Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1276

Yin Jingxu\'s retreat this time was not at the Observation Tower in Jiaozhou, but in the Tianxing Pavilion Zongmen blessed land in Yizhou.

After he left the customs, he quietly listened to the story of the first battle in the Linglang Realm, which was restored by the elder of the sect, Ha Deqing, who collected information from all parties, and gradually began to look pensive.

Ha Deqing has always known that the owner of his family\'s pavilion can be regarded as resourceful, and the current situation of Tianxing Pavilion is inseparable from Yin Jingxu\'s multi-faceted planning in recent years.

He saw Yin Jingxu\'s expression was different, so he asked: "Brother Pavilion Master, is there something wrong here?"

After all, Yin Jingxu can be regarded as a person who witnessed the first battle in Linglang Realm, so he can naturally judge the authenticity of these news.

In fact, when Ha Deqing received Yin Jingxu\'s order to collect the details about the beginning and end of the first battle in Linglang Realm, he was actually very puzzled.

Yin Jingxu shook her head with heavy eyes, and said: "That\'s not right, how could the Linglang Realm be calculated so easily? The high-grade real people in the Linglang Realm can\'t be so unwise! And Xingyuanwei\'s cloaked Pao Ren, that Xingyuanwei\'s combined attack formation has never been broken for thousands of years, how could it be broken so easily this time?"

Ha Deqing tried to say: "Maybe it\'s because Tong Yutang\'s new head of guards can\'t command the joint attack well?"

Yin Jingxu shook her head and said: "Then Tong Yutang has been able to endure for many years to plan against Zhuge Xiang, his mind, tenacity, and strength are not weak, how could he leave such a big opening for himself?"

Hadqing showed embarrassment on his face, and murmured: "Then...what is the reason?"

Yin Jingxu shook her head and said: "There are some speculations, but there are many reasons that seem to be unclear, but at the moment of disintegration, Xingyuanwei happened to destroy the high-level combat power of the Linglang Realm and broke the The sky barrier, and the sixth-rank Daoist hiding in the Xingyuan Dojo just at this time absorbs the source torrent of the source sea of ​​the six states to advance to the Dzogchen, all this seems too coincidental!"

Ha Deqing was still thinking about the doubts raised by Yin Jingxu, but he heard Yin Jingxu beside him ask: "What happened in Lingfeng Realm recently?"

Ha Deqing was stunned for a moment, and immediately said: "After the expedition was stopped by the Xingyuan Dojo, all the forces were extremely frustrated, and coupled with the news that the Linglang Realm was suddenly severely damaged, no one dared to make any changes at this time. However, we have also received some news. Apart from the three major sects of Shendu, Weiyang, and Beihai who are actively preparing for their disciples to advance to the sixth heaven, there seem to be several blessed land sects in the Lingfeng world who are secretly

Prepare to impact the events of the sixth heaven. "


Yin Jingxu glanced at Ha Deqing with some surprise, and said: "It is not surprising that the three major sects cultivate spiritual masters of the sixth heaven, but for other forces, the advanced potion formula of the Wuxu realm is not easy to find. , it seems that among these large and small forces in this world, there are quite a few Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."

Ha Deqing hesitated and said: "Brother, tell me... Could there be other forces secretly stumbling behind this? Or simply outside forces secretly plotting a layout?"

Yin Jingxu thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "Even if there are masterminds behind the scenes, they are mostly using those people as tools to make trouble. If I were the mastermind behind the scenes, they would only provide an incomplete sixth-order formula , and then let those people rush forward for this incomplete formula. If I can succeed by chance, I can also get a supplementary and complete advanced formula. Sir, what\'s the pity?"

"Yes Yes!"

Hadqing laughed beside him.

"How is Master Nephew Jingzi?"

Yin Jingxu suddenly thought of something and asked.

