sect whose comprehensive strength was obviously not in any Dongtian sect. Uncovered the secret between the innate sacred artifact and the dojo.

The innate sacred weapon can directly intercept the origin of heaven and earth from the sea of ​​origin in the Yuan-level upper realm!

Could it be that the square monument in my mind is an innate sacred weapon?

Shang Xia was thinking to himself, but he didn\'t know that his expression had already fallen into the eyes of Zhang Shun and Gong Zhuo, two high-ranking real people from Wan Yunhui.

Seeing Shang Xia\'s stunned expression, Master Zhang Shun of Wan Yunhui asked suddenly, "Does Master Shang know about the existence of innate sacred artifacts?"

Shang Xia instinctively sensed that Master Zhang Shun\'s question seemed to be probing, but he still shook his head and did not answer directly, but said: "There is only one dojo in Yuanping Realm!"

After exchanging glances with Master Gong Zhuo indiscriminately, Master Zhang Shun smiled and said, "So that\'s how it is!"

Reverend Zhang Shun once heard from Reverend Gong Zhuo that this Reverend Shang seemed to be exiled to sit in the secret realm created by the star beast lair.

A high-quality real person, and also a "quasi-seventh-rank" Talisman Grandmaster, no matter which identity is not a prominent existence in the Yuan-level upper realm?

So who can make this being obediently obey the order of exile, and come to guard for many years in a secret lair created in the turbulent void, the answer is naturally self-evident.

Reverend Zhang Shun and Reverend Gong Zhuo made a judgment almost at the same time: There is a rift between Shang Xia and the seventh-order forces in the Yuanping world, and there may even be enmity between the two!

At this moment, Master Gong Zhuo seemed to have received some news.

Seeing this, Master Zhang Shun asked with a smile: "But the fleet is ready, are we going to set off?"

Master Gong Zhuo smiled and said, "Just wait for the leader\'s order."

"Then let\'s go!"

Reverend Zhang Shun nodded to Reverend Gong Zhuo, then turned his head to look at Shang Xia and said with a smile: "Speaking of which, the reason why this old man is relieved to leave Yuanxing Realm is actually thanks to the theft of Tongzhou Yuanhai and The rumor of the innate sacred weapon has attracted the attention of most of the forces in Yuan Xingjie, otherwise it will not be easy for the old man to escape."

Shang Xia smiled and echoed, "I think that the leader of the association will come out in person this time, and Wan Yun\'s association will surely succeed in opening up business routes to the outside world."

Master Zhang Shun smiled, and said: "This is the reason why the old man wants to apologize to the Master for the second time. This time, the purpose of going to Outland is indeed to open up business routes, but there is another purpose besides this."

"Oh," Shang Xia smiled, not surprised by this, and asked with a smile: "Then what is the purpose of asking the leader?"

Immortal Zhang Shun suddenly stood up, bowed towards Shang Xia and said solemnly: "This time Zhang went out to open up the thirty-fourth prefecture for the Yuanxing Realm, and at the same time to open up a foundation for the Wanyun Society. Please give me a helping hand, Master Shang, there will be rewards from the whole Wanyun Society!"

When Reverend Zhang Shun got up, Reverend Gong Zhuo at the side also solemnly bowed to Shang Xia for help.

Seeing this, Shang Xia hurriedly got up and said reservedly

: "Why are you two doing this? What kind of virtue does Shang have to gain the trust of the two of you!"

Seeing that Shang Xia did not refuse, Master Gong Zhuo immediately said joyfully: "With the help of Master Shang, I will increase my chances of winning this time!"

Master Zhang Shun was also full of joy, and said: "That\'s right, the three high-ranking me and I joined forces, even in the place where the starfish pirates are rampant, it is a good force, not to mention that we have other allies in this operation. "

The three sat down again, and Shang Xia pondered: "You two, although Shang is willing to participate in this trip, such a major event must not be sloppy after all. To tell you the truth, although I have never participated in similar things in Yuanping, but But I also understand that to open up a new state domain, it is nothing more than the fastest and most direct way of trading or conquest, but no matter which of these two ways, I am afraid that an ark that can carry world fragments is needed to make it happen. But I look at the seven starships right now..."

Master Zhang Shun laughed "haha" and said: "Realist Shang really has extraordinary knowledge. As for the matter of the Ark, you can rest assured. Didn\'t you mention it just now? We also have allies in what we do this time."

Shang Xia pretended to hesitate and said, "Then this ally..."

The real Zhang Shun smiled and said: "The real real will know when the time comes..."


Under the personal arrangement of Gong Zhuo, Shang Xia quickly moved into a spacious cabin on the giant starship.

After everyone left, Shang Xiajing sat in the cabin and recalled the process of meeting Zhang Shun before.

Although the two high-quality real people of Wan Yunhui also tried their words, they still maintained a certain degree of trust in Shang Xia in most cases. At least these two people would not associate the assassin who assassinated the real Qihua with him. .

Thinking back to the fact that Master Zhang Shun did not tell him the news about his allies in Chaotic Star Sea at the end, Shang Xia was not surprised by this. He still understood the truth of "if you don\'t keep secrets, you will lose your identity". more excessive.

