Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1280

Feng Ziying communicated with Shang and Kou over Jiaozhou for a long time before leaving.

Before he left, Kou Chongxue gave Feng Ziying all the newly prepared batches of water from Yuan Qiuyuan.

Although there are only a few drops, and for Feng Ziying, the effect of improving cultivation may still not be as obvious as that of Shang Xia, but this thing is still extremely valuable to a sixth-level real person.

After Feng Ziying bid farewell to Kou and Shang, she did not leave Lingfeng Realm immediately, but continued to visit the sixth-rank real people of the Beihai School, Yuanchen School, Shendujiao, Weiyang Palace and other major Dongtian sects. Only then returned to Xingyuan Dojo.

During this period of time, the development of Haizhou has gradually come to an end, and the rejection of this new state by the will of heaven and earth has gradually disappeared.

It\'s just that Haizhou\'s own source sea is extremely depleted. Even if the land area is continuously concentrated, the urgently needed bit of the source of the world cannot be compared with the most barren state in the Lingfeng world.

If this is the case, even if the fifth-order warriors of Tongyou Academy add a state to Lingfeng Realm, they may not be able to get much gift from the will of heaven and earth.

So, after the Haizhou region gradually calmed down, Sun Haiwei and Gai Qingzhu, the two most potential fighters from the Tongyou Academy at present, who had the most potential to hit the sixth heaven, came to the sky of Jiaozhou according to the prior instructions.

"You have been on the sky since you returned from the Linglang Realm. Except for the original incarnation, you have never entered the plane world. I can probably guess that the person who secretly intercepted the original torrent of the Xingyuan Dojo outside the Linglang Realm must be you!"

Kou Chongxue sensed the turbulent and mellow origin of the foreign world, which was injected into the special energy containers made by Gai Qingzhu and Sun Haiwei respectively by Shang Xia, and said with a smile.

The special Yi Yi held by Gai Qingzhu and Sun Haiwei is actually an imitation of the original holy vessel, but this imitation is extremely fragile and almost unusable, so it can only be used as a one-time item at this time.

This can be regarded as the tool hall of Tongyou Academy that has always been criticized, and it is a rare object that can be obtained.

Shang Xia was not surprised that Kou Chongxue was able to guess it, he just smiled and explained to Gai Qingzhu and Sun Haiwei: "If I return to this world with the origin of the world in the Linglang world, I will definitely dilute the gift of the will of the world on you. , so we can only wait outside the plane world for you to complete the development of Haizhou."

Gai Qingzhu was a little worried: "In this way, will it affect your own practice?"

Shang Xia waved his hands with a smile, and said, "You don\'t need to

Take it to heart, with my current state of cultivation, because the original gift of heaven and earth in Haizhou has little effect on me. "

Sun Haiwei was also a little worried, and said: "In the future, if the two of us have never advanced to the sixth heaven, then it\'s fine, but if we succeed by luck, the original true spirit quotas of Bingzhou, Haizhou, or Tongyou Dongtian will be taken by the two of us." If you cut it off, wouldn\'t the latecomers of the academy have no room for promotion?"

Shang Xia smiled and said: "It\'s too early for you two to think about these things now. After all, there are still some states in Bingzhou that are within the sphere of influence of the Shendu Sect, and Haizhou\'s current accumulation of Yuanhai, even if you add these things, it is not enough. not enough."

Haizhou\'s current state area is only six thousand miles in radius. Even with the injection of the original torrent intercepted by Shang Xia, it will be difficult to reverse the barren situation in Haizhou in a short time. It can only be said that it can maintain a spirit-level state. level.

Kou Chongxue said at this time: "Of course, the places in Bingzhou and Haizhou were snatched by the old man and the small businessman. If the two of you can advance to the sixth heaven in the future, you will naturally need to open up promotion channels for other latecomers in the academy." , there are as many as thirty-three sixth-level geniuses in the twenty-four prefectures of the Lingfeng Realm plus the Nine Great Caves, and how many sixth-level geniuses are there in the Lingfeng Realm?"

Kou Chongxue\'s tone was very serious, and Gai Qingzhu and Sun Haiwei said solemnly after hearing the words: "Thank you for the instruction, the disciples have written it down."