Ha Deqing was slightly stunned, and said: "Cultivating in closed doors, going out for travel, meeting friends, occasionally going out to sea to hunt exotic animals, or going to the outer space to patrol and take risks, is very regular, and my own cultivation is also growing steadily. in the process."

Yin Jingxu was silent for a moment, and then slowly said: "The speed is still slow!"

Hadqing was slightly taken aback. When he wanted to say something, he kept silent for some reason.

Yin Jingxu didn\'t seem to notice the expression on Ha Deqing\'s face, and said to herself: "Let her come back and continue to retreat, the original holy artifact in the secret realm of the blessed land still retains part of the world from the Linglang Realm Yuanyuan, I hope she can raise her cultivation to the fifth level of the Martial Gang Realm as soon as possible."

Ha Deqing said in amazement: "Brother, will this be too fast?"


Yin Jingxu looked at this elder with deep experience in Tianxing Pavilion, and sighed softly: "Kou Chongxue is about to advance to the fourth-rank Taoist realm, and the two high-ranking talents in Lingfeng Realm are all from Tongyou College. , do you know what that means?"

Ha Deqing exclaimed: "Wha... Kou Chongxue is going to advance to a fourth-rank real person, when will it happen?"

As soon as the words fell, Ha Deqing realized his gaffe, and quickly apologized to his pavilion master.

Yin Jingxu waved her hand, and didn\'t take it seriously, but said in a low tone: "Now you should understand why I am so eager to train the second sixth-level real person in this pavilion, right? Time is not waiting for me haha Brother! What\'s more, there is still a foreign threat... Some things will only be known when you reach a certain level. As for now, you should also be able to understand why the small merchant directly started to open up the twenty-fourth state overseas, And the other real people can only acquiesce in the reason?"

At this time, Ha Deqing seemed to have thought of something, and asked in a deep voice: "Brother, you retreated before..."

Yin Jingxu guessed what he wanted to ask, nodded directly and said: "I have also gained something in the Linglang Realm. I have improved a lot during this year of retreat, and now I should not be far from the second-rank realm."

Hadqing said happily, "Congratulations, brother!"

Yin Jingxu shook her head, her expression looked very calm, and said: "Next, the most important things for this pavilion are two things, one is to move the observatory from Jiaozhou back to Yizhou, and the other is to make every effort to After completing the promotion from the Blessed Land Secret Realm to the Heavenly Cave, now that we have the original holy artifacts, only the jade pillar supporting the sky and the heavenly cave boundary monument are left."

As soon as Yin Jingxu finished speaking, her eyes suddenly focused, and her body rose instantly, looking towards the southeast sky, as if her sight could penetrate the void.

"Brother, you are..."

Before the bewildered Ha Deqing could finish his sentence, the majestic celestial phenomenon suddenly rising from the southeast sky had attracted the attention of all middle and high-level warriors in the entire Lingfeng world.

"Kou Chongxue... Daohe Jiaozhou, he succeeded!"

Yin Jingxu\'s voice was clearly transmitted to Ha Deqing\'s ears.

Lingfengjie has a second high-quality real person!

And almost at the time when Kou Chongxue completed the crossing of the fourth-grade Taoist realm, there was a sudden bang from the distant eastern overseas land, followed by the entire Lingfeng world, which seemed to be echoing.

Although Ha Deqing is only a fifth-level heavenly warrior, he can feel the vitality of the world in the land of Yizhou boiling under his feet at this time, the sea of ​​origin under the state is turbulent, and even the will of the world with Lingfeng Realm seems to be in motion. respond.

Yin Jingxu set off and walked out.

Seeing this, Ha Deqing hurriedly followed, and asked loudly, "Where is the head brother going?"

Yin Jingxu didn\'t turn her head and said: "Kou Chongxue was promoted to Dao Hejing, the overseas state was opened up, and these two from Tongyou College cooperated so tacitly, I, Tianxing Pavilion, should know it well and move the observatory back. "