What\'s more, even if the real Zhang Shun didn\'t say anything, Shang Xia guessed that the so-called allies were probably Star Pirates from Chaotic Star Sea, or forces closely related to Star Pirates.

The only thing that makes Shang Xia feel a little pity is that if he had known that he would go to a foreign land or Chaotic Star Sea with the people of Wan Yunhui this time, he should have told Song Zhen in advance.

Although the sea of ​​chaotic stars is vast and boundless, Wan Yunhui will not come in silently when such a powerful force breaks in. If he really wants to investigate, maybe Song Zhen will follow up secretly.

When the time comes for the two to contact secretly, even if something happens to Wan Yunhui, Shang Xia can calmly arrange a retreat, and maybe the two of them can cooperate internally and externally and get some benefits.

It’s just that the matter has come to this point, and it’s useless to think about other things. At that time, we can only adapt to the situation when we arrive in the Outland, but some things can be prepared in advance, such as: Talisman making!

At this time, Shang Xia has a lot of high-quality sixth-grade talisman papers in his hands, except for the ordinary sixth-grade talisman papers provided by Wan Yunhui and five special talisman papers specially used to make "Wanyun Feixia Talisman" In addition, there are the tens of feet of five- and six-level talisman papers that he obtained from the real Qihua before.

But at this time, Shang Xia\'s attention was obviously not on these high-level talisman papers, but on a piece of delicate jade slip in his hand.

This jade slip was a gift from Gong Zhuo along with the sixth-order talisman papers when he settled him in this cabin.

Shang Xia was not special at first

I agree, but I was a little surprised when I saw the content in the jade slip.

Wan Yunhui actually gave Shang Xia the production method of the special talisman paper used to make the "Wanyun Feixia Talisman", and also specifically mentioned in the jade slips that this special sixth-grade talisman called "Yunxia Talisman Paper" The talisman paper was originally the product of a master craftsman who failed in his trial production of seventh-order talisman paper.

Wan Yunhui has always regarded the production method of this special talisman paper as a secret. Even if the production and inheritance of "Wanyun Feixia Talisman" was handed over to Shang Xia before, it still kept the secret of this special talisman paper firmly. Hold it firmly in your hand.

But now that the other party directly handed over the method of making talisman paper to Shang Xia, Wan Yunhui obviously showed his goodwill, and at the same time, it also showed Wan Yunhui\'s determination to open up the thirty-fourth state of Yuanxing Realm this time.

Now everyone in Shang Xia has come to Wan Yunhui\'s starship fleet, and everyone will not refuse the various benefits that Wan Yunhui offers.

Shang Xia had already learned from Gong Zhuo in advance that the voyage was extremely long, and it would take more than ten days just to leave the realm where Yuanxingjie was located. A safer void channel is the premise.

After leaving Yuanxing Tianyu and arriving at the meeting point agreed with the allies, it will probably take another half a month\'s voyage, and there is a high possibility of encountering various dangers in the process of passing through the turbulent void.

This is also the reason why Wan Yunhui strongly invited Shang Xia to participate in this voyage, not only for the icing on the cake, but because having an extra high-quality real person in the fleet can really greatly improve the safety of this voyage.

As for the seventh-level power possessed by the seven starships forming a combined attack array, it is obviously a means of suppressing the bottom of the box. Most of the time it is only used for deterrence, and it will definitely not be used unless it is a last resort.

And the martial talisman that Shang Xia is now giving priority to making is the sixth-order "Liuhe Shifting Talisman".

This talisman helped Shang Xia a lot in the previous experience, so it consumed the most, especially in the process of sneaking into the Yuanxing world and assassinating the real Qihua, the Liuhe Shifting Talisman was indispensable.

What\'s more, Shang Xia also bought a magical-level talisman brush this time, and he is eager to familiarize himself with and master the characteristics of this talisman brush.

In addition, what Shang Xia most wanted to make was also a sixth-order martial talisman that he had just obtained, which was the "Lihuo Golden Phoenix Talisman" from Fengming Sect.

It\'s just that although this talisman is not unique to the Fengming Sect, it should have a certain reputation in the Yuanxing world. Maybe Wan Yun will associate it with the Fengming Sect, and then associate it with assassinating the real Qihua Assassins go up.

Shang Xia doesn\'t want to reveal his previous experience of infiltrating the Yuan Xingjie, so the production of this martial talisman can only be postponed for the time being, and it is best not to even try to figure out how to make this martial talisman.

Who said that the cabin he is currently in has not found any means of surveillance, but what if he didn\'t find it?

More than ten days of effort, with Shang Xia\'s current cultivation level and talisman-making attainments, is enough for him to make three or four Tier 6 martial talismans without affecting his own combat power.

The production of the Liuhe Shifting Talisman was also quite smooth, with only one failure in the four productions, and three successful talismans were obtained.

And at this time, Wan Yunhui\'s starship fleet had also arrived at the boundary of Yuanxing Tianyu, and with the fluctuation and impact of the surrounding space, it plunged headlong into the turbulent flow of the void.