Shang Xia said with a smile beside him: "If more latecomers of the academy want to have an ascent channel to hit the sixth heaven, there is actually another way, and that is to promote the promotion of the Lingfeng world to the upper world of the Yuan level. Once promoted If it succeeds, the plane world can support even warriors of the seventh-level Wukong realm, and at that time, the sixth-level sky warriors will naturally not have to suffer from the state quota."

Gai Qingzhu and Sun Haiwei couldn\'t help showing bitter smiles when they heard the words, obviously thinking that the Lingfeng Realm was extremely far away from being promoted to the Yuan-level Upper Realm.

Kou Chongxue looked at Shang Xia thoughtfully, but didn\'t say much.

After Gai Qingzhu and Sun Haiwei each left with a bowl full of the origin of the world in the Linglang Realm, Kou Chongxue hesitated: "Are you going to fight?"

Shang Xia smiled and said: "We can\'t avoid it. Sooner or later, we will be involved. Xingyuan Daoist Temple and all parties under its jurisdiction have been calm for more than a thousand years, but now the situation is about to get out of control, and even Xingyuan Daoist Temple has begun to take the initiative. How can we protect ourselves by attracting forces from all walks of life? What\'s more, Lingyu Realm is already a deadly enemy with us, and they will not let us go!"

"Then what about Yuanping Realm?"

Kou Chongxue said in a deep voice: "I am afraid that the senior leaders of the major spiritual worlds have already known about the existence of Yuanping Realm.

Now, if Star Lord can really replace the original will of heaven and earth in Yuanping Realm..."

"No one would want to see Star Master succeed!"

Shang Xia shook his head, and continued: "Perhaps Zhuge Xiang is willing, so he is already dead!"

Kou Chongxue narrowed his eyes and said, "You suspect that Zhuge Xiang\'s death is because all walks of life made up their minds to betray the Star Lord?"

Shang Xia laughed and said, "Even Zhuo Gudao and other former guard masters backstabbed without hesitation, otherwise why would Lingyu, Lingjun, and Linglang join hands with Tong Yutang to besiege Zhuge Xiang?"

Kou Chongxue looked at Shang Xia, and said in a deep voice, "Then what are your plans for the future?"

Shang Xia thought about it, and said: "I still want to return to the secret realm of the No. 2 lair as soon as possible, and I plan to go to Yuanxing Realm to take a look. A real Yuan-level world."

Shang Xia actually entered the Yuan-level world, but the Yuanping world is very special, it is a dead and desolate world.

Hearing the words, Kou Chongxue murmured, "I think you shouldn\'t be in a hurry to go to the Yuanxing Realm, the ruins of the spiritual world world in the void where the No. 1 lair secret realm is located. Maybe it can make your cultivation in the Daohe realm go a step further."

The main function of "Refining the Origin and Returning to the Void and Returning to the Origin Formation" is to assist the third-rank real people to break through the threshold of the high-rank realm.

Now that Kou Chongxue has successfully advanced to the fourth rank, and Tongyou Academy may not have a second third-rank real person appearing in a short period of time. Under the current situation that is becoming more and more chaotic and out of control, Kou Chongxue will obviously not continue to leave the ruins of the world vacant , the best way is naturally to use it as soon as possible.

Fortunately, Tongyou College now has Chu Jia, the sixth-level formation master, and it is possible to improve the "Refining Origin and Returning to the Void and Returning to the Origin Formation" to a certain extent.

Shang Xia thought for a while, and said: "It can be transformed, but you should use it. After all, the ruins of the world were originally prepared for you to break through the threshold of the Daohe realm."

Kou Chongxue smiled and shook his head when he heard the words: "Even if that formation can be transformed successfully, it won\'t have much effect on me. At most, it will only increase my accumulation of original source energy for ten or eight years, but if you use it, the effect will be great." It’s different, maybe you can directly push your cultivation to the level of returning to the real realm of the fifth rank! Don’t forget that Lingjun, Lingyu, and Xingyuan Dojo all have their own real people above the fifth rank, and there are more than one of them .”

Shang Xia was about to refuse, but Kou Chongxue waved his hand and said: "That\'s it, this is an order from the old man as the head of the mountain!"