Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1283

Although Shang Xia is not good at making talisman paper, he has a friend who is a master-level talisman craftsman, so he still has a very deep understanding of talisman paper.

Ever since he mastered the production of the "Wanyun Feixia Talisman", he recruited Ren Huan to the secret realm of the No. 2 lair, and handed over to him the two pieces of special talisman paper that he had saved from Wanyunhui for this talisman. Carry out research to see if it is possible to make this kind of copying of this special talisman paper.

It\'s just that so far, Ren Huan has not made much progress in the production of this special talisman paper.

As for the three major forces in Yuan Xingjie, Wanyunhui, Chenchao, and Qingling Palace, it may be because of Shang Xia, the top sixth-order talisman master who mastered the production of "Wanyun Feixia Talisman". They have been coming to the door regularly to ask for amulets without interruption, and there is a posture of catching Shang Xia, a "sheep" that can be squeezed vigorously.

▽ 〖Umbrella

Especially Wan Yunhui, the desire for "Wanyun Feixia Talisman" has never stopped. In recent years, almost every once in a while, they will try their best to present at least five special talisman papers, and then from Shangxia Get one or two "Wanyun Feixia Talisman" in your hand.

Originally, Shang Xia thought that Wan Yun would save up as many talismans as possible after the previous crisis that nearly destroyed the sect, but with the passage of time, and his three-way relationship with Yuan Xingjie. During the communication process of the big forces, they constantly pieced together the truth from the bits and pieces revealed by the other party. It has already been deduced that the internal situation of Yuan Xingjie may be on the verge of getting out of control, and the situation facing Wan Yunhui has not improved much.

But this also made Shang Xia look forward to the next secret sneak into Yuan Xingjie.

Of course, during the period when he provided high-level martial talisman production for the three major forces in Yuanxingjie, he also earned a large number of source crystals and various material resources from the opponents, especially some of them that are unique to Yuanxingjie. Some scarce resources have enriched Tongyou Academy\'s high-grade inventory a lot.

Shang Xia has been accumulating sixth-order martial talismans that may be used during this period of time. Apart from supplying the needs of the three major forces in the Yuanxing world, he even ignores the internal needs of the sect for the time being. Tu, Linglang and other forces from outside the domain even politely declined the request for the time being.

If a grand master of Talisman Dao of Shang Xia\'s status really did not make demands on himself and impose restrictions on the making of talismans, I am afraid that people who came here to seek talismans would be able to line up from Lingfeng Realm to Xingyuan Dojo.

But just

When Shang Xia was preparing to go to Yuan Xingjie step by step, Kou Chongxue\'s sudden visit interrupted his plan.

"How did you get here?"

Shang Xia asked Kou Chongxue, who was looking at Kou Chongxue who was interested in visiting the secret realm of the lair, with some doubts.

Kou Chongxue smiled when he heard this, and said, "Sit here for a while instead of you."


Shang Xia was puzzled and asked: "Is there something wrong with the plan of the Three Realms to build the Five Elements Void Teleportation Array?"

Shang Xia knows that the three realms of Lingfeng, Lingtu, and Linglang form an alliance, so building a five-element void teleportation array connecting the three realms is the most important thing. Kou Chongxue has been sitting in Lingfeng Realm for this time. High-level communication between the other two circles.

Kou Chongxue smiled and said: "The construction of the Five Elements Void Teleportation Array in the Three Realms has been confirmed. The three realms of Lingfeng, Lingtu, and Linglang are now huddling together for warmth. This is conducive to mutual communication and support among the three realms. Once The other party is sure that there is no problem with the teleportation array itself, it is almost a certainty, and the dispute is just a question of the amount of materials and resources provided by each party. Of course, these matters do not need to be personally handled by the old man, and the people below will negotiate."

Shang Xia is naturally aware of this point. Although the Five Elements Void Teleportation Formation was created by Chu Jia and unique to Tongyou Academy, the farther the teleportation distance is, the more material resources will be consumed for the construction of the teleportation formation itself.

Rao is based on the expansion and accumulation of Tongyou Academy in recent years, and it is still acceptable to build a teleportation array that communicates between states within Lingfeng Realm.

Afterwards, the construction of the teleportation array leading to the secret realm of the No. 1 and No. 2 lairs will need to be shared by various forces in the entire Lingfeng world.

Now it is even more necessary to directly build the teleportation array between the plane worlds, so the materials and resources consumed by such a huge project must be an astronomical figure, which needs to be shared by the three major spirit worlds.

But after hearing Kou Chongxue\'s answer, Shang Xia was even more puzzled, and asked, "Then why did you come here all the time?"

Kou Chongxue didn\'t hold back any more, and smiled and said, "Let\'s go to the ruins of the plane in the spiritual world, Xiao Chu and the people from Zhentang are already waiting there."

Shang Xia was startled when he heard the words, and then couldn\'t help but said: "They have completed the transformation of the \'refining the source and returning to the void and returning to the original formation\'? When, why don\'t I know? Also, the materials for arranging the formation

How did you send it there? "

Tongyou Academy tried to use the ruins of the spirit space world, even if only a few people in Tongyou Academy knew about it.

Because this matter involves the secrets of the Xingyuan Dojo, Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia must not let other forces in the Lingfeng world know about it, so if you want to arrange such a large-scale formation and transport all kinds of materials, the Xingzhou must not leave The teleportation array of the No. 1 lair secret realm.

What\'s more, the void where the No. 1 lair secret realm is located already belongs to the Yuanming Realm\'s sphere of influence. If people from Tongyou Academy enter and leave the lair secret realm at will, they will be noticed by the Yuanming Realm after all.

Therefore, Kou Chongxue has naturally arranged his hands in the ruins of the spirit world, which means that he must have found a new way out of the turbulent flow of the void, not only avoiding other forces in the Lingfeng world, but also avoiding the Yuan Dynasty. The line of sight of the Ming and Lingfu worlds.

Kou Chongxue said with a smile: "Actually, after you received the old man back from the turbulent void, the old man had already ordered the stargazer to plan a safe route through the turbulent void. Later, because the plans of the expeditions of the major forces were disturbed, it broke out even more. In the battle of Linglang Realm, people in Lingfeng Realm were panicked. The original starship fleets were dispatched to patrol the depths of the void. It was at that time that the old man secretly went to Chencang and sent batches of manpower and supplies to the The ruins of the Lingkong Realm have been destroyed, and Xiao Chu, the leader of the formation, has been kept in the dark because he is in the secret realm of the No. 2 lair."

Shang Xia was surprised and said: "Even if there is a stargazer to plan a safe route, and there is no sixth-order real person to sit and guide, you dare to let the starship fleet shuttle through the void and turbulent flow at will? You are not afraid of losing all the foundation of the entire formation hall?"

Shang Xia can be sure that it is absolutely impossible for Kou Chongxue to personally escort the starship fleet carrying supplies through the turbulent void. As the head of the Tongyou Academy, after he has achieved high grades, he does not know how many pairs of eyes are on him. I simply don\'t have the time and energy to do these things.

At this time, Kou Chongxue showed an inexplicable smile, and said, "Who said there is no sixth-order real person sitting in the pilot?"

"You sent the original avatar? No, it\'s impossible, the original avatar can\'t do these things!"

As soon as Shang Xia said the words, he denied himself, and then suddenly his eyes lit up, and said: "Feng Ziying? Is it him? You are not suspicious of employing people, aren\'t you afraid of making mistakes?"

However, Kou Chongxue said meaningfully: "Anyone may make mistakes, but he is absolutely trustworthy in this matter!"